Best Selling Books by Stephen Jay Gould

Stephen Jay Gould is the author of Finders, Keepers (1992), Punctuated Equilibrium (2007), The Flamingo's Smile (1987), Darwin's Legacy (1983), The Hedgehog, The Fox And The Magister's Pox (2011).

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Finders, Keepers

release date: Jan 01, 1992
Finders, Keepers
A noted paleontologist provides the text for this photographic study of eight different collections--from a collection of human artifacts belonging to Peter the Great to Agassy''s fish collection--exploring what collections say about collectors.

Punctuated Equilibrium

release date: May 31, 2007
Punctuated Equilibrium
In 1972 Stephen Jay Gould took the scientific world by storm with his paper on punctuated equilibrium, written with Niles Eldredge. Challenging a core assumption of Darwin''s theory of evolution, it launched the career of one of the most influential evolutionary biologists of our time--perhaps the best known since Darwin. Now, thirty-five years later, and five years after his untimely death, Punctuated Equilibrium (originally published as the central chapter of Gould''s masterwork, The Structure of Evolutionary Theory) offers his only book-length testament on an idea he fiercely promoted, repeatedly refined, and tirelessly defended. Punctuated equilibrium holds that the great majority of species originate in geological moments (punctuations) and persist in stasis. The idea was hotly debated because it forced biologists to rethink entrenched ideas about evolutionary patterns and processes. But as Gould shows here in his typically exhaustive coverage, the idea has become the foundation of a new view of hierarchical selection and macroevolution. What emerges strikingly from this book is that punctuated equilibrium represents a much broader paradigm about the nature of change--a worldview that may be judged as a distinctive and important movement within recent intellectual history. Indeed we may now be living within a punctuation, and our awareness of what this means may be the enduring legacy of one of America''s best-loved scientists.

The Flamingo's Smile

release date: Jan 01, 1987
The Flamingo's Smile
Before Darwinism was generally accepted, the natural world was thought to be structured according to the chain of being. Evolutionary theories have revolutionized this imperialistic view, and the process we now know as natural selection explains a great many mysteries to us. One such enigma is the flamingo''s smile, which is a perfect example of the way in which function (in this case feeding in saline lakes) and form (the inverted beak that enables the flamingo to feed more successfully) are inseparable.

The Hedgehog, The Fox And The Magister's Pox

release date: Dec 31, 2011
The Hedgehog, The Fox And The Magister's Pox
Completed shortly before his death, this is the last work of science from the most celebrated popular science writer in the world. In characteristic form, Gould weaves the ideas of some of Western society''s greatest thinkers, from Bacon to Galileo to E. O. Wilson, with the uncelebrated ideas of lesser-known yet pivotal intellectuals. He uses their ides to undo an assumption born in the seventeenth century and continuing to this day, that science and the humanities stand in opposition. Gould uses the metaphor of the hedgehog - who goes after one thing at a measured pace, systematically investigating all; the fox - skilled at many things, intuitive and fast; and the magister''s pox - a censure from the Catholic Church involved in Galileo''s downfall: to illustrate the different ways of responding to knowledge - in a scientific, humanistic or fearful way. He argues that in fact each would benefit by borrowing from the other.

Érase una vez el zorro y el erizo

release date: Jan 01, 2004

Finders, Keepers, Eight Collectors

release date: Nov 01, 1993
Finders, Keepers, Eight Collectors
Here are Purcell''s wonderfully exotic photographs of teeth and other human artifacts from the collection of Peter the Great; moles, pigs, and dogs from van Heurn''s many boxes of perfectly preserved skins; and all manner of preserved life from Rothschild''s Birds of Paradise to the fish of Agassiz.

Questioning the Millennium

release date: Jan 01, 1999
Questioning the Millennium
The noted naturalist sheds new light on humankind''s fascination with the approaching millennium, offering a collection of scientific and historical essays on the millennium and its significance

Comme les huit doigts de la main

release date: Jan 01, 2000

Illusion Fortschritt

release date: Jan 01, 1999

The Individual in Darwin's World

release date: Jan 01, 1990


release date: Nov 17, 1989
This stunning volume features forty-nine of Church''s most significant paintings and investigates the artistic, scientific, and philosophical influences behind his greatest creations. Published with the National Gallery of Art.

Evolution and Systematics of Cerion (Mollusca, Pulmonata) on New Providence Island

release date: Jan 01, 1986
Evolution and Systematics of Cerion (Mollusca, Pulmonata) on New Providence Island
"Cerion has been described by its leading student W.J. Clench as ''the most difficult genus of pulmonate mollusks to classify.'' No other pulmonate genus shows greater diversity of form; moreover, almost all these divergent morphologies hybridize at their areas of geographic contact. The result is a taxonomic morass that has effectively debarred fruitful biological work on these fascinating snails. The taxonomy of New Providence Island is the most elaborate for the entire genus; more than 90 species of Cerion have been designated, and the distribution of existing names makes no geographic or ecological sense. We use morphometric and genetic techniques to conclude that the living Cerion of New Providence reduce to two semispecies, C. glans (the ribby morphotype) and C gubernatorium (the mottled morphotype). Traces of an extinct C. agassizi line (a prominent taxon of fossil dunes) survive as introgressions into C. gubernatorium populations of southeastern New Providence. These two groups form the basis of Cerion faunas throughout the northern Bahamas; their separation and recognition provide a key to resolving Cerion''s taxonomy both here and elsewhere. Ribby and mottled morphotypes are recurrently evolved ''developmental packages, '' not homologous taxa from place to place -- thereby illustrating the importance of developmental channeling in parallel evolution. We base our taxonomic decision upon a conciliance among many independent criteria. Geographic distribution: parental morphotypes occupy their expected positions, with narrow hybrid zones at predicted points of transition. Morphology of parental populations: differences between ribby and mottled are not simple consequences of one minor alteration in growth, but summed results of several independent covariance sets. Morphotypes differ consistently in amounts of variation and patterns of covariance. Hybrid populations: we find both enhanced variation and patterns of covariance based on developmental disturbance never before detected in parental populations of Cerion. Genetics: samples grouped by frequencies of electromorphs yield the same clusters of ribby and mottled populations specified by morphology. Morphotypes can be distinguished by allele frequencies, while hybrid populations contain rare alleles found in neither parental taxon. The genetic hybrid zone is wider than the morphological zone and asymmetric about it. An appendix allocates all previously named taxa, and resolves the status of 19 designated fossil taxa, plus a new species (Cerion clenchi), into three successive faunas, marking waves of migration correlated with rise and fall of Pleistocene seas"--Page 391

Between Home and Heaven

Between Home and Heaven
A lavishly illustrated catalogue containing nearly 150 photographs (both color and bandw) by some 50 young photographers to accompany a major exhibit presented by the Smithsonian Institution''s National Museum of American Art. Most of the images date to the late 1980s and encompass a wide variety of styles. The volume is 121/2x10" and a number of the photographs are double-page spreads. Includes topical essays by Merry A. Foresta, Karal Ann Marling, and Stephen Jay Gould. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Triumph and Tragedy in M

release date: Sep 30, 2010

Grandpa and "Hi-Yo, Silver"

release date: Dec 01, 2012
Grandpa and "Hi-Yo, Silver"
Grandpa has an EXCITING time riding with his sister Bethany on their Shetland pony, Becky. The excitement starts when their sister Leah decides to try imitating that "Masked Man," the Lone Ranger. Riding a runaway horse is EXCITING and FUN, at first.... as Grandpa soon learns. Grandpa''s Stories are true tales written to entertain children of all ages.

Historical Atlas of the Earth

release date: Mar 15, 1996
Historical Atlas of the Earth
More than two hundred maps, diagrams, and reconstructions assist in tracing the geology of the Earth from the Big Bang to the evolution of humans

Leonardo S Mountain of Cl

release date: Oct 31, 2010

Wonderful Life

release date: Jan 01, 1990

Time's Arrow, Time's Cycle

release date: Jan 01, 1988

The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Worms, with Observations on Their Habits

release date: Jan 01, 1985


release date: Jan 01, 1986
A startling, stunning, entertaining vision of the animal world past and present, with insights into its implications for us today. 69 full-color photographs and 4 black and white.

Un hérisson dans la tempête

release date: Jan 01, 1996
Un hérisson dans la tempête
Stephen Jay Gould s''est imposé à la fois comme l''un des meilleurs paléontologues américains d''aujourd''hui et comme l''un de nos plus grands vulgarisateurs scientifiques. Un hérisson dans la tempête continue et amplifie la réflexion entreprise sur les sciences elles-mêmes et sur l''histoire de la vie. Dans la lignée du Pouce du Panda, il nous ouvre, avec esprit et verve, la perspective d''un évolutionnisme qui s''efforce de comprendre l''histoire dans ce qu''elle a d''irréductiblement contingent, mais aussi d''accessible à la raison. Le vieil aphorisme attribué à Archiloque dit: "Le renard sait beaucoup de choses, mais le hérisson sait quelque chose d''important". Le premier incarne la souplesse face à la complexité et à la diversité de notre monde, le second la cohérence. C''est cette double approche que Stephen Jay Gould préconise pour expliquer le devenir du vivant, tout en appréciant la diversité sous toutes ses formes, et pour éviter un rationalisme réducteur qui risque d''entraîner dans le piège de rêveries dangereuses.

La foire aux dinosaures

release date: Jan 01, 1997
La foire aux dinosaures
" Je ne suis pas un érudit, mais un artisan. " La formule, qui pourrait sembler faussement modeste, définit bien la stratégie de son auteur. Car Stephen Jay Gould est persuadé que ce n''est pas en se mesurant de front aux grandes questions - et la biologie de l''évolution, thème central de son oeuvre, en est une - que l''on parvient à coup sûr aux réflexions les plus profondes. Il préfère, quant à lui, partir de petites histoires d''apparence anodine, de ces " innombrables petits faits curieux " dont il tire, au terme d''une analyse pénétrante et pleine d''humour, les petits joyaux que sont les chroniques mensuelles qu''il écrit depuis bientôt vingt ans. Ce livre, qui en est le cinquième recueil, parle ainsi des règles du jeu de base-ball et de la mode des dinosaures, des claviers de machines à écrire et de la défaite du créationnisme, de la couleur des flamants roses et de la mort de Lavoisier. Autant de thèmes qui, pour Gould, " témoignent que Dieu réside vraiment dans les détails ".

L'éventail du vivant

release date: Jan 01, 1997
L'éventail du vivant
Un livre dérangeant! Ne respectant décidément aucune idée reçue, Gould s''en prend ici à notre image d''une nature dont l''histoire serait régie par une logique de progrès. L''évolution, montre-t-il, n''est pas cette inéluctable marche vers une complexité et une subtilité croissante qui, partant des formes les plus simples, culminerait triomphalement par l''apparition de ce chef-d''œuvre, l''Homme. C''est en vérité la notion de progrès dans toute sa généralité qui est mise à l''épreuve par cet essai original. certainement l''une des oeuvres majeures de l''auteur et une importante contribution à la culture contemporaine. A l''aide d''exemples tirés des sciences naturelles (grandeur et décadence des chevaux), de son expérience personnelle (sa lutte victorieuse contre une maladie grave) et de l''histoire sportive (la prétendue baisse de niveau du base-ball), Gould nous montre l''impossibilité d''interpréter correctement l''évolution de tout phénomène si l''on ne prend en compte tout l''éventail de ses variations. Ainsi, réduire l''histoire de la vie à celle des organismes les plus complexes est gravement méconnaître la nature même de la théorie de l''évolution, et la portée radicale de la vision darwinienne. La forme de vie dominante sur Terre (et peut-être ailleurs?) est, a toujours été et restera, celle des bactéries. L''apparition d''une vie intelligente et consciente n''était ni nécessaire, ni prévisible. Loin de nous décevoir, cette contingence de l''existence humaine, ainsi révélée par la science, ne fait qu''en rehausser la grandeur.

Ciencia versus religión

release date: Jan 01, 2000
Ciencia versus religión
El exito obtenido por la Historia del tiempo, de Stephen Hawking, propicio la creacion, en 1991, de esta coleccion de divulgacion cientifica que fue dirigida durante largo tiempo por dos personas de formacion humanistica: de ahi ciertas contaminaciones al inicio de la coleccion. Sin embargo, cuando Jose Manuel Sanchez Ron se hizo cargo de ella, dio un aprobado a la gestion anterior. En esta coleccion, quiza la mas ambiciosa de todas las de divulgacion cientifica que se editan en espanol, se han publicado obras de Stephen Jay Gould, Carl Sagan, lan Stewart, Edward O. Wilson, Antonio Damasio, Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Ilya Prigogine, John D. Barrow, Rita Levi Montalcini, Richard P. Feynman, Roger Penrose, Steven Weinberg, Rachel Carson, Francisco Garcia Olmedo, Francisco Yndurain o Jose Manuel Sanchez Ron. Desde una mirada considerada y critica, Stephen Jay Gould aborda el problema, cargado por la emocion, del conflicto entre ciencia y religion. Gould desarrolla sus argumentos apoyandose en la historia, que en esta ocasion se ejemplifica en personajes como el sacerdote Thomas Burnet, los biologos Charles Darwin y Thomas Huxley, el fisiologo John S. Haldane y el fiscio y astronomo Galileo Galilei.

Čovjek po mjeri

release date: Jan 01, 2003

Book of Life Backdrop

release date: Dec 01, 1993

ASU Centennial Lecturer Stephen Jay Gould on Theory & Observation ...

release date: Jan 01, 1995

Evolution and systematics of Cerion (mollusca: pulmonata) on New Providence island

release date: Jan 01, 1986

The Great Monkey Trial

release date: Jan 01, 1990
The Great Monkey Trial
Examines the Scopes trial concerning the teaching of evolution in public schools, its outcome, and the implications for the continuing debate between evolutionists and creationists.

Carrie Buck's daughter

release date: Jan 01, 1985
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