New Releases by John OBrien

John OBrien is the author of Riverhead (2017).

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release date: Jun 19, 2017
More children are harmed or murdered by a parental figure than by a stranger. This author has observed the damage to mothers whose child is missing. In our story we hunt for and recover a two-year old toddler. We also locate a missing child and our actions lead to two other young boys being released from a mental remedial institution where they had been committed for five years after they were abducted by a parent. In this process we learn about our State and Federal laws. We learn which law enforcement branch we approach first and how we move up the ladder to offices of Law Enforcement. At issue here is ''which branch has the authority to file legal complaints?'' The logic here is that some levels of our law are written by State or Federal authorities. Then you must appeal to the Local, State or Federal law enforcement that has authority under that law. The process of this recovery is to listen to the mother as she laments their family''s problems. The result is that the reader may see similar toxic problems in their prospective love relationships. The possible good outcome is that the reader may be able to avoid criminal outcomes in their loved one''s relationships. Best to avoid these problems.

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