New Releases by Reki Kawahara

Reki Kawahara is the author of Sword Art Online RE: Aincrad, Vol. 2 (Manga) (2024), Sword Art Online Progressive Canon of the Golden Rule, Vol. 2 (manga) (2024), Sword Art Online Re:Aincrad, Vol. 1 (manga) (2024), Sword Art Online Progressive - Scherzo of the Deepest Night, Band 02 (2024), Sword Art Online Progressive Scherzo of Deep Night, Vol. 3 (manga) (2024).

1 - 30 of 112 results

Sword Art Online RE: Aincrad, Vol. 2 (Manga)

release date: Dec 10, 2024
Sword Art Online RE: Aincrad, Vol. 2 (Manga)
Die in the game, and you die in real life. This is Sword Art Online, the latest VRMMORPG, and Kirito now finds himself trapped in its unforgiving virtual world. By chance, he comes across a swordswoman named Asuna, who agrees to team up with him to challenge the boss of the first floor. The two join a large raid party to take down the beast, but when its attack patterns become unpredictable, the group''s resolve will be tested...

Sword Art Online Progressive Canon of the Golden Rule, Vol. 2 (manga)

release date: Jul 30, 2024
Sword Art Online Progressive Canon of the Golden Rule, Vol. 2 (manga)
After a close call with Morte and his PK gang during the Stachion questline, Asuna and Kirito make their way toward the front line. Trekking through the harsh desert, they arrive at the dark elf fortress Galey—where they’re reunited with their old companion, Kizmel, who gives them a clue about the poison pick Morte used in his last attack. But that lead will have to wait, as the three must retrieve the floor’s sacred key before the fallen elves bring their nefarious scheme that much closer to fruition...

Sword Art Online Re:Aincrad, Vol. 1 (manga)

release date: May 21, 2024
Sword Art Online Re:Aincrad, Vol. 1 (manga)
Die in the game, and you die in real life. The only way out is clearing the massive floating castle Aincrad. The pinnacle of heroic sagas kicks off here!

Sword Art Online Progressive - Scherzo of the Deepest Night, Band 02

release date: Feb 14, 2024
Sword Art Online Progressive - Scherzo of the Deepest Night, Band 02
Nach einer kurzen Ruhepause überlegen Kirito und Asuna, wie sie das finstere Komplott der PK-Spieler vereiteln können. Sie kommen zu dem Schluss, dass sie den Boss vor allen anderen besiegen müssen, um eine Eskalation des Konflikts zwischen den großen Gilden zu vermeiden! Allerdings ist das mit großen Risiken verbunden!

Sword Art Online Progressive Scherzo of Deep Night, Vol. 3 (manga)

release date: Jan 23, 2024
Sword Art Online Progressive Scherzo of Deep Night, Vol. 3 (manga)
The battle against the fifth-floor golem boss begins with a bang! Titanic limbs snatch and stomp at the small party of elites Kirito and Asuna hastily brought together, threatening to eviscerate the players long before they get their hands on the flag they came for...Will their risky plan succeed? Or will rushing to complete the floor end in the worst of all ways—dead friends, a war between the guilds, and halted progress toward escaping the game?!

Sword Art Online 27 (light novel)

release date: Aug 22, 2023
Sword Art Online 27 (light novel)
After two hundred years, Kirito is finally reunited with Selka, Ronie and Tiese, but the girls are shocked to see Eolyne, who bears a striking resemblance to their fallen comrade. Then, with no time to process their feelings, the three Integrity Knights are thrown into battle alongside Eolyne and the Integrity Pilots. The old defenders of the Underworld join the new as the next chapter of the Unital Ring arc commences!

Alicization awakening. Sword art online: 17

release date: May 10, 2023
Alicization awakening. Sword art online: 17
«Alice, la Sacerdotessa di luce, cadrà in mano mia, anche a costo di sacrificare l''intero esercito dell''oscurità.» Siamo al secondo giorno della fase finale dell''esperimento di carico. Decimato dalle gesta impavide dei Cavalieri d''Integrità, l''esercito del Dark Territory ricorre a una mossa sleale: Critter, il mercenario impegnato a osservare l''Underworld dall''esterno, ha iniziato a inviare sul campo di battaglia anche esseri umani provenienti dal mondo reale e il numero dei beta tester interessati al "VRMMO di ultima generazione" supera le cinquantamila unità. L''esercito del mondo umano viene quindi messo alle strette dai rinforzi delle truppe dell''oscurità. Asuna non è in grado di affrontarli da sola, ma ecco che nell''Underworld fanno la loro comparsa le altre dee della creazione: Solus, la lucente divinità solare, e Terraria, l''amorevole divinità della terra. E se dietro alle loro fattezze si nascondessero Sinon e Leafa?

Alicization exploding. Sword art online: 16

release date: May 10, 2023
Alicization exploding. Sword art online: 16
Gabriel Miller nei panni del dio delle tenebre Vector guida un esercito invasore di cinquantamila unità contro le cinquemila dell''esercito di difesa del mondo umano, comandate dal Cavaliere d''Integrità Bercouli. I Cavalieri d''Integrità, a cominciare da Fanatio con la sua spada che trafigge i cieli, resistono sperando di rovesciare il terribile svantaggio numerico, ma la tribù dei goblin di montagna ha un piano per superare le linee difensive e attaccare le truppe di supporto nelle retrovie.

Sword Art Online - Mother's Rosario (Light novel): 7

release date: May 04, 2023
Sword Art Online - Mother's Rosario (Light novel): 7
È passata già qualche settimana dal caso “Death Gun” in cui è rimasto coinvolto anche Kirito. Su “Alfheim Online”, un VRMMO in cui è possibile volare, sta accadendo qualcosa di strano. A nord della città principale del ventiquattresimo piano della nuova mappa che include il castello fluttuante di Aincrad, è comparso un avatar misterioso che ha cominciato a sfidare chiunque a duello, uno contro uno, mettendo in palio la sua personale Original Sword Skill. Quell’avatar, soprannominato Zekken, la Spada Assoluta, è riuscito a sconfiggere persino Kirito, ma Asuna decide di accettare comunque la sfida, perdendo per un soffio. Non appena finito il duello, però, Zekken invita Asuna a entrare a far parte della sua gilda! La forza della spada di Zekken è indubbia, ma forse in essa si cela un segreto...

Alicization beginning. Sword art online: 9

release date: May 04, 2023
Alicization beginning. Sword art online: 9
Kirito viene assunto da una potente azienda per aiutare a sviluppare intelligenze artificiali. Il suo compito sarà immergersi, senza mantenere nessuna memoria della sua vita “umana”, in un mondo virtuale popolato da AI (dove il tempo scorre in modo diverso) per capire come funziona la loro mente. Ciò che il ragazzo non immagina è che il vero obiettivo della sua missione sia quello di agire da inconsapevole grimaldello per sbloccare capacità che renderebbero le AI perfette macchine da guerra!

Early and late. Sword art online: 8

release date: May 04, 2023
Early and late. Sword art online: 8
Asuna, Kirito e compagni tornano per quattro racconti (due dei quali non ancora adattati dalla serie animata), tra cui il celebre episodio Calibur! Tra spade leggendarie, nuov avversari e vecchie conoscenze, questa serie non smette mai di stupire.

Alicization turning. Sword art online: 11

release date: May 04, 2023
Alicization turning. Sword art online: 11
All''interno del misterioso mondo fantasy, Kirito ed Eugeo sono diventati Spadaccini d''alto livello all''Accademia Imperiale di Scherma di Centoria nord e passano le loro giornate allenandosi per diventare Cavalieri d''Integrità. Il tempo trascorre serenamente finché... le loro attendenti non cadono nella sordida trappola di due nobili.

Sword Art Online - Fairy Dance 1 (light novel)

release date: May 04, 2023
Sword Art Online - Fairy Dance 1 (light novel)
Dopo il successo di Aincrad, SWORD ART ONLINE, la spettacolare saga fantasy campione d’incassi in tutto il mondo, torna con un imperdibile secondo arco narrativo, FAIRY DANCE, che dopo la versione manga J-Pop porta in Italia anche nell’attesa light novel originale!

Sword Art Online 26 (light novel)

release date: Mar 21, 2023
Sword Art Online 26 (light novel)
On the eightieth floor of the Central Cathedral, Kirito, Asuna, and Alice reunite with the petrified visage of Selka...and discover two more statuesque figures in need of assistance! Before Kirito can figure out a cure, though, he’s pulled away to Planet Admina to investigate an encroaching threat to the Underworld. Meanwhile, in Unital Ring, Sinon, Silica, and company are giving their all in the fight against the field bosses, but the conflict intensifies in a way almost no one could have predicted...

Sword Art Online 25 (light novel)

release date: Sep 20, 2022
Sword Art Online 25 (light novel)
READ THE NOVEL THAT IGNITED THE PHENOMENON! Kirito’s chance encounter with Eolyne, a man who bears a heart-rending resemblance to Eugeo, shakes him to his core. But now is no time to be sentimental. The fires of interworld war are being lit one by one, and the peaceful days in the Underworld may be numbered. Elsewhere, the decisive battle against Mutasina of the Virtual Study Society looms, and to make matters even worse, she’s used her powers to take a battalion of one hundred mages under her command! Can Kirito and company devise a strategy to defy their overwhelming disadvantage before time runs out...?

Sword Art Online Progressive 8 (light novel)

release date: Jun 07, 2022
Sword Art Online Progressive 8 (light novel)
A RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK! The secret feud between the Nachtoy and the Korloy families, who control the Volupta Grand Casino on the seventh floor, takes an unprecedented turn when Kirito and Asuna intervene. But when Kirito attempts to expose the Korloy family’s misdeeds, he ends up stumbling into a trap. Now he has just two days to unravel a mystery, put an end to an unscrupulous conspiracy, and defeat the floor boss. It’s all leading up to a showdown in the arena where everything’s on the line!

Sword Art Online 24 (light novel)

release date: May 03, 2022
Sword Art Online 24 (light novel)
READ THE NOVEL THAT IGNITED THE PHENOMENON! In the world of Unital Ring, the foreboding presence that has been targeting the party finally makes itself known! Elsewhere, a reunion with Seijirou Kikuoka leads Kirito, Asuna, and Alice back to the Underworld, where two-hundred years have passed since the great war. There, they meet descendants of Ronie and Tiese, as well as the new leader of the Integrity Knights. But something about this man seems all too familiar...A certain glint in his eyes reminiscent of someone dearly departed...

Sword Art Online Progressive 7 (light novel)

release date: Jan 18, 2022
Sword Art Online Progressive 7 (light novel)
LUCK BE A LADY TONIGHT! u200bThe seventh floor of Aincrad—a massive casino where over half the game’s beta testers dropped out before launch. Kirito was among the many who lost everything in its Battle Arena back then. When an informant named Argo the Rat entices Kirito and Asuna with knowledge that could aid in their investigation, the pair soon plunge into the casino’s dark underbelly once more. Meanwhile, the “Elf War” quest also reaches a sudden turning point when a flurry of crises rock the dark elves’ home!

Sword Art Online 23 (light novel)

release date: Nov 09, 2021
Sword Art Online 23 (light novel)
READ THE NOVEL THAT IGNITED THE PHENOMENON! u200bAs Kirito, Asuna, and Alice brave the wilds of the mysterious VRMMO Unital Ring, Sinon’s introduction to the world is equally harrowing. After numerous setbacks, she finds herself without friends or equipment—and barely any thirst points left to her name. Backed against a wall, she’ll need to defeat a terrifying boss monster to survive. Meanwhile, Kirito’s group splits up in order to search for Sinon and defend their home, unaware that a mysterious assailant lies in wait...

Accel World, Vol. 25 (light novel)

release date: Nov 09, 2021
Accel World, Vol. 25 (light novel)
PREPARE FOR A FULL DIVE! u200bFollowing a narrow triumph against the Sun God Inti, Haruyuki and company are immediately faced with a new adversary: The Deity of Demise, Tezcatlipoca, whose appearance heralds the ends of the Accelerated World as they know it. To stand a chance, Haruyuki will once again have to dig deep and discover new reserves of untapped power. At the same time, the battle against White Cosmos and her Legion enters the endgame. As the Burst Linkers fall one by one to these mighty foes, Haruyuki makes his most difficult decision yet...

Sword Art Online – Alicization uniting– Light Novel 14

release date: Oct 01, 2021
Sword Art Online – Alicization uniting– Light Novel 14
Kirito hat in den zwei langen Jahren seit seinem ersten Erwachen in der rätselhaften Fantasy-Welt Underworld unzählige Kämpfe gefochten. Doch sein größter Kampf steht ihm noch bevor. Als Kirito und Alice sich der Kammer Administrators auf der Spitze der Central Cathedral nähern, treffen sie im neunundneunzigsten Stockwerk auf einen äußerst vertrauten Feind. Das letzte Hindernis, das sich ihnen in den Weg stellt, ist kein Geringerer als Eugeo! Kann Kirito den Geist seines Freundes erreichen? Oder wird endgültig Administrators Macht siegen?

Sword Art Online 22 (light novel)

release date: Jun 22, 2021
Sword Art Online 22 (light novel)
READ THE NOVEL THAT IGNITED THE PHENOMENON! u200bEveryone knows that any good MMO has an abundance of side quests to supplement the main story line. With that in mind, join Kirito and friends for a peek behind the scenes across four never-before-seen side stories! The Day Before: Kirito proposes to Asuna in-game, and soon discovers that married life has its own set of challenges. The Day After: Ever since arriving in ALO with a new avatar, Asuna’s been suffering from a form of withdrawal…Rainbow Bridge: After conquering the undersea temple, a mysterious conversation between Kraken and Leviathan sparks yet another adventure for Kirito’s party. Sisters’ Prayer: A heartwarming tale of two siblings and their involvement with the VR realm.

Sword Art Online: Girls' Ops, Vol. 7

release date: Jun 08, 2021
Sword Art Online: Girls' Ops, Vol. 7
To steal the recipe for the Fairy Mallet and complete their quest, Silica and company infiltrate the Elves and Shoemaker guild. But Granze, the guild’s leader, is not so easily outwitted—using the Gjallarhorn, a legendary instrument that summons a veritable army of soldiers to her side, she launches her assault! What’s more, the soldiers are created from old SAO data, and their leader bears an uncanny resemblance to the Black Swordsman...

Sword Art Online – Alicization– Light Novel 13

release date: Jun 01, 2021
Sword Art Online – Alicization– Light Novel 13
Vor über zwei Jahren landete Kirito, der Held der SAO-Krise, in einer rätselhaften Fantasy-Welt: Underworld. Auf halbem Weg zur Spitze der Central Cathedral, um dort endgültig der Welt zu entfliehen, wurden nun auch noch er und sein Freund Eugeo getrennt. Doch Kirito gibt nicht auf und macht sich von außen an den Aufstieg. Ihm bleibt keine andere Wahl, als mit dem Feind zusammenzuarbeiten, und ständig droht der Sturz in den Tod. Eugeo trifft es noch härter: Er muss sich dem Kommandanten der Integrationsritter, Bercouli Synthesis One, stellen!

Sword Art Online progressive 3

release date: Jun 01, 2021

Accel World, Vol. 24 (light novel)

release date: Apr 27, 2021
Accel World, Vol. 24 (light novel)
PREPARE FOR A FULL DIVE! u200bPhysical attacks and special abilities mean next to nothing against the overwhelming might of the Sun God Inti. However, its defeat is the key to reaching Snow White, which means the hopes of the six Legions once again rest with Haruyuki and his Lucid Blade. In order to succeed in this death-defying endeavor, he’ll have to hone his skill with the Incarnate weapon. And so, he sets out to master the mysterious Omega style of swordsmanship. His instructor? The third Chrome Disaster: Centaurea Sentry...

Sword Art Online Project Alicization 04

release date: Mar 01, 2021
Sword Art Online Project Alicization 04
Raios und Humbert haben ein perfides Komplott geschmiedet und locken Kiritos und Eugeos Pagen Ronie und Tiese in eine Falle. Die beiden Elite-Kadetten eilen ihren Schützlingen umgehend zu Hilfe. Doch die grausamen Adligen werden vom Tabu-Index geschützt!

Sword Art Online 21 (light novel)

release date: Jan 19, 2021
Sword Art Online 21 (light novel)
READ THE NOVEL THAT IGNITED THE PHENOMENON! A year has passed since Kirito and Asuna’s return from the Underworld. With them is Alice, who has been given a physical body. But their peace is quickly broken when the three are suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar game, Unital Ring. This new world is a survival MMO that fuses together every VRMMO created with the Seed program. As soon as it starts, Kirito finds himself with nothing but his underwear. Now, he’s got to challenge a mysterious VRMMOSVG under desperate circumstances!

Accel World, Vol. 23 (light novel)

release date: Dec 15, 2020
Accel World, Vol. 23 (light novel)
Prepare for a full dive! At long last, Haruyuki and the others have exposed the White Legion as the villains they are! Sadly, the celebration is short-lived. In a harrowing turn of events, Kuroyukihime and the other kings fall victim to a deadly trap laid by White Cosmos herself! Now at the mercy of every Burst Linker’s worst fear, Unlimited EK, the Legion leaders’ hopes rest with Haruyuki once again—but to save them, he’ll have to triumph against his toughest opponent yet: the Sun God Inti...

Sword Art Online: Project Alicization, Vol. 1 (manga)

release date: Dec 08, 2020
Sword Art Online: Project Alicization, Vol. 1 (manga)
"This might be a game, but it''s not something you play." - Akihiko Kayaba, Sword Art Online programmerWith no memory of how he got there, Kirito wakes up in a mysterious virtual world, and it''s up to him to find a way back home. But with no way to log out and no idea what kind of land he''s found himself in, he''s going to need allies! As a new tale unfolds, Kirito''s journey through the Underworld begins!
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