New Releases by Walter IsaacsonWalter Isaacson is the author of Elon Musk (Spanish Edition) (2023), Elon Musk (2023), The Code Breaker (2022), The Code Breaker -- Young Readers Edition (2022), Steve Jobs (2021).
Elon Musk (Spanish Edition)
release date: Sep 26, 2023
Del autor de Steve Jobs y otras grandes biografías, todas ellas éxitos internacionales de ventas, esta es la historia asombrosamente íntima del innovador más fascinante y polémico del mundo, un visionario que ha roto todos los moldes y ha conducido al mundo a la era de los vehículos eléctricos, la exploración espacial privada y la inteligencia artificial. Ah, y el mismo que compró Twitter. Cuando Elon Musk era un niño en Sudáfrica, sufría a menudo acoso escolar. Un día un grupo de niños lo empujó por unas escaleras de hormigón y le patearon hasta que su cara se hinchó como una pelota. Pasó una semana en el hospital. Pero las cicatrices físicas fueron insignificantes comparadas con las emocionales, las que le había causado su padre, un canalla, ingeniero carismático y fantasioso. Cuando Elon llegó a casa tras ser dado de alta del hospital, su padre le reprendió. «Tuve que escucharlo durante una hora mientras me gritaba, me llamaba idiota y me decía que era un inútil», recuerda. El impacto psicológico que su padre le causó perduró. Se convirtió en un joven fuerte pero vulnerable al mismo tiempo, propenso a bruscos cambios de humor -a lo Jekyll y Hyde-, con una gran tolerancia al riesgo, ansias de drama, un épico sentido de misión y una intensidad maníaca, cruel y a veces destructiva. A principios de 2022, después de un año marcado por el lanzamiento de treinta y un satélites de SpaceX, la venta de un millón de coches de Tesla y de convertirse en el hombre más rico de la tierra, Musk confesó con arrepentimiento su impulso por provocar el drama. «Necesito cambiar mi forma de pensar para que deje de estar en modo crisis, como lo he estado en los últimos catorce años, o probablemente toda mi vida», explicó. Fue un comentario melancólico, no un propósito de año nuevo. Cuando hizo la promesa, estaba comprando en secreto acciones de Twitter, el patio de recreo por excelencia. Con los años, cuando se encontraba en un momento difícil, se veía transportado de nuevo al acoso que sufrió en el patio del colegio. Ahora tenía la oportunidad de poseerlo. Durante dos años, Isaacson fue la sombra de Musk, asistió a sus reuniones, recorrió juntos sus fábricas, y pasó horas entrevistándolo a él, a su familia, amigos, compañeros y adversarios. El resultado es un relato íntimo y revelador, repleto de historias asombrosas, triunfos y perturbaciones, que aborda la pregunta: ¿son los demonios que mueven a Musk también lo que se necesita para impulsar la innovación y el progreso? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION From the author of Steve Jobs and other bestselling biographies, this is the astonishingly intimate story of the most fascinating and controversial innovator of our era--a rule-breaking visionary who helped to lead the world into the era of electric vehicles, private space exploration, and artificial intelligence. Oh, and took over Twitter. When Elon Musk was a kid in South Africa, he was regularly beaten by bullies. One day a group pushed him down some concrete steps and kicked him until his face was a swollen ball of flesh. He was in the hospital for a week. But the physical scars were minor compared to the emotional ones inflicted by his father, an engineer, rogue, and charismatic fantasist. His father''''s impact on his psyche would linger. He developed into a tough yet vulnerable man-child, prone to abrupt Jekyll-and-Hyde mood swings, with an exceedingly high tolerance for risk, a craving for drama, an epic sense of mission, and a maniacal intensity that was callous and at times destructive. At the beginning of 2022--after a year marked by SpaceX launching thirty-one rockets into orbit, Tesla selling a million cars, and him becoming the richest man on earth--Musk spoke ruefully about his compulsion to stir up dramas. "I need to shift my mindset away from being in crisis mode, which it has been for about fourteen years now, or arguably most of my life," he said. It was a wistful comment, not a New Year''''s resolution. Even as he said it, he was secretly buying up shares of Twitter, the world''''s ultimate playground. Over the years, whenever he was in a dark place, his mind went back to being bullied on the playground. Now he had the chance to own the playground. For two years, Isaacson shadowed Musk, attended his meetings, walked his factories with him, and spent hours interviewing him, his family, friends, coworkers, and adversaries. The result is the revealing inside story, filled with amazing tales of triumphs and turmoil, that addresses the question: are the demons that drive Musk also what it takes to drive innovation and progress?
release date: Sep 12, 2023
release date: May 03, 2022
The Code Breaker -- Young Readers Edition
release date: Apr 26, 2022
release date: Oct 05, 2021
release date: Jul 15, 2021
release date: Jan 01, 2020
Walter Isaacson: The Genius Biographies
release date: May 28, 2019
release date: Oct 17, 2017
release date: Apr 11, 2017
release date: Oct 07, 2014
Steve Jobs (Italian Edition)
release date: Oct 24, 2011
release date: Feb 01, 2011
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson [bb-503]
release date: Jan 01, 2011
release date: Sep 27, 2005
As his parents finished packing the few personal belongings they were permitted to take out of Germany, the bespectacled 15-year-old stood in the corner of the apartment memorizing the details of the scene. He was a bookish and reflective child, with that odd mixture of ego and insecurity that can come from growing up smart yet persecuted. "I''ll be back someday," he said to the customs inspector who was surveying the boxes. Years later, he would recall how the official looked at him "with the disdain of age" and said nothing. Henry Kissinger was right: he did come back to his Bavarian birthplace, first as a soldier with the U.S. Army counterintelligence corps, then as a renowned scholar of international relations, and eventually as the dominant statesman of his era. By the time he was made secretary of state in 1973, he had become, according to the Gallup Poll, the most admired person in America. In addition, as he conducted foreign policy with the air of a guest of honor at a cocktail party, he became one of the most unlikely celebrities ever to capture the world''s imagination. Yet Kissinger was reviled by large segments of the American public, ranging from liberal intellectuals to conservative activists, who in varying ways considered him a Strangelovean power manipulator dangerously devoid of moral principles. Kissinger''s power-oriented approach to global politics resulted in a messy conclusion to the Vietnam War that included the secret bombing and invasion of Cambodia and the Christmas bombing of Hanoi. Yet he was also able to design a triangular balance based on detente with Russia and an opening to China that preserved America''s influence in the world. He had an instinctive feel for power, but it was not matched by a feel for the openness of America''s democratic system or for the moral values that are a basic source of its world influence. This book, the first full biography of Kissinger, explores the relationship between his complex personality - brilliant, conspiratorial, furtive, prone to power struggles, charming yet at times deceitful - and the foreign policy he pursued. It draws on extensive interviews with Kissinger as well as 150 other sources, including Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, H.R. Haldeman, former South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu, Russian diplomats, cabinet colleagues, disillusioned aides, childhood friends, and business clients. In addition, it makes use of many of Kissinger''s private papers, personal letters, recorded telephone conversations, his desk diaries and those of various officials, memos of classified meetings, and transcripts of FBI wiretaps. The result is an intimate narrative, filled with surprising revelations, that takes this century''s most colorful statesman from his childhood as a persecuted Jew in Nazi Germany, through his tortured relationship with Richard Nixon, to his twilight years as a globe-trotting business consultant.
A Benjamin Franklin Reader
release date: Jun 15, 2005
release date: May 04, 2004
release date: Oct 01, 1986