New Releases by Lars Kepler

Lars Kepler is the author of A pók (2023), Lazarus (Spanish Edition) (2021), Lazarus (2020), Spiegelman (2020), The Rabbit Hunter (2020), Peilimies (2020).

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A pók

release date: Aug 09, 2023
A pók
Három év telt el azóta, hogy Saga Bauer megkapta a képeslapot, amelynek írója megfenyegette Joona Linnát, és Saga kezébe helyezte a felügyelő megmenekülésének egyetlen lehetőségét. Mivel az idő telt, és nem történt semmi, a dolog jelentéktelen riogatássá törpült, és lassacskán kezdett feledésbe merülni. Egészen mostanáig. Az egykori kapellskäri koleratemetőben ugyanis egy szinte teljesen lebomlott holttestet találnak egy zsákban, és a gyilkosság helyszínéről előkerül egy hófehér töltényhüvely. Hamarosan világossá válik, hogy a kegyetlen elkövető bonyolult rejtvényeket ad fel a rendőrségnek, lehetőséget nyújtva nekik arra, hogy véget vessenek a gyilkosságsorozatnak. Joona Linna és Saga Bauer minden erejét latba vetve küzd, hogy az összes apró részlet a helyére kerüljön, és megmenthessék a kiszemelt áldozatokat. A harc az ismeretlennel azonban egyre kétségbeesettebbé válik. Lehet, hogy ezt az ámokfutást képtelenség megfékezni? Talán már foglyul is ejtette őket a Pók hálója?

Lazarus (Spanish Edition)

release date: Jul 20, 2021
Lazarus (Spanish Edition)
15.000.000 de lectores están enganchados a Lars Kepler y al infatigable detective Joona Linna. REGRESAR DE ENTRE LOS MUERTOS... Alguien está ejecutando a criminales buscados en toda Europa. Lo hace con ensañamiento, con una crueldad inusitada. Uno de ellos es un profanador de tumbas noruego; otro, un violador alemán. Es casi imposible trazar un nexo común, salvo que guardan cierta relación con el historial del detective Joona Linna. Él será el primero en entender que estas muertes no son simples ajustes de cuentas, sino que sirven a un propósito mucho más oscuro. ... SERÍA UN MILAGRO PARA MUCHOS… Con la ayuda de su compañera, la pertinaz y exigente Saga Bauer, Linna debe hacer frente a la persecución del único hombre al que no desearía buscar, un sádico asesino en serie al que dio por muerto hace años y que a punto estuvo de destrozar todo lo que daba sentido a su vida. ... PARA JOONA LINA SERÁ UNA PESADILLA… Mientras siguen apareciendo cadáveres que no son más que piezas de un macabro rompecabezas, ideado para hacer estallar todos los demonios interiores de los investigadores, el cerco se hace cada vez más estrecho, pero nadie sabe a ciencia cierta quién está cazando a quién. ... PORQUE JUREK WALTER HA VUELTO ENGLISH DESCRIPTION 15,000,000 readers are already hooked on Lars Kepler and the unrelenting detective Joona Linna. Someone is executing fugitive criminals across Europe, and is doing it viciously, with unusual cruelty. One of them is a Norwegian grave robber; another, a German rapist. It is almost impossible to draw a common link, except that they all have something to do with Detective Joona Linna''s background. He will be the first to understand that these deaths are not simple reckonings, but serve a much darker purpose. With the help of his partner, the stubborn and demanding Saga Bauer, Linna must face the pursuit of the only man he would not want to search for, a sadistic serial killer who he left for dead years ago and who almost destroyed everything that gave meaning to his life. While corpses continue to appear that are nothing more than pieces of a macabre puzzle, devised to ignite the investigators’ inner demons, their search is getting closer, but no one knows for sure who is hunting whom.


release date: Dec 01, 2020
INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLER • “A nonstop roller coaster of suspense, taking us deep into the hearts and minds of perfectly realized characters. And, oh, what a villain! ... The definition of a one-sitting read!” —Jeffery Deaver, New York Times best-selling author of The Goodbye Man Sometimes the past won''t stay buried. All across Europe, the most ruthless criminals are suffering gruesome deaths. At first, it seems coincidental that their underworld affiliations are finally catching up to them. But when two of the victims are found to have disturbing connections to Detective Joona Linna, it becomes clear that there’s a single killer at work. Still, police are reluctant to launch an investigation. If a mysterious vigilante is making their jobs easier, why stand in his way? Joona, however, is convinced this is no would-be hero. These deaths serve a much darker purpose. Desperate for help, Joona turns to Saga Bauer. If his hunch is correct, she’s one of the few people who stands a chance at bringing this criminal mastermind down. But Saga is fighting her own demons—and the killer knows just how to use them to his advantage. He continues to strike with impunity, and no one, it seems, is safe. When the killer begins targeting those closest to Saga and Joona, it appears more and more likely that Joona has been right all along, and that tracking down the person responsible will force him to confront a ghost from his past ... the most terrifying villain he’s ever had to face.


release date: Nov 17, 2020
Een geweldige nieuwe zaak voor Joona Linna Vijf jaar geleden verdween ze, nu wordt haar lichaam gevonden. Wie was de man die ze zag in het raam? Wie is Spiegelman? Vijf jaar na haar verdwijning wordt het levenloze lichaam gevonden van een jonge vrouw. De enige ooggetuige van de moord is een warrige man, die niet zeker weet wat hij gezien heeft. Joona Linna roept de hulp in van hypnotiseur Erik Maria Bark, zodat de man onder hypnose zijn herinneringen weer kan oproepen.

The Rabbit Hunter

release date: Jan 14, 2020
The Rabbit Hunter
ONE OF THE NEW YORK TIMES TOP TEN CRIME NOVELS OF THE YEAR • Another shocking thriller in the Killer Instince series: It’s up to Detectives Joona Linna and Saga Bauer to untangle one of the most complex cases of their career, and follow a killer’s trail of destruction back to one horrific night of violence. Ten little rabbits, all dressed in white Tried to get to heaven on the end of a kite. Kite string got broken, down they all fell, Instead of going to heaven, they all went to... It begins with a nursery rhyme. Nineteen minutes later you die. A masked stranger stands in the shadows. He watches his victim through the window. He will kill him slowly—make him pay. Soon the Rabbit Hunter has claimed another three victims. This predator will stop at nothing to reap his ultimate revenge.


release date: Jan 01, 2020


release date: Feb 05, 2019
The internationally bestselling Killer Instinct series returns with a terrifying new thriller: Detective Joona Linna—recently back from compassionate leave—reunites with hypnotist Erik Maria Bark in a search for a seemingly unassailable sadistic killer. “Kepler is a virtuoso at delivering scenes of suspense.” —The New York Times Book Review The Swedish National Crime Unit receives a video of a young woman in her home, clearly unaware that she''s being watched. Soon after the tape is received, the woman''s body is found horrifically mutilated. With the arrival of the next, similar video, the police understand that the killer is toying with them, warning of a new victim, knowing there''s nothing they can do. Detective Margot Silverman is put in charge of the investigation, and soon asks Detective Joona Linna for help. Linna, in turn, recruits Erik Maria Bark, the hypnotist and expert in trauma, with whom Linna''s worked before. Bark is leery of forcing people to give up their secrets. But this time, Bark is the one hiding things. Years before, he had put a man away for an eerily similar crime, and now he''s beginning to think that an innocent man may be behind bars—and a serial killer still on the loose….

The Hypnotist

release date: Jul 31, 2018
The Hypnotist
#1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • The first of the Killer Instinct series featuring Detective Joona Linna: a triple murder, the one surviving witness—a boy with no memory of what happened—and the hypnotist hired to help uncover the truth. “Full of surprises and more than enough twists to keep those pages turning well into the night.” —NPR The police are desperate for information on the triple homicide. Detective Joona Linna enlists the help of hypnotist Erik Maria Bark. But when Bark unlocks the secrets in the boy’s memory, he triggers a terrifying chain of events that will put all their lives in jeopardy.

Hunter (Joona Linna, Book 6)

release date: May 03, 2018
Hunter (Joona Linna, Book 6)
It begins with a nursery rhyme. Nineteen minutes later you die... The sixth gripping thriller in Lars Kepler’s bestselling series featuring Joona Linna. Perfect for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.

The Sandman

release date: Mar 06, 2018
The Sandman
#1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • This installment in the Killer Instinct Series tells the chilling story of a manipulative serial killer and the two brilliant police agents who must beat him at his own game, Detectives Joona Linna and Saga Bauer. “With its tight, staccato chapters and cast of dangerous wraiths lurking everywhere, The Sandman is a nonstop fright.” —Janet Maslin, The New York Times Late one night, outside Stockholm, Mikael Kohler-Frost is found wandering. Thirteen years earlier, he went missing along with his younger sister. They were long thought to have been victims of Sweden''s most notorious serial killer, Jurek Walter, now serving a life sentence in a maximum security psychiatric hospital. Now Mikael tells the police that his sister is still alive and being held by someone he knows only as the Sandman. Years ago, Detective Inspector Joona Linna made an excruciating personal sacrifice to ensure Jurek''s capture. He is keenly aware of what this killer is capable of, and now he is certain that Jurek has an accomplice. He knows that any chance of rescuing Mikael''s sister depends on getting Jurek to talk, and that the only agent capable of this is Inspector Saga Bauer, a twenty-seven-year-old prodigy. She will have to go under deep cover in the psychiatric ward where Jurek is imprisoned, and she will have to find a way to get to the psychopath before it''s too late—and before he gets inside her head.

Stalker (free sampler)

release date: Feb 11, 2016
Stalker (free sampler)
You thought you were alone. Think again. The groundbreaking fifth thriller in Lars Kepler’s bestselling series featuring Joona Linna. Perfect for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.

The Sandman: Free Sampler

release date: Aug 19, 2014
The Sandman: Free Sampler
HE’LL STEAL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP The fourth gripping serial killer thriller in the No.1 bestselling Joona Linna series. Perfect for fans of Jo Nesbo.

Joona Linna Crime Series Books 1-3: The Hypnotist, The Nightmare, The Fire Witness

release date: Jul 17, 2014
Joona Linna Crime Series Books 1-3: The Hypnotist, The Nightmare, The Fire Witness
The first three gripping thrillers in Lars Kepler’s bestselling series featuring Joona Linna. Perfect for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.

The Joona Linna Thrillers 3-Book Bundle

release date: Jan 21, 2014
The Joona Linna Thrillers 3-Book Bundle
Chilling, psychologically dark, and complexly plotted, Lars Kepler''s brilliant and addictive thrillers feature the troubled and intriguing Detective Inspector Joona Linna, someone who goes against the grain of conventional police procedure and thinks outside the box. This series has literally taken the world by storm, each book becoming a runaway bestseller internationally. In The Hypnotist, a triple homicide, all of the victims from the same family, captivates Joona Linna, who demands to investigate the grisly case -- against the wishes of the national police. He enlists Dr. Erik Maria Bark to mesmerize a young witness to the crime, hoping to discover the killer through his eyes. When Bark breaks his promise never to do this kind of work again and hypnotizes the victim, a terrifying chain of events unfurls. In The Nightmare, we follow Joona Linna''s investigation of two seemingly unrelated crimes -- a young woman murdered on a pleasure boat in the archipelago and a man found hanging in his state apartment in Stockholm the next day -- but as Linna begins to piece together the mysteries, the logistics become a mere prelude to a dizzying and dangerous course of events. And, in The Fire Witness, we find Joona Linna under internal review by the National Police for an alleged infraction and on leave to solve some troubling personal business. Nevertheless, he''s called in to "observe" the investigation of a gruesome and strange murder at a youth home for wayward teenage girls, and it''s not long before Linna is drawn deeply into the intricate, disturbing case.

The Sandman - Book 4 - Inspector Joona Linna

release date: Jan 01, 2014
The Sandman - Book 4 - Inspector Joona Linna
The No 1 Swedish thriller by the author of The Hypnotist and The Fire Witness During a cold winter night in Stockholm a young man is found walking alongside a railway bridge. The hospital declares that he is suffering from hypothermia and legionella. They also discover a death certificate stating that the man has been dead for over seven years. The man was a victim of the serial killer Jurek Walter, who was arrested by Detective Inspector Joona Linna. Jurek Walter was convicted to forensic psychiatric care, a sentence served in total isolation. But where has this man been during all these years? Due to an unexpected testimony the case is reopened. Someone needs to get under Jurek''s skin and fast.

The Nightmare

release date: Jul 03, 2012
The Nightmare
Lars Kepler returns with a piercing, bestselling sequel to The Hypnotist After spellbinding audiences in The Hypnotist, Detective Inspector Joona Linna is back in The Nightmare, an internationally bestselling Swedish thriller published to critical acclaim in dozens of countries. As the Swedish newspaper Arbetarbladet put it, "The reader is ready to sell his own soul for the opportunity to read this book without interruption, in one sitting." On a summer night, police recover the body of a young woman from an abandoned pleasure boat drifting around the Stockholm archipelago. Her lungs are filled with brackish water, and the forensics team is sure that she drowned. Why, then, is the pleasure boat still afloat, and why are there no traces of water on her clothes or body? The next day, a man turns up dead in his state apartment in Stockholm, hanging from a lamp hook. All signs point to suicide, but the room has a high ceiling, and there''s not a single piece of furniture around—nothing to climb on. Joona Linna begins to piece together the two mysteries, but the logistics are a mere prelude to a dizzying and dangerous course of events. At its core, the most frightening aspect of The Nightmare isn''t its gruesome crimes—it''s the dark psychology of its characters, who show us how blind we are to our own motives.


release date: Mar 04, 2011
In het vroege ochtendgloren wordt op een verlaten plezierjacht in de Stockholmarchipel het lichaam van een jonge vrouw gevonden. Het water in haar longen wijst op een verdrinkingsdood, maar vreemd genoeg vertonen haar kleren geen enkel spoor van zeewater. De volgende dag stuit de politie in een Stockholms appartement op het lichaam van een man. Hij hangt aan een haak in het plafond, in een verder lege kamer. Inspecteur Joona Linna is ervan overtuigd dat de man zelfmoord heeft gepleegd. Hij krijgt gelijk, maar daarmee is de zaak niet gesloten. De twee doden vormen de opmaat tot een reeks duizelingwekkende en gevaarlijke gebeurtenissen die Joona Linna meesleuren in een nietsontziende jacht op de moordenaar.
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