New Releases by O. Henry

O. Henry is the author of The Four Million (2023), The Voice of The City: Further Stories of The Four Million (2023), The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of The Four Million (2023), 영어고전1,130 오 헨리의 운명의 갈림길 1909(English Classics1,130 Roads of Destiny by O. Henry) (2023), The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories (2022).

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The Four Million

release date: Oct 01, 2023
The Four Million
Step into the vibrant streets of early 20th-century New York City with "The Four Million" by O. Henry, a timeless collection of short stories that captures the essence of urban life with wit, humor, and poignant insight. Through O. Henry''s masterful storytelling, readers are transported to a world where ordinary people encounter extraordinary circumstances, illuminating the beauty, complexity, and humanity that define the human experience. Explore the diverse tapestry of characters who inhabit O. Henry''s fictional New York City, from struggling artists and ambitious entrepreneurs to lovelorn shopgirls and streetwise con artists. Each story offers a glimpse into the lives of everyday individuals whose dreams, desires, and disappointments resonate with readers of all backgrounds. Experience the magic of O. Henry''s signature twist endings as he skillfully crafts narratives that keep readers guessing until the very last page. From unexpected plot developments to clever reversals of fortune, the stories in "The Four Million" are filled with surprises and revelations that delight and captivate readers time and again. Delve into the themes of love, sacrifice, and redemption that pervade O. Henry''s work, as he explores the complexities of human relationships and the resilience of the human spirit. Through his compassionate portrayal of characters facing adversity, O. Henry offers profound insights into the universal truths that unite us all. Immerse yourself in the richly textured world of turn-of-the-century New York City as O. Henry vividly brings its bustling streets, crowded tenements, and vibrant neighborhoods to life. From the glamour of Fifth Avenue to the grit of the Lower East Side, readers are transported to a bygone era filled with energy, excitement, and possibility. The overall tone of the collection is one of warmth, humor, and empathy, as O. Henry celebrates the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit in the face of life''s challenges. With his trademark wit and compassion, he invites readers to see the beauty and wonder that surround us every day, even in the midst of adversity. Since its publication, "The Four Million" has captivated readers with its timeless charm, unforgettable characters, and poignant insights into the human condition. It has become a classic of American literature, beloved by readers of all ages for its humor, heart, and humanity. Designed for readers who appreciate richly crafted storytelling and insightful characterization, "The Four Million" offers a captivating glimpse into the heart and soul of turn-of-the-century New York City. Whether you''re a fan of short fiction or simply seeking a delightful escape into the world of O. Henry, this collection is sure to leave a lasting impression. In conclusion, "The Four Million" is more than just a collection of stories—it''s a celebration of the human spirit and the rich tapestry of life in early 20th-century New York City. Join O. Henry on this unforgettable journey through the streets of the city that never sleeps, and discover the magic that lies within "The Four Million." Don''t miss your chance to experience the timeless charm of "The Four Million" by O. Henry. Grab your copy now and embark on a journey of discovery, laughter, and heartwarming surprises.

The Voice of The City: Further Stories of The Four Million

release date: Oct 01, 2023
The Voice of The City: Further Stories of The Four Million
The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million by O. Henry: This collection of short stories by O. Henry, the master of the twist ending, delves into the lives of everyday people in New York City. With his signature wit and irony, O. Henry offers glimpses into the diverse experiences of the "four million," capturing the essence of the city and its inhabitants. Key Aspects of the Book "The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million": Slice of City Life: The stories provide a snapshot of different characters and their interactions in the bustling urban environment of New York City. Twist Endings: O. Henry''s trademark surprise endings add a layer of intrigue and depth to each story. Human Connections: The narratives highlight the connections and conflicts between people from various walks of life, showcasing the complexity of human relationships. O. Henry, whose real name was William Sydney Porter, was an American short story writer born in 1862. Known for his clever wordplay and unexpected twists, he contributed significantly to the development of the short story genre. His stories often featured ordinary people facing extraordinary circumstances, and his unique narrative style left a lasting impact on American literature.

The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of The Four Million

release date: Oct 01, 2023
The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of The Four Million
The Trimmed Lamp, and other Stories of the Four Million by O. Henry: This captivating collection of short stories by O. Henry takes readers into the lives of ordinary people from all walks of life. "The Trimmed Lamp" and other tales from the "Four Million" offer a delightful blend of humor, irony, and poignant moments, showcasing O. Henry''s masterful storytelling and keen observations of human nature. Key Aspects of the Book "The Trimmed Lamp, and other Stories of the Four Million": Human Emotions and Relationships: O. Henry''s stories explore the complexities of human emotions and the intricacies of interpersonal relationships. Urban Life: The book captures the essence of life in the bustling city, portraying the joys and struggles of its diverse inhabitants. Twists and Turns: "The Trimmed Lamp" is characterized by its signature O. Henry twist endings, leaving readers with unexpected surprises. O. Henry was an American writer born in 1862. He is renowned for his unique and clever short stories, often featuring surprise endings. O. Henry''s works have become classics of American literature, and his impact on the short story genre is widely recognized.

영어고전1,130 오 헨리의 운명의 갈림길 1909(English Classics1,130 Roads of Destiny by O. Henry)

release date: Aug 18, 2023
영어고전1,130 오 헨리의 운명의 갈림길 1909(English Classics1,130 Roads of Destiny by O. Henry)
▶ 영어고전1,130 오 헨리의 운명의 갈림길 1909(English Classics1,130 Roads of Destiny by O. Henry)는 19세기 윌리엄 시드니 포터(William Sydney Porter, 1862~1910), 필명 오 헨리(O. Henry)의 단편집(Short Story Collection)입니다. 운명의 갈림길(Roads of Destiny)부터 외로운 길(The Lonesome Road)까지 총 22편의 단편이 수록되어 있습니다. ▷ 오 헨리는 평생 381편의 단편을 비롯해 시, 논픽션 등을 집필하였으며 그의 작품은 수십여 권의 단편집으로 미국은 물론 세계 각지에서 출판되었습니다. 짧은 분량이지만, 독자를 깜짝 놀라게 하는 반전 – 일명 플롯 트위스트(Plot Twist)는 그의 전매특허죠! ▷ 오 헨리 단편집에 수록된 각각의 단편은 독립적이면서도, 배경과 등장인물을 공유한다는 점에서, 느슨하게나마 서로 연결됩니다. 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics)과 함께 어제도, 오늘도, 내일도 멋진 문학여행을! ▶ 목차(Index) I. 운명의 갈림길(Roads of Destiny) II. 영예의 수호자(The Guardian of the Accolade) III. 돈을 할인하는 사람들(The Discounters of Money) IV. 마법에 걸린 프로필(The Enchanted Profile) V. "읽을거리 옆에"("Next to Reading Matter") VI. 예술과 야생마(Art and the Bronco) VII. 달(Phœbe) VIII. 이중 염색 사기꾼(A Double-dyed Deceiver) IX. 블랙 이글의 통과(The Passing of Black Eagle) X. 회수된 개혁(A Retrieved Reformation) XI. 체르셰 라 팜므(Cherchez la Femme) XII. 산 로사리오의 친구들(Friends in San Rosario) XIII. 살바도르의 네 번째(The Fourth in Salvador) XIV. 빌리의 해방(The Emancipation of Billy) XV. 매혹적인 키스(The Enchanted Kiss) XVI. 부서별 사례(A Departmental Case) XVII. 샤를루아의 르네상스(The Renaissance at Charleroi) XVIII. 경영진을 대신하여(On Behalf of the Management) XIX. 휘파람 딕의 크리스마스 스타킹(Whistling Dick''s Christmas Stocking) XX. 리틀 라인슐로스의 미늘창(The Halberdier of the Little Rheinschloss) XXI. 두 배신자(Two Renegades) XXII. 외로운 길(The Lonesome Road) ▶ I. ROADS OF DESTINY. Whither these roads led he knew not. Either way there seemed to lie a great world full of chance and peril. And then, sitting there, his eye fell upon a bright star, one that he and Yvonne had named for theirs. That set him thinking of Yvonne, and he wondered if he had not been too hasty. Why should he leave her and his home because a few hot words had come between them? Was love so brittle a thing that jealousy, the very proof of it, could break it? Mornings always brought a cure for the little heartaches of evening. There was yet time for him to return home without any one in the sweetly sleeping village of Vernoy being the wiser. His heart was Yvonne''s; there where he had lived always he could write his poems and find his happiness. ▷ I. 운명의 갈림길(Roads of Destiny). 이 길이 어디로 인도하는지 그는 알지 못했습니다. 어느 쪽이든 거기에는 기회와 위험으로 가득 찬 위대한 세상이 있는 것 같았습니다. 그리고 거기에 앉아 그의 눈은 그와 이본이 그들의 이름을 따서 명명한 밝은 별에 떨어졌습니다. 그래서 그는 이본을 생각하게 되었고, 그는 자신이 너무 서두르지 않았는지 의아해했습니다. 그들 사이에 뜨거운 말 몇 마디가 나왔다고 왜 그가 그녀와 그의 집을 떠나야 했습니까? 사랑이 너무 약해서 그 증거인 질투가 그것을 깨뜨릴 수 있었습니까? 아침은 항상 저녁의 작은 마음의 고통을 치료했습니다. 달콤하게 잠든 베르누이 마을에 아무도 눈치 채지 못한 채 집으로 돌아갈 시간은 아직 남아 있었다. 그의 마음은 이본의 마음이었습니다. 그가 살았던 곳에서 그는 항상 시를 쓰고 행복을 찾을 수 있었습니다. ▶ XIV. THE EMANCIPATION OF BILLY. In the old, old, square-porticoed mansion, with the wry window-shutters and the paint peeling off in discoloured flakes, lived one of the last of the war governors. The South has forgotten the enmity of the great conflict, but it refuses to abandon its old traditions and idols. In "Governor" Pemberton, as he was still fondly called, the inhabitants of Elmville saw the relic of their state''s ancient greatness and glory. In his day he had been a man large in the eye of his country. His state had pressed upon him every honour within its gift. And now when he was old, and enjoying a richly merited repose outside the swift current of public affairs, his townsmen loved to do him reverence for the sake of the past. ▷ XIV. 빌리의 해방(The Emancipation of Billy). 구불구불한 창문 덧문과 변색된 조각으로 벗겨진 페인트가 있는 낡고 오래된 네모난 저택에 마지막 전쟁 총독 중 한 명이 살았습니다. 남부는 대분쟁의 적개심을 잊었지만 옛 전통과 우상을 버리기를 거부했습니다. "주지사" 펨버턴(Pemberton)은 여전히 애칭으로 불리던 엘름빌(Elmville)의 주민들이 옛 주의 위대함과 영광의 유물을 보았습니다. 그의 시대에 그는 그의 나라의 눈에 큰 사람이었습니다. 그의 국가는 그 선물 안에 있는 모든 영예를 그에게 강요했습니다. 그리고 이제 그가 늙어서 공적인 일의 급류를 벗어나 풍성한 안식을 누리고 있을 때, 그의 마을 사람들은 과거를 위해 그를 존경하기를 좋아했습니다. ▶ XXI. TWO RENEGADES. While the irregular and halting line was passing I made onslaught upon it and dragged from the ranks my friend Barnard O''Keefe, who had no right to be there. For he was a Northerner born and bred; and what should he be doing hallooing for the Stars and Bars among those gray and moribund veterans? And why should he be trudging, with his shining, martial, humorous, broad face, among those warriors of a previous and alien generation? ▷ XXI. 두 배신자(Two Renegades). 불규칙하고 중단된 선이 지나가는 동안 나는 그것에 맹공을 가했고 그곳에 있을 권리가 없는 내 친구 버나드 오키프(Barnard O''Keefe)를 대열에서 끌어냈습니다. 왜냐하면 그는 태어나고 자란 북부인이었기 때문입니다. 그리고 그는 회색에 죽어가는 베테랑들 사이에서 별과 바(Stars and Bars)를 위해 환호하며 무엇을 해야 합니까? 그리고 왜 그가 그의 빛나고, 호전적이며, 유머러스하고, 넓은 얼굴로 이전 세대와 외계 세대의 전사들 사이에서 터벅터벅 걷고 있어야 합니까? -목차(Index)- ▶ 프롤로그(Prologue). 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선을 읽어야 하는 7가지 이유 ▶ 14가지 키워드로 읽는 오 헨리(O. Henry, 1862~1910) 01. 381편의 단편을 집필한 미국의 ‘세계 3대 단편작가’ 02. 평범한 은행원이 하루아침에 온두라스(Honduras)로 도피한 횡령범으로?!(1896) 03. 죽어가는 아내를 만나기 위해 자수한 도망자(1897) 04. 오하이오 교도소(Ohio Penitentiary)의 야간 약사(Night Druggist, 1898~1901) 05. 윌리엄 시드니 포터(William Sydney Porter, 1862~1910)가 필명 오 헨리(O. Henry)를 사용한 이유는?(1899) 06. 뉴욕 월드 선데이 잡지(New York World Sunday Magazine)(1902) 07. 오 헨리가 신조어(Newly Coined Word) 바나나 공화국(Banana Republic, 1904)을 창시했다?! 08. 오 헨리 어워드(O. Henry Award, 1918) 09. 마릴린 먼로(Marilyn Monroe, 1926~1962)가 출연한 원작 영화 오 헨리의 풀 하우스(O. Henry''s Full House, 1952) 10. 러시아와 미국의 탄생 100주년(1962) & 150주년 기념우표(2012) 11. 오 헨리를 만날 수 있는 장소 TOP8(8 Places to meet O. Henry) 12. 오 헨리 원작의 영화·드라마 in IMDb(Movie and Drama of O. Henry) 13. 오디오북으로 듣는 오 헨리(Audio Books of O. Henry) 14. 오 헨리 어록 57선(57 Quotes of O. Henry) ▶ 영어고전1,130 오 헨리의 운명의 갈림길 1909(English Classics1,130 Roads of Destiny by O. Henry) I. Roads of Destiny I-The Left Branch I-The Right Branch I-The Main Road II. The Guardian of the Accolade III. The Discounters of Money IV. The Enchanted Profile V. "Next to Reading Matter" VI. Art and the Bronco VII. Phœbe VIII. A Double-dyed Deceiver IX. The Passing of Black Eagle X. A Retrieved Reformation XI. Cherchez la Femme XII. Friends in San Rosario XIII. The Fourth in Salvador XIV. The Emancipation of Billy XV. The Enchanted Kiss XVI. A Departmental Case XVII. The Renaissance at Charleroi XVIII. On Behalf of the Management XIX. Whistling Dick''s Christmas Stocking XX. The Halberdier of the Little Rheinschloss XXI. Two Renegades XXII. The Lonesome Road ▶ 부록(Appendix). 세계의 고전을 여행하는 히치하이커를 위한 안내서(The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Worlds’s Classics) A01. 하버드 서점(Harvard Book Store) 직원 추천 도서 100선(Staff’s Favorite 100 Books) & 판매도서 100위(Top 100 Books) A02. 서울대(Seoul University) 권장도서 100 A03. 연세대(Yonsei University) 필독도서 고전 200선 A04. 고려대(Korea University) 세종캠퍼스 권장도서 100선 A05. 서울대·연세대·고려대(SKY University) 공통 권장도서 60권 A06. 성균관대(Sungkyunkwan University) 오거서(五車書) 성균 고전 100선 A07. 경희대(Kyung Hee University) 후마니타스 칼리지(Humanitas College) 교양필독서 100선 A08. 포스텍(포항공대, POSTECH) 권장도서 100선 A09. 카이스트(KAIST) 독서마일리지제 추천도서 100권 A10. 문학상(Literary Awards) 수상작 및 추천도서(44) A11. 영어고전(English Classics) 오디오북을 무료로 듣는 5가지 방법(How to listen to FREE audio Books legally?) A12. 영화·드라마로 만나는 영어고전(Movies and TV Shows Based on English Classic Books) ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 999선 ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선 ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 도서목록(1,970) ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선은 수백 년의 세월에도 변치 않는 명저 중 대중성을 겸비한 베스트셀러를 엄선해 선정하였습니다. 한국외대 경영정보학과(2000~2007)를 졸업한 후 직장생활과 함께 방송대 관광학과(2008~2010)를 병행한 것을 시작으로 문화교양학과(2011~2012, 2015~2017), 동대학원 영상문화콘텐츠학 석사(2012~2015), 일본학과(2017~2020), 국문학과(2020~2022)를 졸업하고, 다시 영어영문학과(2022~)에 재학하며 인류의 끝없는 지식 세계를 탐험 중인 조명화 편집장의 ‘키워드로 읽는 작가 & 작품 해설’을 더해 깊이 있는 독서를 돕고자 세심하게 기획하였습니다. 시간의 흐름에도 바래지 않는 고전명작의 향취를 손안의 스마트폰으로 언제, 어디서나 만끽하시길 바랍니다. 테마여행신문 TTN Korea 영어고전(English Classics) 1,999선과 함께 어제도, 오늘도, 내일도 멋진 문학여행을! ▶ 오 헨리 컬렉션(O. Henry Collection) 16부작 영어고전1,123 오 헨리의 양배추와 왕들 1904 English Classics1,123 Cabbages and Kings by O. Henry 영어고전1,124 오 헨리의 동방박사의 선물 1905 English Classics1,124 The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry 영어고전1,125 오 헨리의 400만 1906 English Classics1,125 The Four Million by O. Henry 영어고전1,126 오 헨리의 잘 손질된 등불 1907 English Classics1,126 The Trimmed Lamp, and Other Stories of the Four Million by O. Henry 영어고전1,127 오 헨리의 서부의 심장 1907 English Classics1,127 Heart of the West by O. Henry 영어고전1,128 오 헨리의 점잖은 사기꾼 1908 English Classics1,128 The Gentle Grafter by O. Henry 영어고전1,129 오 헨리의 도시의 목소리 1908 English Classics1,129 The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million by O. Henry 영어고전1,130 오 헨리의 운명의 갈림길 1909 English Classics1,130 Roads of Destiny by O. Henry 영어고전1,131 오 헨리의 선택 1909 English Classics1,131 Options by O. Henry 영어고전1,132 오 헨리의 철저하게 사업적인 1910 English Classics1,132 Strictly Business: More Stories of the Four Million by O. Henry 영어고전1,133 오 헨리의 인생은 회전목마(인생유전) 1910 English Classics1,133 Whirligigs by O. Henry 영어고전1,134 오 헨리의 뒤죽박죽 1911 English Classics1,134 Sixes and Sevens by O. Henry 영어고전1,135 오 헨리의 롤링 스톤 1912 English Classics1,135 Rolling Stones by O. Henry 영어고전1,136 오 헨리의 길 잃은 자들 1917 English Classics1,136 Waifs and Strays by O. Henry 영어고전1,137 오 헨리의 오헨리야나 1920 English Classics1,137 O. Henryana: Seven Odds and Ends, Poetry and Short Stories by O. Henry 영어고전1,138 오 헨리의 오 헨리 앙코르 1939 English Classics1,138 O. Henry Encore by O. Henry ▶ 테마여행신문 TTN Theme Travel News Korea는 2012년부터 현재까지 2,000종 이상의 콘텐츠를 기획 및 출간한 여행 전문 디지털 콘텐츠 퍼블리셔(Digital Contents Publisher)입니다. 다양한 분야의 전문작가와 함께 신개념 여행 가이드북 원코스(1 Course), 포토에세이 원더풀(Onederful), 여행에세이 별 헤는 밤(Counting the Stars at Night) 등 전 세계를 아우르는 여행 콘텐츠를 지속적으로 발행하고 있습니다. 방송대 기네스상 2017 ‘최다 출간 및 최다 자격증’ 수상에 빛나는 테마여행신문 TTN Korea와 함께 어제도, 오늘도, 내일도 멋진 여행을! ▶ Theme Travel News TTN Korea(테마여행신문 TTN Korea) is the digital content publisher that published more than 2,000 types of content since 2012. Along with professional writers in various fields, we regularly publish various travel contents such as 1 Course(원코스), Onederful(원더풀), Counting the Stars at Night(별 헤는 밤) Series. 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The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories

release date: Oct 28, 2022
The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories
Here are twelve of the best stories by one of America''s most popular storytellers. O. Henry, the pen name of William Sydney Porter, is one of the most famous short story writers of all times whose stories are known for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings. Included in this collection of "The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories" is the title story which describes the struggles of a poor young married couple as they strive to secretly buy each other Christmas gifts. Also included in this collection are the following stories: "Tobin''s Palm", "A Cosmopolite In A Cafe", "Between Rounds", "The Skylight Room", "A Service Of Love", "The Coming-Out Of Maggie", "Man About Town", "The Cop And The Anthem", "An Adjustment Of Nature", "Memoirs Of A Yellow Dog" and "The Love-Philtre Of Ikey Schoenstein".

O. Henry Encore

release date: Jun 13, 2022
O. Henry Encore
Initially published under "The Post Man" "O. Henry Encore" by William Sydney Porter, also known as O. Henry is a compilation of work initially written for the Houston Daily Post newspaper. Discovered by Mary Sunlocks Harrell during her MA research, they were collected and re-released for the public shortly thereafter. In fact, if not for Harrell, these 45 stories might have remained in obscurity forever.

The Trimmed Lamp & Other Stories

release date: Mar 29, 2022
The Trimmed Lamp & Other Stories
''The Trimmed Lamp & Other Stories'' is a short story collection that explores the themes of the human condition and the often mysterious nature of human relationships. Veering on the verge of ordinariness but never becoming so. O. Henry’s stories have a knack for transforming the expectations of the reader before the narrative has a chance to grow dull. Replete with sharp wit and a celebration of the English language incorporating unique spins on existing words and expressions. These playful and humourous stories represent a New York-ish social experiment that stands the test of time. American short story master O. Henry is best known for his pithy, witty scores and surprise endings. In doing so he made commonplace experiences extraordinary and memorable. His work has been immortalised in the popular 1952 film ''O. Henry''s Full House'' starring Fred Allen, Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe and Jeanne Crain. William Sidney Porter (1862-1919), known simply as O. Henry, was a prolific American author of humorous literary pieces. His fame came exceptionally quickly and he became a bestselling author of short story collections. Perhaps the most famous of these are, ''Cabbages and Kings,'' ''The Voice of the City'' and ''Strictly Business.'' The immensity of O. Henry''s impact on the American short story genre for time to come is evidenced by the fact an annual award in his name is given out each year in the United States. O. Henry''s work is a must read for fans of Hemingway, Guy de Maupassant and Anton Chekhov.

The Voice of the City

by: O Henry
release date: May 13, 2021
The Voice of the City
Further Tales of the Four Million: The Complete Life of John Hopkins; A Lickpenny Lover; Dougherty''s Eye Opener; Little Speck in Garnered Fruit; The Harbinger; While the Auto Waits; A Comedy in Rubber; One Thousand Dollars; The Defeat of the City; The Shocks of Doom; The Plutonian Fire; Nemesis and the Candy Man; Squaring the Circle; Roses Ruses and Romance; The City of Dreadful Night; The Easter of the Soul; The Fook Killer; Transients in Arcadia; The Rathskeller and the Rose; The Clarion Call; Extradited from Bohemia; A Philistine in Bohemia; From Each According to His Ability; The Memento; and the title story.

Roads of Destiny

release date: May 07, 2021
Roads of Destiny
Roads of Destiny (1909) is a collection of short stories by American writer O. Henry. Inspired by his experiences as a fugitive and in prison, these stories address themes of crime, poverty, and fate. “A Retrieved Reformation,” perhaps the most notable of the collection’s twenty-two stories, is semi-autobiographical in that it explores the life of a criminal and fugitive who maintains a moral identity while struggling to adjust to life outside of prison. “Roads of Destiny” is the story of a French poet and shepherd named David Mignot. After fighting with his lover Yvonne, he decides to leave his home village of Vernoy in search of fame and adventure. The dreamlike narrative follows him down three paths: one takes him to the home of a wealthy Marquis, where he falls in love with his young daughter; the next leads him to the halls of the king, where he is recruited to act as a body double during a visit to the nearby cathedral; the final one finds him turning back toward home, where he struggles to balance a life of marriage with his poetic calling. In “A Retrieved Reformation,” a safecracker named Jimmy Valentine attempts to lead a quiet life following his release from prison. Using an assumed identity, he settles in Arkansas, where he marries the beautiful daughter of a local banker. Despite his best efforts, however, his criminal past threatens to resurface at every turn. Roads of Destiny is a collection of stories exploring themes of fate and identity by an icon of American literature. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of O. Henry’s Roads of Destiny is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers.

The Furnished Room

release date: Aug 26, 2020
The Furnished Room
"The Furnished Room" is a short story about love and dedication, about exhaustion and despair. A young man is in search for a girl he fell in love with. He rents a room near the theaters where she is to be seen and he devotes his days to the dream of finding her. When all of a sudden the sweet fragrance of her perfume fills his room ... Is he finally blessed with success? Or this is an evil ghost from the past? Will he get to embrace the girl he loves or she will drag him to the verge of sanity? William Sydney Porter, better known as O. Henry, was an American writer who lived in the late 19th century. He gains wide popularity with his short stories which often take place either in New York or some small American towns. The plot twists and the surprise endings are a typical and integral part of O. Henry’s short stories. Some of his best known works are "The Gift of the Magi", "The Cop and the Anthem", "A Retrieved Reformation". His stories often deal with ordinary people and the individual aspects of life. As a result of the outstanding literature legacy that O. Henry left behind, there is an American annual award after his name, given to exceptional short stories.

A Retrieved Reformation

release date: Aug 26, 2020
A Retrieved Reformation
Do you believe that people can change? Can a bank robber marry the banker’s daughter without having any hidden thoughts and intentions? "A Retrieved Reformation" tells the story of Jimmy, a formal prisoner, who decides to quit violating the law in the name of love. He takes up a new identity and starts a new life as an honorable man. However he is about to face a choice which can cost him his future. Will he sacrifice himself in order to save a child in danger or he will prefer to keep his old identity in secret? William Sydney Porter, better known as O. Henry, was an American writer who lived in the late 19th century. He gains wide popularity with his short stories which often take place either in New York or some small American towns. The plot twists and the surprise endings are a typical and integral part of O. Henry’s short stories. Some of his best known works are "The Gift of the Magi", "The Cop and the Anthem", "A Retrieved Reformation". His stories often deal with ordinary people and the individual aspects of life. As a result of the outstanding literature legacy that O. Henry left behind, there is an American annual award after his name, given to exceptional short stories.


release date: Jul 02, 2017
A collection of 16 enjoyable short stories. ""THE ROSE OF DIXIE"" (excerpt) When The Rose of Dixie magazine was started by a stock company in Toombs City, Georgia, there was never but one candidate for its chief editorial position in the minds of its owners. Col. Aquila Telfair was the man for the place. By all the rights of learning, family, reputation, and Southern traditions, he was its foreordained, fit, and logical editor. So, a committee of the patriotic Georgia citizens who had subscribed the founding fund of $100,000 called upon Colonel Telfair at his residence, Cedar Heights, fearful lest the enterprise and the South should suffer by his possible refusal. The colonel received them in his great library, where he spent most of his days. The library had descended to him from his father. It contained ten thousand volumes, some of which had been published as late as the year 1861... Get Your Copy Now.

Heart of the West (Illustrated Edition)

release date: Jan 29, 2017
Heart of the West (Illustrated Edition)
The Heart of the West is entirely comprised of stories set in the American West, and may have been partially based on tales--tall or true--which O Henry heard during his wanderings in Texas and Mexico.There are nineteen short stories in this collection, some more and some less memorable. Romance among the cattle-royalty is a recurring feature, as are the adventures in love and scraps of the humbler cow-punching classes. All of them could be told as quick anecdotes over a campfire; maybe some of them were once. O Henry has polished them up to a high shine, peopled them with vivid characters, and wrung from them every drop of humour or pathos.This edition of the book contains the single original illustration, rejuvenated, and nine additional Western illustrations that are unique to this edition of the book.William Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862 - June 5, 1910), known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American short story writer. O. Henry''s short stories are known for their surprise endings.Most of O. Henry''s stories are set in his own time, the early 20th century. Many take place in New York City and deal for the most part with ordinary people: clerks, policemen, waitresses, etc.O. Henry''s work is wide-ranging, and his characters can be found roaming the cattle-lands of Texas, exploring the art of the con-man, or investigating the tensions of class and wealth in turn-of-the-century New York. O. Henry had an inimitable hand for isolating some element of society and describing it with an incredible economy and grace of language. Some of his best and least-known work is contained in Cabbages and Kings, a series of stories each of which explores some individual aspect of life in a paralytically sleepy Central American town, while advancing some aspect of the larger plot and relating back one to another.Porter was a heavy drinker, and by 1908 his markedly deteriorating health affected his writing. In 1909, his second wife, Sarah, left him, and he died on June 5, 1910, of cirrhosis of the liver, complications of diabetes, and an enlarged heart. After funeral services in New York City, he was buried in the Riverside Cemetery in Asheville, North Carolina. Source: Wikipedia* This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction that has been curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted in an attempt to remove imperfections introduced by the digitization process.* If typographic, spelling, or grammatical errors were present in the original, they may have been preserved.* As few changes as possible have been made to either illustrations or text in order to bring you a book that is as close to the original as possible.

Heart of the West O. Henry

release date: Jan 26, 2017
Heart of the West O. Henry
Heart of the West''s humorous and sentimental stories of sheepherders, cowpunchers, trail cooks, prospectors, outlaws, and Texas Rangers offer the modern reader a window into the often-mythologized American West. Perhaps reflecting O. Henry''s own experience as a young man in the middle of nowhere, where women were few and far between, many of the stories are comic tales of romantic rivalry, usually featuring two bluff and feckless young men in competition for the attention of the same rather remote and demanding young woman. Among the short stories are "The Handbook of Hymen," "Cupid a la Carte," "The Pimienta Pancakes," and "The Caballero''s Way."

O.Henry Selected Stories

release date: Jan 01, 2017
O.Henry Selected Stories
There are stories in everything. I''ve got some of my best yarns from park benches, lampposts, and newspaper stands." These are about chances and adventures. These are about swindlers and innocent people. And these deal with the inescapable reality of life. O. Henry''s short stories captivate the reader with their witty narration of everyday issues, and win hearts with their surprise endings after a series of sharp twists and turns. Mostly set in his own era, with characters inspired from his own life and experiences, the stories are stirred with realism. Selected Stories is a collection of short stories taken from each of his collections published across a decade. Almost a century after their publication, these continue to be loved and appreciated by the readers.

The Selected Stories of O. Henry

release date: Sep 21, 2016
The Selected Stories of O. Henry
These carefully selected tales of O. Henry, more than forty in all, showcase the author''s unique storytelling flair. Treasured for their humor, warmth and clever characterisation, O. Henry''s short stories carry a readability which is seldom uncompelling and occasionally outright gripping. Many have shocking endings, with a sudden plot twist turning the reader''s perceptions on their head. Most often we join ordinary people working ordinary jobs, who happen to experience something extraordinary. Wide ranging in scope and setting, O. Henry would choose a variety of locales to situate his stories. Downtown New York, the vast cattle plains of Texas, and everyday small towns serve to vary the backdrop. It is a common theme for either a character, the narration, or both to provide witty asides and wordplay which keep the reader amused. Compiled after the author''s death, this compendium summarises a stunning career in writing, cut tragically short by Henry''s early death at the age of forty-seven. Henry''s gift for weaving an interesting narrative and situation for characters inside of just a few pages is displayed superbly, making this book both a fine introduction and retrospective to O. Henry''s works. Still fresh and stylistically impressive to this day, O. Henry''s short stories are a worthy occupant of any fiction library.

The Gift of the Magi (Richard Foster Classics)

release date: Dec 12, 2015
The Gift of the Magi (Richard Foster Classics)
Clearly a literary great, O. Henry gave his gift to the world many years ago with this classic short story. "The Gift of the Magi" brings the reader into an interesting story of true unselfish love in the early 1900s. Enjoy Henry''s imagination as you discover what happens when a young husband and wife desperately and secretly try to obtain a gift for each other despite their poor financial situation. *Classic cream color pages* *Matte cover* -Richard Foster Classics Collection-

The Gift of the Magi (Diversion Classics)

release date: Nov 24, 2015
The Gift of the Magi (Diversion Classics)
Featuring an appendix of discussion questions, the Diversion Classics edition is ideal for use in book groups and classrooms. One of O. Henry''s most-loved short stories, THE GIFT OF THE MAGI is perfect for the holiday season. In this heartwarming tale, a young couple of limited means contemplates buying Christmas gifts for each other, with unexpected results.

Rolling Stones

release date: May 23, 2014
Rolling Stones
O. Henry is the pen name of American writer William Sydney Porter (1862-1910). Porter''s 400 short stories are known for their wit, wordplay, characterization and the clever use of twist endings. He travelled to Austin in 1884, where he took a number of different jobs over the next several years, first as pharmacist then as a draftsman, bank teller and journalist. He also began writing as a sideline to employment. Porter''s most prolific writing period started in 1902, when he moved to New York City to be near his publishers. He wrote 381 short stories while living there. He wrote a story a week for over a year for the New York World Sunday Magazine. His wit, characterization and plot twists were adored by his readers, but often panned by the critics. Yet, he went on to gain international recognition and is credited with defining the short story as a literary art form. His works include: Cabbages and Kings (1904), The Four Million (1906), Heart of the West (1907), The Trimmed Lamp and Other Stories of the Four Million (1907), The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million (1908), The Gentle Grafter (1908) and Roads of Destiny (1909).

The Gift of the Magi (American Classics Library)

release date: Aug 30, 2013
The Gift of the Magi (American Classics Library)
O. Henry''s classic tale of love, sacrifice, and generosity.

The Trimmed Lamp

release date: Feb 01, 2012
The Trimmed Lamp
Set aside the cares and stresses of your day and take a tour through the lives of a wonderfully diverse collection of early-twentieth-century Americans in this charming collection of tales from O. Henry. Each story is a perfectly polished wonder of brevity, vivid characterization, and wit. Taken as a whole, this volume is a pleasing diversion that will satisfy fans of classic fiction.

Selected Stories of O. Henry

release date: Feb 01, 2010

The Last Leaf and Other Stories

release date: Jan 01, 1999

The Ransom of Red Chief and Other Stories

release date: Jan 01, 1996
The Ransom of Red Chief and Other Stories
A collection of age-appropriate tales by O. Henry includes "The Ransom of Red Chief," "Gifts of the Magi," "The Furnished Room," "The Guilty Party," and "Brickdust Row."

O. Henry's Short stories

release date: Jan 01, 1992

The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories

release date: Sep 01, 1990
The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories
Sixteen captivating stories by one of America''s most popular storytellers. Included are such classics as "The Gift of the Magi," "The Last Leaf" and "The Ransom of Red Chief." Publisher''s Note.

The Pocket Book of O. Henry Stories

release date: May 01, 1989
The Pocket Book of O. Henry Stories
The four million.--Heart of the West.--The gentle grafter.--Roads of destiny.--Cabbages and kings.--Options.--Sixes and sevens.--Rolling stones.-Pems.--Whirligigs.--The voice of the city.--The trimmed lamp.--Strictly business.--Waifs and strays.

Selected Stories from O. Henry [pseud.]

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