Best Selling Books by Joni Eareckson Tada

Joni Eareckson Tada is the author of Heaven (2010), A Step Further (2019), Joni (2021), Finding God in Hidden Places (2020), The God I Love (2009).

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release date: Sep 01, 2010
Step back a moment, focus your eyes of faith, and then come with Joni into a world you''ve heard about from your youth but have never seen: heaven. You just might discover that heaven is closer - and more real - than you''ve ever thought. In this joyful best-seller, Joni Eareckson Tada paints a shining portrait of our heart''s true home. Joni talks...

A Step Further

release date: Jul 23, 2019
A Step Further
Personal answers to the difficult "whys" of suffering. New 16-page photo section and illustrations by Joni. Originally published in 1978, A Step Further is Joni Eareckson Tada''s response to thousands of letters she received from people puzzled about the "whys" of suffering. Joni answers these questions by taking a personal look at how God has used circumstances, people, and events in her own life and the lives of others. A Step Further has been used by individuals, in hospitals and rehab centers, and in scores of countries overseas to bring comfort and peace to those who are suffering. It is available in over 30 different languages.


release date: Nov 16, 2021
One of the most beloved Christian autobiographies of modern times, Joni highlights the unforgettable story of a young woman''s courageous struggle to find hope after a broken neck left her completely paralyzed. On a hot July afternoon, Joni Eareckson Tada''s life was dramatically altered in a split second. A reckless dive into shallow water took an athletic young woman from health and success to life as a quadriplegic in a wheelchair. In the forty-five years since the release of this book--which has more than five million copies in print in over forty languages--Joni''s earnest struggle to find hope has resonated with millions of readers around the world. The hard-earned truths she shares in this special edition reveal the power of God''s love to transform, as well as the triumph of faith over pain and suffering. Joni''s message has inspired people facing all types of challenges, helping them overcome their own limitations with a determined smile. In this updated edition, you will discover how to stay satisfied in God through disappointment and affliction. Filled with practical insights, Joni will help you find hope in every hardship. This commemorative 45th anniversary edition features updated photos, as well as an all-new afterword in which Joni describes her current battle against two different cancers, her daily struggle with chronic pain, and the joys of leading a global outreach to people living with disability.

Finding God in Hidden Places

release date: Jun 09, 2020
Finding God in Hidden Places
Encounter God in the Unexpected Joni Eareckson Tada, bestselling author, artist, and international advocate for people with disabilities, invites you to join her on a deeply personal journey as she explores the presence of a holy God in hidden places. Stories from Joni’s life shine in this collection of gathered memories. As Joni shares honestly about her sorrows and joys, you will recall quiet, out-of-the-way moments in your own life when God was present—both in happy and sad times. Words of encouragement, comfort, and insight will leave your soul satisfied and longing to be closer to a loving Father. Find encouragement and comfort in Joni’s words and experience. When you train your eye to see God’s work, you will find the Savior everywhere you look.

The God I Love

release date: May 18, 2009
The God I Love
A little girl on a big horse, cantering across a spring-green pasture . . . wide-eyed children gathered ''round a beach fire, listening to a father''s stories of the high seas . . . an expansive, you-can-see-forever view from the top of Pike''s Peak . . . another view from a Stryker frame, where an active young woman learns she will never walk again . . . heading down a church aisle to marry the man she loves . . . looking into the eyes of a child in a wheelchair, and seeing the family God has prepared for a loving heart . . . sitting by the pool of Bethesda, reflecting on the miracle of healing God has performed in her heart . . . The God I Love brings to life these and many other moments. It offers an eternal perspective from a woman in a wheelchair who affirms that the God she knows and loves is the center, the peacemaker, the passport to adventure, the joy ride, and the answer to her deepest longings. Raised in an active, adventurous family, Joni Eareckson Tada worked hard and played hard to keep up with her older sisters and athletic father--until one day a diving accident left her a quadriplegic. But the tragedy that could have ended her life was in reality the beginning of an amazing, constantly unfolding story of grace that has touched the lives of millions worldwide and brought Joni unexpected joy and fulfillment. In this book, Joni unveils the God whom she has found to be faithful through over thirty years as a paralytic. This is not the story of a woman who has all the answers or who is very different from you. Joni struggles with the same fears, questions, and heartaches we all have in common. But as the weeks and months turn into years, and the years into decades, she meets her Savior at every turn. In this book, you''ll discover that he is there for you as well, no matter what your circumstance or situation may be. Written with beauty, feeling, and amazing honesty, The God I Love captures the heart and soul of one woman''s powerful, deeply personal journey of hope. It is a sojourn from a naïve child''s belief to a tempered faith that transforms and transcends personal tragedy, bringing light to the darkest places and good out of the most difficult situations, and offering glimpses of the glory that awaits God''s children.

When God Weeps

release date: Sep 01, 2000
When God Weeps
A practical and deeply biblical investigation of the problem of pain and a hopeful portrait of a God who weeps with us.

Joni & Ken

release date: Apr 02, 2013
Joni & Ken
God''s Immeasurable Grace. It''s the most important ingredient for the perfect love story. Tragic circumstances often stretch relationships to their breaking point. But God''s grace is always more than enough. For Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada, enduring quadriplegia, chronic pain, cancer, and depression only made their love more vibrant through thirty years of marriage. Discover a bond that has seen the worst and claimed the best. With sixteen pages of photos, peek into Joni and Ken’s challenges firsthand. Discover God''s immeasurable grace along the way, as their story inspires and enriches your own relationships. A love untold. Until now. Ken underestimated the challenges of marrying a woman with quadriplegia. Even the honeymoon wasn''t easy. Through their years together, Ken becomes increasingly overwhelmed by the unceasing demands of caring for a woman with chronic, extreme, nightmarish pain. He sinks into depression. Though living under the same roof, they drift apart. In the midst of their deepest struggles with depression and pain, Ken and Joni return to the one true answer to their struggles. One that is far from a denial of Joni''s diagnosis or thoughts of how wonderful a quick exit to heaven would be. In their darkest hour, Ken and Joni encounter a heavenly visitation that changes their lives--and maybe yours too--forever.

Hymns for a Kid's Heart

release date: Jan 01, 2004
Hymns for a Kid's Heart
A Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus once visited Jesus. Like many people, Nicodemus expected that his good life would earn him a home in Heaven when he died. Imagine how he felt when Jesus said to him, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).Jesus explained to Nicodemus that the new birth is a spiritual change that can only be brought about by God. The moment a lost sinner repents of his sins and trusts Jesus as the only One who can save him, he is born again. God gives him a spiritual nature through which he can understand and enjoy the things of God.What Jesus told Nicodemus 2,000 years ago is just as true today. We may try to live a good life, go to church or engage in other commendable activities, but we still must be "born again" in order to be a member of God''s family.Haveyoubeen born again? This is life''s most important question, because your answer will affect all of your eternity.How do we know that we have been born again? The Bible lists six characteristics in the book of 1 John. These are not requirements in order to be born again, but the results of God working in our lives. No Habitual SinningFirst: "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin" (1 John 3:9).The true Christian does not habitually sin because he wants to please his Lord. Although he is far from perfect, he knows that "if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17). If he does sin, he can confess and "the Lord is faithful and just to forgive" (1 John 1:9). Believing in ChristSecond: "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God" (1 John 5:1).Someone who is born again believes that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He is the One sent by God the Father to pay the penalty for man''s sin by His death on the Cross. His resurrection from the dead on the third day is proof that He is able to forgive us and bring us into fellowship with the Father. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me" (John 14:6).A born-again Christian does not merelyknowthe facts about Jesus Christ, but he has committed his life to Him as Savior and Lord.The child of God does not depend upon his church, his good deeds or his pastor to bring him eternal life. The Bible says, "For as many as received Him (Jesus Christ), to them gave He power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His name" (John 1:12). Practicing RighteousnessThird: "Everyone that doeth righteousness is born of Him" (1 John 2:29).Christ is the Christian''s example as well as his Savior. Jesus told His disciples, "If ye love Me, keep My commandments" and "ye are My friends, if ye do whatever I command you" (John 14:15; John 15:14).The true Christian lives to please his heavenly Father and tries to avoid those things God hates. Loving Other ChristiansFourth: "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren" (1 John 3:14).Like Jesus, the child of God loves even his enemies; but he has a special love for those who are also believers. They may be different from him in race, personality and denomination, but they are all members of the same family. "This is the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another" (1 John 3:11). Overcoming the WorldFifth, "Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world" (1 John 5:4).Someone who is born again does not follow the world''s ever-changing standard of right and wrong. He does not mind opposing the world''s ways, because he seeks God''s praise more than man''s and fears offending God more than offending man. Keeping Oneself PureSixth, &q

A Lifetime of Wisdom

release date: Feb 23, 2009
A Lifetime of Wisdom
It''s not what I lost. It''s what I''ve found.I was only seventeen, just a girl, when God asked me for everything I had ... my health, my hopes, my independence, my dreams, my freedom, and my mobility. He took it all. I was so angry with Him that I tried to push Him away. God relentlessly held me more closely.Looking back, forty years later, I understand that God has changed and healed me---my heart and my mind---in the most unexpected ways, giving me rubies of His wisdom about an unbending faith and an experience of His mercy I can now tell you about.Was it a fair exchange, my freedom and no wheelchair for the rubies of wisdom I''ve been given? Absolutely. In this I have learned at the feet of the Lord Jesus, embracing the way that God heals us, even when we rage at Him in anger, fear, and despair.This book is not about what I lost in that diving accident so long ago. It''s about the wisdom He''s given me to live life victoriously in the face of disappointments and challenges that we all face.

Secret Strength

release date: Sep 07, 2011
Secret Strength
Do you want to know a secret? What''s so secret about God? Nothing. And yet everything. Scripture tells us, "the secret things belong to the Lord our God." God has secrets. Some to keep, and some to tell. And who doesn''t want to know a secret? Most of us are filled with an incurable urge to discover secrets, to walk the higher and hidden roads. And it is our God, our wonderfully mysterious God, who has placed that yearning within us. He is the treasure we seek...the precious gem to be mined. So take the time to spend these one hundred concise, life-changing appointments with him. And discover incredible handholds of refreshment, courage, and endurance you can cling to in Secret Strength.

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Faith

release date: Sep 15, 2004
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Faith
In spite of a diving accident that has left her paralyzed for more than thirty years, Joni Eareckson Tada has been able to build a life of faith and purpose. The peace she has found as she confronts the painful realities of life as a quadriplegic has made her a hero to many people. In Ordinary People, Extraordinary Faith, Joni lets us know who her heroes are. Inside she tells the stories of people who inspire her with their faith and courage. Although Joni has met many famous "heroes of the faith" through her ministry, the lives she shares here are not the Billy Grahams of the world. They are a mother, a housewife, a nursing home resident, a child. Some are missionaries or pastors; others are bank tellers or data entry clerks. All of these people have touched Joni''s life and the lives of others as they found their faith rise to the occasion – to forgive an assailant, to find strength despite the debilitating effects of cerebral palsy, to choose love in the face of racial prejudice, and to discover in the midst of questioning that God Himself is the answer to all questions.

Choices, Changes

release date: Jan 01, 1986
Choices, Changes
Joni, the girl in the wheelchair who paints with her mouth, has inspired millions with her courage. Although she can barely move, her faith has moved mountains. Now, in her long awaited third book, Joni tells of three major choices she made in the past eight years that have dramatically changed her life.

Hope...the Best of Things

release date: Jun 26, 2008
Hope...the Best of Things
One thing has saved her: the heaven-sent hope found only in Christ. If hope is scarce in your life, this special booklet will draw you-toward a fresh perspective on suffering, true scriptural encouragement, and this beloved author''s hard-won insights about the goodness of God. In her life''s journey Joni has learned to meet suffering on God''s terms. She has learned that joy is for real. And most of all, she has learned that hope is the best of things when we give it a chance. This book powerfully communicates all these truths from someone who has lived them, so that you can live them too, no matter what you''re going through.

31 Days Toward Overcoming Adversity

release date: Oct 17, 2012
31 Days Toward Overcoming Adversity
Nothing is impossible with God Jesus never said we would be protected from trials and tribulations. So we ask not, What can I do to avoid difficulties? but, How can I best handle them when they arise? Who better to show us the way toward a godly response than Joni Eareckson Tada. Known worldwide for her powerful testimony and how she daily overcomes the adversity of paralysis by drawing near to God, this book now brings together a treasure of Tada''s inspirational entries. Her thoughtful insights and gentle wisdom will nourish your soul, fill you with hope, and bring you ever closer to the One who never leaves your side. Thirty-One Days Toward Overcoming Adversity is the second in her devotional series that takes you beyond pat answers, deep into the Word of God. Step by step, day by day, move from “overwhelmed” to “overcoming”…and forever victorious!

Glorious Intruder

release date: Sep 07, 2011
Glorious Intruder
Discover Peace, Perspective, and Healing. From a human perspective, God often appears to be an intruder. He presumes, invades, and infringes upon our lives. At times, God encroaches with gentle, subtle reminders - at others, with sudden, devestating judgement. God is not tucked away in some far corner of the universe, uncaring, unfeeling, unthinking...uninvolved. You can count on it - He is intimately involved with the tiniest details of your existence. Learn how His constant presence can bring peace, perspective, and healing into the puzzling and chaotic circumstances of your life.

Life In the Balance

release date: Aug 11, 2010
Life In the Balance
Never before has it been so important for Christians to discover the answers God’s Word holds to our culture’s biggest ethical and social dilemmas. Every day, the 24-hour news cycle offers stories from around the world of unimaginable physical, mental and emotional suffering. Yet more often than not, these stories and the underlying problems they represent are reported with no suggestions for resolution. Can it really be true that there are no solutions to our world’s biggest crises? Joni Eareckson Tada refuses to believe it. On her TV show, she has interviewed scores of people who have faced life’s toughest battles—and emerged victorious! In Life in the Balance, Joni and her friends take on some of the most difficult issues covered by the evening news, such as street violence, abortion, autism, genocide and stem-cell research. But they won’t just tell the stories; they’ll dig deep into the Word of God to find real and lasting solutions to so-called “unsolvable” problems. This workbook, designed for participants in a Life in the Balance individual and group study (Leader Guide with DVD sold separately), will guide readers to apply the timeless yet timely truth of God’s Word to society’s greatest challenges.

Life in the Balance Leader's Guide

release date: Aug 11, 2010
Life in the Balance Leader's Guide
Never before has it been so important for Christians to discover the answers God''s Word holds to our culture''s biggest ethical and social dilemmas. Every day, the 24-hour news cycle offers stories from around the world of unimaginable physical, mental, and emotional suffering. Yet more often than not, these stories and the underlying problems they represent are reported with no suggestions for resolution. Can it really be true that there are no solutions to our world''s biggest crises? Joni Eareckson Tada refuses to believe it. On her TV show, she has interviewed scores of people who have faced life''s toughest battles--and emerged victorious! In Life in the Balance, Joni and her friends take on some of the most difficult issues covered by the evening news, such as street violence, abortion, autism, genocide, and stem-cell research. But they don''t just tell the stories; they dig deep into the Word of God to find real and lasting solutions to so-called "unsolvable" problems. This workbook, designed for participants in a Life in the Balance individual and group study, will guide readers to apply the timeless yet timely truth of God''s Word to society''s greatest challenges.

31 Days Toward Passionate Faith

release date: Jan 20, 2015
31 Days Toward Passionate Faith
“Whatever your journey holds, if you’re immersed in God, you will be safe. And it will be worth everything…” If you long for spiritual vibrancy, Joni Eareckson Tada wants to give you hope. In 31 Days Toward Passionate Faith, she shares daily inspiration from her own search for an active trust in God. As you grow in faith, your identity as a child of God will become an energizing, joyful truth in your mind and heart. You will act with holy confidence. And you will radiate God’s love. In the midst of questions, God offers faith. In times of soul-weariness, God offers new life. And on a journey through darkness, God offers the richest of treasures: communion with Himself that leads to a boundless spiritual passion. So take his hand. Let Him lead you to life abundant.

Stressed to the Max

release date: Sep 30, 2013
Stressed to the Max
Does it seem like your to-do list always gets longer instead of shorter? Do you try to slow down but find yourself scrambling just to keep up? Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but it often seems you have more than your fair share. You can’t continue at this pace forever, but there doesn’t seem to be a way out. With ...

God's Precious Love

release date: Jan 01, 1998
God's Precious Love
God''s love is more precious, more amazing than we can imagine. Joni Eareckson Tada explores the depths of God''s uncondtional love for us in this beautiful, inspirational gift book. Each encouraging and uplifting quote is surrounded by the beauty of Joni''s own floral artwork.

Diamonds in the Dust

release date: Jun 01, 2010
Diamonds in the Dust
With more than 200,000 copies sold, Diamonds in the Dust has become a devotional favorite. Joni shows us precious jewels of biblical truth that lie scattered amidst the gravel of life’s dusty road.“The book you hold in your hands is my treasure trove of diamond chips I’ve collected over the years,” says Joni. “I’ve carefully selected favorite gems, ones I’ve often held to the light, turned this way and that to admire their beauty, diamonds that have made me rich in faith and wealthy in hope.”These 366 meditations uncover a wealth of promise, of eternal truths waiting to transform the events of our lives into facets that catch and reflect God’s glory. Written from the perspective of a woman who traverses life in a wheelchair, this book wipes away the surface grit of suffering and circumstances to reveal the radiant hope that each of us can claim.Diamonds in the Dust takes theology and gives it flesh, breath, and emotion. With eloquence, Joni draws from her own trials and triumphs to enrich us all with the wisdom of Scripture. But she’s not the only one whose everyday life holds such potential. “Look down at your feet,” Joni writes. “The path sparkles. God has placed diamonds in the dust of your road too!”

God's Tender Care

release date: Jan 01, 2002
God's Tender Care
For all those who long for comfort and safety in the midst of troubled times, Joni Eareckson Tada offers hope from God in this gift book. Each encouraging and uplifting quote is surrounded by Joni''s landscape artwork.

When Disability Hits Home

release date: Nov 17, 2020
When Disability Hits Home
A book to nurture practical faith in people who are directly or indirectly affected by disability. In disability, the heart of man becomes tethered to pain, thereby providing an unusual opportunity for God’s grace to be magnified and faith is trained to be dependent upon the Lord. In this book, written with compassion and sensitivity, Paul Tautges, with Joni Eareckson Tada, draws upon key biblical principles to nurture faith. Includes a Study & Discussion Guide.

A Spectacle of Glory

release date: Oct 04, 2016
A Spectacle of Glory
Your life is not too ordinary, your world is not too small, and your work is not too insignificant to make a difference--instead, all of it is a stage set for you to glorify God. Join bestselling author Joni Eareckson Tada as she shares daily devotions designed to help you embrace your eternal purpose. Do you ever wonder why God created you? The Bible says it plainly: God created you to showcase His glory--to enjoy it, display it, and demonstrate it every day to all those you encounter. Through this award-winning, 365-day devotional, Joni will help you discover how to put God''s glory on full display, no matter what challenges you''re facing. A Spectacle of Glory will prepare you to take on each day with the help of: A heartfelt story A timely verse from Scripture A thoughtful prayer for deeper reflection throughout the day An inspirational figure to millions of people in the more than forty years of her ministry, Joni Eareckson Tada has shared honestly about the struggles of living as a quadriplegic and dealing with chronic pain. Let A Spectacle of Glory give you the tools you need to focus your heart on the One who longs to lead and guide you every day and every step of the way.


release date: Oct 29, 2016
Autism Spectrum Disorder in children has increased to nearly 120% from 2000, making it the fastest-growing developmental disability known, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This enriching pamphlet will equip anyone with resources to provide help and support to parents of a newly diagnosed child. The 20-panel pamphlet contains a simple overview that explains Autism, gives stories and descriptions of struggles a caregiver might be likely to experience, and includes Quick Tips and Encouragement sections with comforting Bible verses and quotes. The Help a Friend pamphlet series focuses on the first response by a caring friend to bad news about a loved one. Friends gain the confidence to reach out rather than avoid, equipped with biblical wisdom and practical, time-tested advice from Joni Eareckson Tada.

Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

release date: Aug 31, 2012
Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
It may be your greatest fear coming true or something you never thought would happen to you. Either way, breast cancer has entered your life and turned it upside down. Now you’re wondering how you’re going to make it through: Are you going to be alright? Is your family going to be okay? And where is God in your struggle? Has he deserted you? ...

Joni's Story

release date: Jan 01, 1992
Joni's Story
An inspiring story of a journey from self-pity to service, based on Joni''s bestselling Joni.

Barrier-free Friendships

release date: Jan 01, 1997
Barrier-free Friendships
Joni Eareckson Tada offers thoughtful advice to those who want to build mutually fulfilling relationships with people who have disabilities.

Beside Bethesda

release date: Sep 01, 2014
Beside Bethesda
Are you ready for the deep healing Jesus offers? Beside Bethesda is 31-day devotional from bestselling author and speaker Joni Eareckson Tada that takes readers on a month-long journey toward the healing God offers—a healing that is deeper and more encompassing than anything we could imagine. As Joni relates aspects of her own journey in dealing with the most painful “unanswered prayer” of her life, readers will learn to see beyond potential quick fixes to the deepest and greatest solutions God has for them. As the journey continues, readers will deal with topics such as contentment in the face of unanswered prayer, transformation that occurs through suffering, wrestling with God, and learning to put one’s full confidence in Jesus.

Joni - 25th Anniversary

release date: Jan 01, 2001
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