New Releases by Thomas Fleming

Thomas Fleming is the author of History of Montgomery County (2024), On Yacht Sailing (2022), Songs of Sea and Sail (2019), Hints to Young Yacht Skippers (2019), Duel (2018).

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History of Montgomery County

History of Montgomery County
Reprint of the original, first published in 1881.

On Yacht Sailing

release date: May 28, 2022
On Yacht Sailing
On Yacht Sailing is a book by Thomas Fleming Day. This edition provides a simple treatise for beginners concerning the art of handling small yachts and boats.

Songs of Sea and Sail

release date: Dec 13, 2019
Songs of Sea and Sail
Songs of Sea and Sail is compilation of sailor songs by Thomas Fleming Day. Day was a sailboat designer, sailboat racer and avid friend of sailor songs. Contents: The Mermaid''s Song, Trafalgar, When, The Forsaken Port, An Early Moonset, On the Bridge and many more.

Hints to Young Yacht Skippers

release date: Dec 09, 2019
Hints to Young Yacht Skippers
Hints to Young Yacht Skippers is a manual by Thomas Fleming Day. Fleming Day was a sailboat designer and sailboat racer and the founding editor of The Rudder, a monthly magazine about boats. This book is a manual for all subjects relating to the care, handling, buying and equipping of small yachts.


release date: Nov 27, 2018
All school children know the story of the fatal duel between Hamilton and Burr - but do they really? In this remarkable retelling, Thomas Fleming takes the reader into the post-revolutionary world of 1804, a chaotic and fragile time in the young country as well as a time of tremendous global instability. The success of the French Revolution and the proclamation of Napoleon as First Consul for Life had enormous impact on men like Hamilton and Burr, feeding their own political fantasies at a time of perceived Federal government weakness and corrosion. Their hunger for fame spawned antagonisms that wreaked havoc on themselves and their families and threatened to destabilize the fragile young American republic. From that poisonous brew came the tangle of regret and anger and ambition that drove the two to their murderous confrontation in Weehawken, New Jersey. Readers will find this is popular narrative history at its most authoritative, and authoritative history at its most readable.

George Washington, Spymaster

release date: Feb 21, 2018
George Washington, Spymaster
Without George Washington''s brilliance at espionage, writes New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming, the American Revolution could not have been won. Here''s the little-told story of America''s spymaster-in-chief.

The Secret Trial of Robert E. Lee

release date: Jan 30, 2018
The Secret Trial of Robert E. Lee
1865. The Civil War is over, and the South lies in ruins. But for some people, former slaveholders have not been punished enough. A cabal of powerful men, led by Charles A. Dana, the assistant secretary of war, plot to break the spirit of the South once and for all - by convicting General Robert E. Lee of treason and hanging him like a common criminal. To this end, they have convened a secret military tribunal in Lee''s former home in Arlington, Virginia. Jeremiah O''Brien of the New-York Tribune, a long-time protégé of Dana''s, is the only reporter allowed to attend the trial. His exclusive reports on this momentous event, and the book he intends to write, will surely make his fortune. Yet as the trial proceeds, pitting the general against his accusers, O''Brien finds himself torn between his loyalty to Dana, his love for a Confederate spy, and his growing respect and compassion for Lee himself. The young reporter is supposed to be only an observer, but, in the end, it is O''Brien who must evaluate the evidence and determine the true meaning of honor. Written by New York Times bestselling author and historian Thomas Fleming, The Secret Trial of Robert E. Lee brings to life a fascinating chapter in American history that might well have happened - and perhaps truly did.

Burgoyne's Wandering Army

release date: Jan 29, 2018
Burgoyne's Wandering Army
Defeated by Americans at Saratoga, British General John Burgoyne''s troops faced nearly five years of enforced exile in a hostile countryside. Here, in this short-form book by New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming, is the dramatic story of Burgoyne and his wandering soldiers.

The Loyalists

release date: Jan 24, 2018
The Loyalists
They called themselves Loyalists. The rebels called them Tories. This derogatory term had previously been reserved for the supporters of the predominantly Catholic line of Stuart kings, whose reign ended in England''s bloodless revolution of 1688. For well over 100 years, it was the fashion among American historians to accept Thomas Paine''s 1776 declaration that "Every Tory is a coward . . . fear is the foundation of Toryism." But more recent historical research has revealed many New England Loyalists acted on their political convictions with impressive courage during the American Revolution. Here, in this short-form book by New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming, is their story.

The Trial of John Brown

release date: Jan 17, 2018
The Trial of John Brown
Even his abolitionist allies thought his attack on Harpers Ferry insane, but, as this short-form book by New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming points out, John Brown sensed that his trial and death would ignite the nation''s conscience.

How the British Lost the American Revolution

release date: Jan 10, 2018
How the British Lost the American Revolution
When Sir William Howe, commander-in-chief of the British Army in America, and his brother, Admiral Richard Howe, cornered General George Washington’s army on Manhattan Island, they politely asked the Americans if they wanted to surrender. The British gave the Americans two weeks to think it over, time Washington used to strengthen his troops for another round of fighting. Here, in this short-form book by New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming, is the surprising story of how William and Richard Howe guaranteed British defeat and American independence by choosing peacemaking over bloodletting.

First in Their Hearts: The Life of George Washington

release date: Jan 03, 2018
First in Their Hearts: The Life of George Washington
A biography of the surveyor, militia major, and aide to the British General Braddock, who became leader of the American forces during the Revolution and first President of the new nation.

Lincoln's Other Dream

release date: Dec 27, 2017
Lincoln's Other Dream
Engulfed in the tremendous struggle to prevent the Civil War from dividing the Union between North and South, Abraham Lincoln was equally determined to prevent the seeds of separation from ever appearing in the vast American West. Between the Mississippi River Valley and California lay a 2,000-mile emptiness known as "the Great American Desert." Lincoln was determined to bridge this unknown expanse and bind the West to the East with the same iron rails that had already done so much to link the Midwest and the Northeast. Here, in this essay, New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming tells the dramatic story of the building of the Transcontinental Railroad and Lincoln''s little-told role in it.

George Washington's First Love

release date: Dec 12, 2017
George Washington's First Love
Sally Fairfax stole George Washington''s heart long before he met Martha. Here, in this essay by New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming, is their love story.

Dreams of Glory

release date: Nov 14, 2017
Dreams of Glory
"The best spy novel written about the American Revolution." - John Gardner Freezing winds cut across the snowbound landscape. George Washington''s rebel troops shiver in their huts, bellies empty, and carrying resentment sharper than their swords. Across the frozen Hudson, the British carouse in the brothels of New York, while their leaders plot to break the deadlock that threatens to bleed the British Empire dry. Thomas Flemings''s Revolutionary War masterpiece, Dreams of Glory, takes place in the bitter winter of 1780 in the fifth year of the American War for Independence. The British conspire to kidnap Washington and bring the war to an end in one bold and daring raid. A tide of espionage ebbs and flows between the opposing armies. Two very different men are sucked into these vicious currents: young, earnest Caleb Chandler and sleek, self-serving Congressman Hugh Stapleton. Despite their mutual dislike, both are destined to follow the same path, which leads to the heart of Flora Kuyper and the grasp of British spymaster Walter Beckford. Caught amidst the dangerous affections of Flora, the machinations of Beckford, and the bitter patriotism of counterpart Benjamin Stallworth, there is no safety for man or woman. This is a world of plot and counterplot, where a night of love can lead to an act of treason and a man''s ideals can fashion a noose around his neck. "Thomas Fleming is one of my favorite writers because he combines powerful storytelling with the skills of a superb historian." - John Jakes

The Strategy of Victory

release date: Oct 10, 2017
The Strategy of Victory
A sweeping and insightful grand strategic overview of the American Revolution, highlighting Washington''s role in orchestrating victory and creating the US Army Led by the Continental Congress, the Americans almost lost the war for independence because their military thinking was badly muddled. Following the victory in 1775 at Bunker Hill, patriot leaders were convinced that the key to victory was the home-grown militia -- local men defending their families and homes. But the flush of early victory soon turned into a bitter reality as the British routed Americans fleeing New York. General George Washington knew that having and maintaining an army of professional soldiers was the only way to win independence. As he fought bitterly with the leaders in Congress over the creation of a regular army, he patiently waited until his new army was ready for pitched battle. His first opportunity came late in 1776, following his surprise crossing of the Delaware River. In New Jersey, the strategy of victory was about to unfold. In The Strategy of Victory, preeminent historian Thomas Fleming examines the battles that created American independence, revealing how the creation of a professional army worked on the battlefield to secure victory, independence, and a lasting peace for the young nation.

The Good Shepherd

release date: Oct 10, 2017
The Good Shepherd
"I have not sought or desired this new ministry," Pope John XXIII once wrote. For Matthew Mahan, the knowledge that he could say the same made his selection by John''s successor as one of five new American Cardinals the ultimate triumph in a life dedicated to the Catholic Church. But that triumph soon becomes painfully hollow in this moving novel. A born politician, Mahan rose in the Church with unquestioning belief in its doctrines. But the Vatican Council made him begin to doubt his faith. These doubts torment him as he tries to deal with priests and laymen who demand change in the Church''s teaching on birth control, divorce, and clerical celibacy, while conservative churchmen urge blind support of Rome''s uncompromising stand on these issues. As it examines and exposes the inner workings of the Catholic Church, The Good Shepherd, by New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming, is the extraordinary story of a man of God coping in the world of men.

The Story of Tanks

release date: Aug 22, 2017
The Story of Tanks
It is a curious historical anomaly that the United States, for generations the greatest steel producer on the planet, the nation that invented the airplane and a staggering array of other technological marvels, never managed to design and build a good tank before the MIA1 Abrams of the 1991 Gulf War. The history of tanks has seldom attracted the attention it deserves, New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming argues in this essay. Here is the overlooked and fascinating story of America''s tanks.

George Washington's First Test

release date: Aug 09, 2017
George Washington's First Test
What were the French up to in the Ohio Valley in 1753? Setting out in search of an answer, a bold young major from Virginia named George Washington soon found himself skirting catastrophe, writes New York Times bestselling author and historian Thomas Fleming.

Benjamin Franklin in Paris

release date: Jun 28, 2017
Benjamin Franklin in Paris
Seventy-year-old Benjamin Franklin charmed Paris and pulled off a diplomatic miracle that led to the British defeat in the American Revolution. Here, in this essay from New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming is the little-told story.

Lincoln's Reporter

release date: May 31, 2017
Lincoln's Reporter
During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln often learned the results and tolls of battles from reporters, not generals. The newsmen of the time were courageous and dedicated, but the best of them was Henry Wing - at least that was Lincoln''s opinion. Wing never used his position as the president''s favorite reporter to gain access to confidential information. Instead, he became Lincoln''s junior partner in the struggle to win America''s bloodiest war. Here, in this essay by New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming, is his surprising story.

Pershing's War

release date: Mar 14, 2017
Pershing's War
In 1902, America found itself fighting a war in the Philippines - a dirty, vicious guerrilla affair rife with assassinations and ambushes. To its astonishment, the United States was forced to commit 120,000 men - two-thirds of its armed forces - to calm the country. Here, in this essay by New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming, is the dramatic story of what became known as General John J. Pershing''s war.

The Enigma of General Howe

release date: Mar 08, 2017
The Enigma of General Howe
General William Howe had a reputation as a bold, resourceful commander. Yet in battle after battle, he had George Washington beaten - and failed to pursue the advantage. Was "Sir Billy" all glitter and no gold? Or was he actually in sympathy with the rebellion? Here, in this short-form book by New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming are the answers.


release date: Mar 07, 2017
At Yorktown, Virginia, after six and a half years of fighting, General George Washington and his troops and their French allies brought the American Revolution to a victorious end. Here, from New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming is the vivid account of the stunning reversal of British fortunes that led to the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and the birth of the American nation.

Eddie Rickenbacker Lost at Sea

release date: Mar 07, 2017
Eddie Rickenbacker Lost at Sea
Steely determination enabled Eddie Rickenbacker, the World War I ace pilot, to survive twenty-four days drifting across the Pacific in a life raft. Here, in this essay by New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming, is the dramatic story.

The Stormtroopers

release date: Feb 28, 2017
The Stormtroopers
In March 1918, the Germans tried to break years of deadlocked trench warfare with new, devastating tactics. One after another, the Allied front lines crumbled under their onslaught. But the success of World War I''s stormtroopers, New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming writes in this essay, brought new problems.

One Small Candle: The Pilgrims’ First Year in America

release date: Jan 11, 2017
One Small Candle: The Pilgrims’ First Year in America
This vivid, deeply moving book begins in London in 1620 as Pilgrim representatives sign a contract to purchase the freighter Mayflower. We accompany them on their harrowing voyage across the Atlantic, through the rigors of the first New England winter and the threat of Indian attack as they desperately search for the home they eventually find at Plymouth. Once there, they must continue the struggle against brutal weather and disease. With masterly skill, New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming gives us life-size portraits of the Pilgrim leaders. The Pilgrims'' unique achievements - the Mayflower Compact, their tolerance of other faiths, the strict separation of church and state - are discussed in the context of the first year''s anxieties and crises. Fleming writes admiringly of the younger men who emerged in that year as the real leaders of the colony - William Bradford and Miles Standish. And he provides new insights into the humanity and tolerance of the Pilgrims'' spiritual shepherd, Elder William Brewster. On the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims are already aware that they are the forerunners of a great nation. It is implicit in William Bradford''s words, "As one small candle may light a thousand, so the light kindled here has shone unto many. . . ."

One Small Candle

release date: Oct 19, 2016
One Small Candle
This vivid, deeply moving book begins in London in 1620 as Pilgrim representatives sign a contract to purchase the freighter Mayflower. We accompany them on their harrowing voyage across the Atlantic, through the rigors of the first New England winter and the threat of Indian attack as they desperately search for the home they eventually find at Plymouth. Once there, they must continue the struggle against brutal weather and disease. With masterly skill, New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming gives us life-size portraits of the Pilgrim leaders. The Pilgrims'' unique achievements - the Mayflower Compact, their tolerance of other faiths, the strict separation of church and state - are discussed in the context of the first year''s anxieties and crises. Fleming writes admiringly of the younger men who emerged in that year as the real leaders of the colony - William Bradford and Miles Standish. And he provides new insights into the humanity and tolerance of the Pilgrims'' spiritual shepherd, Elder William Brewster. On the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims are already aware that they are the forerunners of a great nation. It is implicit in William Bradford''s words, "As one small candle may light a thousand, so the light kindled here has shone unto many. . . ."

Matthew Ridgway

release date: Oct 13, 2016
Matthew Ridgway
The greatest American general of the twentieth century wasn''t Dwight Eisenhower or George Patton or Douglas MacArthur. The honor, according to New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming, belongs to Matthew Ridgway, who led America''s Eighth Army to victory in Korea. Here, in this essay, is his courageous story.

The Boston Massacre

release date: Sep 06, 2016
The Boston Massacre
Here, from New York Times bestselling historian Thomas Fleming, is the dramatic story of the Boston Massacre and the subsequent trial of nine British soldiers for murder. Never before in the history of the American colonies, writes Fleming, had a trial aroused such intense, complex, political and personal passion. And into this maelstrom stepped John Adams, waging a mighty defense of the British soldiers despite the risk to his law practice and the possible violence against his wife and young children.
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