New Releases by John Cassidy

John Cassidy is the author of Manny the Fuzzball! (2022), Start with a Scribble (2020), Applications of Machine Learning in Drug Discovery I (2019), Habit Tracker (2018), 90-Day Goal Achievement Journal (2018).

1 - 30 of 92 results

Manny the Fuzzball!

release date: Jul 15, 2022
Manny the Fuzzball!
Liv is an animal rescuer, beloved by the whole animal kingdom. Be that as it may, there was an owl that hated all of humanity, especially Liv. So, he devised a plan to rid the world of her. He planned to rain down on her the full might of the animal kingdom. However, Manny, a baby bird overheard her plot and flew into action to save Liv. Thus began his harrowing journey through a lambryth of oddball creatures as he makes his way to Liv''s side

Start with a Scribble

release date: Aug 25, 2020
Start with a Scribble
Just start with a scribble! Start with a Scribble will banish your inner critic and kick-start your inner genius, as you learn to draw with a little how-to and a lot of just-do. An artist-quality pen and watercolor pencils (red and black) are included. Inside, you’ll find: Prompts to inspire you (e.g., “emotional rabbits”) Doodles to finish (“Mrs. Thudkins takes her floppaterasis for a walk”) Techniques to try (only when the mood strikes you), from shading to perspective And plenty of wide-open space to play around in. We’re much less interested in the appearance of something than in the something itself. So, when you’ve settled on your subject (a monster? a cockatoo?), first figure out what its essence should be (ferocious? bashful?) . . . and then, just toss that ball up (artistically speaking) and give it a good swat across the net. Voilà! You’re an artist. Throughout, beloved illustrator Sir Quentin Blake shares sage advice, from “it’s best to name your animal after you draw it” to “don’t worry too much yet about ankles.” The most important lesson? Let go and give in to your own creative spirit! Publisher''s note: Start with a Scribble is an updated North American edition of Drawing for the Artistically Undiscovered (Klutz, 1999).

Applications of Machine Learning in Drug Discovery I

release date: Jan 01, 2019
Applications of Machine Learning in Drug Discovery I
Drug discovery and development are long and arduous processes; recent figures point to 10 years and $2 billion USD to take a new chemical agent from discovery through to market. Moreover, though an approved blockbuster drug can be lucrative for the controlling pharmaceutical company, new therapeutic agents suffer from a 90% attrition during development, making the chances of success in the drug development process relatively low. Machine learning (ML) has re-emerged in the last several years as a powerful set of tools for unlocking value from large datasets. ML has shown great promise in improving efficiencies across numerous industries with high quality, vast, datasets. In an age of increasing access to highly curated rich sources of biological data, ML shows promise in reversing some of the negative trends shown in drug discovery and development. In this first part of our analysis of the application of ML to the drug discovery and development process, we discuss recent advances in the use of computational techniques in drug target discovery and lead molecule optimisation. We focus our analysis on oncology, though make reference to the wider field of human health and disease.

Habit Tracker

release date: Apr 11, 2018
Habit Tracker
Creating positive new habits in your life and transform your life. You have decided to take control of your life by designing new habits. What are habits? Usually started with some intent to do something, positive or negative. For example, driving home Friday night after a busy week at work. You don''t feel like cooking. You decide to treat yourself to a takeaway meal. (intent) You eat the food, you did not have to cook, potential new habit. You are rewarded with not cooking and some fats, salt and sugar, you feel good in the moment. Let''s call this the reward. Trigger - Habit - Reward Doing this once in awhile is not a habit. You would need to do this a few time before the brain starts to go "oh, on a Friday you would like a takeaway, let me automate this behaviour," i.e. form a habit. This Habit Tracker is based on this process. You will find six Habit Planner sheets, this is your intent which becomes the trigger. Take your time with each sheet answering the questions and go into as much detail as possible. I call this precision change and discovered that it is a significant key to changing behaviour. Next, you will discover the Yearly Habit Tracker page. This is where you plan which habits to introduce throughout the year. It is recommended you work on one habit at a time. Once you are comfortable with the process, you can change more habits. The Weekly Habit Tracker is designed only to take 45 seconds to complete. This little action where you tick a box to confirm you have followed through sends a message to your brain that you are committed to the change. You will also find a place for notes. You can use this to journal any resistance or feelings that may arise. Grab your copy today as a gift for your self or for someone you care about

90-Day Goal Achievement Journal

release date: Apr 04, 2018
90-Day Goal Achievement Journal
Through Planning, Productivity and focus Have you ever wanted to achieve more in life? Then writing your goals down is vital. Most people don''t. Out of the small percentage of people who write their goals down have you ever wondered how many achieve their goals? Not as many as I expected in my research. The next question, what were the people doing differently that achieved their goals? Planning and taking action was crucial and the big secret was that they recorded their progress. Use this profoundly simple journal to plan, record and achieve more in the next 90 days then most people accomplish in a year. You start by plotting your 30 days, 60 days and 90-day milestone. You then use the system to plan the next 30 days goals and priorities. Next using good goal setting practice, break down the goal into weekly actions. At the heart of the system is the Daily Accountability page. In less than 15 minutes each evening, you review your progress and use our visual feedback system to evaluate, have you met your daily goals. The Daily Accountability pages all build to the 30-day review pages (one at 30 days, 60 days and 90 days) where you answer seven carefully selected questions. Each question has been designed to maximise the next 30 days. Use this journal as part of your goal setting process and your success is 99 3⁄4 guaranteed or to say this differently, it really helps. Order your copy today Not only is this a great investment in your self it makes a superb gift for friends, family and personal developments connoisseurs in your life.

90 Day Workout Planner

release date: Apr 04, 2018
90 Day Workout Planner
Record your Fitness Workouts and food with this Journal Notebook New fitness journal with a built-in system to record your achievements. An excellent tool that helps you record all your fitness and workout activities. Using time-tested processes to help you achieve your goals and create the body you desire. What you measure, you can improve. We start with day one where you measure: Height, weight, body fat % and blood pressure. You can then use the diagram to record the size of your neck, shoulders, chest, biceps, waist, hips, thighs and calves. Built into the system is a measurement review at 60 days and 90 days. Easily schedule both your weekly cardio and strength sessions at a glance. Your fitness journal has fresh weekly schedules page planted throughout. At the heart of the system is the daily schedule where you can record, dates, time, your trainer or instructor and if you have warmed up. Cardio details such as type of cardio, minutes, pace and heart rate also included. Strength training includes Muscle group, sets, repetitions and weight used. An elegant visual system that measures have you met your goals today. No fitness planner would be complete without recording your food and drink intake. Record water intake and Calories, fat, protein and carbohydrates for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks for the day. Easily record your insights and moods from each session. The system for recording your progress found in this planner is one of the best ways to stick to your fitness goals and lose weight. Transforming your body takes work. Clear goals, turning up every day, exercising and recording your progress. In our research, we have found the most significant difference between success and someone giving up on their fitness goals, is logging their progress. Size 6x9. Order your copy today Not only is this a good investment in your fitness, but it also makes a fantastic gift for friends and family or the fitness junky in your life.


release date: Mar 16, 2018
Simple technique that reduces stress almost immediately How to become more productive throughout the day and still have energy at the end of the day How to handle fear and worry Learn 7 steps to integrate Mindfulness into your life This book is about reclaiming your life and living with purpose and motivation. This is not theory, this practical, scientific back process that will enable you to reduce stress, blood pressure, fatigue, pain, depression, anxiety, ADHD, psoriasis, overeating asthma. The book is concise as it has also been written using Mindfulness as a process. On the surface, Mindfulness is simple and at the same time profoundly deep. Healthcare professionals, parents, leaders, teachers and children have seen results using just a few of the techniques presented in this book. So when you are ready to let go of stress, fear, worry, self-criticism and self-doubt and become fully engaged in your life, become compassionate and increase your performance in all areas of your life then this book is for you. Take a moment, breath deeply and with full intent purchase this book, read this book and more importantly apply this book.

Unlock the Power of Stories

release date: Jan 16, 2018
Unlock the Power of Stories
The power of stories gets rediscovered every few years. As you read these words carefully now, you may begin to realise that you are about to learn something special about storytelling and how it can be applied in everyday life.Stories are once again a hot topic and for good reason.What do the best teachers, world-class public speakers, parents, top salespeople, entrepreneurs, leaders, outstanding marketing/advertising companies, effective therapists and the most successful organisations in the world have in common?They can all tell a better story. There is much commonality across these groups as they share a similar skill set when engaging with others.That''s fine, but what makes a story transformational? This is what this short book is all about as we unlock the power of stories to unlock true potential.We discover the essence that sits at the heart of stories that can change people''s lives for the better. We explore the most effective storytelling frameworks and techniques used over the years and apply these in a wide range of scenarios to show why the art of storytelling can be so profound. We reveal how it is possible to trigger the mind to fill in gaps of missing information and we share the underlying principles that change beliefs and in-turn change behaviour and lives.Stories frame our thinking. Our beliefs are based on the stories we tell ourselves - change the story, change the outcome and change your life.Stories can be designed to be influential and impact on the various aspects of our lives. It''s important to understand how different storytelling methods can be used to best suit and influence particular situations.A key question often asked about stories is, "Where to start?" A powerful story to develop is one that you tell others about you. This book provides a clear inward focus on ourselves as individuals and how to create that special impression that sticks.How do you stand out in an interview when other applicants have similar skills, experience and qualifications? What sets you apart from the competition?In a crowded market where other people sell similar products to yours at a lower price, how do you become distinctive, alluring and still able to attract customers who want to queue around the block to buy your goods or work with you?How do you establish yourself with anyone by building rapport and trust?What if you want to become a leader in your field?The answers to so many questions are revealed in your own story. These pages will disclose step-by-step processes to help you create your own powerful story for use in a personal or business setting by encouraging you to extend the limits of your imagination.We also turn our focus outwards to enable you to design stories for other people. Regardless of your discipline, specialism, status or position, we explain various storytelling frameworks and skills that will allow you to:- Inspire action- Motivate individuals and teams- Change the beliefs of others- Embed learning- Build a loyal and supportive following- Create a therapeutic intervention- Instigate changeIf you have a genuine interest in helping others, these pages will allow you to prepare stories and become a sought-after leader in your field.Would you prefer to learn about structured story frameworks that can be applied? Or are you more intrigued by the way stories can influence and persuade? Either way, this book will equip you with some of the most powerful techniques available to allow you to prepare empowering stories of your own; to help and transform yourself as well as the lives of others.As you apply what you learn, we would be delighted to hear about the stories you create and the changes you achieve.See you on the inside.......John & Steve

Paint This Book!

release date: May 02, 2017
Paint This Book!
Put the brush in your hand. Stick it in the water, then smush it around in one of the colors. Now take a deep breath and plop it down on the page . . . You’re an artist. Yes, really! Young or old, there is an artist in each of us. If yours is hiding (perhaps behind a shred of self-consciousness?), just remember: Art is personal expression. You have your talent. Nobody else has anything like it! If you are ready to discover (or re-discover) your genius, Paint This Book! is here to help. The paints, the brush, and the watercolor paper are all included—plus irresistible encouragement and exercises from authors John Cassidy and Thacher Hurd: Work small: Quick, spontaneous strokes will happen more naturally. Trust your instincts: Watercolor can turn to mush with a lot of revision. You’re better than you think you are! Choose your techniques: You’ll learn about light and shadow (page 43), perspective (page 51), and more. But it’s up to you whether to use these skills often, or never! Either way, there are many artists who do the same. Don’t forget: Sometimes a shimmer of color on the page can look even fruitier than a realbowl of fruit. Between these covers, there are no mistakes. Just add imagination (and water)!

Tracking Tax Transparency : Compliance in the New Dawn of Disclosure

release date: Jan 01, 2017
Tracking Tax Transparency : Compliance in the New Dawn of Disclosure
The trend towards greater tax transparency means that reporting requirements are becoming broader and compliance more complex. This article considers the new compliance obligations for businesses.

Tax Transparency Initiatives Could Spell Trouble for U.K. Property Investment

release date: Jan 01, 2017
Tax Transparency Initiatives Could Spell Trouble for U.K. Property Investment
U.K. beneficial ownership register proposals recently published by the U.K. Government are aimed at curtailing tax evasion and criminal money laundering activity - a laudable goal - but could also dampen investment in the U.K.''s property market.

Hue Book of Animation

release date: Mar 01, 2016

Real Men Kneel

release date: Aug 12, 2014
Real Men Kneel
There are many "How To" books being written by Christian authors today. This is not one of them. Instead, within these pages you will find a variety of meditations that will encourage, inspire, and in some cases challenge you. Where else will you find a book that tackles everything from the Super Bowl, to horoscopes, and even the sexual revolution from a scriptural perspective? Just as a record album contains songs with varying rhythms and melodies, this book contains meditations that are often profoundly different from one another. While one person finds a powerful essay that touches the heart, another is drawn to the promise found in the changing of water to wine. The Reverend Doctor Randall Paige has this to say about "Real Men Kneel: " "What beautiful, simple stories from everyday life to illustrate these messages. It''s so readable and enjoyable. This book conveys the deep message of God''s heart for the lost, even through stories of judgment. So many of these stories are so great . . . I can imagine people wanting to send them to their friends." "Real Men Kneel" is a personal yet broadly applicable account of what it means to know and truly believe in God. It encourages Christians to deepen and live out their own faith along the way.

The Odd, The Furry, and The Speckled

release date: Jun 04, 2013

Modern a Cappella-pop and Showchoir Methods for the Classically Trained Music Educator

release date: Jan 01, 2013
Modern a Cappella-pop and Showchoir Methods for the Classically Trained Music Educator
University choral music education programs commonly focus on training music educators in the Western Classical tradition, however, the evolving landscape of popular music requires an additional set of skills and experiences that are not a part of the standard curriculum. A cappella groups with vocal percussion and show choirs are increasing in demand due to the popularity of modern vocal music entertainment with television shows such as "Glee" and "The Sing-off" and performing groups such as "Pentatonix" and "Straight No Chaser." With limited available literature and training, current and future musical educators face the problem of having to acquire these skills on their own. While ensembles dedicated to singing popular music are nothing new, the technical aspects of developing an ensemble that meets the high performance expectations of modern audiences can be intimidating. This report intends to cover the requisite techniques, skills, and resources that modern a cappella pop choirs and show choirs utilize to be successful. The report covers these topics: 1) a brief survey of the historical origins of choral vocal pop and show choir ensembles 2) defining the purpose, intent, and nature of such ensembles 3) show choirs, pop a cappella choirs, and hybrids 4) roles, responsibilities, and personnel assignment 5) music selection, arrangement, and programming 6) the decision to perform live, with a pre-recorded track, or a combination 7) use of audio and recording equipment in performance 8) rehearsal techniques 9) artistic and stylistic decisions.


release date: Jan 01, 2012

Josephine Meckseper

release date: Jan 01, 2011
Josephine Meckseper
Over the past ten years, the New York-based artist Josephine Meckseper has developed a practice that melds the aesthetic language of modernism with a profound critique of consumerism. Meckseper employs window displays, vitrines, installations, photographs, films and magazines to explore how consumer culture defines subjectivity. In this volume, published for her 2011 solo exhibition at the FLAG Art Foundation, New York, Meckseper presents a series of new works focusing on display modes of retail environments such as car dealerships, highlighting their aesthetic overlap with mid-century modernism. Chrome car rims sit atop mirrored pedestals; sleek corporate logos populate wall assemblages; and canvases are shrinkwrapped in plastic. Meckseper''s new vitrines, stocked with familiar and unfamiliar objects, function as time capsules of contemporary culture. The works in this catalogue possess a monumental quality, bearing as they do the insignia of American power and authority--flags, eagles and car logos.

Performance Measurement

release date: Jan 01, 2011
Performance Measurement
A performance measurement index provides an innovative approach for federal agencies to focus on performance improvement in accordance with guidance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Deloitte''s Performance Measurement Index requires agency leaders to discuss how priorities and goals are aligned with programs, projects, and budgets. Weight and target scores are defined for each performance measure, objective, and goal, so that the agency can review actual performance at any level. An index approach can align outcome-based strategic goals with performance measures, can be tailored for internal and external reporting needs, and allows agency leaders to set performance targets according to priorities and resources. By calculating an objective performance score each period, the index allows agencies to compare performance over time and identify trends that impact programs and projects. This paper identifies the objectives and challenges of using an index approach. The benefits of using an index to measure performance are given. The paper concludes with a case study exploring the development of a performance measurement index for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATF).

The Klutz Book of Inventions

release date: Jan 01, 2010
The Klutz Book of Inventions
From the same brains who brought you The Encyclopedia of Immaturity comes The Klutz Book of Inventions, a 200-page catalog of never-before-seen contraptions that are equal parts brilliant, useful, and ridiculous. None of them exist as actual products, but in a better world, a funnier world, they would all be household essentials.One of the most ambitous projects we''ve ever undertaken, this compendium was created over the course of hundreds of brainstorm hours by an all-star team from Klutz and IDEO, the world''s foremost product design firm. Each of the inventions was actually built in the legendary IDEO workshop before being photographed (usually in action) and described on its own page.

The Klutz Book of Brilliantly Ridiculous Inventions

release date: Jan 01, 2010
The Klutz Book of Brilliantly Ridiculous Inventions
This is a collection of never-before-seen contraptions that are equal parts brilliant, useful, and ridiculous. None of them exist as actual products, but in a better world, a funnier world, they would all be household essentials.

Coaching Excellence

release date: Jan 01, 2010

Tricky Video

release date: Mar 01, 2009
Tricky Video
Tricky Video is a clever collection of easy-to-achieve video tricks, gags, and gimmicks you can do with your home video camera. Simple step-by-step sequences show young directors how to make people disappear, how to stage a painless fight scene, how to become a cartoon, and in short, how to be a video genius.

Extra Stuff for Twirled Paper

release date: Mar 01, 2009
Extra Stuff for Twirled Paper
This little box is packed with 300 paper strips (three times as many as came with the book) in the same brilliant rainbow of colors as the original. These strips are the perfect width and weight to curl, coil, bend, and twirl into all the intricate designs shown in Twirled Paper.

Promoting Brands Through Online Communities

release date: Jan 01, 2009
Promoting Brands Through Online Communities
Das Platzen der Dotcom-Blase im Herbst 2001 wird häufig als ein Wendepunkt für das Internet bezeichnet. Mit dem Begriff "Web 2.0" ist die Idee einer neuen interaktiven Nutzung des Internets entstanden. Social Media unterstützen die soziale Interaktion mit "User Generated Content" als Ergebnis. Sie umfassen verschiedene Kategorien wie zum Beispiel Online Communities, Blogs, Foren und Wikis. Online Communities spielen eine immer wichtigere Rolle in den Bereichen Marketing und Brand Management, da Verbraucher vermehrt die Interaktion mit der Marke im Gespräch suchen. Brand Communities bieten eine Plattform um produktive Diskussionen über das gemeinsame Interesse der Verbraucher wie auch der Unternehmen zu führen - der Marke. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Ermittlung der kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren für das Management von Online Communities und die Förderung der eigenen Marke in diesem neuen Medium. Dies wird durch eine quantitative Online-Befragung zur Attraktivität von Online-Gemeinschaften aus Sicht der Nutzer unterstützt. Die Umfrage hat eine Nettobeteiligungsrate von 414 Teilnehmern, von welchen 236 die Umfrage komplett ausfüllten. Unternehmen können den durch Social Media ausgelösten Trend nicht verhindern. Sie können jedoch daran Teil haben, indem Sie das Gespräch mit den Internetbenutzern aufnehmen oder eigene Online Communities erstellen.

Buses, Trains and Gaelic Games

release date: Jan 01, 2009
Buses, Trains and Gaelic Games
Patrick Kavanagh said that no one could write a comprehensive account of Irish life that ignored the Gaelic Athletic Association. This book serves as a record of the activities and achievements of the various transport teams over the past one hundred and twenty five years.

Ms. Frizzle's Adventures

release date: Jan 01, 2008
Ms. Frizzle's Adventures
Is it magic? Ms. Frizzle, Wanda, and Arnold simply duck under the dragon at the local Chinese New Year''s parade, and they are mysteriously whisked back in time to ancient China! They arrive in a village where the farmers are in trouble. The Friz and friends vow to go to the capital to get the emperor''s help. On their journey, they learn how silk is made, travel on the Grand Canal, and see the Great Wall under construction. But will they fulfill their mission to help the farmers? Cole and Degen relay a bounty of facts with charm and humor as they bring the majesty of imperial China to life.

Locality-Based Working in Integrated Children's Services in Scotland

release date: Jan 01, 2008

Securing Passenger Rail Against Terrorism

release date: Jan 01, 2008

Awesome! Magnet Magic

release date: Jan 01, 2007

Klutz Book of Magic

release date: Sep 01, 2006
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