New Releases by Robert Galbraith

Robert Galbraith is the author of The Running Grave: Cormoran Strike Book 7 (2024), Cormoran Strike #6: The Ink Black Heart (2023), The Bone Builders Exercise (2023), The Diet for Strong Bones (2023), The Ink Black Heart (2022).

1 - 30 of 54 results

The Running Grave: Cormoran Strike Book 7

release date: Jun 20, 2024

Cormoran Strike #6: The Ink Black Heart

release date: Aug 25, 2023
Cormoran Strike #6: The Ink Black Heart
Ketika Edie Ledwell, dalam keadaan panik dan awut-awutan, muncul di kantor biro detektif serta meminta berbicara dengannya, Robin Ellacott tidak yakin bagaimana harus menangani situasi tersebut. Edie, kokreator kartun populer The Ink Black Heart, dipersekusi oleh sosok online misterius yang menggunakan nama samaran Anomie. Dia ingin mengetahui identitas Anomie yang sebenarnya. Robin memutuskan bahwa biro detektif mereka tidak dapat membantu Edie---dan Robin tidak memikirkannya lagi hingga beberapa hari kemudian dia membaca berita mengejutkan bahwa Edie Ledwell telah dibunuh di Highgate Cemetery, lokasi The Ink Black Heart. Robin dan partner bisnisnya, Cormoran Strike, terseret dalam upaya keras mengungkap identitas sejati Anomie. Namun, dunia daring yang kompleks dan ruwet penuh nama alias, sementara kepentingan bisnis serta konflik keluarga mesti dihadapi, Strike dan Robin terlibat kasus yang menguji kemampuan deduksi merekaÉ dan mengancam keberlangsungan hidup serta penghidupan mereka. Misteri yang cerdas dan menegangkan. The Ink Black Heart adalah karya Robert Galbraith yang membuktikan kekuatan, keterampilan, dan kecerdikannya. Robert Galbraith adalah nama alias J.K. Rowling, pengarang serial HARRY POTTER. THE INK BLACK HEART adalah buku keenam dari serial detektif Cormoran Strike. Film serialnya ditayangkan di HBO Go dengan judul seri C.B. STRIKE.

The Bone Builders Exercise

release date: Aug 21, 2023
The Bone Builders Exercise
Are you ready to take charge of your bone health and embark on a journey towards a stronger, more vibrant life? Look no further! Unveil the secrets to maintaining robust bones and enjoying a life full of vitality with our comprehensive guide - "The Bone Builders Exercise." Inside this transformative book, you''ll discover: Expert-Backed Knowledge: Dive into a treasure trove of scientifically proven insights and strategies, crafted by leading experts in the field of bone health. Arm yourself with the latest information on bone physiology and cutting-edge exercise techniques that cater specifically to bone strength. Targeted Workouts: Unleash the power of purposeful exercises designed to stimulate bone growth and increase density. Our meticulously crafted workout routines are tailored to engage your bones in dynamic ways, ensuring optimal results and minimizing the risk of fractures. Nutrition Guidance: Learn that strong bones start from within. Delve into our comprehensive nutritional guide that highlights bone-friendly foods, vitamins, and minerals essential for supporting your skeletal health. Discover the perfect balance between calcium, vitamin D, and other vital nutrients. Mind-Body Connection: Understand the profound influence of lifestyle factors on your bone health. Explore mindfulness techniques and stress-reduction exercises that contribute to the overall wellness of your bones. A holistic approach for a stronger you! Progress Tracking: Keep your motivation soaring high with our personalized progress tracking tools. Witness your journey from vulnerability to resilience as you monitor the positive changes in your bone health, strength, and agility. Prevention Strategies: Prevention is the key, and our guide arms you with the tools you need to thwart bone-related issues. Equip yourself with knowledge about osteoporosis and other bone conditions, along with strategies to minimize risks at any stage of life. Lifestyle Integration: Embrace bone health as a lifelong commitment. Uncover practical tips for seamlessly integrating bone-strengthening habits into your daily routine. Enjoy the benefits of increased bone density while living life to the fullest. Ready to embark on a journey towards unbreakable bones and unparalleled vitality? Don''t wait any longer! Take action now and secure your copy of "The Bone Builders Exercise." Your bones will thank you as you stride confidently towards a future filled with strength, flexibility, and boundless energy. Purchase your ticket to stronger bones today - because your skeletal health is the foundation upon which you build a remarkable life!

The Diet for Strong Bones

release date: Aug 03, 2023
The Diet for Strong Bones
Welcome to "The Bone Builder''s Diet" - the ultimate guide to achieving strong, resilient bones and a lifetime of vitality! Are you ready to unlock the secret to bone health and radiate confidence in every step you take? Look no further, as we present to you the most compelling and attractive diet plan tailored specifically for building strong, unbreakable bones. Imagine a life where you can leap without fear, run with grace, and dance with joy, knowing that your bones are fortified and ready for any challenge that comes your way. "The Bone Builder''s Diet" is your key to unlocking this vibrant, empowered lifestyle. We understand that strong bones are not just essential for preventing fractures and osteoporosis; they are the foundation of a fulfilling, active life. Our meticulously curated diet plan combines scientific expertise with delicious flavors to ensure you relish every moment of your bone-building journey. This diet plan is an exquisite fusion of the most nutrient-dense foods that nature has to offer. Picture a symphony of fresh, leafy greens, vitamin-rich fruits, protein-packed lean meats, and an array of calcium-infused dairy alternatives. Nourishing your bones has never tasted this divine! But wait, there''s more! "The Bone Builder''s Diet" is not just about what you eat; it''s also about how you eat. We have thoughtfully designed meal patterns that encourage mindful eating and proper nutrient absorption. With our guidance, you will savor each bite and experience the profound connection between food and nourishment. Gone are the days of restrictive diets and flavorless meals. Our certified nutritionists have crafted a collection of delectable recipes that cater to every palate - from tantalizing smoothie bowls to hearty salads brimming with flavor and texture. It''s a journey of gastronomic delight like no other! Picture yourself engaged in enjoyable, bone-strengthening exercises, seamlessly integrated into "The Bone Builder''s Diet" plan. This synergy ensures that your muscles and bones work in perfect harmony, bolstering your overall strength and agility. What sets "The Bone Builder''s Diet" apart is the personalized touch we offer. Our team of experts is dedicated to understanding your unique needs and goals, tailoring the plan to suit your lifestyle. Whether you''re an active athlete, a busy professional, or a wise senior, we''ve got you covered! But let''s not forget the beauty of consistency. "The Bone Builder''s Diet" is not a fad; it''s a life-long commitment to your well-being. Imagine a future where you enjoy your golden years with the same vigor you had in your youth - that''s the power of our bone-building approach! So, if you''re ready to embrace life to the fullest, if you''re determined to move with strength and poise, if you''re seeking a diet that elevates your bones and your spirit, "The Bone Builder''s Diet" is your ticket to an extraordinary journey of health and vitality.

The Ink Black Heart

release date: Aug 30, 2022
The Ink Black Heart
The latest installment in the highly acclaimed, internationally bestselling Strike series finds Cormoran and Robin ensnared in another winding, wicked case. When frantic, disheveled Edie Ledwell appears in the office begging to speak to her, private detective Robin Ellacott doesn’t know quite what to make of the situation. The cocreator of a popular cartoon, The Ink Black Heart, Edie is being persecuted by a mysterious online figure who goes by the pseudonym of Anomie. Edie is desperate to uncover Anomie’s true identity. Robin decides that the agency can’t help with this—and thinks nothing more of it until a few days later, when she reads the shocking news that Edie has been tasered and then murdered in Highgate Cemetery, the location of The Ink Black Heart. Robin and her business partner, Cormoran Strike, become drawn into the quest to uncover Anomie’s true identity. But with a complex web of online aliases, business interests and family conflicts to navigate, Strike and Robin find themselves embroiled in a case that stretches their powers of deduction to the limits – and which threatens them in new and horrifying ways . . . A gripping, fiendishly clever mystery, The Ink Black Heart is a true tour-de-force. *Some of the more complex layouts in the book are rendered as images in the ebook version so that you can enlarge on your preferred reading device*

Sang trouble

release date: Feb 16, 2022
Sang trouble
Cormoran Strike est en visite dans sa famille en Cornouailles quand une inconnue l’approche pour lui demander de l’aide. Elle aimerait retrouver sa mère, Margot Bamborough, disparue dans des circonstances jamais éclaircies en 1974. Strike n’a encore jamais travaillé sur une affaire classée, et en l’occurrence, 40 ans se sont écoulés depuis les faits. Intrigué, il accepte, malgré le peu de chances de résoudre l’affaire et la longue liste des cas sur lesquels lui et son associée Robin Ellacott travaillent déjà. Cette dernière est embourbée dans un divorce déjà compliqué, ses sentiments pour Strike n’arrangeant rien. Petit à petit, l’enquête apparaît comme extraordinairement complexe. Sur leur chemin, Robin et Strike rencontrent des témoins peu fiables, s’interrogent sur des jeux de tarots, tout en poursuivant des pistes qui semblent mener vers un serial killer psychopathe. Ils apprendront bientôt, à leurs dépens, que même des affaires classées peuvent se révéler dangereuses... Ce cinquième volume de la série des Cormoran Strike, épique et labyrinthique à souhait, nous offre une lecture haletante. Incontestablement le meilleur roman de Robert Galbraith à ce jour. Traduit de l''anglais par Florianne Vidal

Kit Robert Galbraith

release date: Jan 01, 2021
Kit Robert Galbraith
Quatro livros da série de mistério e suspenses. Sob o pseudônimo Robert Galbraith, J. K. Rowling mergulha no universo das tramas policiais e apresenta um personagem que tem tudo para atrair os fãs do gênero: o detetive particular Cormoran Strike. A série protagonizada por Cormoran Strike ganhou adaptação para a BBC One e HBO. O CHAMADO DO CUCO Um livro muito divertido... um suspense motivador. Strike e sua assistente, Robin, tornaram-se uma dupla cujas aventuras futuras o leitor não pode deixar de esperar com avidez.” – The New York Times Romance policial de estreia de Robert Galbraith, pseudônimo da britânica J. K. Rowling, O chamado do Cuco conquistou resenhas elogiosas da imprensa internacional e figurou nos principais rankings dos mais vendidos do mundo. No livro, o primeiro de uma série, Strike investiga a morte da modelo Lula Landry, conhecida entre os amigos como Cuco. Enquanto a polícia considera o caso como suicídio, o irmão da jovem insiste em que ela não teria motivos para tirar a própria vida. Bonita e rica, Lula Landry tinha uma bem-sucedida carreira no mundo da moda quando despencou da sacada do apartamento onde morava em Mayfair, em Londres. Após uma breve investigação, a polícia concluiu que se tratava de suicídio, já que não havia mais ninguém no imóvel e o histórico médico da jovem incluía dependência de drogas na adolescência e um diagnóstico de transtorno bipolar. Inconformado, John Bristow, irmão mais velho de Lula, toma a iniciativa de investigar o caso por conta própria. Para isso, recorre ao detetive particular Cormoran Strike, que havia sido amigo de infância de seu irmão Charlie, morto aos 9 anos em um acidente. O cliente vem em boa hora para o veterano de guerra Strike, que enfrenta problemas na vida pessoal e profissional: afundado em dívidas e sem saber como irá se sustentar, ele é forçado a morar no escritório depois do rompimento com a noiva Charlotte. Pouco antes da chegada de Bristow, outra pessoa surge na vida de Strike. Trata-se de Robin Ellacott, uma jovem indicada por uma agência de serviços temporários para trabalhar como secretária. Esperta e curiosa, Robin vai aos poucos quebrando a resistência do novo chefe e se envolvendo na investigação, encontrando peças importantes que ajudam a montar o quebra-cabeça que representa a morte de Lula Landry. Envolvido em uma teia que mistura poder, traição, inveja e segredos sombrios, Strike coloca a vida em risco na busca pela verdade. Com um desfecho surpreendente, O chamado do Cuco mostra mais uma vez o talento de J.K. Rowling para criar personagens apaixonantes e tramas que prendem os leitores, deixando no ar a ansiedade pela próxima história. O BICHO-DA-SEDA Em O bicho-da-seda, Strike investiga o desaparecimento do escritor Owen Quine, conhecido por seu temperamento difícil. Em uma trama envolvente, a autora reúne elementos que agradam aos fãs de histórias policiais: assassinato, loucura, vingança e uma boa dose de ação. Quando Leonora, mulher de Owen, bate à porta do escritório de Strike pedindo ajuda para encontrar o marido desaparecido, o detetive decide aceitar o serviço, mesmo desconfiando de que seria difícil receber seus honorários. O que parecia um caso simples de desaparecimento proposital se revela um assassinato com requintes de crueldade: o corpo do escritor é encontrado em circunstâncias chocantes, reproduzindo a cena final de seu último livro, Bombyx Mori, ainda inédito e considerado impublicável pelos editores. A investigação de Strike se concentra nas pessoas que teriam acesso ao manuscrito. Além de Leonora, estão na lista a amante de Owen, Kathryn Kent; a agente dele, Elizabeth Tassel; o editor, Jerry Waldegrave; o dono da editora que publica as obras de Quine, Daniel Chard; a aluna do escritor em um curso de redação, Pippa Midgley; e o autor Michael Fancourt, que foi muito amigo de Owen mas cortou relações com ele depois de uma briga. Todos com um motivo em comum para odiar Quine: mesmo com os nomes trocados, podem ser reconhecidos nas descrições humilhantes dos personagens do universo grotesco de Bombyx Mori. Enquanto a polícia está quase certa de que Leonora é a culpada pela morte de Quine, os instintos de Strike dizem o contrário. Teria o detetive perdido a capacidade de analisar os fatos friamente e se deixado levar pela piedade despertada por uma viúva que cuida da filha com problemas mentais? A história de Bombyx Mori não passa de uma vingança do autor contra todos que o atormentavam ou esconde a chave para solucionar o crime? Siga as pistas deixadas por Robert Galbraith e saboreie as surpresas que levam ao fim do mistério. VOCAÇÃO PARA O MAL “Terceiro e melhor romance da envolvente série protagonizada pelo detetive particular Cormoran Strike. Robert Galbraith criou um assassino que veio para ficar, daqueles que nos provocam calafrios desde o início sombrio, mas fascinante do livro. Um thriller perfeitamente construído, recheado de surpresas que jogam com a lógica do crime perfeito.” – USA Today “Outro triunfo de Robert Galbraith. A trama assustadora é equilibrada por protagonistas de luz própria.” – People “Strike e Robin mais envolventes do que nunca.” – The New York Times Quando um misterioso pacote é entregue a Robin Ellacott, ela fica horrorizada ao descobrir que contém a perna decepada de uma mulher. Seu chefe, o detetive particular Cormoran Strike, fica menos surpreso, mas não menos alarmado. Há quatro pessoas de seu passado que ele acredita que poderiam ser responsáveis por tal crime – e Strike sabe que qualquer uma delas seria capaz de tamanha brutalidade. Mas quando a polícia foca no suspeito que Strike tem cada vez mais certeza de que não é o criminoso, ele e Robin precisam correr contra o tempo para descobrir a verdade. Vocação para o mal é um suspense diabolicamente inteligente, com reviravoltas inesperadas a cada página, e também a emocionante história de um homem e de uma mulher numa encruzilhada em suas vidas pessoais e profissionais. O livro estreou em segundo lugar na lista dos mais vendidos do The New York Times e alcançou os principais rankings nos Estados Unidos e na Inglaterra. Com o título e os nomes dos capítulos retirados de músicas da banda Blue Öyster Cult, cujas letras são baseadas na literatura de horror e tratam de temas como maldições e ocultismo, Vocação para o mal tem um clima sombrio, que mistura pedofilia, assassinatos em série e Transtorno de Identidade da Integridade Corporal (TIIC), distúrbio psicológico raro que faz uma pessoa querer amputar seus membros saudáveis. Será que a dupla de investigadores consegue identificar seu perseguidor e sair ilesa? BRANCO LETAL O romance mais épico de Robert Galbraith escrito até então, Branco letal é ao mesmo tempo um policial emocionante e um novo episódio da história em curso de Cormoran Strike e Robin Ellacott. “Eu vi matarem menino... foi estrangulado, no cavalo.” Quando Billy, um jovem problemático, vai à agência do detetive particular Cormoran Strike procurando sua ajuda na investigação de um crime que ele pensa ter testemunhado quando criança, Strike fica profundamente aflito. Embora tenha problemas mentais evidentes e não consiga se lembrar de muitos detalhes concretos, há algo de sincero nele e na história que conta. Mas antes que Strike consiga interrogá-lo melhor, Billy foge de seu escritório em pânico. Tentando chegar ao fundo da história de Billy, Strike e Robin Ellacott — antes sua secretária, agora uma sócia na agência — partem seguindo um rastro tortuoso que os leva pelas ruas do submundo de Londres, até um refúgio secreto dentro do Parlamento e a uma mansão bela, porém sinistra, no interior do país. E durante esta investigação labiríntica, a própria vida de Strike não está nada fácil: graças à fama recente como detetive particular, ele não consegue mais agir nos bastidores, como antigamente. Além disso, sua relação com a antiga secretária carrega mais tensão do que no passado — Robin agora é inestimável para Strike nos negócios, mas a relação pessoal dos dois é muito mais espinhosa.

The Cormoran Strike Novels, Books 1–4

release date: Sep 29, 2020
The Cormoran Strike Novels, Books 1–4
The first four novels in Robert Galbraith''s "wonderfully entertaining" series (Harlan Coben) featuring the private detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellacott. This omnibus set includes the novels The Cuckoo''s Calling, The Silkworm, Career of Evil, and Lethal White. Each of these novels is compulsively readable, with twists at every turn. You may think you know detectives, but you’ve never met one quite like Strike. "Rowling’s wizardry as a writer is on abundant display...This is a crime series deeply rooted in the real world, where brutality and ugliness are leavened by the oh-so-human flaws and virtues of Galbraith’s irresistible hero and heroine." --USA Today

Troubled Blood

release date: Sep 15, 2020
Troubled Blood
In the epic fifth installment in this “compulsively readable” (People) series, Galbraith’s “irresistible hero and heroine” (USA Today) take on the decades-old cold case of a missing doctor, one which may be their grisliest yet. Private Detective Cormoran Strike is visiting his family in Cornwall when he is approached by a woman asking for help finding her mother, Margot Bamborough—who went missing in mysterious circumstances in 1974. Strike has never tackled a cold case before, let alone one forty years old. But despite the slim chance of success, he is intrigued and takes it on; adding to the long list of cases that he and his partner in the agency, Robin Ellacott, are currently working on. And Robin herself is also juggling a messy divorce and unwanted male attention, as well as battling her own feelings about Strike. As Strike and Robin investigate Margot’s disappearance, they come up against a fiendishly complex case with leads that include tarot cards, a psychopathic serial killer and witnesses who cannot all be trusted. And they learn that even cases decades old can prove to be deadly . . .

Halalos Feher

release date: Jan 01, 2020

Bentezhna krov

release date: Jan 01, 2020

Cormoran Strike#4: Kuda Putih (The Lethal White)

release date: Jul 29, 2019
Cormoran Strike#4: Kuda Putih (The Lethal White)
“Aku melihat anak itu mati … dicekik, di kuda sana.” Billy, seorang pemuda dengan gangguan kejiwaan, datang ke kantor Cormoran Strike untuk meminta bantuan Strike menyelidiki kejahatan yang dilihatnya semasa kecil. Walaupun Billy jelas-jelas sakit parah, ada kesan tulus pada dirinya dan cerita yang dia sampaikan sehingga membuat Strike resah. Namun, sebelum Strike sempat menanyainya lebih jauh, Billy kabur dengan panik dari kantornya. Untuk membuktikan kebenaran cerita Billy, Strike dan Robin Ellacott—dulu asistennya, kini partner di biro detektifnya—menyusuri jalur berkelok-kelok yang membawa mereka dari jalanan London, masuk ke jantung Parlemen, hingga ke rumah megah yang indah namun mencurigakan jauh di pedalaman. Sementara penyelidikan berjalan, kehidupan pribadi Strike tak kalah berliku: sebagai detektif terkenal dia tidak lagi bisa bekerja sembunyisembunyi. Hubungannya dengan partnernya pun kian rumit—Robin telah menjadi bagian penting dalam bisnisnya, tapi hubungan mereka kini memasuki ranah yang benar-benar pelik... Novel Robert Galbraith yang paling epik, Lethal White merupakan cerita misteri menegangkan yang menghadirkan kelanjutan kisah Cormoran Strike dan Robin Ellacott.

Lethal White

release date: Sep 18, 2018
Lethal White
An unsettling cold case investigation ensnares Cormoran Strike and his partner in a web of dangerous secrets in this #1 New York Times bestseller, the inspiration for HBO Max''s acclaimed series C.B. Strike. When a troubled young man named Billy asks Cormoran Strike to help him investigate a crime he witnessed as a child, the private eye is left deeply troubled. While Billy is obviously mentally distressed and cannot remember many concrete details, there is something sincere about him and his story. But before Strike can question him further, Billy bolts from his office in a panic. Trying to get to the bottom of Billy''s story, Strike and Robin Ellacott -- once his assistant, now a partner in the agency -- set off on a twisting trail that leads them through the backstreets of London, into a secretive inner sanctum within Parliament, and to a beautiful but sinister manor house deep in the countryside. And during this labyrinthine investigation, Strike''s own life is far from straightforward. His newfound fame as a private eye means he can no longer operate behind the scenes as he once did. Plus, his relationship with his former assistant is more fraught than it ever has been; Robin is now invaluable to Strike in the business, but their personal relationship is much, much trickier than that. The most epic Robert Galbraith novel yet, Lethal White is "addictive, murderous fun" for British mystery lovers and crime fiction fans alike (Vox).

Career of Evil

release date: Oct 20, 2015
Career of Evil
A disturbing package leads Detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellacott to investigate four dangerous murder suspects in this "magnetic" British mystery (Michiko Kakutani, New York Times) that inspired the acclaimed HBO Max series C.B. Strike. When Robin Ellacott opens an unexpected delivery, she is horrified to discover that it contains a woman''s severed leg. Her boss, private detective Cormoran Strike, is less surprised but just as alarmed. He suspects that four people from his past could be responsible -- and any one of them is capable of sustained and unspeakable brutality. With the police focusing on the one suspect Strike has essentially ruled out, he and Robin take matters into their own hands and delve into the dark and twisted worlds of the other three men. But as more horrendous acts occur, time is running out for the two of them . . . Career of Evil is the third in J. K. Rowling''s highly acclaimed series featuring private detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellacott. A fiendishly clever mystery with unexpected twists around every corner, Career of Evil is also a gripping story of a man and a woman at a crossroads in their personal and professional lives.

The Silkworm

release date: Jun 19, 2014
The Silkworm
Private investigator Cormoran Strike must track down a missing writer -- and a sinister killer bent on destruction -- in this "wonderfully entertaining" mystery (Harlan Coben, New York Times Book Review) that inspired the acclaimed HBO Max series C.B. Strike. When novelist Owen Quine goes missing, his wife calls in private detective Cormoran Strike. At first, Mrs. Quine just thinks her husband has gone off by himself for a few days -- as he has done before -- and she wants Strike to find him and bring him home. But as Strike investigates, he discovers that Quine''s disappearance is no coincidence. The novelist has just completed a manuscript featuring poisonous pen-portraits of almost everyone he knows. If the novel were published, it would ruin lives -- meaning that almost everyone in his life would have motives to silence him. When Quine is found brutally murdered under bizarre circumstances, Strike must race against time to understand the motivation of a ruthless killer, a killer unlike any he has encountered before . . . A compulsively readable crime novel with twists at every turn, The Silkworm is the second in J. K. Rowling''s highly acclaimed series featuring Cormoran Strike and his determined young assistant, Robin Ellacott.

The silkworm, Robert Galbraith

release date: Jan 01, 2014

The Cuckoo's Calling

release date: Apr 30, 2013
The Cuckoo's Calling
Published under a pseudonym, J. K. Rowling''s brilliant debut mystery introduces Detective Cormoran Strike as he investigates a supermodel''s suicide in "one of the best books of the year" (USA Today), the first novel in the brilliant series that inspired the acclaimed HBO Max series C.B. Strike. After losing his leg to a land mine in Afghanistan, Cormoran Strike is barely scraping by as a private investigator. Strike is down to one client, creditors are calling, and after a breakup with his longtime girlfriend, he''s living in his office. Then John Bristow walks through his door with a shocking story: His sister, the legendary supermodel Lula Landry -- known to her friends as the Cuckoo -- famously fell to her death a few months earlier. The police ruled it a suicide, but John refuses to believe that. The case plunges Strike into the world of multimillionaire beauties, rock-star boyfriends, and desperate designers, and it introduces him to every variety of pleasure, enticement, seduction, and delusion known to man. You may think you know detectives, but you''ve never met one quite like Strike. You may think you know about the wealthy and famous, but you''ve never seen them under an investigation like this.

Fracking and the Revolving Door in Pennsylvania

release date: Jan 01, 2013
Fracking and the Revolving Door in Pennsylvania
This report documents the revolving door between government and the gas industry in Pennsylvania, where numerous top government officials and environmental regulators have either left their public jobs for careers in the oil and gas industry or come to government from the private sector.

Industry Partner Or Industry Puppet?

Concordance with Orthodontic Treatment

release date: Jan 01, 2008

Drama Units 1 & 2

release date: Jan 01, 2008

Theatre Studies Units 1 & 2

release date: Jan 01, 2007

Theatre Studies Log

release date: Jan 01, 2007
Theatre Studies Log
Workbook/journal for students of VCE drama.


release date: Aug 01, 2005
Written and photographed by Canadian freelance photojournalist, Robert J. Galbraith, this is a personal, daily account of the anarchy and horror that unfolded during five weeks of war in Iraq, in April and May 2003. The independent photojournalist, who also covers assignments for the New York Times, takes us away from the bright lights of the modern media giants, describing the misery of the war that many will never see or hear about, from the streets of Baghdad, Basra, Kirkuk, Arbil, Tikrit and Mosul. The author describes, first-hand, the main flaws in the Bush strategy to win the war in Iraq. It describes how a lack of coalition troops led to the looting and civil disorder that plagued the nation. Galbraith witnesses the looting of weapons from military warehouses which were then sold on the lawless streets of Samarra by children, while coalition troops drove by. He interviews families in Saddam City who were offered food, medicine and security to join the uprising against coalition troops. Every day was a battle for survival for the street orphans who formed gangs to survive extortion by rival gangs and rape by perverts released from Saddam''s prisons. He compares the relative calm in Basra and Kurdistan with the living hell of Baghdad.

Exploring the Mind-brain Relationship

release date: Jan 01, 1996

The Noblestown United Presbyterian Church

release date: Jan 01, 1992
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