New Releases by Michael Gold

Michael Gold is the author of Does the Universe Have a Soul? (2024), Damned Agitator (2023), Caring for Children Through Crochet (2023), Seaweed Dinosaurs (2022), Where's the ‘Human’ in Human Resource Management? (2022).

1 - 30 of 95 results

Does the Universe Have a Soul?

release date: Jan 09, 2024
Does the Universe Have a Soul?
What is the role of mind or consciousness in the universe? Are mind and matter, body and soul, two separate substances as taught by Plato and the great religions of the West? If so, how do these two substances interact? Does the universe consist of matter in motion, as taught by most contemporary scientists and philosophers? If so, how does mind emerge? Or is mind the ultimate reality, as taught by the great religions of the East, many mystics, and as suggested by quantum theory? If so, what is matter? Join us on this intellectual journey from the Bible and the ancient Greeks, through modern philosophy, to contemporary science and the insights of kabbalah or Jewish mysticism.

Damned Agitator

release date: Nov 01, 2023
Damned Agitator
"Is it time to release Michael Gold from his personal gulag to range free in the pastures of 20th-century American literature?" — Jim Hoberman, The Nation This definitive collection of fiction, drama, poetry, and journalism, edited by the author of the award-winning biography Michael Gold: The People''s Writer, shows why Michael Gold was once the most famous radical writer in America and why his pro-democracy message still matters. From 1914 to 1966, Gold produced a body of literature best defined as "the direct expression of a man who is angry about something"—the injustices of American society. From his early support for radical leaders like John Reed and solidarity with impoverished immigrants and exploited workers, to his determined support for the Civil Rights movement and opposition to the Vietnam War, Damned Agitator shows how Gold directed his righteous indignation to advocate for those who were least able to advocate for themselves. This collection is the first to include the full range of Gold''s writings, from poetry, fiction, and drama to literary criticism, personal memoir, and social commentary. At a time when democracy is threatened worldwide, Michael Gold is freshly relevant to a new generation. Though his legacy has been largely erased, this book recovers the deep political passions of the "damned agitator."

Caring for Children Through Crochet

release date: Jul 19, 2023
Caring for Children Through Crochet
Caring for Children Through Crochet is a pastoral resource for those who facilitate a Prayer Shawl Ministry or who just love to crochet. The focus of this book is ministering to children. It includes reflections on children and parenting skills based on Scripture, crochet patterns for children''s items (caps and other clothing, toys, finger puppets, blankets, and dragon capes), and articles by experts in the fields on how best to minister to children from specific groups (adopted, Gifted, Special Needs, survivors of abuse and violence, as well as members of a religious group, grandparents, and setting boundaries). This book will help you feed His sheep. Evelyn Rainey is an American educator, author, and publisher. She has crocheted since before Mankind landed on the moon. She facilitates a Prayer Shawl Ministry and is available to assist groups and individuals minister to others through crochet.

Seaweed Dinosaurs

release date: Oct 17, 2022
Seaweed Dinosaurs
Ahhhh... Imagine the infinite joy of sharing a discovery with children and grandchildren, students, spouses, siblings, friends and lovers, that will change everyone''s beach-walking experiences forever! On one of our visits a number of years ago to Prouts Neck, Maine, my wife discovered a bit of seaweed fortuitously shaped like a bird, and called out to me to see it. I was at a distance from her, as ever with a camera, but couldn''t get to her soon enough to beat the incoming tide that had immediately swept it away. But, thanks to her observation, I thus began an endless archeological exploration of other fascinating seaweed shapes. They appeared to resemble prehistoric creatures, such as living seaweed wildlife and human-like forms. It was a revelation! They undulated, and slowly moved to the rhythm of the waves and tides that eternally flowed forward and back, assuming shapes of dinosaurs, endless species of animals and beasts, both real and imagined; birds, giant insects, fish, fire-spewing dragons, critters, ballet dancers, warriors, faces, yes, even "fashion" models; an endless parade over many miles, allowing one''s imagination to run freely. I actually thought I was even hearing them. It occurred to me that even Charles Darwin might have linked this seaweed to animal life many millions of years before, as they evolved into those living seaweed beings we walked amongst. Of course, it was the survival of the fittest that they were even there, flourishing on these rugged Maine beaches. The varieties of seaweed were all photographed precisely as found on the two beaches. It would have been unacceptable and dishonest for me to have disturbed them. As an artist, I then rendered and transformed the seaweedosaurs into vivid, vibrant color detail in my studio, as I imagined they appeared in nature when having first evolved in the early development of our planet. Again, other than color, they were undisturbed. I only wish I could''ve shared them with artist Winslow Homer, who once, many years before, had his home and studio on the rugged cliffs adjacent to the Prouts Neck Beach. I "felt" his arm around my shoulder as we slowly strolled along, looking for the next seaweed dinosaur discovery. It''s uncanny how one''s imagination can get the best of you. And even with Charles Darwin, had he been with me (but of course, he was, as well). My discoveries may have led to changes in the direction of evolution and American art. Do try to identify them all. There are no rights and wrongs. All observations are valid and wonderful, and the most enlightening, exciting fun. Enjoy your nature walks on your "Seaweed Dinosaurs" beaches. Don''t forget to rub your sore necks and stretch your backs, while stretching your imagination.

Where's the ‘Human’ in Human Resource Management?

release date: Sep 06, 2022
Where's the ‘Human’ in Human Resource Management?
Drawing on case studies from the UK, Ireland, US and Australia, this book addresses the major workplace challenges of HRM today to create a textbook for the 21st century.

Where's the 'human' in Human Resource Management ?

release date: Jan 01, 2022
Where's the 'human' in Human Resource Management ?
Drawing on case studies from the UK, Ireland, US and Australia, this book addresses the major workplace challenges of HRM today to create a textbook for the 21st century.

Tales of Terror

release date: Dec 01, 2020
Tales of Terror
Clawing its way out of the minds of our most nefarious creators, Tales of Terror: Dark Menagerie, is the first horror-packed bestiary from Wicked Foundations.Torment your gaming group with this collection of never-before-seen monstrosities, each bent on twisting your players through encounters full of terror, torture, and trickery.Beware the machinations of the Twisted Toymaker and his devilish creations. Flee from the Striggore, a dark fae enforcer gone rogue. Tremble before Grandma Malka and her swarm of psychotic golden infants.With an exhaustively play-tested original mechanics and creatures with macabre loot, your players will be haunted for many sessions to come!

Campaign Companion

release date: Apr 23, 2019
Campaign Companion
Campaign Companion: The Essential Handbook For Winning Elections is a direct, unblinking, tough-love, honest, realistic, practical, invaluable reference book, filled with sound advice and plain talk from political experts and dedicated public servants, as well as hundreds of important helpful hints for running winning grassroots campaigns. It should always be with you and your campaign staff for quick, indispensable, vital information in any critical campaign situation. It''s the love of combat with adversaries, and that''s what a political personality is all about: The aura and rush of power that flows like a river to incumbents and hopeful candidates, the quest for power to make decisions that positively affect other people''s lives.

Raining Delusions

release date: Dec 22, 2018
Raining Delusions
Raining Delusions is a work of fictionalized stories woven together about those who grew up in a tiny community in The Catskills, and how they related to families, friends, lovers, life''s experiences, obstacles and fate.Some of the events are based on memories, fragments of information, really of village life and the eccentric way people communicated with one another, the Borscht Belt way. They cover the gamut of raw obscenities, conflict, digs, spontaneous humor, passion, grief, revenge, war, politics, compassion, sarcasm, depression, celebration and love, spanning four generations of larger than life characters, of emotional cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornados, firestorms and tsunamis, all hitting you at once. It''s not for the weak of heart.

Three Creation Stories

release date: Nov 08, 2018
Three Creation Stories
What is reality? Is reality both mind and matter, body and soul, as taught by Western religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? This is dualism, the approach of philosophers from Plato to Descartes. Or is reality only matter, as taught by many modern scientists and philosophers? This is materialism, the approach of philosophers from Hobbes to Marx. Or is reality only mind, as taught by Eastern religions and Western mystics. This is the approach of philosophers from Berkeley to Whitehead. The beginning of Genesis allows for multiple translations and interpretations. We will read the creation story in Genesis from the point of view of each of these three approaches—dualism, materialism, and idealism. In doing so, we will tell three very different creation stories. These stories will take us on a fascinating journey through science, philosophy, and religion. Join us on this journey as we explore issues such as does God perform miracles, why is there evil in the universe, was Darwin correct, can robots have souls, and if light is a wave, what is waving?

Pain 2018: Refresher Courses

release date: Aug 07, 2018
Pain 2018: Refresher Courses
Every two years, the International Association for the Study of Pain publishes a compendium of benchmark papers that summarize the current status of pain research, treatment, and management throughout the world. Presented at the 17th World congress on Pain in Boston, Massachusetts, in September 2018, these papers represent the thinking of the world''s top pain scientists and clinicians. IASP distributes this book to participants in the Refresher courses, and it is now available to pain researchers and clinicians who were unable to attend the Congress.

Employment Policy in the European Union

release date: Sep 16, 2017
Employment Policy in the European Union
Providing a UK perspective on the EU''s social dimension, this new text opens with a historical overview of EU social and employment policy, which is followed by chapters that focus on specific topics covered by the ''social dimension'' of the European Union. These give the reader a detailed understanding of the nature of EU involvement in each area.

Modern American Manners

release date: Apr 04, 2017
Modern American Manners
This practical and humorous guide helps readers learn appropriate manners so they can enjoy the pleasures of good food, good drink, and good company without worrying about what behavior is proper. Chapters cover how to be a good host, how to be a good guest, and how to behave at business events, cocktail parties, formal dinners, and restaurants. There is also a unique chapter discussing pet peeves and how to handle them with grace, civility, and appropriate manners. What’s the proper way to hold a wine glass? What’s an appropriate gift to bring a host—and what shouldn’t you bring? How should you correctly introduce guests to each other? If you’re the host, how do you determine who should sit next to whom? What should you do if you don’t want to drink alcohol at a cocktail party? What is appropriate cell phone usage at a business dinner? Here are easy-to-implement answers to these and many other important etiquette questions. Lavishly illustrated with memorable full-color photographs that highlight both good and bad table manners, Modern American Manners is full of friendly advice for business professionals, college students entering the workplace, and anyone needing a refresher course or an introduction to proper behavior.

Earn That Vote

release date: Dec 09, 2016
Earn That Vote
"EARN THAT VOTE: Practical Help From The Gut To Win An Election," is a political campaign book that is raw, direct, unblinking, tough, smart, honest, principled and filled with realistic, practical, strategic advice from many dedicated public servants to make you a winning candidate. It also includes over a hundred U.S. flag photographs (107), plus many others, in diverse locations: solemn, folksy, unexpected, quirky and kitschy, reflecting the proud, patriotic sentiment of fellow Americans. "EARN THAT VOTE" is the most important, unique, largest- 8 1/2"x11"- and most beautiful political (and coffee table) book you''ll ever read on getting you or your candidate to the finish line, VICTORIOUS.

Consumer Culture Is Consuming Us

release date: Sep 20, 2016
Consumer Culture Is Consuming Us
Consumer culture is killing the environment and destroying our humanity. Global corporations are selling us junk products masquerading as fulfillment for our souls. They sell us lies and call them dreams. It''s time to stop listening to them.

Whiteheadian Interpretation of the Zoharic Creation Story

release date: Jan 01, 2016
Whiteheadian Interpretation of the Zoharic Creation Story
This dissertation presents a Whiteheadian interpretation of the notions of mind, immanence and process as they are addressed in the Zohar. According to many scholars, this kabbalistic creation story as portrayed in the Zohar is a reaction to the earlier rabbinic concept of God qua creator, which emphasized divine transcendence over divine immanence. The medieval Jewish philosophers, particularly Maimonides influenced by Aristotle, placed particular emphasis on divine transcendence, seeing a radical separation between Creator and creation. With this in mind, these scholars claim that one of the goals of the Zohar’s creation story was to emphasize God’s immanence within creation. Similar to the Zohar, the process metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead and his followers was reacting to the substance metaphysics that had dominated Western philosophy as far back as ancient Greek thought. Whitehead adopts a very similar narrative to that of the Zohar. First there is mind containing all the eternal objects which serve as potential for the creation (God’s primordial nature). Mind becomes immanent in all actual occasions through prehension (God’s consequent nature). Finally God becomes “the lure” (to use Whitehead’s phrase) in the ongoing process of nature (God as superject). In this narrative, God is not the static being, the unmoved mover as discussed by Aristotle, but rather, is portrayed as a dynamic becoming, a God of process. Due to these significant similarities between Whitehead’s process philosophy and the Zohar with regard to the immanence of God and the process of creation, it is worthwhile to attempt a process interpretation of the kabbalistic creation story. The first part of this dissertation is entitled Philosophical Foundations, focusing on the intellectual framework of this study of the Zohar. The second part is entitled Creating a Narrative, looking at the text of the Zohar through the lens of Whitehead’s metaphysics. Finally, the conclusion looks at the narrative and discusses whether the goals of the dissertation have been achieved.

'Work Always Wins'

release date: Jan 01, 2015
'Work Always Wins'
This article focuses on ''connected freelancers'' as a category of teleworkers and examines the pressures placed on their work-home balance by their relationship with clients. Based on diaries, questionnaires and interviews, it reveals that, while connected freelancers do not generally work excessively long hours, they do work irregular hours. This is because ''work always wins'' in a conflict with domestic commitments, a phenomenon the article dubs ''client colonisation''. Client colonisation was a source of anxiety for respondents, who found themselves continually thinking about the current and future projects on which their livelihoods depend. The article illustrates the porous ways in which they interleave work with non-work activities and contrasts traditional ''monochronic'' forms of work with emerging ''polychronic'' forms, which erode work-home boundaries. It concludes that a new model of work - one in which individual patterns of control over work-home balance are paramount - already coexists alongside traditional models but is still insufficiently socially understood and accepted.

Howson's Choice

release date: Jan 01, 2011
Howson's Choice
Howson''s Choice tells the story of the rise and fall of Joseph Howson who, after rapidly working his way through the education system, is crowned headmaster of the exclusive private school, Cranford College. Dr Joseph Howson is the brilliant, suave Headmaster of a great English boarding Public School. Inspired by actual events, Howson''s Choice is a tale of the explosive consequences when the Headmaster has a series of encounters with a young call girl.

The Damned Agitator

release date: Jan 01, 2011

Horror House Detective

release date: Aug 01, 2009
Horror House Detective
The Weirdness swirls around Harold Schreiber and his family like snakes made of black mist. Where it comes from is unknown, but what it is doing is clear-it''s eating away at the woodwork of this man''s life. During his childhood, Harold''s mother is more concerned with her garden club than with raising her two sons. His father is a silent lump of rage. His brother Derek is damaged to the edge of psychosis, and possibly beyond. Decades later, the neighborhood is going to hell. A visit to an abandoned mansion reveals two impossible men whose response to being discovered is not kind. Harold''s sons are filled with inexplicable fury-and Halloween candy. A giant sea beast strikes at people on the beach where the Schreiber family is trying to vacation, and his wife is accused of murder. A steroid-addled colleague turns violent in health clubs and on the road. An old man is hit by an SUV on the big boulevard running through town and turns into an otherworldly being that may or may not be attacking drivers. Any other man might try to crawl into a hole and hide. His wife suggests he call the police when trouble comes. Harold is having none of it. He''s got problems. His family, his neighborhood, and his bowling alley are under attack. He doesn''t think much about what to do, he just wades into fights with his fists held high and takes whoever happens to be around into battle against the demons lurking in the streets. Voices are calling out to Harold to join the chaos of the neighborhood, to take part in the pure wanton joy of destruction. He can''t do it. Somebody has to fight back, to put some order into things. Somewhere in the core of his being, he believes that he is the man to do it, even if his name is Schreiber. Horror House Detective, a novel in stories by Michael Gold, is the tale of a hard working family man besieged on all sides by The Weirdness-and he''s sure as hell not going to run away from the fight.

The European Company Statute

release date: Jan 01, 2009
The European Company Statute
The European Company Statute is one of the most important pieces of company legislation adopted so far by the European Union. Its aim is to regulate the internal functions of a business operating in more than two European countries. This book provides an analysis of the history, structure, legal basis and likely impact of the ECS.


release date: Jan 01, 2009
"The Gold''s have curated the auction with a novel approach - by pairing 31 exciting established artists with 31 artists having great promise, but little establishment. All lots are sold in pairs, 2 for 1 bid price"--P. [2] of cover.

The Kabbalah of Love

release date: Jul 29, 2008

The European Company Statute: Implications for Industrial Relations in the European Union

release date: Jan 01, 2008

Whatever Happened to Social Dialogue? From Partnership to Managerialism in the EU Employment Agenda

release date: Jan 01, 2007
Whatever Happened to Social Dialogue? From Partnership to Managerialism in the EU Employment Agenda
Abstract: There has been a major bifurcation in the level and form of social dialogue between employers and unions within the EU. The intersectoral and sectoral social dialogue launched by the Val Duchesse process in 1985 now runs in parallel with domestic forms that are merely reacting to agendas established by the Commission and the Council. This article, based on interviews with employer, union and government representatives across six EU member states, argues that the European Employment Strategy is converting social dialogue into a managerialist process by decentralizing it to national level and co-opting the social partners into taking responsibility for meeting employment targets over which they have had no influence

Non-standard Academics

release date: Jan 01, 2005

Bookshelf 2000

release date: Jan 01, 2004
Bookshelf 2000
Books reviewed: Michael Poole, Employee Participation in Europe: A Case Study in the British and French Gas Industrials Emmanuel Mermet, The Role of Employer Associations and Labour Unions in the EMU-Institutional Requirements for European Economic Policies Torsten Muller, The Establishment of European Works Councils - From Information Committee to Social Actor Philip James, Prevention at the Workplace Michal Federowicz, Polish Transition Ten Years - Processes and Perspectives Michael Gold, Fundamental Social Rights at Work in the European Community A.V.Jose, Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Italy.

Employment, Employment, Employment

release date: Jan 01, 2004

Does God Belong in the Bedroom?

release date: Jan 01, 2001

The Ten Journeys of Life

release date: Jan 01, 2001
The Ten Journeys of Life
A rabbi offers insights into the basic essence of humanity, using Abraham, the biblical patriarch, as a mentor.
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