Most Popular Books by Scott Campbell

Scott Campbell is the author of Hug Machine (2017), Things that Geaux (2021), I Was There: It's Real (2014), Summary: Disloyal (Illustrated Study Aid by Scott Campbell) (2021), F Is for French Quarter (2022).

1 - 40 of 200 results

Hug Machine

release date: Dec 05, 2017
Hug Machine
"Watch out, here comes The Hug Machine! Whether you are big, or small, or square, or long, or spikey, or soft, no one can resist his unbelievable hugs!"--Back cover.

Things that Geaux

release date: May 03, 2021
Things that Geaux
In unique Louisiana style, Scott Campbell and daughter Tallulah present an alphabet of things that geaux! Things that zoom, things that crawl, things that dance, things that roll, things that fly, and things that run are all featured in this fun-filled jaunt for emerging readers who need to move. Whether you are down in Grand Isle or up by Grand Bayou or are just visiting the Pelican State, you''ll find a cleverly illustrated alphabet of items to identify. Each page features multiple things that move and start with the same letter. Labels assist emerging readers as they match words to images and encourage a discussion of things that go in their lives. A perfect choice for classroom, travel, and family reading!

I Was There: It's Real

release date: Jul 28, 2014
I Was There: It's Real
"I Was There: It''s Real" is my account of a near death experience and the moments I stood at Heaven''s entrance. I explain how this experience changed my perspective on God, Heaven, and our souls, and helped me to heal from the trauma of an incident of childhood sexual abuse and the guilt and shame I carried around for 45 years

Summary: Disloyal (Illustrated Study Aid by Scott Campbell)

release date: Dec 08, 2021
Summary: Disloyal (Illustrated Study Aid by Scott Campbell)
WARNING!: The current administration would rather that you not read this summary book because it reveals the darkest side of President Trump as testified by his personal attack dog and consigliere for over a decade, Michael Cohen. This is a summary book and is not intended to replace the original book by Michael Cohen. Michael Cohen admits he was mesmerized by Trump like a cult member, began to see himself breaking his moral code, but stuck with Trump for money, power, and fame. Cohen boasts that he knew Trump better than his own family and it was not a pretty sight. He saw Trump as a sociopathic mobster boss who would do anything to win and destroy anybody who challenged him in his quest for success. Cohen dumps a truck load of Trump family skeletons at the reader’s feet and then picks them up one by one and executes a meticulous show-and-tell. Pornstar Stormy Daniels and Playboy centerfold favorite Karen McDougall are unforgettable pains in the ass for Trump and he enlists Cohen, the “fixer,” to “take care of it.” According to Cohen, Trump thinks nothing of stiffing contractors, or exploiting widows in bankruptcy for profit, or cheating in public opinion polls, or inflating or deflating his property values, or the concept of bribing the mob to get a construction project completed that he learned from his father. Cohen bears witness to Trump’s failing business and real estate empire, his miraculous political campaign, and the start of his Presidency before he is strong-armed and whisked away to jail by the Mueller Special Counsel investigation. Cohen cites examples to show that Trump was a bully, a likely adulterer, a pathological liar, an amoral cheat, a bigot regarding homosexuals and religion, and an occasional racist. He also shows Trump’s uncanny strengths, skills, and abilities and why he thought, originally, that Trump would be a good President. Cohen spent years encouraging him to run. This story is a must-read because it has new, insider information about how the most powerful person in the world is a most ugly personality and how he nevertheless ascended to his position of authority--and what might lay in sight for the future. This is a Best Seller Summary and Analysis by Scott Campbell. It is not the original book. Important books demand widespread readership and understanding. Disloyal: A Memoir is one of them. Use this Best Selling Summary and Analysis book to: #1 Decide if the original book is for you. Hint: it is! #2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways. #3 Gain a better understanding, #4 Learn what you must know in less than 60 minutes. #5 Refresh your memory of the parent book.

F Is for French Quarter

release date: May 09, 2022
F Is for French Quarter
Scott Campbell and his daughter Tallulah gather together words that bring to life each letter of the alphabet in unique Louisiana style in their second picture book collaboration. From A to Z they capture the sights of the city in New Orleans'' historic French Quarter. The Audubon Aquarium of the Americas, brass bands, the Cabildo, and wrought iron are all featured in this fun-filled jaunt for pre-readers. The delightful images from artist Nichole Dupre make this a picture-perfect choice for locals and visitors alike.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa

release date: Aug 01, 2020
Black Lives Matter and Antifa
In June of 2020, more people searched the internet for "Black Lives Matter" than for "Trump." The tragic death of ex-convict George Floyd on May 25, 2020, at the hands of four policemen immediately triggered 2,000 protests not only in cities across the United States but also in 60 other countries. It was almost as if the Floyd death had been planned. Was Derek Chauvin, the White policeman who put his knee on Floyd''s neck for over eight minutes, a hitman? What about his new $100,000 BMW and hundreds of thousands in undisclosed income? Was it the unfortunate death of a convicted felon and heavy drug-user, or was a professionally organized anti-Trump network just waiting to launch a street revolution to further disrupt the economy and elections? A White policeman had placed his knee on Black Mr. Floyd''s neck for about eight minutes, despite his utterances of "I can''t breathe" which were audible to multiple people passing by with cell-phone cameras. This seemed a bit strange for a policeman''s behavior in the year 2020 given Eric Garner''s "I can''t breathe" was one of the major rallying cries of black activists for police racism and brutality. Although there were 13 or fewer unarmed deaths of black men at the hands of white policemen in 2019, roars of "systemic police racism" and "institutional racism" shook the world and equally raucous looting riots plundered many businesses and caused hundreds of millions in damages and losses. Nearly the entire United States white population had been labeled "racist" once again by the Left, just in time to affect the June primaries and November elections. Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa led a charge to capture six blocks of downtown Seattle to create an "Autonomous Zone" with border walls and security-- and fully dependent on outside for food, sanitation, and law enforcement. They made standard DSA demands: free this and free that for everybody, but especially free stuff that would help black and brown people. Dismantle the police departments was another demand, even ban them forever. These types of demands matched up with the Black Panther and Black Liberation Army demands from decades ago and hinted at the true origins of BLM. Hawk Newsome, a leader of BLM, made the statement that if they didn''t get what they wanted, BLM would burn down the system, another pattern of congruence that was being established with the Black Panthers. This book reveals the dark truth about BLM, a feminist group, whose idol and role model is Assata Shakur a female felon, a convicted cop-killer, ex-Black Panther, and forty-year fugitive. It reveals how BLM was formed, the founders being recruited as mere puppets for larger, experienced anti-American and black activist power groups. This book not only explores the history of Antifa and its ideology and its main actions but also explores in depth the origin and nature of Marxism as arising from a foundation of Satanism directed against the Christian Church. Evidence that Karl Marx was a Satanist is presented. Black Lives Matter and Antifa showed us how they can work together in Seattle''s Autonomous Zone. They both are incarnations of communist goon squads for the Deep State. They are hired domestic terrorists. The goal is not only to oust nationalist, anti-globalist Trump but to take over the entire US government and its people.

Hard Evidence for ET Origins and Visits

release date: May 24, 2022
Hard Evidence for ET Origins and Visits
In the film Prometheus about traveling to the moon of a distant planet to find our creators, Shaw and Holloway make a presentation on their research to the crew. They assert that they seek answers to the age-old questions of where we came from and who we came for life on Earth. They claim our DNA was “engineered” by the same advanced alien species they seek on the moon called LV-223. Immediately the biologist on the crew objects, saying that they are discounting three-hundred years of Darwinism. No, they are not at all. The aliens did not seed the planet with alien babies, they allegedly seeded Earth with DNA that we assume was combined into microbes and helped to evolve life as we know it. This would demand all the Darwinian principles of evolution. In this case evolution on Earth did not create DNA itself, the backbone of life, just the life derived from it. It turns out there is hard scientific evidence to support the panspermia hypothesis. One line of evidence lies in our biological evolution, and especially that of microbes as the precursors to complex life. It suggests that microbes with DNA came from off-planet to kick-start life on Earth. Another line of evidence shows that our genetic coding itself, in all probability, was, in fact, designed and bears signatures saying so. Our genetic coding boasts nine prime numbers as a signature, a statistical chance of being natural at one in ten trillion. In other words, its ten trillion to one that we were genetically engineered. When we combine the two, that our DNA arose from sophisticated genetic engineering, and that it our microbe evolution suggests “alien” donors of DNA to take the lead in creating life, then we can make a good case that we are of alien origin. Another line of documented evidence that we are not alone lies with a very small interstellar visitor that zipped through our solar system in 2017. We only had eleven days to gather data on Oumuamua. It was thin, showed evidence of being metallic, was propelled by a force assumed to be the sun, and had so many unique properties that Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb said that, rather then a comet or asteroid, it was a work of technology. According to Dr. Loeb, it was most likely some sort of light sail. His hypothesis and book on the subject shook up the scientific world.


release date: Feb 15, 2015
Thirteen Quaint, Analytical Essay-Snippets Addressing the Politics of Business Inter-Relations - Using the Business Dynamic as a Lens for Examining Social Interaction; A Focused, Forensic Commentary on Corporate America as Derived from Entrepreneurial Business Modeling and Best-Practice Advocacy. Applies to any inter-relationship, whether personal, professional, social, cultural, or international - however, the business dynamic, which conforms peer, customer, financial and economic pressures within a contained environment, is a unique filter for understanding human connectivity.


release date: Dec 03, 2020
The 2020 election proved to be as much about the Supreme Court as it was about Trump. Justice Ginsburg''s passing opened up a nomination to be confirmed by the next President, but Trump and the GOP got it down beforehand. Senator Ted Cruz, a former state attorney general for Texas, stands fully acquainted with how the Supreme Court works, its colorful history, and how important it is to defend the Constitution. One justice--one vote-- can change a nation by overriding the Constitution. This is a summary book. It is not the original book. It is meant as a companion book, not a replacement. Nothing less than our freedoms were at stake should a liberal judge become a new addition to the court, a strategy put in play by the Left since the 1960s. Cruz served as a Supreme Court clerk and litigated the court numerous times with success. He is an expert on the Supreme Court and refused an offer to sit on it, believing he could positively affect America more as a Senator and potential President. Cruz’s book is not only timely; it reveals the diabolical nature of the Left in a constant effort to strip freedom from the American people. Scott Campbell often chooses Best Sellers to summarize, which have congruent material to his full-length books. Ways to use summaries: Option #1: Read a chapter or section from the parent book, and then the summary for that part. Option #2: Buy the summary. Make sure the parent book is for you. If it is, then dive into the parent book with a built-in knowledge framework. These techniques will help you fully understand and master the concepts and ideas and why they are essential. Reasons to use summary books: #1 Decide if the original book is for you. #2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways. #3 Gain a more in-depth understanding. #4 Learn what you must in a fraction of the time. #5 Refresh your memory of the parent book. #6 Enjoy occasional editorial comments.

Summary: Blackout: Candace Owens

release date: Dec 04, 2020
Summary: Blackout: Candace Owens
WARNING! This is a Best Seller Summary and Analysis of BLACKOUT. It is not the original book, nor intended to replace it. If you are a Democrat, do not read this book because you will learn many characteristics about your party that are embarrassingly despicable. Your party historically exploited and constrained many Blacks. If you want the truth, or prove yourself to be a Republican or Independent, then this book and Candace Owen’s book are must-reads-- so you can support Black conservatives for 2020 and throughout life. A hard-core Democrat for most of her life, Candace Owens started to doubt the left’s treatment of and policies for Black Americans. She decided to take a close look at how the Democrats had “organized” Black communities for “change” that meant “control,” “constrain,” and “harm.” The Democrat efforts were aimed to prevent Blacks from conquering the challenges of poverty and embrace the American Dream. Black success meant less power for the Democrats. Ms. Owens shares her personal history in which she started in the projects and rose to reside on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. She sets an example of how she overcame obstacles and setbacks to beat the Democrat system designed to keep her down as a “victim.” Government assistance, Ms. Owens argues, has a dark side and can take away motivation and independence. It results in Plantation Politics. She laments how the Democrats’ push for abortion has many adverse effects on Black communities-- beyond the murder of Black babies. She explains how the #MeToo movement is detrimental to Black males and hence the Black communities in general. Taking a right turn in political identity will lead to a healthier, happier, more independent, and more successful life. “What do you have to lose?” was what Trump as a candidate asked Blacks about voting Republican. Nothing is the right answer--but with a whole lot to gain. Important books demand widespread readership and understanding. BLACKOUT is one of them. Use this Best Selling Summary and Analysis book to: #1 Decide if the original text is for you. Hint: it is! #2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways. #3 Gain a better understanding. #4 Learn what you must know in a fraction of the time. #5 Refresh your memory of the parent book.


release date: Oct 07, 2009
Robbie Young is an ordinary twelve-year-old boy about to drop a bombshell that will devastate his small town family. One day he rides his bike home after school, finds his mother in the kitchen making dinner, and speaks aloud the secret he''s been keeping for a year, "Jerry Houseman''s been touching me." Robbie has been molested and the Young family will never be the same. From that moment on, the novel unfolds with inexorable power. The story is narrated in four parts: first by Robbie''s mother, then by Jerry Houseman himself, then by Houseman''s wife Linda, and concluded by Robbie himself fifteen years later, when he has returned to town for a high school reunion. Each voice is remarkably persuasive and utterly convincing, and the result is a novel that is impossible to put down as it is impossible to forget.

Summary: A Promised Land: Barack Obama

release date: Dec 12, 2020
Summary: A Promised Land: Barack Obama
Warning: This is a summary book and audiobook, intended to harmonize with Barack Obama’s compelling story, A Promised Land, not to replace it for a lower price. A riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making, A Promised Land arises from Barack Obama who inspired the world to believe in the power of democracy once again. Barack Obama relates the story of his unlikely journey starting as a young boy in Indonesia and Hawaii. His time in prep school showed more passion for his jump-shot and partying than studying. We experience his college years under the admitted influence of Marxism, and into Harvard Law and as the President of the Law Review-- which would launch his political career with a substantial write-up in The New York Times. In the controversial, highly anticipated first volume, Barack Obama tells the story of his improbable odyssey from young man searching for his identity at Occidental College to leader of the free world. Major events bubble up in sequence to demand his analysis and thoughts. Obama offers an exploration of the awesome reach of presidential power, as well as singular insights into the dynamics of U.S. partisan politics and international diplomacy. Obama brings readers inside the Oval Office and the White House Situation Room, and to Moscow, Cairo, Beijing, and points beyond. We examine his thoughts as he assembles his cabinet, wrestles with a global financial crisis, takes the measure of Vladimir Putin, overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds to secure passage of the Affordable Care Act, clashes with generals about U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, tackles Wall Street reform, responds to the devastating Deepwater Horizon blowout, and authorizes Operation Neptune’s Spear, which leads to the alleged death of Osama bin Laden.

Gen 13 (1994-) #1

Gen 13 (1994-) #1
They''re the slacker super-heroes who''ve taken the world by storm! Created by science, this team of super-powered teenagers battles for survival in a world seemingly set against them.

The Great Showdowns

release date: Oct 30, 2012
The Great Showdowns
Since the beginning of time, there has been struggle. The epic clash of being against being. Han vs the green fellow. Chief Brody vs the very large shark. John McClane vs broken glass, and many, many more... Scott Campbell’s acclaimed Great Showdowns series, showing strangely good- natured confrontations between his favorite movie characters, finally gets the book collection fans have been demanding! Whether it’s Ripley vs the Alien Queen or Spinal Tap vs an undersized model of Stonehenge, these memorable moments of melee deserve to be celebrated. Behold, The Great Showdowns.

Wildstorm: A Celebration of 25 Years

release date: Oct 31, 2017
Wildstorm: A Celebration of 25 Years
Celebrating the historic 25th anniversary of the WildStorm imprint, this anthology graphic novel collects a senses-shattering blend of new content, hand-picked reprints and a select number of never-before-seen extras. In 1992 a revolution was kicked off by superstar creator Jim Lee when he launched his game-changing publishing imprint, and the modern comic book market was forever altered. WildStorm Productions would go on to help revolutionize the industry and launch the careers of many top creators, including such names as Warren Ellis, Gary Frank, J. Scott Campbell, Adam Hughes, Brett Booth, Whilce Portacio, Tim Sale, Bryan Hitch, Dustin Nguyen John Cassaday, Humberto Ramos and countless others. Over the course of the last 25 years, the imprint, creators and characters have evolved in many ways, but will never be forgotten. This volume reprints WildC.A.T.s #1, WILDCATS (v.4) #1, THE AUTHORITY #13 & #14, short stories from THE EYE OF THE STORM ANNUAL and the Coup DÕEtat Afterword. Plus, it features brand-new stories and pin-ups!

Resumen: Desleal: Una Memoria: Michael Cohen

release date: Feb 15, 2021
Resumen: Desleal: Una Memoria: Michael Cohen
¡ADVERTENCIA !: La administración Trump preferiría que no leyera este libro de resumen porque revela el lado más oscuro del presidente Trump según lo testificó su perro de ataque personal y consigliere durante más de una década, Michael Cohen. Este es un libro de resumen y no pretende reemplazar el libro original de Michael Cohen. Hipnotizado por Trump como un miembro de una secta, Cohen comenzó a verse a sí mismo rompiendo su código moral, pero se quedó con Trump por dinero, poder y fama. Cohen se jacta de que conocía a Trump mejor que a su propia familia y no era un espectáculo agradable. Vio a Trump como un jefe mafioso sociópata que haría cualquier cosa para ganar y destruir a cualquiera que lo desafiara en su búsqueda del éxito. Cohen arroja un camión lleno de esqueletos de la familia Trump a los pies del lector y luego los recoge uno por uno y ejecuta un meticuloso show-and-tell. La estrella porno Stormy Daniels y la favorita de Playboy en la página central Karen McDougall son un dolor inolvidable para Trump y él pide a Cohen, el "reparador", que "se encargue de eso". Según Cohen, Trump no piensa en endurecer a los contratistas, o explotar a las viudas en bancarrota para obtener ganancias, o hacer trampa en las encuestas de opinión pública, o inflar o desinflar el valor de sus propiedades, o el concepto de sobornar a la mafia para completar un proyecto de construcción que aprendió. de su padre. Cohen es testigo del fracaso del imperio comercial y de bienes raíces de Trump, su milagrosa campaña política y el comienzo de su presidencia antes de que la investigación del fiscal especial de Mueller lo lleve a la cárcel con los brazos fuertes. Cohen cita ejemplos para mostrar que Trump era un matón, un probable adúltero, un mentiroso patológico, un tramposo amoral, un fanático con respecto a los homosexuales y la religión, y un racista ocasional. También muestra las asombrosas fortalezas, habilidades y habilidades de Trump y por qué pensó, originalmente, que Trump sería un buen presidente. Cohen pasó años animándolo a correr. Esta historia es de lectura obligada porque contiene información nueva y privilegiada sobre cómo la persona más poderosa del mundo es una personalidad más fea y cómo, sin embargo, ascendió a su posición de autoridad y lo que podría estar a la vista para el futuro. Este es un resumen y análisis de los más vendidos de Scott Campbell. No es el libro original. Los libros importantes exigen un amplio conocimiento y lectores. Desleal: A Memoir es uno de ellos. Utilice este libro de análisis y resumen de los más vendidos para: # 1 Decide si el libro original es para ti. Pista: ¡lo es! # 2 Obtenga puntos principales capítulo por capítulo y conclusiones. # 3 Obtenga una mejor comprensión, # 4 Aprenda lo que debe saber en menos de 60 minutos. # 5 Refresque su memoria del libro para padres.

Danger Girl - Destination Danger

release date: Nov 26, 2014
Danger Girl - Destination Danger
Découvrez les aventures inédites des espionnes les plus sexy du monde ! Ce copieux volume rassemble un très large choix de missions inédites des filles de Danger Girl, des aventures exotiques et pleines d’action par les plus grands dessinateurs du moment ! Avec entre autres les épisodes Danger Girl : Hawaiian Punch et Viva Las Danger (par Phil Noto), Danger Girl : Kamikaze (par Tommy Yune) ainsi que des contributions signées Arthur Adams et Joe Chiodo. Retrouvez également toutes les couvertures de J. Scott Campbell, plus glamour que jamais !

Danger Girl - Revolver

release date: Apr 03, 2013
Danger Girl - Revolver
Les drôles de dames de la bd U.S. sont de retour ! Après des années d’absence, les filles de Danger Girl reviennent ! Retrouvez Abbey Chase, Sydney Savage, Silicon Valerie, Deuce et Johnny Barracuda dans de nouvelles aventures, toujours signées Andy Hartnell, le scénariste originel de la série. Danger Girl : Revolver prend la suite directe des aventures dessinées par J. Scott Campbell (qui offre ici de magnifiques illustrations intérieures) pour un nouveau départ et une nouvelle mission liée à une mystérieuse momie péruvienne. L’occasion de retrouver des visages connus mais aussi de nouveaux personnages. Qui est cette nouvelle Danger Girl ? Est-ce une alliée ou une ennemie dont il faudra se méfier ? Retrouvez tout l’humour et le charme des Danger Girls dans un récit inédit dessiné par Chris Madden, la nouvelle star des comics américains.

Summary & Rebuttal for Becoming by Michelle Obama

release date: Jan 03, 2021
Summary & Rebuttal for Becoming by Michelle Obama
Thanks to mass marketing from deep pocketed progressives into 28 languages from a parent publishing firm from Germany, called Bertelsmann, which own''s Crown, Michelle Obama''s book, Becoming, is likely to enjoy the status and influence of the best selling memoir of all time--unless Barack’s A Promised Land, can beat it. Bertelsmann, which initially became rich from publishing for Hitler through exploiting Jewish slave labor, influences most of the Western world as a serpent which molted into the world’s biggest publishing company. Bertelsmann soon earned a reputation for meddling in global politics, accepted routine visits from heads of state, and made Barack and Michelle rich. Barack’s first lucrative contract came just before he entered office, making it perfectly legal, albeit unethical. The biggest contracts came after they left the White House. We can assume they got something in return for Germany and the EU other than book profits--like a deal to publish Common Core or an Obama push for the Paris Climate Agreement. It just doesn’t seem right to make all of that money off of public office, especially when you profess concern for income inequality and the plight of the poor. According to The Atlantic, Barack Obama leaked that Michelle’s publisher employed a ghostwriter for her life chronicles, and, of course, claimed that he will not. This becomes obvious with professional-level passages filled with clever use of verbs, adjectives, and descriptions more fitting for a practiced novelist than an attorney or hospital outreach director. It is not uncommon for celebrities to employ ghostwriters, but when the memoir is hyped as “in her own words,” then it becomes unsettling, even disgusting. This summary book is a most unusual and valuable book for understanding Michelle Obama, her origins, and her participation in a partisan plot, including an arranged marriage, with Barack Obama and his leftist, activist, and big-business backers, to capture the White House for profit and global influence. This book presents a summary of Becoming as published, but then continuously counters with a rebuttal which is expanded after the summary. So you get Bertelsmann’s version of her story, and then the real and truthful version, simultaneously, and with cited references from reputable sources. IMPOSTOR SYNDROME Imposter Syndrome, or “fraud syndrome,” is not uncommon among celebrities as a psychological affliction in which a person not only questions their abilities, intelligence, and accomplishments, but harbors a nagging and constant fear of being revealed as a fraud. According to the BBC, on December 3, 2018, Michelle Obama interviewed in London with Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and, when asked how she felt about her perception as a symbol of hope, told the world that she has Impostor Syndrome, and she finds it hard to believe that people listen to her at all, and that people should not take her seriously. Michelle summed it up by saying she sometimes feels like a fraud. Could it be that not only is she a fraud, but, along with Barack Obama, an integral part of the perhaps the biggest, most serious, most damaging fraud in world history, responsible for the pilfering of trillions of dollars, economic stagnation, the abandonment of morality, killing hundreds of thousands, and further dividing a nation by race and gender? If true, Michelle and Barack’s fraud may have provided the funding and leadership, and access by foreign governments, to finally destroy the values and fabric of the United States forever in favor of leftist and communist agendas. Fraud, or fraud and treason?

Summary: Disloyal: A Memoir and A Promised Land

release date: Dec 19, 2020
Summary: Disloyal: A Memoir and A Promised Land
WARNING! The current administration prefers that you not read this summary because it reveals President Trump''s darkest side as testified by his attack dog and consigliere for over a decade, Michael Cohen. This is a summary book, not intended to replace the original book by Michael Cohen. Michael Cohen admits he was mesmerized by Trump like a cult member, began to see himself breaking his moral code, but stuck with Trump for money, power, and fame. Cohen boasts that he knew Trump better than his own family, and it was not a pretty sight. He saw Trump as a sociopathic mobster boss who would do anything to win and destroy anybody who challenged him in his quest for success. Cohen dumps a truckload of Trump family skeletons at the reader’s feet and then picks them up one by one and executes a meticulous show-and-tell. Pornstar Stormy Daniels and Playboy centerfold favorite Karen McDougall are unforgettable pains in the ass for Trump, and he enlists Cohen, the “fixer,” to “take care of it.” Trump thinks nothing of stiffing contractors, exploiting widows in bankruptcy, cheating in public opinion polls, inflating or deflating his property values, or paying off the mob. Cohen bears witness to Trump’s failing business and real estate empire, his successful and miraculous political campaign, and the start of his Presidency before he gets whisked away to jail by the Mueller Special Counsel investigation. Cohen cites examples to show that Trump was a bully, a likely adulterer, a pathological liar, an amoral cheat, a bigot regarding homosexuals and religion, and an occasional racist. He also shows Trump’s uncanny strengths, skills, and abilities and why he initially thought that Trump would be a good President. Cohen spent years encouraging him to run. This story is a must-read because it has new, insider information about how the most powerful person in the world is the ugliest personality and how he nevertheless ascended to his position of authority--and what might happen in the future. This is a Best Seller Summary and Analysis by Scott Campbell. It is not the original book. Important books demand widespread readership and understanding. Disloyal: A Memoir is one of them. Use this Best Selling Summary and Analysis book to #1 Decide if the original is for you. Hint: it is! #2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways. #3 Gain a better understanding. #4 Learn what you must know in a fraction of the time. #5 Refresh your memory of the parent book. A PROMISED LAND “A riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making—from the president who inspired us to believe in the power of democracy” Barack Obama spills the story of his unlikely journey starting as a young boy in Indonesia and Hawaii, and his time in prep school where he showed more passion for his jump-shot, drugs, and partying than studying. Then we experience his college years under the admitted influence of Marxism, and into Harvard Law and as the President of the Law Review-- which would launch his political career with a write-up in The New York Times. Then we sample his rapid rise to the Senate and then the Presidency under the tutelage of professionals like David Axelrod and and Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, but also armed with unique skills of global inspiration to represent a grassroots effort. Obama gets some help. Favored candidates step aside or hand him their campaign, and dirt leaked from sealed court documents, at just the right time, buries his opponents. His path to the Presidency miraculously cleared, he was handed the keynote by John Kerry at the DNC to make him famous. John Kerry’s staff infuses his campaign. John McCain offers no plan to solve the financial crisis, and ignores states he must have to win, ensuring Obama’s success and the immediate launch of an aggressive leftist agenda to “change” the world. A Promised Land serves up plate after plate of thoughtful insights into the shocking mechanics of U.S. partisan politics, elections, war, and international diplomacy--and the killing of a person in Pakistan believed to be Osama bin Laden.

Gen 13: Starting Over The Deluxe Edition

release date: Jan 25, 2022
Gen 13: Starting Over The Deluxe Edition
Gen 13 fight evil and party hard. Featuring the offbeat adventures of super-powered teenagers as they juggle typical teen drama with stopping would-be world conquerors, this deluxe edition collects Gen 13 (Vol. 1) #0-5, Gen 13 (Vol. 2) #0-5, and pages from Wildstorm Universe Sourcebook #1.

Summary: Becoming: Michelle Obama

release date: Dec 26, 2020
Summary: Becoming: Michelle Obama
States. Warning! This is a summary book, intended to harmonize with Michelle Obama’s compelling memoir, not to replace it. #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • OPRAH’S BOOK CLUB PICK • NAACP IMAGE AWARD WINNER • ONE OF ESSENCE’S 50 MOST IMPACTFUL BLACK BOOKS OF THE PAST 50 YEARS In a life filled with meaning and accomplishment, Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most iconic women of our era. As First Lady of the United States of America—the first African American to serve in that role—she helped create the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history, while also establishing herself as a powerful advocate for women and girls in the U.S. and around the world, dramatically changing the ways that families pursue healthier and more active lives, and standing with her husband as he led America through some of its most harrowing moments. In her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her—from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work, to her time spent at the world’s most famous address. With unerring honesty and lively wit, she describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both public and private, telling her full story as she has lived it—in her own words and on her own terms. Warm, wise, and revelatory, Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations—and whose story inspires us to do the same.


release date: Jul 05, 2017
In "Widower: When Men are Left Alone", a journalist and a social worker explore the grief process as men experience it. The book contains the oral histories of twenty men, ranging in age from 30 to 94, who have lost their wives to a range of causes including cancer, alcohol, murder, and suicide. Taken together, the stories guide the reader through the journey of widowhood, from the raw despair of the early weeks to the resolved perspective thirteen years later, offered by the only true authority on the subject - the men who have survived it.

5-D Leadership

release date: Jan 01, 2005
5-D Leadership
Annotation There exists a widening chasm between the flexible leadership organisations require and the one-dimensional skills leaders often bring to today''s complex business challenges. 5-D Leadership closes this gap by exposing the realities of what it takes to be a successful leader a continual shifting between various leadership approaches, to respond to whatever each unique situation demands.

Great Showdowns: The Revenge

release date: Oct 06, 2015
Great Showdowns: The Revenge
They’re back - with a grudge to settle! Following the bestselling first and second volumes, here’s an all-new collection of artist Scott C’s strangely good- natured confrontations between his favorite movie characters. These memorable moments of melee deserve to be celebrated — once more, with feeling! Ladies and gentlemen, presenting: Great Showdowns - The Revenge. Featuring a foreword by acclaimed comedian Paul Scheer!

Summary: A Promised Land: Barack Obama and Becoming: Michelle Obama

release date: Jan 27, 2021
Summary: A Promised Land: Barack Obama and Becoming: Michelle Obama
Warning! This is a summary for two books and intended to harmonize with, not replace, Barack Obama’s compelling story, A Promised Land, and Michelle Obama’s epic story and the best selling book in 2018, Becoming. A riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making, A Promised Land relates the story of Obama’s unlikely journey starting as a young boy in Indonesia and Hawaii. His time in prep school showed more passion for his jump-shot and partying than studying. We experience his college years under the admitted influence of Marxism, and into Harvard Law and as the President of the Law Review-- which would launch his political career from substantial hype in The New York Times. Obama offers insights into the dynamics of U.S. partisan politics, and international diplomacy, up until the time he allegedly captures Osama bin Laden. In a life filled with racial tension, and a haunting self-doubt of her abilities, Michelle Obama emerged as one of the most iconic women in the last decade. Establishing herself as a powerful advocate for the female sex, improved nutrition, and exercise became priorities. We experience her childhood on the South Side of Chicago, a shy girl self-confined to her room after school to play with dolls until age 10, to her years as an executive balancing the demands of work and being a mother, to her time spent in the 132-room White House where she broke security protocol to sneak out to see the rainbow White House colors to celebrate gay marriage in all 50 states. She describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both private and public--like inappropriately placing her hand on the Queen of England. or saying that she was proud of America--for the first time. Becoming is the personal story of an unlikely rise to the White House by a woman of color that also sends up a few puzzling red flags and glosses over a few key facts.

Summary: Donald Trump V. The United States: Michael S. Schmidt

release date: Oct 12, 2020
Summary: Donald Trump V. The United States: Michael S. Schmidt
NOTE! This book is a summary and not intended to replace Michael Schmidt''s original work in any way or fashion. New York Times journalist Michael Schmidt investigates that rogue of a President, Trump, as he spats with his government. Many in the FBI and House would like to see Trump gone and his thirst for power to fire people who are not loyal to him cut off first. Schmidt, who won a Pulitzer Prize, takes the biographical perspective for two key players who play significant roles in Trump''s affairs: FBI Director James Comey and Senior Legal Counsel Don McGahn. Trump''s style of running the White House was not only unorthodox among an initial backdrop of circus-level chaos and incompetence but often threatening and abusive. A dossier based on rumor and speculation and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton would give rise to accusations of Russian collusion before Trump could even be inaugurated. Trump had only spent one day in Moscow but stood accused of having time to watch Russian prostitutes urinate on a bed once slept on by Obama and his lovely wife, Michelle. Comey was sure that Trump was obstructing justice for Michael Flynn, and his claims and actions would lead to the Mueller investigation, which consumed two years of the Trump Presidency. Schmidt is obsessed with detail and reigns highly skilled at working informants. The savvy workaholic journalist even gets a one-on-one interview with Trump at his Florida golf resort, which Trump''s chief aide tries to break off.

Danger Girl - Trinity

release date: Feb 12, 2014
Danger Girl - Trinity
La suite inédite de Danger Girl : Revolver ! Elles sont trois : Abbey Chase, Sydney Savage et Sonya Savage, la dernière recrue de Danger Girl ! Du Caire au Congo en passant par Londres, retrouvez les aventures des espionnes les plus sexy de la planète. Cette fois, les filles sont séparées dans des aventures en solo et doivent se débrouiller seules. Trois histoires, trois dessinateurs et trois destins pour une aventure unique à couper le souffle. Retrouvez aussi toutes les couvertures de J. Scott Campbell dans un cahier graphique bonus !

PCISTM - Advanced Project Management

release date: Mar 13, 2011
PCISTM - Advanced Project Management
S.U.I.T.E. PCISTM (Process-Centric Integrated System for Transformational Methodologies) is a Treatise for the Advancement of the Project Management Discipline. PCISTM is a tool designed to take out all of the guesswork involved, and remove the confusion inherent to Project process re-engineering. PCISTM utilizes specific, front-loading requirements that allows the Advanced PM to access each component independently, select and integrate methodologies, and, transition the Project result back into the revenue stream efficiently!

Summary: One Vote Away: Ted Cruz: Blackout: Candace Owens: Live Free or Die: Sean Hannity: United States of Socialism: Dinesh D'Sousa

release date: Dec 04, 2020
Summary: One Vote Away: Ted Cruz: Blackout: Candace Owens: Live Free or Die: Sean Hannity: United States of Socialism: Dinesh D'Sousa
This is a summary book for four separate books. They are not the original books. It is meant as a companion book, not a replacement. The 2020 election is as much about the Supreme Court as it is about Trump. Senator Ted Cruz, a former state attorney general for Texas, is fully acquainted with how the Supreme Court works and its colorful history. One justice--one vote-- can change a nation by overriding the Constitution. Nothing less than our freedoms are at stake should a liberal judge become a new addition to the court, a strategy put in play by the Left since the 1960s. Cruz served as a Supreme Court clerk and litigated the court numerous times with success. Candace Owens decided to take a close look at how the Democrats had "organized" Black communities for "change" that meant "control," "constrain," and "harm." The Democrat efforts were aimed to prevent Blacks from conquering the challenges of poverty. Black success meant less power for the Democrats. Taking a right turn in political identity will lead to a healthier, happier, more independent, and more successful life. Be aware that you and your family will always live under constant attack by socialists. Sean Hannity will tell you why in Live Free or Die. Leftwing resentment, radicalism, and elaborate plans for theft and graft grew in the shadows to undermine democracy beginning in the turbulent 1960s. They comprise a formidable army of social justice warriors aided and abetted by such institutions as academia, the mainstream media, and the diabolical Deep State. Dinesh D''Sousa writes to expose the Democrat socialists, their "Socialist Dream" for what a "racket" it is and then proceeds to bury them. He shares how the socialists first arose, how their deceitful techniques are infused with a divisive and antagonistic form of "Identity Socialism," and how we must rally behind Trump''s lead to stop them.

Summary & Rebuttal: A Promised Land: Barack Obama

release date: Jan 14, 2021
Summary & Rebuttal: A Promised Land: Barack Obama
Warning! This is a summary, intended to rebut, with over 700 total pages, A Promised Land, the top-selling non-fiction book in 2020. This book is not to replace Obama''s memoir, but to bury it. Obama''s time in prep school showed more passion for his jump-shot and partying than studying. We experience his college years under the admitted influence of Marxism, and into Harvard Law and the alleged arrangement to become the President of the Law Review-- which would launch his political career via The NY Times. We sample his rapid rise to the Senate, and then the Presidency, under the tutelage of Chicago''s Deep State professionals like David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett. Favored candidates, even incumbents, step aside or hand him their campaign, and dirt leaked from sealed court documents buries his opponents. His path to the Presidency miraculously cleared, he finds the keynote tossed at his feet by John Kerry at the DNC to make him famous. John Kerry’s staff infuses his campaign. John McCain ensures Obama’s success. Obama spends more than all other previous Presidents combined, and harms America in doing so. Obama reveals compromising situations and connections, arousing more suspicion. Brief and interspersed negative comments, clearly marked in Section One, catalyze a full-throttle rebuttal in Section Two. Obama not only left out key facts, like that his family had strong communist ties, or that he governed under the influence of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Iranian Islamist Valerie Jarrett, and Jesse Jackson. Obama, according to Pulitzer-prize-winning author Seymore Hersh, lied about his alleged killing of Osama bin Laden for a boost in the polls. The Rebuttal proves itself to be well-documented and bulletproof. Obama, and his arranged mate and children, proved not to be what they seem.

Summary: United States of Socialism: Dinesh D'Souza

release date: Dec 03, 2020
Summary: United States of Socialism: Dinesh D'Souza
WARNING! If you are a Democrat, don’t read this book. The facts about your party, now led by radical socialists, are embarrassingly despicable. If you are to survive as a Conservative or Independent, then this book and D’Sousa’s are must-reads. Be aware that your family will always live under constant attack by socialists. Know why. This is a Best Seller Summary and Analysis of the United States of Socialism by Dinesh D’Sousa. It is not the original book. Important books demand widespread readership and understanding. Dinesh D’Sousa writes to expose the Democrat socialists, their “Socialist Dream” for what a “racket” it is, and then bury them. He shares how the socialists first arose, how their diabolical techniques infuse a divisive and antagonistic form of “Identity Socialism,” and how we must rally behind Trump’s lead to stop them. Use this Best Selling Summary and Analysis book to: #1 Decide if the original text is for you. Hint: it is! #2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways. #3 Gain a better understanding, #4 Learn what you must know in a fraction of the time. #5 Refresh your memory of the parent book. #6 Enjoy occasional editorial comments Scott Campbell penned many related books on socialism, Marxism, the Deep State, the Obamas, and Trump and is not associated with D’Sousa or his publisher in any way. Scott Campbell is wholly responsible for the content of the summary book. If you are the author, publisher, or representative of the original work, please contact the author with any concerns or comments. Identity politics is a political strategy. People of a particular identity bond into alliances to exclude all others. Race, class, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and socio-cultural background are common identities. There might be an intersection of several identities. White, Christian, heterosexual male, middle-class, and Conservative is the intersectional identity that the socialists want to alienate and annihilate. It also describes many of President Trump’s supporters. For a replacement, they might wish to a non-White, Muslim, transgender female, lower class, and Democrat--someone who, solely because of their perceived identity, will blindly follow Democrats. Identity politics’ goal is to force group agendas upon others to bring about socialist “change” towards establishing total control of a society and its wealth. Identity intersectional politics is a strategy adopted by socialists to create divides and conflicts intentionally. The Obama administration, in its second term, became experts at it. Democrat identity socialists are trying to magnify and harness this natural array of divisions to create a majority coalition to implement their desired changes. Dinesh D’Sousa is blessed with one of the most brilliant and analytical minds of our time. As a devoted supporter of our Founding Fathers, the Bill of Rights, and our Constitution, he champions Conservative causes. He defines Conservatism as holding sacred the American Revolution''s principles and promoting the “self-made man.” Embedded in free markets, the self-made man brims with ideas that lead to invention and advancement. D’Sousa likes to recognize Ben Franklin and Frederick Douglas as prime examples of self-made men. He likes Abraham Lincoln for representing the virtues of the American Revolution and the concept and importance of equal rights for all. D’Sousa migrated to America as an exchange student. He wanted to see our middle-class abundance and experience our relative freedom from corruption. He was in for a big surprise.
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