Most Popular Books by Ryan Blair

Ryan Blair is the author of Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain (2013), Rock Bottom to Rock Star (2016), Everything Counts (2009), Goals (2013), Nothing To Lose Everything To Gain (2014).

22 results found

Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain

release date: Mar 26, 2013
Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain
Like many entrepreneurs, Ryan Blair had no formal business education. But he had great survival instincts, tenacity, and, above all, a "nothing to lose" mindset. His middle-class childhood ended abruptly when his abusive father succumbed to drug addiction and abandoned the family. Blair and his mother moved to a rough neighborhood, and soon he was in and out of juvenile detention, joining a gang just to survive. Then his mother fell in love with a successful entrepreneur who took Ryan under his wing. With his mentor''s guidance, Blair started his first company, 24/7 Tech, at age twenty-one. He has since created and sold several companies for hundreds of millions of dollars. This is an inspirational guide full of powerful stories and lessons and a road map for entrepreneurial success.

Rock Bottom to Rock Star

release date: Oct 04, 2016
Rock Bottom to Rock Star
Can you remember that one time you got recognized or someone thanked you for your contribution to their life? You were a rock star, even for just one second. This book isn''t about a charmed path to success or some untouchable fairy tale that nobody can relate to-this is about going from rock bottom to rock star, something that everybody can relate to. In his first book, Blair shared the brutally honest story of how he went from an at-risk youth, sleeping on a mattress on the floor of a shack, to a self-made multimillionaire by his early twenties. As his story became a national sensation, fans started asking him how they too could become entrepreneurs, take their careers to the next level, and achieve financial freedom. Rock Bottom to Rock Star answers those questions. Blair has battled extreme obstacles: life as a former gang member, balancing a demanding career with single parenthood, building and selling multiple companies, and making and losing tens of millions of dollars (sometimes all in one day). He wants to help others avoid the mistakes he made in the school of hard knocks, so he has compiled his unique advice for going from rock bottom to rock star in whatever field you chose to pursue. Much of his advice is counterintuitive, and definitely not what you would learn in business school. Here''s one example: "Don''t believe your own hype. The moment you start celebrating, you''ve left the stage. It wasn''t celebration that made you a rock star. It was hard work." If you''re serious about making the most of your life and you''re ready to become the "rock star next door" instead of just looking up to them, this may be the most rewarding book you''ll ever read.

Everything Counts

release date: Oct 02, 2009
Everything Counts
Everything Counts! is an execution strategy for inspiring excellence and driving exceptional results. Too many people and organizations are mired in a mediocrity of their own making. They focus their attention and efforts on getting the big things right, but they ignore the little things that often make a big difference. As a result, reputations are damaged, brands diluted, and loyalty is lost by blatant disregard for the small stuff which negatively impacts the customer experience. For years, we''ve been taught not to sweat the small stuff, but in the real world of business, Everything Counts. Everything Counts is a call to greater awareness and with awareness comes a responsibility to raise the performance bar. It offers a powerful operating philosophy that will steer your organization to reach higher levels of growth, productivity, and performance. From the smallest customer contact to the most minute details of product quality, the little things add up to a pretty big deal. Serving as the definitive guide on organizational and personal mastery, this book gives you a foundation for unparalleled customer service, superior quality, and consistent performance. A proven system for organizing, aligning, and improving all your efforts in sales, service, and performance improvement Shows how concentrating on the small things leads to growth, productivity, personal success, and business greatness Helps you motivate your people and teams to achieve better results on both the personal and organizational level Everything Counts reminds us that seemingly small things can make tremendous differences. The purpose of this book is to help you internally define and take ownership of the most fundamental principle behind achieving results beyond you expectations-a single idea with an actionable focus-Everything Counts!


release date: Jan 01, 2013
Goals will help you learn how to keep your "eye on the prize". Author, Gary Ryan Blair is considered one of the nation''s experts on the topic of goals. He teaches that your life will not go according to plan if you don''t have a plan! His 10 rules for setting goals are loaded with nuggets of wisdom and "a-ha" moments that will bring the power of your goals into focus. The Ten Rules of Goal Setting is the combination that opens the lock of success. Each rule is one piece of the combination; each seamlessly integrates with the other nine; each one counts.

Nothing To Lose Everything To Gain

release date: Jun 20, 2014
Nothing To Lose Everything To Gain
"""Ryan Blair paham bagaimana caranya membangun sebuah bisnis dari nol. Seperti banyak pengusaha lainnya dia tidak memiliki pendidikan bisnis yang formal. Akan tetapi dia memiliki insting bertahan hidup yang sangat tinggi, ketekunan, dan, di atas segalanya, dia memiliki pola pikir """"nothing to lose."""" Kehidupan kelas menengah Blair saat masih belia berhenti saat ayahnya yang kasar menjadi pecandu narkotika dan meninggalkan keluarganya. Blair dan ibunya pindah ke sebuah lingkungan yang buruk, dan dengan cepat dia keluar-masuk Lapas Remaja, bergabung dengan suatu geng hanya untuk bertahan hidup. Kemudian ibunya jatuh cinta dengan seorang pengusaha sukses yang kemudian membimbing Ryan. Dengan bantuan dari mentornya inilah, Ryan mengubah dirinya menjadi seorang pengusaha yang luar biasa sukses. Dia membangun perusahaan pertamanya pada usia 21 tahun, dan sejak saat itu dia telah membangun dan menjual sejumlah perusahaan dengan nilai ratusan juta dolar. Dalam buku ini, Blair menunjukkan pada para pembaca cara memulai dan membangun bisnis yang menguntungkan dengan mengikuti filosofi-filosofinya yang sering kali bertolak belakang dengan filosofi lain. Sebagai contoh: - Di dalam Lapas Remaja, jika pada hari pertama Anda membiarkan seseorang mengambil susu Anda, orang itu akan mengambilnya setiap hari. Hal yang sama berlaku di dalam dunia bisnis. - Ketika Anda sedang berurusan dengan uang investor, Anda harus bersikap seolah-olah Tuhan sendiri yang telah menuliskan cek itu untuk Anda. - Kebanyakan rancangan bisnis hanya berharga seperti selembar kertas. - Upaya saja tidak akan cukup untuk membiayai hidup Anda. Jangan bersimpati terhadap karyawan yang menceritakan kepada Anda betapa kerasnya mereka bekerja untuk Anda. - Kewirausahaan sangat menyenangkan, karena Anda dapat mengatur jam kerja Anda sendiri - Anda dapat memilih 17 jam mana pun dalam satu hari, tujuh hari dalam seminggu. Tetapi jika Anda sedang mengerjakan sesuatu yang Anda cintai, pekerjaan itu tidak akan melelahkan Anda seperti lingkaran kematian jam kerja yang dimulai dari jam 9 pagi sampai jam 5 sore. Buku ini merupakan panduan inspirasional bagi mereka yang bersedia bekerja keras, meluangkan waktu, dan mendedikasikan diri mereka untuk meraih cita-cita mereka. Blair membagikan pelajaran-pelajaran yang ia terima dari mentornya, nasihat-nasihat dari pengalamannya sendiri yang mengubah hidupnya, dan menyediakan sebuah peta untuk mencapai kesuksesan dalam dunia kewirausahaan."""

Goal Setting for Results

release date: Aug 01, 2003

What Are Your Goals?

release date: May 01, 1994
What Are Your Goals?
What Are Your Goals is a book that will outlive the author and touch the lives of millions of people for the following reasons: The definitive guide to goal-setting. This high-impact book delivers a fresh, piercingly direct and usable message on what is really needed to succeed and stay balanced.

The No-Nonsense Guide to Dividend Growth Investing

release date: Mar 25, 2021
The No-Nonsense Guide to Dividend Growth Investing
In this short but powerful guide, you''re going to learn the fundamentals of dividend growth investing. Drawing upon the author''s real-life experiences, you''ll learn how to select quality dividend growth stocks and craft a portfolio that will lead to an ever-growing income stream. Dividend growth investing is one of the most straightforward investing strategies. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Instead, it focuses on quality companies that have survived decades of adversity. By the time you finish this book, you will have all the tools you need to sleep well at night regardless of what the market is doing, knowing your income is safe and growing. Whether you are a new investor or an experienced trader, you will be able to apply the principles you pick up in this guide to make your investing a roaring success! Learn the reasons dividend growth investing is a real, sleep-well-at-night investing strategy. Shows how to find and evaluate the best dividend growth stocks in an easy-to-understand format. You will learn how to create and manage your dividend growth portfolio. Contains a glossary of standard dividend growth terms. Full of personal insights into the author''s dividend growth experience.

Fear-Less Do More

release date: Apr 10, 2017
Fear-Less Do More
There is a quote that says, "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you''re the pilot." When you think about your life and the way you live it, I totally believe you hold the pilot''s position. God gives you the direction and tools you need to fly, in life. You get the gift and opportunity everyday to fly in faith, fear-less, and do more with your LIFE. This book is simply a challenge to you, others, and myself to live life with FLAIR and not in fear. I challenge you to take this book and discover how you can run in FAITH, embrace your PURPOSE, DREAM out loud, and FEAR-LESS in your pursuit of living a LIFE of legacy. Cheers in advance to YOU!

The Messiah Has Come, Updated Version

release date: Dec 04, 2017
The Messiah Has Come, Updated Version
This book will lead you to enlightenment and entertain you with poetry of the Father and the Son. There were a few hard days that we wrote about as ascending to the Role of Jesus is not easy. But I did it. The book of enlightenment is included in our works.There is also talk of salvation. We plan to take people into space with ginormous space ships when the time comes. Immortals discovering the solar system and later Andromeda. There is room for the mighty, the faithful, the caring, the compassionate and those who serve God almighty. To serve him is to love him and to be loved by him. Are you ready... One, two Three, Blast Off!!!

Smart Moves

release date: May 01, 1998

Personal Goal Planner

release date: Jul 01, 2000

Goal Setting 101

release date: Jan 01, 2000

The Role of Lattice Excitation in Si Etching

The Role of Lattice Excitation in Si Etching
The chemistries of fluorine, F2, and xenon difluoride, XeF2, with clean Si are basically the same, while their chemistries diverge dramatically past I ML F coverage. With a clean Si surface, F2 and XeF2 react utilizing an atom abstraction mechanism, where a surface dangling bond abstracts a F atom from the incident molecule, scattering the F atom or XeF fragment into the gas phase. Past 1 ML coverage, further exposure to F2 results in no increase in F coverage, indicating that reaction of F2 with the fluorinated Si surface does not occur. In contrast, further exposure to XeF2 results in additional reaction, increasing the coverage sufficiently beyond 1 ML F to produce the volatile etch product, SiF 4. The experiments described in this thesis explain the observed difference in reactivity of F2 and XeF2 with a fluorinated Si surface as vibrational excitation of the Si lattice, induced by the initial collisions of XeF2 with the surface that enable a barrierless reaction of the fluorine carried on the Xe with the Si-Si bonds of the surface or lattice. The possibility of enhancement of the reactivity of F2 by vibrational excitation of the fluorinated Si lattice is studied using the van der Waals dimer Kr(F2). Kr(F2) is produced by coexpansion of F2 and Kr in a molecular beam. It has the mass of bound KrF2 with the chemical properties of F2. Any increase in Si reactivity using Kr(F2) compared to that of F2 can be attributed to the mass of the molecule, since the dimer is basically a heavy F2 molecule. After exposure of the fluorinated Si to Kr(F2) molecules, the final F coverage is measured. With an estimate of Kr(F2) exposure already calculated, the reaction probability is then found. The Kr(F2) species is shown to have a reaction probability (Pads = 0.04) that is several orders of magnitude greater than that measured for F2 (Pads ~10-4) and around 20 times less than that for XeF2 (Pads = 0.9.) A simple classical model is presented to explain the reactivity difference of F2 and XeF2 with Si. Using simulation, the amount of energy transferred by a given mass to the Si surface, along with number of collisions and Si lattice excitation time, is determined. From the simulation, XeF2 suffers 2-3 more collisions with Si than does F2 . Since more collisions are occurring using XeF2, the Si lattice is deformed for a longer period of time. Therefore, the Si-Si lattice bonds are stretched and compressed for a longer period of time, an advantageous situation for further reaction with the fluorine bound to the Xe. Excitation of the surface lattice may play a role in the reactivities of XeF2 and F2 with Si. This mechanism has not been fully investigated previously, and may account for the large difference in reactivity that is observed for these species. This study shows for the first time that the energy transferred to a surface as a result of a molecule''s initial collision with it plays a critical role in the reaction probability in a molecule-surface interaction. Furthermore, this mechanism should apply to other semiconductor etchants, and must be considered in future kinetic models of such etchant systems.

The Myths and Realities

release date: May 01, 1998

Genetic and Molecular Analysis of Skeletal Joint Development

release date: Jan 01, 2003

Goal Setting Forms

release date: Sep 01, 2000

Thermal Hydraulic Performance Analysis of a Small Integral Pressurized Water Reactor Core

Thermal Hydraulic Performance Analysis of a Small Integral Pressurized Water Reactor Core
A thermal hydraulic analysis of the International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS) core has been performed. Thermal margins for steady state and a selection of Loss Of Flow Accidents have been assessed using three methodologies to account for uncertainty. The thermal hydraulic analysis has shown that the IRIS is designed with adequate thermal margin for steady state operation, the locked rotor/shaft shear accident (LR/SS) and for variants of the partial loss of flow accident. To treat uncertainties, three methods were used, ranging from conservative, deterministic methods, to more realistic and computationally demanding Monte Carlo-based methods. To facilitate the computational requirements of the thermal hydraulic analysis, a script-based interface was created for VIPRE. This scripted interface (written in Matlab) supplants the existing file-based interface. This interface allows for repeated, automatic execution of the VIPRE code on a script-modifiable input data, and parses and stores output data to disk. This endows the analyst with much greater power to use VIPRE in parametric studies, or using the Monte Carlo-based uncertainty analysis methodology. The Matlab environment also provides powerful visualization capability that greatly eases the task of data analysis.

Structuring texts

release date: Jan 01, 2012

The Joy of Failure

release date: May 01, 1998

Building Your Bridge to the New Economy

release date: Oct 01, 2001
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