Most Popular Books by Jeanine Cummins

Jeanine Cummins is the author of American Dirt (Oprah's Book Club) (2020), A Rip in Heaven (2004), The Crooked Branch (2013), American Dirt: Chapter Sampler (2019), The Outside Boy (2010).

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American Dirt (Oprah's Book Club)

release date: Jan 21, 2020
American Dirt (Oprah's Book Club)
Jeanine Cummins''s American Dirt, the #1 New York Times bestseller and Oprah Book Club pick that has sold over two million copies Lydia lives in Acapulco. She has a son, Luca, the love of her life, and a wonderful husband who is a journalist. And while cracks are beginning to show in Acapulco because of the cartels, Lydia’s life is, by and large, fairly comfortable. But after her husband’s tell-all profile of the newest drug lord is published, none of their lives will ever be the same. Forced to flee, Lydia and Luca find themselves joining the countless people trying to reach the United States. Lydia soon sees that everyone is running from something. But what exactly are they running to?

A Rip in Heaven

release date: Jun 01, 2004
A Rip in Heaven
The acclaimed author of American Dirt reveals the devastating effects of a shocking tragedy in this landmark true crime book—the first ever to look intimately at the experiences of both the victims and their families. A Rip in Heaven is Jeanine Cummins’ story of a night in April, 1991, when her two cousins Julie and Robin Kerry, and her brother, Tom, were assaulted on the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge, which spans the Mississippi River just outside of St. Louis. When, after a harrowing ordeal, Tom managed to escape the attackers and flag down help, he thought the nightmare would soon be over. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Tom, his sister Jeanine, and their entire family were just at the beginning of a horrific odyssey through the aftermath of a violent crime, a world of shocking betrayal, endless heartbreak, and utter disillusionment. It was a trial by fire from which no family member would emerge unscathed.

The Crooked Branch

release date: Mar 05, 2013
The Crooked Branch
From the national bestselling author of American Dirt and A Rip in Heaven comes the deeply moving story of two mothers from two very different times. After the birth of her daughter Emma, the usually resilient Majella finds herself feeling isolated and exhausted. Then, at her childhood home in Queens, Majella discovers the diary of her maternal ancestor Ginny—and is shocked to read a story of murder in her family history. With the famine upon her, Ginny Doyle fled from Ireland to America, but not all of her family made it. What happened during those harrowing years, and why does Ginny call herself a killer? Is Majella genetically fated to be a bad mother, despite the fierce tenderness she feels for her baby? Determined to uncover the truth of her heritage and her own identity, Majella sets out to explore Ginny’s past—and discovers surprising truths about her family and ultimately, herself.

American Dirt: Chapter Sampler

release date: Aug 02, 2019
American Dirt: Chapter Sampler
Download a free excerpt from Jeanine Cummins''s American Dirt! También de este lado hay sueños. On this side too, there are dreams. Already being hailed as "a Grapes of Wrath for our times" and "a new American classic", American Dirt is a rare exploration into the inner hearts of people willing to sacrifice everything for a glimmer of hope. If it’s only a better life you seek, seek it elsewhere...This path is only for people who have no choice, no other option, only violence and misery behind you. And your journey will grow even more treacherous from here. Everything is working against you. —American Dirt Lydia Quixano Perez lives in the Mexican city of Acapulco. She runs a bookstore. She has a son, Luca, the love of her life, and a wonderful husband who is a journalist. And while there are cracks beginning to show in Acapulco because of the drug cartels, her life is, by and large, fairly comfortable. Even though she knows they’ll never sell, Lydia stocks some of her all-time favorite books in her store. And then one day a man enters the shop to browse and comes up to the register with four books he would like to buy—two of them her favorites. Javier is erudite. He is charming. And, unbeknownst to Lydia, he is the jefe of the newest drug cartel that has gruesomely taken over the city. When Lydia’s husband’s tell-all profile of Javier is published, none of their lives will ever be the same. Forced to flee, Lydia and eight-year-old Luca soon find themselves miles and worlds away from their comfortable middle-class existence. Instantly transformed into migrants, Lydia and Luca ride la bestia—trains that make their way north toward the United States, which is the only place Javier’s reach doesn’t extend. As they join the countless people trying to reach el norte, Lydia soon sees that everyone is running from something. But what exactly are they running to? American Dirt will leave readers utterly changed when they finish reading it. It is a page-turner, it is a literary achievement, it is filled with poignancy, drama, and humanity on every page. It is one of the most important books for our times.

The Outside Boy

release date: Jun 01, 2010
The Outside Boy
A poignant, coming of age novel about an Irish gypsy boy’s childhood in the 1950’s from the national bestselling author of A Rip in Heaven and American Dirt. Ireland, 1959: Young Christopher Hurley is a tinker, a Pavee gypsy, who roams with his father and extended family from town to town, carrying all their worldly possessions in their wagons. Christy carries with him a burden of guilt as well, haunted by the story of his mother’s death in childbirth. The wandering life is the only one Christy has ever known, but when his grandfather dies, everything changes. His father decides to settle briefly, in a town, where Christy and his cousin can receive proper schooling and prepare for their first communions. But still, always, they are treated as outsiders. As Christy struggles to find his way amid the more conventional lives of his new classmates, he starts to question who he is and where he belongs. But then the discovery of an old newspaper photograph, and a long-buried secret from his mother’s mysterious past, changes his life forever....

La branche tordue

release date: May 07, 2024
La branche tordue
Drame familial intergénérationnel, l''histoire éblouissante de deux mères confrontées aux affres de la maternité, l''une en temps de Grande famine de la pomme de terre en Irlande, l''autre dans le New York contemporain, par l''autrice du roman au succès international American Dirt. Majella vient de donner naissance à son premier enfant. Malgré l''amour qu''elle porte à sa fille, elle se sent étrangère à sa nouvelle vie. Épuisée et au bord de la folie dans la maison de son enfance du Queens, elle découvre au grenier le journal oublié d''une femme dont le nom, griffonné fiévreusement sur la couverture, lui est inconnu : Ginny Doyle. Tandis que Majella se plonge tout entière dans ce mystère, c''est son histoire familiale qui se révèle à elle. Car en 1848, pour échapper à la Grande Famine de la pomme de terre, Ginny Doyle a fui l''Irlande et s''est embarquée vers l''Amérique dans des circonstances plus que troubles. Décidée à découvrir la vérité sur son héritage, Majella explore le passé de Ginny et se retrouve confrontée à des secrets profondément enfouis. Tandis qu''elle-même renoue avec sa propre mère, elle apprend que Ginny a dû abandonner ses quatre jeunes enfants et accepter à plein temps un travail de femme de chambre pour sauver sa famille. Que s''est-il passé durant ces terribles années de famine ? Majella est assaillie de doutes : si Ginny est bien son aïeule, est-elle à son tour génétiquement condamnée à être une mauvaise mère ? Avec un réel talent de conteuse, Jeanine Cummins donne voix à deux générations, entre l''Irlande du milieu du XIXe siècle et le New York des années 2010. Histoire de sacrifices, de vulnérabilité et de courage devant l''adversité, La branche tordue fait le portrait bouleversant de deux femmes reliées par bien plus que le sang : par l''amour qu''elles portent à leurs enfants.

Speak to Me of Home

release date: May 13, 2025
Speak to Me of Home
''She has to get to Daisy immediately. And here is a monster in her path.'' It is a Tuesday evening in June when Ruth receives the phone call that all parents dread. Her daughter Daisy has been hit by a car during a deadly storm in Puerto Rico. How Ruth wishes she could tell Daisy she loves her. That she is sorry her own muddy feelings about Daisy''s move to San Juan caused them to fight. What a waste of precious breath. Instinctively, it''s her mother, Rafaela, Ruth wants to turn to. Rafaela whose own memories of growing up in Puerto Rico are becoming ever more vivid, as have her sudden flashes of forgetfulness. Can Rafaela close the gap between her daughter and granddaughter? Can she bring them home, before it''s too late?

Paperback - the Wrath of Angels

release date: Oct 12, 2020
Paperback - the Wrath of Angels
There''s nothing more terrifying than a pissed off woman - except the Devil. I''m both.The angels warned me that I should fear their wrath. Theirs? Please! They have no idea who they''re dealing with. Not that I really do either, but I''m quickly figuring out that I''m a whole lot more than just an artist.Designed by God, created by people, and made possible by the atrocities of the supposed "good guys," I''m here to set things right. To punish those who deserve it, and the archangel Michael is at the top of my list. That guy can''t help but piss me off.I just have a few things to deal with first. You know, like the mess I made of Hell. And no, I don''t feel bad about that. They completely deserved it. They also learned their lesson.The angels honestly think their attitude problem should scare me? Me! I''m God''s equal. I''m supposed to be the "bad guy," after all. I''m here to bring down Heaven and unleash chaos on the world.The Wrath of Angels?No, there''s something much, much worse:A woman on a mission.

Paperback - a Hellish Year One

release date: Oct 13, 2020
Paperback - a Hellish Year One
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. The Academy of the Devil is waiting, and there will be no mercy.For as long as I can remember, I''ve been the girl who didn''t fit in, the girl who collapsed in the middle of class, just because my brain decided to turn on me. I can''t really complain, though. We don''t live in the Middle Ages, so I have yet to be subjected to an exorcism. I can get treatment for my condition. Epilepsy aside, I can mostly be a normal person and have a normal life.There''s just one problem. I''m not a normal person. I never have been. And the first time I find this out is upon receiving an exclusive invitation to The Academy of the Devil.Unfortunately, The Academy of the Devil isn''t like other schools and the current princes of the school have a lot of experience in ripping whatever contender they have to shreds. First, there''s Callum, incubus extraordinaire and leader of the house of Lust. He thrives on making students fall in love with him and then breaking their spirits. Then there''s Mikael, the envious cambion, rumored to enjoy feeding students to the school''s dragon. And last, but not least, the leader of the house of Wrath, the hell hound Stefan. I hear he doesn''t bother with the dragon and just takes care of pests himself.All of them despise humans. All of them sneer at anyone who displays any kind of weakness. All of them hate me and everything I stand for. That''s fine. I don''t need friends, lovers, or even valued mentors. All I need is to survive my school years with my soul, my sanity and my brain intact.It''ll be a challenge, but I''ve dealt with worse. I might not be ready for the Academy of the Devil, but they''re not ready for me either.

Paperback - a Demonic Year Two

release date: Oct 13, 2020
Paperback - a Demonic Year Two
Second chances are always costly, and at The Academy of the Devil, the price you have to pay for weakness is high. Get ready. Class is in session again, and this year, the lessons we have to learn are tougher than ever.It''s official. I must be cursed.After my hellish first year at The Academy of the Devil, I thought I was prepared for anything. But things never work the way they should at this damn school, and as my second year begins, it becomes obvious that my troubles have just begun.My relationship with Callum, Stefan, and Mikael is still as confusing as ever. I have no idea where I stand with them and they''re not doing any better. My new bond with Mikael adds even more complications to the mix, because even if we''re the ones who are part of the House of Envy, the green-eyed monster is alive and well in Callum and Stefan too.To make matters worse, the students aren''t very happy with the idea of having a nephilim in their midst. The dethroned prince of the school isn''t safe from anyone, not anymore, and I don''t know how to help him.Then, there''s Dean Mephistopheles, who''s starting to pay an alarming amount of attention to me. And against my better judgment, I find myself drawn to him too.I don''t know what will happen now, but one thing is certain. My second year at The Academy of the Devil is certainly going to be demonic.

Paperback - Chaos at Prescott High

release date: Oct 13, 2020
Paperback - Chaos at Prescott High
There''s one gang you don''t piss off at Prescott High, not unless you want them to destroy you.The Havoc Boys.My enemies turned friends turned lovers.These boys have never been saints, but this war that''s brewing is resurrecting their inner demons.Once upon a time, I was their target. This time, I''m calling the shots.Senior year is my year.This year, I''m going to bring down my enemies.This year, I''m going to run my tongue along the blade of vengeance and taste blood.The Havoc Boys are mine, and we were here first.You don''t mess with a Havoc Girl without paying the price.You don''t start a rebellion without a little bloodshed.My boys and I don''t mind using two wrongs to make a right--I just hope our brewing obsession with one another doesn''t kill us all first.

Paperback - the Kiss of Death

release date: Oct 12, 2020
Paperback - the Kiss of Death
I always imagined Death''s final kiss would be cold. It wasn''t.Four years later, I can still remember the exact shade of his skin: a blue so pale it looked like moonlight. I dream of his touch. Mostly, I paint the man under the heavy cowl, including those perfect lips which ruined mine for anyone else.I''m obsessed with him.The doctors say he''s nothing more than a hallucination caused by a mixture of head trauma and emergency pain medications. I think he''s a really sexy figment of my imagination. I mean, who besides an artist would dream up the Grim Reaper for their hero?Now, something''s changed and my drawings are taking on a life of their own. As if college wasn''t hard enough, trying to keep this a secret is going to be impossible. Keeping my sanity might be worse. And that''s not the worst of my problems.Death is back.He wants another kiss.And he''s not alone.

Paperback - Wolf Claimed

release date: Oct 12, 2020
Paperback - Wolf Claimed
I wish this was our happily ever after. But it''s not.My mates and I got what we wanted--we found Rhys''s sister. We should be celebrating, but the danger is far from over.Our welcome into the Lost Pack was frosty at best, and tensions between old and new blood threaten to boil over. Crammed too close together, trapped by our fear, we''re hardly better off here than we were at Strand.If my men and I can''t unite the two packs, they''ll tear each other apart before Doctor Shepherd and his hunters even have a chance to find us again.I won''t let that happen.My wolf has claimed each of these four men. And the deeper I fall in love with them, the more determined I am to create a real future for us.But to do that, I''m going to have to fully accept the truth of who I am... and what I am

Wolf Hunted - Wolf Hunted

release date: Oct 12, 2020
Wolf Hunted - Wolf Hunted
Four renegade wolf shifters. An innocent young woman trapped in a web of lies. When their fates collide, sparks will fly...Diagnosed with a rare terminal illness, I''ve spent over half my life in the Strand Corporation''s state-of-the-art treatment facility. I keep my chin up and do everything the doctors order, praying one day I''ll walk out of here in perfect health.But when that day finally arrives, it''s nothing like I hoped it would be. Instead, it comes in a hail of gunfire, along with four distractingly handsome men who say they''re here to rescue me.On the run with these mysterious men and hunted by the very people I believed were my caretakers, I begin to realize nothing is what I thought it was.Turns out, I''m not really sick.I''m not completely human either...
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