New Releases by Pepe Larraz

Pepe Larraz is the author of Marvel Must-Have: X-Men - Extermination (2024), Deadpool vs X-Force (2024), Big Game (2024), Extermination. X-Men (2024), Die ultimative Spider-Man-Comic-Kollektion (2023).

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Marvel Must-Have: X-Men - Extermination

release date: Sep 01, 2024
Marvel Must-Have: X-Men - Extermination
Ciclope, Marvel Girl, l’Uomo Ghiaccio, Angelo, Bestia. Gli X-Men originali riuniti dal Professor Xavier sono stati condotti nel presente, in un mondo che riconoscono a malapena ma che hanno giurato di aiutare… e ora il futuro dei mutanti è nelle mani del loro passato! La linea temporale è in pericolo, una nuova versione di una vecchia conoscenza è pronta a entrare in scena, e gli X-Men di oggi devono proteggere a tutti i costi le loro giovani controparti. Ma quanti moriranno nel farlo? In una saga epica e memorabile, Ed Brisson (Old Man Logan) e Pepe Larraz (Blood Hunt) danno una risposta alla domanda che per anni ha tolto il sonno agli appassionati: il fato degli X-Men originali può essere cambiato? [CONTIENE EXTERMINATION (2018) 1-5 E MATERIALE DA X-MEN: GOLD (2017) 27, X-MEN: BLUE (2017) 27, X-MEN: RED (2018) 5, ASTONISHING X-MEN (2017) 13 E CABLE (1997) 159]

Deadpool vs X-Force

release date: Jun 03, 2024
Deadpool vs X-Force
Cable e X-Force devono tornare indietro nel tempo per dare la caccia a Deadpool! Un viaggio temporale per raccontare il primo incontro fra D-Pool e Nathan Summers. Si torna agli anni 90, quando Wade Wilson è stato creato. Una storia disegnata dall''autore simbolo degli X-Men odierni: Pepe Larraz! [Contiene: Deadpool vs. X-Force (2014) 1-4]

Big Game

release date: May 01, 2024
Big Game
IL CROSSOVER DEFINITIVO DEL MILLARWORLD! Wesley Gibson è tornato ed è determinato a riprendersi il controllo del mondo agendo nell’ombra. Riusciranno i più grandi eroi a unirsi e fermare una minaccia alla civiltà e alla libertà che sembra inarrestabile? Un evento fumettistico senza precedenti che vede MARK MILLAR (Civil War, Magic Order) e PEPE LARRAZ (X-Men) unire per la prima volta tutti i personaggi del Millarworld in un’avventura al cardiopalma! [CONTIENE: BIG GAME (2023) 1-5]

Extermination. X-Men

release date: Jan 01, 2024

Die ultimative Spider-Man-Comic-Kollektion

release date: Dec 19, 2023

Star Wars Kanan no 01/02

release date: Oct 16, 2023
Star Wars Kanan no 01/02
Corren tiempos tristes para la galaxia... Corren tiempos tristes para la galaxia. La República cayó hace años, cuando el canciller Palpatine dio la orden 66, que sirvió para aniquilar la Orden Jedi —encargada de mantener la paz— y para que él se erigiera en emperador. Desde entonces, el Emperador y las fuerzas imperiales han gobernado la galaxia con puño de acero. Sus habitantes llevan tiempo viviendo bajo el yugo imperial y las chispas de la rebelión empiezan a saltar en secreto. Pequeños grupos de rebeldes han comenzado a luchar por la libertad. Kanan Jarrus, un misterioso y antiguo jedi que lleva años ocultando sus poderes y su espada láser, forma parte de uno de ellos. Ni siquiera sus compañeros conocen su verdadero pasado: que en su día fue un joven padawan jedi llamado Caleb Dume y que luchó en las Guerras Clon junto a su maestra, Depa Billaba... El ilustrador es Pepe Larraz, autor español de Marvel.

X-Men : X of Swords (2020) T02

release date: Mar 29, 2023
X-Men : X of Swords (2020) T02
Les champions de Krakoa et d''Arakko ont réuni leurs dix épées. Le grand tournoi de Saturnyne est sur le point de commencer dans l''Outremonde et ceux qui y périssent y demeureront éternellement. Au coeur de la dimension d''Amenth, les mutants Arakkii mènent une guerre millénaire. Aucun cadeau ne sera fait à Wolverine, Magie et Tornade. Ces épreuves marqueront à jamais le destin des mutants et seuls les plus forts survivront... Découvrez la conclusion de l''épique crossover des X-Men, par Jonathan Hickman et ses talentueuses équipes créatives. [CE VOLUME CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES X OF SWORDS: STASIS (2020) 1, X-MEN (2019) 14 ET 15, MARAUDERS (2019) 14 ET 15, EXCALIBUR (2019) 14 ET 15, WOLVERINE (2020) 7, X-FORCE (2019) 14, HELLIONS (2020) 6, CABLE (2020) 6 ET X OF SWORDS: DESTRUCTION (2020) 1.]

X-Men - X of Swords

release date: Oct 01, 2022
X-Men - X of Swords
LE LAME SONO SGUAINATE! Migliaia di anni fa, Arakko e Krakoa formavano un’unica isola. Una feroce guerra con un esercito di demoni le separò e mentre Arakko finì esiliata in una dimensione tormentata dal conflitto, Krakoa fu destinata a diventare la nuova nazione dei mutanti. Oggi, le due isole viventi sono destinate a incontrarsi nuovamente e tra loro si trova il nesso tra le realtà noto come Altromondo. Perché due diventino una, la signora del Multiverso Saturnyne ha imposto un torneo. E gli X-Men scopriranno di non avere davvero trovato la pace e sconfitto la morte… Il primo grande evento della nuova era mutante, in un epico volume firmato da Jonathan Hickman, Tini Howard, Benjamin Percy, Pepe Larraz, Mahmud Asrar, Stefano Caselli, Matteo Lolli e altri ancora. [CONTIENE: X OF SWORDS: CREATION (2020) 1, X OF SWORDS: STASIS (2020) 1, X OF SWORDS: DESTRUCTION (2020) 1, X-MEN (2019) 13-15, EXCALIBUR (2019) 13-15, MARAUDERS (2019) 13-15, X-FORCE (2019) 13-14, NEW MUTANTS (2019) 13, WOLVERINE (2020) 6-7, CABLE (2020) 5-6, HELLIONS (2020) 5-6, X-FACTOR (2020)]

X-Men By Gerry Duggan Vol. 2

release date: Sep 28, 2022
X-Men By Gerry Duggan Vol. 2
Collects X-Men (2021) #7-12. Doctor Stasis makes his deadliest move yet - and Captain Krakoa is born! But what secrets lie at the heart of the newest mutant hero? Then, M.O.D.O.K. takes aim! The X-Men have faced many foes over the years, but few have had a face as big as this one. And as the Quiet Council of Krakoa, the Great Ring of Arakko and the Central Column of Orchis each make vital decisions that will affect their people for years to come, the X-Men find themselves caught in the crossfire - with an old enemy waiting to strike! Plus: On a rare day off, the women of the X-Men head out for the hottest action in the galaxy: Gameworld! But if it''s true that the house always wins, our X-Ladies might be in over their heads.

Venom (2011) T04

release date: Jun 22, 2022
Venom (2011) T04
Flash Thompson, alias Venom, a dit adieu à New York et s''est installé à Philadelphie. Mais Toxine est sur ses talons, et la situation pourrait vite dégénérer. Flash devra combattre aux côtés du Venom d''origine, Eddie Brock, s''il veut avoir une chance de sauver la ville. Et que veulent le sinistre Crossbones et la nouvelle progéniture de Venom, Mania ? Découvrez le cycle final de la série Venom de 2011, écrit par Cullen Bunn (Deadpool, Star Wars) et illustré par Declan Shalvey (Moon Knight), Kim Jacinto (Amazing Spider-Man), Pepe Larraz (X-Men) et Jorge Coelho (The Great Gatsby).

X-Men : House of X/Powers of X

release date: Oct 06, 2021
X-Men : House of X/Powers of X
\"Pendant que vous dormiez, le monde a changé.\" C''est avec ces mots que le Professeur X a annoncé aux Terriens la naissance d''une nouvelle nation mutante sur l''île de Krakoa. C''est le refuge de tous les homo superior : ils y parlent leur propre langue et vivent selon leurs lois. En échange de leur reconnaissance par les autres pays, ils promettent à l''humanité des produits pharmaceutiques révolutionnaires. Le rêve d''une coexistence pacifique entre humains et mutants n''est plus. L''heure est venue d''en avoir un autre... Le visionnaire Jonathan Hickman (Avengers, Secret Wars) réinvente le passé, le présent et l''avenir des mutants, à travers les planches spectaculaires de Pepe Larraz (Uncanny Avengers) et R.B. Silva (X-Men Blue).

House Of X / Powers Of X - Complete Edition

release date: Apr 01, 2021
House Of X / Powers Of X - Complete Edition
“Mentre dormivate, il mondo è cambiato”. Con queste parole, il Professor X ha annunciato agli abitanti della Terra la nascita della nuova nazione mutante, Krakoa. È un rifugio per tutti gli Homo superior, con le proprie regole e la propria lingua. In cambio dell’essere riconosciuta dalle altre nazioni, offrirà all’umanità incredibili scoperte scientifiche. Il sogno della coesistenza pacifica tra umani e mutanti è morto… è tempo di un nuovo sogno. Il visionario Jonathan Hickman (Avengers, Secret Wars) reinventa il presente, il passato e il futuro dei mutanti accompagnato dalle spettacolari tavole di Pepe Larraz (Uncanny Avengers) e R.B. Silva (X-Men Blue). [CONTIENE HOUSE OF X 1-6, POWERS OF X 1-6]


release date: Jan 01, 2021
\"In the wake of a devastating tragedy, the United States passes a law outlawing teenage super heroes! The crackdown has begun -and the lives of Marvel''s next generation will never be the same again. This new law goes against everything that Ms. Marvel, Nova and Spider-Man founded the Champions for...and they know that the world still needs heroes. They won''t go down without a fight! But as a group of teen vigilantes gathers to plan their next move, the task force called C.R.A.D.L.E. is hot on their trail - and there''s a spy in their midst! As protests break out across Chicago, the Champions risk their freedom to restore order - but why has Chicago''s hometown hero Ironheart abandoned the Champions?\"--

Venom - Venom-Mania

release date: Jun 05, 2019
Venom - Venom-Mania
Les habitants de Philadelphie peuvent enfin dormir sur leurs deux oreilles, Venom est là pour veiller sur eux ! Mais comme Flash Thompson s''apprête à le découvrir à ses dépens, la vie d''un super-héros n''est pas plus facile loin de New York. Surtout si un autre symbiote débarque en ville, à savoir Mania ! Dans un rôle inédit de mentor, le plus sombre des justiciers Marvel entame un nouveau chapitre décisif de sa carrière. Une histoire de Cullen Bunn (Deadpool: Assassin) sur des dessins de Declan Shalvey (28 Days Later), Pepe Larraz (Extermination), Kim Jacinto (Sentry) et Jorge Coelho (Rocket Raccoon).

Rage of Ultron. Avengers

release date: Jan 01, 2015

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man by Brian Michael Bendis -

release date: May 21, 2013
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man by Brian Michael Bendis -
Nick Fury has declared Miles Morales a super hero; now, it''s time for that super-hero rite of passage: the team-up! But the new Spider-Man''s first team-up couldn''t possibly be with the Prowler, could it? It will be if it''s up to Miles'' Uncle Aaron, who''s not above resorting to threats to get his way. It''s a titanic battle of wills between uncle and nephew - with the Scorpion caught in the middle! Then, it''s the ultimate event in the life of any super hero: that day, unlike any other, when Captain America comes calling. With the nation at war, young Spider-Man heeds the call of duty - but is Spider-Man really going to join the Ultimates? Plus: The secret connection between Miles Morales and Spider-Woman revealed! COLLECTING: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man 11-18

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: Divided We Fall - United We Stand

release date: Feb 01, 2013
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man: Divided We Fall - United We Stand
A crisis in the US forces the Ultimates into action, as Cap, Iron Man and Thor finally reunite! The Ultimates target the forces working behind the scenes to rip the USA apart, as Hydra battles SHIELD, Thor makes a startling choice and a secret weapon is revealed that could tip the country into chaos...forever! Plus: Kitty Pryde makes her stand - and as the X-Men fight for their lives in the Sentinel-controlled states, the war for mutant liberation begins! And with a nation under siege, Miles Morales - the all-new Spider-Man - decides to become a member of the Ultimates…

Wolverine and the X-Men

release date: Jan 01, 2013
Wolverine and the X-Men
Wolverine and Rachel Summers are enraged when the students of the Jean Gray School go missing and resolve to seek them out, while Beast travels to the S.W.O.R.D. headquarters to ask for help with Broo''s sad state.

Thor. Marvel season one

release date: Jan 01, 2013

Luke Cage - Town Without Pity

release date: Jan 01, 2010
Luke Cage - Town Without Pity
When anold friend from Luke Cage''s past is put in the hospital by a vicious attack, Cage leaves his New York City, Avengers Assemblin'' adventure-filled life for the cold, harsh and mean streets of North Philadelphia. But what''s brought HAMMERHEAD to town as well? JOHN ARCUDI (Wednesdays Comics) and ERIC CANETE (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) team up to bring you this hard-t\hitting, two-fisted look at the seedier sides of the Marvel U as the original Hero for Hire gets back to work in NEW AVENGERS: LUKE CAGE!COLLECTING: Avengers: Luke Cage #1-3, Daredevil: Cage Match, Hero for Hire #1
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