New Releases by Tracy Chevalier

Tracy Chevalier is the author of The Glassmaker (2024), Girl With a Pearl Earring. Borough Edition (2024), A Single Thread (Thailändska). (2021), Violet (2020), A Single Thread (2019).

1 - 30 of 35 results

The Glassmaker

release date: Jun 18, 2024
The Glassmaker
“This charming fable is at once a love story that skips through six centuries, and also a love song to the timeless craft of glassmaking. Chevalier probes the fierce rivalries and enduring loyalties of Murano''s glass dynasties, capturing the roar of the furnace, the sweat on the skin, and the glittering beauty of Venetian glass.” – Geraldine Brooks, author of Horse From the bestselling historical novelist, a rich, transporting story that follows a family of glassmakers from the height of Renaissance-era Italy to the present day. It is 1486 and Venice is a wealthy, opulent center for trade. Orsola Rosso is the eldest daughter in a family of glassblowers on Murano, the island revered for the craft. As a woman, she is not meant to work with glass—but she has the hands for it, the heart, and a vision. When her father dies, she teaches herself to make glass beads in secret, and her work supports the Rosso family fortunes. Skipping like a stone through the centuries, in a Venice where time moves as slowly as molten glass, we follow Orsola and her family as they live through creative triumph and heartbreaking loss, from a plague devastating Venice to Continental soldiers stripping its palazzos bare, from the domination of Murano and its maestros to the transformation of the city of trade into a city of tourists. In every era, the Rosso women ensure that their work, and their bonds, endure. Chevalier is a master of her own craft, and The Glassmaker is as inventive as it is spellbinding: a mesmerizing portrait of a woman, a family, and a city as everlasting as their glass.

Girl With a Pearl Earring. Borough Edition

release date: Jun 06, 2024

A Single Thread (Thailändska).

release date: Jan 01, 2021


release date: Jan 04, 2020
England, dreißiger Jahre. Die Abende, an denen Violet mit einer Gruppe ungewöhnlicher Frauen wunderschöne Stickereien für die Kathedrale in Winchester anfertigt, sind der Aufbruch in eine neue Welt. Sie zeigen Violet, dass sie mit ihrem Auszug aus dem mütterlichen Zuhause die richtige Entscheidung getroffen hat. Schnell lernt und schätzt sie die Kunst des Stickens und lässt sich vom Küster Arthur in die des Läutens der Kirchturmglocken einweihen. Violet gewinnt durch das starke Band der Freundschaft zwischen den Frauen und die wachsende Nähe zu Arthur an Lebensmut und überwindet die Lebenskrise infolge des Ersten Weltkriegs. Und die Kirchturmglocken könnten wahrhaftig ihr neues Leben in Winchester einläuten ... Chevaliers neuer Roman ist episch, warmherzig und lebendig – eine Hommage an die weibliche Kunstfertigkeit und ein Buch darüber, wie Schönheit auch ein bescheidenes Leben erfüllen kann.

A Single Thread

release date: Sep 17, 2019
A Single Thread
"A buoyant tale about the path to acceptance and joy--beginning, like all journeys, with one brave step."--People "The best-selling novelist has done a masterful job of depicting the circumstances of a generation of women we seldom think about: the mothers, sisters, wives and fiances of men lost in World War I, whose job it was to remember those lost but not forgotten."--Associated Press A BEST BOOK OF 2019 with The New York Public Library | USA TODAY | Real Simple | Good Housekeeping | Chicago Sun Time | TIME | PopSugar | The New York Post | Parade 1932. After the Great War took both her beloved brother and her fiancé, Violet Speedwell has become a "surplus woman," one of a generation doomed to a life of spinsterhood after the war killed so many young men. Yet Violet cannot reconcile herself to a life spent caring for her grieving, embittered mother. After countless meals of boiled eggs and dry toast, she saves enough to move out of her mother''s place and into the town of Winchester, home to one of England''s grandest cathedrals. There, Violet is drawn into a society of broderers--women who embroider kneelers for the Cathedral, carrying on a centuries-long tradition of bringing comfort to worshippers. Violet finds support and community in the group, fulfillment in the work they create, and even a growing friendship with the vivacious Gilda. But when forces threaten her new independence and another war appears on the horizon, Violet must fight to put down roots in a place where women aren''t expected to grow. Told in Chevalier''s glorious prose, A Single Thread is a timeless story of friendship, love, and a woman crafting her own life.

New Boy

release date: May 16, 2017
New Boy
Tracy Chevalier brings Shakespeare’s Othello—a harrowing drama of jealousy and revenge—to a 1970s era elementary school playground. Arriving at his fifth school in as many years, diplomat’s son Osei Kokote knows he needs an ally if he is to survive his first day—so he’s lucky to hit it off with Dee, the most popular girl in school. But one student can’t stand to witness this budding relationship: Ian decides to destroy the friendship between the black boy and the golden girl. By the end of the day, the school and its key players—teachers and pupils alike—will never be the same again. The tragedy of Othello is transposed to a 1970s suburban Washington schoolyard, where kids fall in and out of love with each other before lunchtime, and practice a casual racism picked up from their parents and teachers. Peeking over the shoulders of four 11 year olds—Osei, Dee, Ian, and his reluctant "girlfriend" Mimi—Tracy Chevalier''s powerful drama of friends torn apart by jealousy, bullying, and betrayal will leave you reeling.

At the Edge of the Orchard

release date: Jan 31, 2017
At the Edge of the Orchard
“With impeccable research and flawless prose, Chevalier perfectly conjures the grandeur of the pristine Wild West . . . and the everyday adventurers—male and female—who were bold enough or foolish enough to be drawn to the unknown. She crafts for us an excellent experience.” —USA Today From internationally bestselling author Tracy Chevalier, author of A Single Thread, comes a riveting drama of a pioneer family on the American frontier 1838: James and Sadie Goodenough have settled where their wagon got stuck – in the muddy, stagnant swamps of northwest Ohio. They and their five children work relentlessly to tame their patch of land, buying saplings from a local tree man known as John Appleseed so they can cultivate the fifty apple trees required to stake their claim on the property. But the orchard they plant sows the seeds of a long battle. James loves the apples, reminders of an easier life back in Connecticut; while Sadie prefers the applejack they make, an alcoholic refuge from brutal frontier life. 1853: Their youngest child Robert is wandering through Gold Rush California. Restless and haunted by the broken family he left behind, he has made his way alone across the country. In the redwood and giant sequoia groves he finds some solace, collecting seeds for a naturalist who sells plants from the new world to the gardeners of England. But you can run only so far, even in America, and when Robert’s past makes an unexpected appearance he must decide whether to strike out again or stake his own claim to a home at last. Chevalier tells a fierce, beautifully crafted story in At the Edge of the Orchard, her most graceful and richly imagined work yet.

Dorset Gap: A Short Story from the collection, Reader, I Married Him

release date: Apr 21, 2016
Dorset Gap: A Short Story from the collection, Reader, I Married Him
A short story by Tracy Chevalier from the collection Reader, I Married Him: Stories inspired by Jane Eyre.

Reader, I Married Him

release date: Mar 22, 2016
Reader, I Married Him
This collection of original stories by today’s finest women writers takes inspiration from the famous line in Charlotte Brontë’s most beloved novel, Jane Eyre. A fixture in the literary canon, Charlotte Brontë is revered by readers all over the world. Her books featuring unforgettable, strong heroines still resonate with millions today. And who could forget one of literatures’ best-known lines: “Reader, I married him” from her classic novel Jane Eyre? Part of a remarkable family that produced three acclaimed female writers at a time in 19th-century Britain when few women wrote, and fewer were published, Brontë has become a great source of inspiration to writers, especially women, ever since. Now in Reader, I Married Him, twenty of today’s most celebrated women authors have spun original stories, using the famous line from Jane Eyre as a springboard for their own flights of imagination. Reader, I Married Him will feature stories by: Tracy Chevalier Tessa Hadley Sarah Hall Helen Dunmore Kirsty Gunn Joanna Briscoe Jane Gardam Emma Donoghue Susan Hill Francine Prose Elif Shafak Evie Wyld Patricia Park Salley Vickers Nadifa Mohamed Esther Freud Linda Grant Lionel Shriver Audrey Niffenegger Namwali Serpell Elizabeth McCracken Unique, inventive, and poignant, the stories in Reader, I Married Him pay homage to the literary genius of Charlotte Brontë, and demonstrate once again that her extraordinary vision continues to inspire readers and writers.

At the edge of the orchard [Spoken word] [MP3 CD]

release date: Jan 01, 2016
At the edge of the orchard [Spoken word] [MP3 CD]
What happens when you can''t run any further from your past? Ohio, 1838. James and Sadie Goodenough have settled in the Black Swamp, planting apple trees to claim the land as their own. Life is harsh in the swamp, and as fever picks off their children, husband and wife take solace in separate comforts. James patiently grows his sweet-tasting ''eaters'' while Sadie gets drunk on applejack made fresh from ''spitters''. Their fighting takes its toll on all of the Goodenoughs - a battle that will resonate over the years and across America. Fifteen years later their youngest son, Robert, is drifting through Goldrush California. Haunted by the broken family he fled years earlier, memories stick to him where mud once did. When he finds steady work for a plant collector, peace seems finally to be within reach. But the past is never really past.

Strane creature

release date: Nov 16, 2014
Strane creature
È il 1811 a Lyme, un piccolo villaggio sulla costa meridionale inglese. Le stagioni si susseguono senza scosse in paese e il decoro britannico si sposa perfettamente con la tranquilla vita di una provincia allinizio del diciannovesimo secolo. Un giorno, però, sbarcano nel villaggio le sorelle Philpot e la quiete è subito un pallido ricordo. Vengono da Londra, sono eleganti, vestite alla moda, sono bizzarre creature per gli abitanti di quella costa spazzata dal vento. Margaret, diciotto anni, riccioli neri e braccia ben tornite, sorprende costantemente tutti coi suoi turbanti verdolini sconosciuti alle ragazze di Lyme, che se ne vanno in giro ancora con grevi vestiti stile impero. Louise, meravigliosi occhi grigi e grandi mani, coltiva una passione per la botanica che è incomprensibile in quel piccolo mondo dove alle donne è dato solo di maritarsi e accudire i figli. Ma è soprattutto Elizabeth, la più grande delle Philpot, a costituire uneccentrica figura in quel paesino sperduto sulla costa. Ha venticinque anni. Dovrebbe comportarsi come una sfortunata zitella per letà che ha, ma se ne va in giro come una persona orgogliosamente libera e istruita che non si cura affatto di civettare con gli uomini. In paese ha stretto amicizia con Mary Anning, la figlia dellebanista. Quandera poco più che una poppante, Mary è stata colpita da un fulmine. La donna che la teneva fra le braccia e le due ragazze accanto a lei morirono, ma lei la scampò. Prima dellincidente era una bimba quieta e malaticcia. Ora è una ragazzina vivace e sveglia che passa il suo tempo sulla spiaggia di Lyme, dove dice di aver scoperto strane creature dalle ossa gigantesche, coccodrilli enormi vissuti migliaia di anni fa. Basata sulla storia vera di Mary Anning, la ragazzina che a Lyme Bay portò alla luce il cranio del primo ittiosauro e rese così possibile quella svolta negli studi sullevoluzione che trovò il suo coronamento nel 1859, con la pubblicazione dellOrigine delle specie di Darwin, Strane creature è una delle opere più riuscite di Tracy Chevalier: unavvincente storia di donne che lottano contro le ottuse convenzioni di unepoca per aprire la strada al progresso e alla conoscenza. «Questa è una storia vera. Vera, poetica e sorprendente. Una storia con cui Tracy Chevalier ha voluto ancora una volta rendere omaggio a eroine che vogliono sottrarsi al loro destino e spiccare il volo». Susanna Nirenstein, la Repubblica

The Great War

release date: Jun 01, 2014
The Great War
A moving collection of short stories by bestselling authors, each inspired by a different object from the First World War. The objects include a writing case belonging to a young soldier who was killed on the first day of the Somme, a butter dish featuring a message from Lloyd George, urging people to be economical with food, and a toy soldier dressed in the uniform of the French Army.

The Last Runaway 12 Copy Floor Display

release date: Oct 29, 2013

The Last Runaway

release date: Jan 08, 2013
The Last Runaway
New York Times bestselling author of Girl With a Pearl Earring and At the Edge of the Orchard Tracy Chevalier makes her first fictional foray into the American past in The Last Runaway, bringing to life the Underground Railroad and illuminating the principles, passions and realities that fueled this extraordinary freedom movement. Honor Bright, a modest English Quaker, moves to Ohio in 1850--only to find herself alienated and alone in a strange land. Sick from the moment she leaves England, and fleeing personal disappointment, she is forced by family tragedy to rely on strangers in a harsh, unfamiliar landscape. Nineteenth-century America is practical, precarious, and unsentimental, and scarred by the continuing injustice of slavery. In her new home Honor discovers that principles count for little, even within a religious community meant to be committed to human equality. However, Honor is drawn into the clandestine activities of the Underground Railroad, a network helping runaway slaves escape to freedom, where she befriends two surprising women who embody the remarkable power of defiance. Eventually she must decide if she too can act on what she believes in, whatever the personal costs.

Tracy Chevalier 3-Book Collection: Girl With a Pearl Earring, Remarkable Creatures, Falling Angels

release date: Dec 13, 2012
Tracy Chevalier 3-Book Collection: Girl With a Pearl Earring, Remarkable Creatures, Falling Angels
‘It is a stunning story, compassionately reimagined’ Guardian Tracy Chevalier’s stunning novel of how one woman’s gift transcends class and gender to lead to some of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century. A revealing portrait of the intricate and resilient nature of female friendship.

Uc Se Girl with a Pearl Earring--Canceled

release date: Oct 01, 2012

Remarkable Creatures

release date: Jan 05, 2010
Remarkable Creatures
From the New York Times bestselling novelist, a stunning historical novel that follows the story of Mary Anning and Elizabeth Philpot, two extraordinary 19th century fossil hunters who changed the scientific world forever. On the windswept, fossil-strewn beaches of the English coast, poor and uneducated Mary learns that she has a unique gift: "the eye" to spot ammonites and other fossils no one else can see. When she uncovers an unusual fossilized skeleton in the cliffs near her home, she sets the religious community on edge, the townspeople to gossip, and the scientific world alight. After enduring bitter cold, thunderstorms, and landslips, her challenges only grow when she falls in love with an impossible man. Mary soon finds an unlikely champion in prickly Elizabeth, a middle-class spinster who shares her passion for scouring the beaches. Their relationship strikes a delicate balance between fierce loyalty, mutual appreciation, and barely suppressed envy, but ultimately turns out to be their greatest asset. From the author of At the Edge of the Orchard and Girl With a Pearl Earring comes this incredible story of two remarkable women and their voyage of discovery.

Book Club to Go BAG 78

release date: Jan 01, 2010

Burning Bright

release date: Mar 20, 2007
Burning Bright
From the author of the international bestseller Girl With a Pearl Earring and At the Edge of the Orchard, comes a stirring eighteenth-century coming-of-age tale In the waning days of eighteenth-century London, poet, artist, and printer William Blake works in obscurity as England is rocked by the shock waves of the French Revolution. Next door, the Kellaway family has just moved in, and country boy Jem Kellaway strikes up a tentative friendship with street-savvy Maggie Butterfield. As their stories intertwine with Blake''s, the two children navigate the confusing and exhilarating path to adolescence, and inspire the poet to create the work that enshrined his genius.

Tom Hunter

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Tom Hunter
Tom Hunter is a London-based photographer of international renown for his engaging, distinctive, and often provocative re-creations of Old Master paintings. In 1998 he won the John Kobal Photographic Portrait Award for A Woman Reading a Possession Order, a beautifully crafted photograph based on a composition by the Dutch master, Johannes Vermeer (1632–1675). Featuring selections of the bold images that established Hunter’s reputation, together with new work, this book conveys the artist’s deep concern with depicting the lives of the residents of Hackney, East London, as captured in the headlines of Hunter’s local newspaper, the Hackney Gazette. These startling, sometimes tragic, stories are retold in carefully staged photographs, whose compositions are frequently derived from paintings in the National Gallery. An essay by best-selling novelist Tracy Chevalier examines Hunter’s story-telling, while Colin Wiggins discusses the relationship between Hunter’s work and paintings in the National Gallery and elsewhere.

The Lady and the Unicorn

release date: Dec 28, 2004
The Lady and the Unicorn
A tour de force of history and imagination, The Lady and the Unicorn is Tracy Chevalier’s answer to the mystery behind one of the art world’s great masterpieces—a set of bewitching medieval tapestries that hangs today in the Cluny Museum in Paris. They appear to portray the seduction of a unicorn, but the story behind their making is unknown—until now. Paris, 1490. A shrewd French nobleman commissions six lavish tapestries celebrating his rising status at Court. He hires the charismatic, arrogant, sublimely talented Nicolas des Innocents to design them. Nicolas creates havoc among the women in the house—mother and daughter, servant, and lady-in-waiting—before taking his designs north to the Brussels workshop where the tapestries are to be woven. There, master weaver Georges de la Chapelle risks everything he has to finish the tapestries—his finest, most intricate work—on time for his exacting French client. The results change all their lives—lives that have been captured in the tapestries, for those who know where to look. In The Lady and the Unicorn, Tracy Chevalier weaves fact and fiction into a beautiful, timeless, and intriguing literary tapestry—an extraordinary story exquisitely told.

El Azul de la Virgen

release date: Oct 01, 2004
El Azul de la Virgen
La joven Isabelle du Moulin vive fascinada por el profundo color azul de la hornacina de la Virgen de la iglesia del pueblo. Son malos tiempos para admirar un icono católico: en la Francia del siglo XVI, el protestantismo libra una lucha feroz contra la vieja religión romana... Un día, mientras la observa extasiada, el reflejo del sol le vuelve súbitamente el cabello rojo. No puede saber entonces de qué modo esos dos colores, el rojo de su pelo y el azul de la Virgen, marcarán su vida. Cuatrocientos años más tarde, Ella Turner llega al mismo pueblo. Guiada por unos extraños sueños y con la ayuda del bibliotecario, buscará el rastro del pasado hasta desentrañar el secreto familiar que ha permanecido escondido durante siglos.

The Virgin Blue

release date: Jun 24, 2003
The Virgin Blue
Meet Ella Turner and Isabelle du Moulin—two women born centuries apart, yet bound by a fateful family legacy. When Ella and her husband move to a small town in France, Ella hopes to brush up on her French, qualify to practice as a midwife, and start a family of her own. Village life turns out to be less idyllic than she expected, however, and a peculiar dream of the color blue propels her on a quest to uncover her family’s French ancestry. As the novel unfolds—alternating between Ella’s story and that of Isabelle du Moulin four hundred years earlier—a common thread emerges that unexpectedly links the two women. Part detective story, part historical fiction, The Virgin Blue is a novel of passion and intrigue that compels readers to the very last page.

Ángeles fugaces

release date: Jan 01, 2003
Ángeles fugaces
Another dazzling novel by the author of the best-selling novel, Girl With A Pearl Earring. Chevalier draws a picture of family life that exposes the prejudices and flaws of a changing time, set against a backdrop of social and political turbulence in early twentieth-century London. "In her New York Times best-selling follow-up, Chevalier once again paints a distant age with a rich and provocative palette of characters. Graced with the luminous imagery that distinguished Girl With a Pearl Earring, Falling Angels is another dazzling tour de force from this "master of voices" /The New York Times Book Review

Falling Angels 12 Copy Pre-Pack

release date: Sep 24, 2002

Falling Angels 24 Copy Mixed Floor Display

release date: Sep 24, 2002

Wenn Engel fallen

release date: Jan 01, 2002

Das dunkelste Blau

release date: Jan 01, 2002
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