New Releases by Peter J. Leithart

Peter J. Leithart is the author of Creator (2023), The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism (2023), Apocalipsis: Un Comentario Teológico (2023), ApocalipsisUn Comentario Teológico (2023), On Earth as in Heaven (2022).

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release date: Dec 05, 2023
Discussion about God''s work of creation are often overwhelmed by questions such as the age of the earth and the relationship between divine creation and evolution. Without completely ignoring these issues, this rigorously grounded theological interpretation of Genesis 1 engages thinkers like Plato, Martin Luther, and Karl Barth.

The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism

release date: Nov 01, 2023
The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism
A life discipled by the catechism. The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism is perfect for daily devotions, personal study, and prayer with others. Let the catechism of the Ten Commandments, Apostles'' Creed, and the Lord''s Prayer guide your devotional life. Experience a simple liturgy of morning and evening prayer. Pray fresh prayers inspired by the catechism. Read Scripture with the church year. Understand the riches of the catechism with Peter J. Leithart, Ben Myers, and Wesley Hill. The catechism— the Ten Commandments, the Apostles'' Creed, and the Lord''s Prayer—has sustained and nurtured every generation of believers, directing their faith, hope, and love. It helps Christians read, pray, and live God''s word. By giving Christians God''s word to give back to him, it plants seeds of his word and cultivates them to full growth. The Collected Christian Essentials: Catechism brings the church''s ancient catechism to a new generation. The twenty-four catechism prayers were written by the Right Reverend Joey Royal, Suffragan Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Arctic.

Apocalipsis: Un Comentario Teológico

release date: Jun 21, 2023

ApocalipsisUn Comentario Teológico

release date: Jun 20, 2023

On Earth as in Heaven

release date: Sep 07, 2022
On Earth as in Heaven
The heavenly city of God resurrects the cities of men. On Earth as in Heaven calls the church to embrace her identity and mission as one shaped by biblical theology and liturgy. The world grows increasingly polarized and politicized, but the church''s commission remains unchanged. Christians carry out Jesus''s mission by being the church. To change the world, the church needs only to be what she is—the bride of Christ—and to do what she does—teach, preach, sing, pray, break bread. Cultural and political mission and individual witness and service all spring from the church''s liturgical life. As the church proclaims God''s word and practices vibrant liturgy, she is God''s heavenly city, shining as a light to the world.

Great Stage of Fools

release date: Jul 01, 2021
Great Stage of Fools
This book gives close attention to the poetry and plotting of six Shakespeare plays, three tragedies (Coriolanus, Richard III, and King Lear) and three comedies (Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, The Merchant of Venice), paying particular attention to biblical imagery and theological themes of the plays.


release date: Mar 24, 2021
You''ve been baptized. But do you understand what it means? Baptism is the doorway into membership in the church. It''s a public declaration of the washing away of our sin and the beginning of our new life in Christ. But the sacrament that is meant to unite us is often a spring of division instead. All Christians use water to baptize. All invoke the triune name. Beyond that, there''s little consensus. Talk about baptism and you''re immediately plunged into arguments. Whom should we baptize? What does baptism do? Why even do it at all? Peter Leithart reunifies a church divided by baptism. He recovers the baptismal imagination of the Bible, explaining how baptism works according to Scripture. Then, in conversation with Christian tradition, he shows why baptism is something worth recovering and worth agreeing on.

Theopolitan Liturgy

release date: Nov 20, 2019
Theopolitan Liturgy
Worship isn''t a retreat from the political and cultural clashes of our time or preparation for culture-transforming work. Culture is transformed in church liturgy. By working out a biblical theology of worship, Peter J. Leithart shows how the church''s liturgy Christianizes culture, moving creation toward its consummation in the new creation.

1 & 2 Chronicles (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible)

release date: Aug 20, 2019
1 & 2 Chronicles (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible)
Peter Leithart, a respected theologian known for his ability to communicate to a broad audience, offers a theological reading of 1 and 2 Chronicles. Leithart uncovers the narrative logic of Chronicles, highlights the role of music and government in Israel and in the church, and shows how Judah''s history moves from the world of the monarchy to the postexilic world in which Israel is scattered among Gentiles. This commentary is designed to serve the church, providing a rich resource for preachers, teachers, students, and study groups.

The Theopolitan Vision

release date: May 14, 2019
The Theopolitan Vision
As the modern world crumbles, Christians scramble for answers. The solution is right in front of us - the Christian church, an outpost of the heavenly city among the cities of men. The Theopolitan Vision explains what the church is, and how the Spirit empowers the church''s world-transforming mission through Word and worship, Scripture and liturgy. It shows how the church can be a city of light in a dark age.

The Gospel of Matthew Through New Eyes Volume Two

release date: Jan 15, 2019
The Gospel of Matthew Through New Eyes Volume Two
In the second volume of his commentary on the gospel of Matthew, Peter Leithart presents a close study of Matthew 13 through 28, underscoring Jesus'' formation of a counter-kingdom that also retells the story of Israel. Jesus is the true Israel who takes on the roles of various Old Testament leaders: Moses the law-giver, Joshua the conqueror, Solomon the philosopher-king, Elisha the wonder-working prophet leading a company of prophets, as well as Jeremiah and Ezekiel warning of the temple''s imminent destruction. Jesus'' interactions with the leaders of Israel recapitulate Yahweh''s tortured interactions with Israel in the Old Testament. In spite of Israel''s repeated rejections, Yahweh never gave up on His beloved. His love is stronger than death, and He returns as the world-emperor to send His new Israel to disciple the nations.


release date: Jun 15, 2018
Gratitude is often understood as etiquette rather than ethics, an emotion rather than politics. It was not always so. From Seneca to Shakespeare, gratitude was a public virtue. The circle of benefaction and return of service worked to make society strong. But at the beginning of the modern era, European thinkers began to imagine a political economy freed from the burdens of gratitude. Though this rethinking was part of a larger process of secularization, it was also a distorted byproduct of an impulse ultimately rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the apostle Paul. Christians believed that God stood at the center of the circle of gratitude. God was the object of thanksgiving and God gave graciously. Thus, Christians taught that grace cancelled the oppressive debts of a purely political gratitude. Gratitude: An Intellectual History examines changing conceptions of gratitude from Homer to the present. In so doing, Peter J. Leithart highlights the profound cultural impact of early Christian "ingratitude," the release of humankind from the bonds of social and political reciprocity by a benevolent God who gave--and who continues to give--graciously.

Revelation 1-11 (ITC)

release date: Feb 22, 2018
Revelation 1-11 (ITC)
The Book of Revelation is the last book in the canon of the New Testament, and its only apocalyptic document, though there are short apocalyptic passages in various places in the gospels and the epistles. This first of two volumes on Revelation offers systematic and thorough interpretation of the book of Revelation. Revelation brings together the worlds of heaven, earth and hell in a final confrontation between the forces of good and evil. Its characters and images are both real and symbolic, spiritual and material, and it is frequently difficult to know the difference between them. Revelation''s cryptic nature has ensured that it would always be a source of controversy. This commentary focuses on the theological content, gleaning the best from both the classical and modern commentary traditions and showing the doctrinal development of Scriptural truths. Scholarship on the book of Revelation has nonetheless not only endured, but even captured the imagination of generations of Bible students, both professionals and laypeople alike. Through its focus on the message of the book through scholarly analysis, this International Theological Commentary reconnects to the ecclesial tradition of biblical commentary as an effort in ressourcement, though not slavish repetition.

Revelation 12-22 (ITC)

release date: Feb 22, 2018
Revelation 12-22 (ITC)
The Book of Revelation is the last book in the canon of the New Testament, and its only apocalyptic document, though there are short apocalyptic passages in various places in the gospels and the epistles. This second of two volumes on Revelation offers a systematic and thorough interpretation of the latter chapters of the book. Revelation brings together the worlds of heaven, earth and hell in a final confrontation between the forces of good and evil. Its characters and images are both real and symbolic, spiritual and material, and it is frequently difficult to know the difference between them, Revelation''s cryptic nature has ensure that it would always be a source of controversy. This commentary focuses on the theological content, gleaning the best from both the classical and modern commentary traditions and showing the doctrinal development of Scriptural truths. Scholarship on the book of Revelation has nonetheless not only endured, but even captured the imagination of generations of Bible students, both professionals and laypeople alike. Through its focus on the message of the book through scholarly analysis, this ITC reconnects to the ecclesial tradition of biblical commentary as an effort in ressourcement, though not slavish repetition.

Revelation 1-11

release date: Jan 01, 2017

The End of Protestantism

release date: Oct 18, 2016
The End of Protestantism
The Failure of Denominationalism and the Future of Christian Unity One of the unforeseen results of the Reformation was the shattering fragmentation of the church. Protestant tribalism was and continues to be a major hindrance to any solution to Christian division and its cultural effects. In this book, influential thinker Peter Leithart critiques American denominationalism in the context of global and historic Christianity, calls for an end to Protestant tribalism, and presents a vision for the future church that transcends post-Reformation divisions. Leithart offers pastors and churches a practical agenda, backed by theological arguments, for pursuing local unity now. Unity in the church will not be a matter of drawing all churches into a single, existing denomination, says Leithart. Returning to Catholicism or Orthodoxy is not the solution. But it is possible to move toward church unity without giving up our convictions about truth. This critique and defense of Protestantism urges readers to preserve and celebrate the central truths recovered in the Reformation while working to heal the wounds of the body of Christ.

Delivered from the Elements of the World

release date: Mar 30, 2016
Delivered from the Elements of the World
In this wide-ranging study bursting with insights, Peter Leithart explores how and why Jesus'' death and resurrection addresses the deepest realities of this world. This biblical and theological examination of atonement and justification challenges conventional perceptions and probes the depths of the death that changes everything.

Traces of the Trinity

release date: Mar 10, 2015
Traces of the Trinity
As the Triune God created the world, so creation bears the signs of its Creator. This evocative book by an influential Christian thinker explores the pattern of mutual indwelling that characterizes the creation at every level. Traces of the Trinity appear in myriad ways in everyday life, from our relations with the world and our relationships with others to sexuality, time, language, music, ethics, and logic. This small book with a big idea--the Trinity as the Christian theory of everything--changes the way we view and think about the world and places demands on the way we live together in community.

Christology, Ancient and Modern

release date: Oct 22, 2013
Christology, Ancient and Modern
A Fresh Look at the Doctrine of Christ. Christology was the central doctrine articulated by the early church councils, and it remains the subject of close theological investigation today. Christology, Ancient and Modern—the first volume in a series of published proceedings from the annual Los Angeles Theology Conference—brings together conference proceedings, surveying the field and articulating the sources, norms, and criteria for constructive theological work in Christology. The ten diverse essays in this collection include discussions on: The types of historical Christologies and evaluations of various approaches to the theology of Christ. A close look at the trajectory and divergence of modern denominational understandings of Christ''s work and person. Discussions of implications and challenges to specific Christologies regarding detailed exegetical considerations. Each of the essays collected in this volume engage with Scripture as well as with others in the field—theologians both past and present, from different confessions—in order to provide constructive resources for contemporary systematic theology and to forge a theology for the future.

Shining Glory

release date: Aug 06, 2013
Shining Glory
Terrence Malick''s stunning film The Tree of Life is a modern Job story, an exploration of suffering and glory, an honest look at strife within a Texas family in the 1950s. In Shining Glory, Peter J. Leithart examines the biblical and theological motifs of the film and illuminates how Malick exploited the visual poetry of film to produce one of the most spiritually challenging and theologically sophisticated films ever made.

Between Babel and Beast

release date: Jul 06, 2012
Between Babel and Beast
The United States is one of history''s great Christian nations, but our unique history, success, and global impact have seduced us into believing we are something more--God''s New Israel, the new order of the ages, the last best hope of mankind, a redeemer nation. Using the subtle categories that arise from biblical narrative, Between Babel and Beast analyzes how the heresy of Americanism inspired America''s rise to hegemony while blinding American Christians to our failures and abuses of power. The book demonstrates that the church best serves the genuine good of the United States by training witnesses--martyr-citizens of God''s Abrahamic empire.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

release date: Sep 26, 2011
Fyodor Dostoevsky
In his twenties, Fydor Dostoevsky, son of a Moscow doctor, graduate of a military academy, and rising star of Russian literature, found himself standing in front of a firing squad, accused of subversive activities against the Russian Tsar. Then the drums rolled, signaling that instead he was to be exiled to the living death of Siberia. Siberia was so cold the mercury froze in the thermometer. In prison, Dostoevsky was surrounded by murderers, thieves, parricides, and brigands who drank heavily, quarreled incessantly, and fought with horrible brutality. However, while "prisoners were piled on top of each other in the barracks, and the floor was matted with an inch of filth," Dostoevsky learned a great deal about the human condition that was to impact his writing as nothing had before. To absorb Dostoevsky''s remarkable life in these pages is to encounter a man who not only examined the quest of God, the problem of evil, and the suffering of innocents in his writing but also drew inspiration from his own deep Christian faith in giving voice to the common people of his nation... and ultimately the world.

Defending Constantine

release date: Sep 24, 2010
Defending Constantine
Peter Leithart weighs what we''ve been taught about Constantine and claims that in focusing on these historical mirages we have failed to notice the true significance of Constantine and Rome baptized. He reveals how beneath the surface of this contested story there lies a deeper narrative--a tectonic shift in the political theology of an empire--with far-reaching implications.

Jane Austen

release date: Mar 01, 2010
Jane Austen
Jane Austen is famous for such books as Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice, and Emma. Now learn about the author’s journey through a life spent making up stories that touched the lives of millions. Jane Austen is now what she never was in life, and what she would have been horrified to become--a literary celebrity. “Janeia” is the author’s term for the mania for all things Austen. Dive into Jane Austen: A Literary Celebrity and discover: how it all began and Austen’s love of poetry her early masterpieces and the inspiration behind the stories her road to getting published and the health decline that led to her death In this updated edition, you’ll also find discussion questions that work well for book clubs and ELA lesson plans. This biography is perfect for: Jane Austen fans and collectors men and women who have enjoyed Austen-inspired films and TV series adaptations anyone interested in learning about the varied sides of Austen’s character and the characters she created Jane Austen: A Literary Celebrity is a fascinating look at a woman who never meant to be famous.

Deep Exegesis

release date: Jan 01, 2009
Deep Exegesis
The book is a powerful invitation to enter the depths of a text.

The Epistles of John Through New Eyes

release date: Jan 01, 2009

Solomon among the Postmoderns

release date: Jan 01, 2008
Solomon among the Postmoderns
In Ecclesiastes, Solomon states that "all is vapor" and describes humans as trying to "shepherd the wind." In Solomon among the Postmoderns, author Peter J. Leithart uses these claims, as well as the entire book of Ecclesiastes, to show how Solomon resonated with postmodernism. Exploring the strengths and weaknesses of postmodernism, Leithart shows how the theory reflects an important biblical theme: the elusiveness and instability of the world. But he goes on to show that biblical faith takes us beyond cynicism and despair. Solomon among the Postmoderns will appeal to academics and laypeople alike seeking a biblical view of postmodernism.

The Baptized Body

release date: Jan 01, 2007
The Baptized Body
What does baptism do to the baptized? Nothing? Something? In this study, Peter Leithart examines this single question of baptismal efficacy. He challenges several common but false assumptions about God, man, the church, salvation, and more that confuse discussions about baptism. He aims to offer a careful and simple discussion of all the central biblical texts that speak to us about baptism, the nature of signs and rites, the character of the church as the body of Christ, and the possibility of apostasy. In the end, the author urges us to face up to the wonderful conclusion that Scripture attributes an astonishing power to the initiation rite of baptism.

1 & 2 Kings

release date: Nov 01, 2006
1 & 2 Kings
This commentary on 1 and 2 Kings demonstrates the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible for today''s church.

Deep Comedy

release date: Jan 01, 2006
Deep Comedy
In this short but stimulating work, Peter Leithart draws upon insights from history, theology, philosophy, and literature to connect two of the most glorious and unique truths of Christianity its hopeful eschatology and its doctrine of a dynamic, personal Trinity. First, Leithart shows that the biblical view of history is essentially comic and hopeful, in contrast to the classical Greco-Roman view, which is essentially and irredeemably tragic. Then he develops the same point by examining Greek philosophy and its descendants (including postmodernism) in contrast to orthodox Trinitarian theology. Finally, he shows how the tragic and comic worldviews have been reflected in literature, with discussions of Greek epics and two Shakespearean plays. The result is a tour through three thousand years of intellectual history that celebrates the living power of orthodoxy."
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