New Releases by James Clear

James Clear is the author of Good Habits (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) (2023), The Habit Journal (2022), HBR’s 10 Must Reads on High Performance (with bonus article "The Right Way to Form New Habits” An interview with James Clear) (2022), Atomic Habits (2022), Book Summary (2019).

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Good Habits (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)

release date: Apr 25, 2023
Good Habits (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Improve the way you work—and feel—by forming better habits. We all have habits. Some of them we''ve carefully established; others we may have simply fallen into. Some help us get our work done; others hold us back. This book explores how to change your behavior to break counterproductive tendencies, combat everyday stressors, and ultimately reach your goals at work and in life. This volume includes the work of: James Clear Rasmus Hougaard Jacqueline Carter Whitney Johnson How to be human at work. The HBR Emotional Intelligence Series features smart, essential reading on the human side of professional life from the pages of Harvard Business Review. Each book in the series offers proven research showing how our emotions impact our work lives, practical advice for managing difficult people and situations, and inspiring essays on what it means to tend to our emotional well-being at work. Uplifting and practical, these books describe the social skills that are critical for ambitious professionals to master.

The Habit Journal

release date: Sep 07, 2022
The Habit Journal
Habit Journal adalah buku catatan berdasarkan buku mega bestseller Atomic Habits yang memungkinkan kita memaksimalkan terbentuknya kebiasaan baik. Jurnal yang unik ini dilengkapi dengan 12 halaman Pelacak Kebiasaan yang bisa ditempel di lemari es, meja kerja, atau tempat mana pun yang kita suka. Selain itu, indeks dan bagian Satu Garis per Hari di jurnal ini akan memudahkan kita membentuk kebiasaan membuat jurnal harian. Ada empat bagian dari jurnal ini yang menyediakan contoh dan desain, yaitu Perkakas Pelacak Kebiasaan, Perkakas Pembuatan Keputusan, Perkakas Produktivitas, dan Perkakas Kebugaran. Semua itu akan membantu kita melakukan perubahan-perubahan kecil yang mendatangkan hasil luar biasa.

HBR’s 10 Must Reads on High Performance (with bonus article "The Right Way to Form New Habits” An interview with James Clear)

release date: May 31, 2022
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on High Performance (with bonus article "The Right Way to Form New Habits” An interview with James Clear)
Set yourself on the path to greatness. If you read nothing else on performing at your highest level, read these 10 articles. We''ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you learn what successful people do differently, find inspiration in your work, and achieve your full potential. This book will inspire you to: Identify the patterns that are holding you back Turn weaknesses into strengths and strengths into success Form the right habits to reach your goals Focus on the work that matters most Avoid the pitfalls of being a star performer Set the stage for others to excel This collection of articles includes "The Making of an Expert," by K. Anders Ericsson, Michael J. Prietula, and Edward T. Cokely; "Managing Oneself," by Peter F. Drucker; "Are You a High Potential?," by Douglas A. Ready, Jay A. Conger, and Linda A. Hill, "Making Yourself Indispensable," by John H. Zenger, Joseph R. Folkman, and Scott K. Edinger; "How to Play to Your Strengths," by Laura Morgan Roberts, Gretchen Spreitzer, Jane Dutton, Robert Quinn, Emily Heaphy, and Brianna Barker Caza; "The Power of Small Wins," by Teresa M. Amabile and Steven J. Kramer; "Nine Things Successful People Do Differently," by Heidi Grant; "Make Time for the Work That Matters," by Julian Birkinshaw and Jordan Cohen; "Don''t Be Blinded by Your Own Expertise," by Sydney Finkelstein; "Mindfulness in the Age of Complexity," by Ellen Langer and Alison Beard; "Primal Leadership," by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee; and "The Right Way to Form New Habits," by James Clear and Alison Beard. HBR''s 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR''s 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever‐changing business environment.

Atomic Habits

release date: Jan 01, 2022
Atomic Habits
O cale ușoară și eficientă de a-ți forma obiceiuri bune și a scăpa de cele proaste Schimbări mici, rezultate remarcabile „O carte extrem de practică și utilă. James Clear extrage informațiile fundamentale despre formarea obiceiurilor, astfel ca tu să poți realiza mai mult concentrându-te pe mai puține lucruri." – Mark Manson, autorul bestsellerului Arta subtilă a nepăsării „James Clear a petrecut ani de zile perfecționând arta și studiind știința obiceiurilor. Această carte antrenantă și practică este ghidul de care ai nevoie ca să scapi de deprinderile proaste și să-ți formezi unele bune." – Adam Grant, autorul bestsellerurilor Originalii și Option B. Inspirându-se din cele mai noi descoperiri din biologie, psihologie și neuroștiințe, James Clear a conceput un ghid ușor de asimilat, cu ajutorul căruia obiceiurile bune devin inevitabile, iar cele rele, imposibile. Învață: * să-ți construiești un sistem pentru a deveni cu 1% mai bun în fiecare zi; * să renunți la obiceiurile rele și să le păstrezi pe cele bune; * să eviți greșelile comise în general de cei care încearcă să-și schimbe obiceiurile; * să depășești lipsa de motivație și de voință; * să-ți dezvolți o identitate mai puternică și să crezi în tine însuți; * să-ți faci timp pentru noile obiceiuri (chiar și când viața o ia razna); * să-ți concepi un mediu care să favorizeze succesul; * să faci schimbări mici, ușoare, care oferă rezultate mari; * să-ți revii atunci când te abați de la drum; * și, cel mai important, cum să aplici aceste idei în viața reală… … și multe altele Indiferent dacă e vorba de o echipă care încearcă să câștige un campionat, o organizație care speră să redefinească o industrie sau pur și simplu un om care vrea să se lase de fumat, să slăbească, să reducă stresul ori să realizeze orice alt obiectiv, Atomic Habits este soluția. „Nu mă consider un expert și nu dețin toate răspunsurile, dar sunt fericit să împărtășesc ceea ce am învățat până acum." – James Clear „O carte deosebită, care îți va schimba felul în care îți organizezi ziua și îți trăiești viața." – Ryan Holiday, autorul bestsellerurilor The Obstacle is the Way și Ego is the Enemy „În Atomic Habits, Clear îți va arăta cum să depășești lipsa de motivație, cum să schimbi mediul înconjurător ca să încurajezi succesul și cum să-ți faci timp pentru obiceiuri noi și mai bune." –

Book Summary

release date: Jan 01, 2019
Book Summary
"Book Summary of Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear". -- descriptive page.

Summary of Atomic Habits

release date: Jan 01, 2019
Summary of Atomic Habits
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James ClearNo matter what your goals are, James Clear''s Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones offers a framework that has been proven for making progress every day. James Clear is one of the leading experts on habit formation. In this book, Clear reveals a number of practical strategies that can effectively teach you how to form good habits, how to break bad ones, and how to master the tiny behaviors that actually lead to remarkable results. Clear says that if you have trouble changing your formed habits, you are not the problem. The problem is none other than your system. Clear says that bad habits only repeat themselves again and again because you apply the wrong system for change. What you fail to do is not rise to the level of your goals. You tend to fall to the level of your unbending systems. Atomic Habits will show you a proven system that can take you to higher heights.In this comprehensive discussion prompts guide into Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear, you''ll gain insight with this essential resource as a guide to aid your discussions. Be prepared with the following:Discussion aids include a wealth of prompts and informationOverall plot synopsis and author biographySave time preparing for group discussions or for self-studyThought-provoking discussion questions for a deeper examinationCreative exercises to foster alternate "if this was you" discussionsAnd more!Disclaimer: This is a companion guide based on the work Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear and is not affiliated to the original work or author in any way. It does not contain any text of the original work. If you haven''t purchased the original work, we encourage you to do so first.

Carp, Barbel and Paella

release date: Jan 01, 2006

Atomic Habits Summary (by James Clear)

Atomic Habits Summary (by James Clear)
SUMMARY: ATOMIC HABITS: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. This book is not meant to replace the original book but to serve as a companion to it. ABOUT ORIGINAL BOOK: Atomic Habits can help you improve every day, no matter what your goals are. As one of the world''s leading experts on habit formation, James Clear reveals practical strategies that will help you form good habits, break bad ones, and master tiny behaviors that lead to big changes. If you''re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn''t you. Instead, the issue is with your system. There is a reason bad habits repeat themselves over and over again, it''s not that you are not willing to change, but that you have the wrong system for changing. “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems” - James Clear I’m a huge fan of this book, and as soon as I read it I knew it was going to make a big difference in my life, so I couldn’t wait to make a video on this book and share my ideas. Here is a link to James Clear’s website, where I found he uploads a tonne of useful posts on motivation, habit formation and human psychology. DISCLAIMER: This is an UNOFFICIAL summary and not the original book. It designed to record all the key points of the original book.

Atomic Habits (Tamil)

Atomic Habits (Tamil)
நீங்கள் உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையை மாற்ற விரும்பினால், நீங்கள் பிரம்மாண்டமாக சிந்திக்க வேண்டும் என்று மக்கள் நினைக்கின்றனர். ஆனால், பழக்கங்களைப் பற்றி விரிவாக ஆய்வு செய்து அதில் உலகப் புகழ்பெற்ற நிபுணர்களில் ஒருவராகத் திகழுகின்ற ஜேம்ஸ் கிளியர் அதற்கு வேறொரு வழியைக் கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளார். தினமும் காலையில் ஐந்து நிமிடங்கள் முன்னதாகவே எழுந்திருத்தல், ஒரு பதினைந்து நிமிடங்கள் மெதுவோட்டத்தில் ஈடுபடுதல், கூடுதலாக ஒரு பக்கம் படித்தல் போன்ற நூற்றுக்கணக்கான சிறிய தீர்மானங்களின் கூட்டு விளைவிலிருந்துதான் உண்மையான மாற்றம் வருகிறது என்று அவர் கூறுகிறார்.u003cbru003eஇந்தக் கடுகளவு மாற்றங்கள் எப்படி உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையைப் பெரிதும் மாற்றக்கூடிய விளைவுகளாக உருவெடுக்கின்றன என்பதை ஜேம்ஸ் இப்புத்தகத்தில் தெளிவாக வெளிப்படுத்துகிறார். அதற்கு அறிவியற்பூர்வமான விளக்கங்களையும் அவர் கொடுக்கிறார். ஒலிம்பிக்கில் தங்கப் பதக்கம் வென்றவர்கள், முன்னணி நிறுவனத் தலைவர்கள், புகழ்பெற்ற அறிவியலறிஞர்கள் ஆகியோரைப் பற்றிய உத்வேகமூட்டும் கதைகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி அவர் தன்னுடைய கோட்பாடுகளை விளக்கும் விதம் சுவாரசியமூட்டுவதாக இருக்கிறது.u003cbru003eஇச்சிறு மாற்றங்கள் உங்கள் தொழில்வாழ்க்கையின்மீதும் உங்கள் உறவுகளின்மீதும் உங்கள் தனிப்பட்ட வாழ்வின்மீதும் அளப்பரிய தாக்கம் ஏற்படுத்தி அவற்றைப் பரிபூரணமாக மாற்றும் என்பது உறுதி.
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