New Releases by Jay Crownover

Jay Crownover is the author of The Silence of Monsters (2024), Beast (2024), Wheeler (2024), The Jay Crownover Book Set 1 (2023), The Jay Crownover Book Set 2 (2023).

1 - 30 of 68 results

The Silence of Monsters

release date: May 16, 2024
The Silence of Monsters
Win Halliday lives an extraordinary life. When he moves, the rest of the world moves with him. As the heir to the Halliday name and fortune, Win''s entire life has been carefully orchestrated from the moment he came into the world. He''s never been allowed to aspire for anything outside that plan, including love. After the tragedy that followed his younger brother chasing his foolish heart, the Halliday Matriarch insists on picking a bride that''s up to her outrageously high standards. Unfortunately, for all the eager bachelorettes, the only woman Win would ever consider marrying isn''t found anywhere on his mother''s list. He''s got his eye on the exceptionally ordinary, Channing Harvey. There''s so much history and hatred between the two of them, that a happily ever after is impossible. Win doesn''t need forever, he just needs to get his tyrannical mother off his back. Channing''s not interested in his millions or his ridiculous contract marriage offer, but she''s about to learn that Win Halliday is relentless. This is the first decision Win has made with only himself in mind, and nothing''s going to stop him from getting what he wants. They''re getting married, and God help whoever gets in Win''s way - including his very reluctant bride-to-be. The only monsters found within this novel are of the human variety. But they''re still scary!


release date: Jan 01, 2024
Skutečný hrdina dokáže opravit cokoli...*Hudson Wheeler je milý chlapík, který dokáže opravit všechno, co dostane do rukou, zvlášť stará auta ze šedesátých let. Má však smůlu v osobních vztazích, a když se ukáže, že ho jeho snoubenka a dlouholetá láska podvádí, je nucen zrušit chystanou svatbu. Jeho zklamání a rozháranost však trvají jen do chvíle, kdy se setká s Poppy Cruzovou, jejíž smutné oči září z nejkrásnější tváře, jakou kdy viděl. S Poppy to však není snadné, protože po tom, co jí muži v jejím životě krutě ublížili, je odhodlaná držet si je všechny bez výjimky od těla a jen tak si před nimi zajistit bezpečí. Wheelerův sexy úsměv a ruce drsné z restaurování starých klasik by ji tedy neměly uchvátit, ale pokaždé, když je s ním, si nemůže pomoct a něco ji k němu táhne. A přestože se bojí komukoliv znovu důvěřovat, brzy si uvědomí, že by mohla udělat ještě větší chybu, kdyby se před Wheelerem uzavřela. Postupně tak přichází na to, že její poškozené srdce potřebuje pořádnou opravu, a čím víc času tráví s Wheelerem, tím víc je přesvědčená, že on je jediný, který to může dokázat.

The Jay Crownover Book Set 1

release date: Sep 05, 2023
The Jay Crownover Book Set 1
The first three books in the beloved Marked Men series, from NYT and USA Today bestselling author Jay Crownover! This book set includes the following novels: RULE: Shaw Landon loved Rule Archer from the moment she laid eyes on him. Rule is everything a straight-A pre-med student like Shaw shouldn''t want- and the only person she''s never tried to please. Though she knows that Rule is wrong for her, her heart just won''t listen. JET: Jet Keller is every girl’s rock and roll fantasy. But Ayden Cross is done walking on the wild side with bad boys. She’s afraid of getting burned from the sparks of their spontaneous combustion, even as his touch sets her on fire. Will the blaze burn into an enduring love. . . or will it consume their dreams and turn them to ashes? ROME: Rome Archer is as far from perfect as a man can be. He would have been glad to suffer alone, until Cora comes sweeping into his life and becomes the only color on his bleak horizon. Perfect isn’t in the cards for these two, but imperfect might just last forever…

The Jay Crownover Book Set 2

release date: Sep 05, 2023
The Jay Crownover Book Set 2
The following three books in the beloved Marked Men series, from NYT and USA Today bestselling author Jay Crownover! This book set includes the following novels: NASH: Saint Ford’s life is exactly how she likes it—calm, serene, and all about work. Not on her agenda: doing a back and forth dance with the guy who nearly destroyed her in high school. Dark, brooding Nash Donovan might not remember it—or her for that matter—but he changed her life forever . . . and now he’s trying to change it again. ROWDY: After the only girl he ever loved told him that he would never be enough, Rowdy St. James set out to live up to his nickname. But that’s before his new co-worker arrives, a ghost from the past who’s suddenly making him question every lesson he ever learned. ASA: A longtime criminal and a cop together just seems so wrong . . . but for Asa and Royal, being wrong together is the only right choice to make.

The Forever Marked

release date: May 03, 2023


release date: Jan 01, 2023
Čtenářsky přitažlivý příběh ze současnosti, v němž se střetávají životní postoje atraktivního profesionálního právníka a osobité krajně emancipované ženy. *Každý hrdina má svůj příběh...*Světy Avett Walkerové a Quaida Jacksona jsou natolik rozdílné, že není důvod, aby se střetávaly. Quaid je velmi úspěšný advokát v oboru kriminálních případů, pohledný a uhlazený muž, zatímco Avett je potížistka s růžovými vlasy a pochybnou minulostí po boku pochybných mužů. Právě ten poslední jí způsobí největší problém, v jakém se kdy ocitla, a jediný, kdo ji z něj může dostat, je sexy právník. Jenže Avett si v žádném případě nepřeje být citově závislá na tvrdém nesmlouvavém advokátovi. Přesto na něm nachází něco, co ji nutí přesvědčit ho, aby si uvolnil kravatu a trochu se pobavil... s ní. Quaid nikdy nepřijímá klienty podobné impulzivní mladé ženě s křiklavě odbarvenými vlasy, ale na Avettiných bezelstných oříškových očích ho něco zaujme. I když je však odhodlaný udržet jejich vztah v čistě pracovní rovině, uvědomuje si, že je to s každým dalším dnem, který s ní stráví, stále těžší. A jak tedy vedle sebe koexistují při řešení Avettina případu, budou muset také najít způsob, jak spolu vycházet i v osobním životě a zároveň se od sebe držet dál – neboť prostor mezi nimi je zcela nabitý emocemi.


release date: Jan 01, 2023
Nový milostný román autorky, kterou zajímají nekonvenční hrdinové a postavy mimo střední proud literatury a kultury.*Na opravdového hrdinu se vyplatí počkat...*Všichni ostatní v životě Dixie Carmichaelové se dokázali snadno zamilovat a teď je připravená usilovat o svou šanci na šťastný život ona. To znamená, že přestane myslet na toho náladového vysloužilého vojáka, s nímž pracuje v baru, který se jí stal domovem daleko od domova. Ne. Už nebude svádět toho zvláštního zamračeného muže, i když je tak sexy, a taky nebude čekat, až si ji najde ten pravý; vydá se sama na lov..., i když ví, že její srdce uvízlo v pošetilém poblouznění Dashem Churchillem.Denver byl pro Churcha vždycky jen zastávkou na cestě zpátky na venkov v Mississippi. Mělo to být bez problémů, ale to by mu nesměla padnout do oka veselá, temperamentní zrzka s laníma očima a úžasnými křivkami. Teď už však ví, že je čas z Denveru rychle vypadnout, protože pro muže, zvyklého žít ve stínu, je představa, že by měl trávit dny na slunci, děsivá.Dixie si uvědomuje, že zatímco zamilovat se je snadné, milovat stojí mnohem víc námahy..., zvlášť když ten pravý je přesvědčený, že se k ní vůbec nehodí.


release date: Jan 01, 2023

The Best Bad Things

release date: Jun 15, 2022
The Best Bad Things
The Best Bad Things is a modern romance, set in the world of The Point. It features a hint of magical realism, and a ton of steamy romance that spans across class barriers, as well as space and time. Nothing is as it seems.


release date: Jan 01, 2022
Atraktivní příběh dvou povahově i společensky rozdílných a vyhraněných osobností je vyprávěn na pozadí současné americké reality. *Někdy se stane, že vás opravdový hrdina nechá, abyste se zachránili sami. * Snad nelze najít rozdílnější osobnosti, než je Sayer Coleová a Zeb Fuller. Ona, advokátka z vyšších společenských vrstev, jež tráví své dny s klienty v kanceláři nebo soudní síni, on, samorost, který se živí rukama a stačil už projít i vězením. Nic z toho však Zeba neodradí, aby od chvíle, kdy elegantní blondýnku poprvé uviděl, po ní netoužil – dokonce i tehdy, když se zdá, že rezervovaná advokátka je vůči jeho zájmu netečná. Sayer je přesvědčená, že tak tvrdý a atraktivní muž jako Zeb nemůže stát o uhlazenou a citově zdrženlivou ženu, ačkoliv jí něco říká, že právě tento člověk by mohl konečně rozpustit led jejího zevnějšku a vnést do jejího života novou vášeň. Když pak za ní Zeb přijde s žádostí o profesní pomoc, cítí zároveň úlevu i zklamání, že nedostane šanci poznat, jak skvělý by mohl být. Ale poté, co spojí své síly při nápravě zla a zachrání jistou rodinu, střet ohně a ledu už nelze ignorovat.

Mine to Catch - Dunkle Begierde

release date: Nov 24, 2021

Fortunate Son

release date: Jun 20, 2021
Fortunate Son
Ry Archer and Bowe Keller are as different as night and day. That doesn''t mean they don''t share similar struggles. At the moment, both are realizing the reality of getting closer and closer to reaching their dreams and aspirations is very much not living up to all the hype. The childhood cohorts always seem to connect when one of them needs help figuring out any of life''s major puzzles, like figuring out why getting what you always thought you wanted isn''t all it''s cracked up to be. They might constantly rub each other the wrong way (except for when they rubbed each other really-really right), but there is no denying they''ve always made one hell of a great team. For Ry, he thought he had the perfect girl, the one who was going to run headfirst into a meticulously and methodically planned future. He was going to marry young and have the same kind of legendary, life-long romance his parents did... or so he believed. His girl was going to stand by his side as he chased his dream of being a professional football player all the way to the NFL. He was wrong. Now, Ry''s gotta figure out the difference between a bruised heart and a broken one, and the only person who can teach him the difference is Bowe. Bowe always felt like she had to run before she learned to walk to keep up with her father''s musical legacy. He''s her hero, and she wants nothing more than to make him proud. Bowe''s about to figure out that maybe she wasn''t meant to be in a rock and roll band and that it is entirely possible she let her father''s dream and road to success cloud her own idea of what making music should be. Bowe needs to find her own way to fame, and there''s a good chance she wouldn''t be brave enough or bold enough to start over if Ry Archer hadn''t pushed his way back into her life when she least expected it. Some days they''re enemies. Some days they''re lovers. For a while, they were strangers. But now, it feels more like they might''ve always been soulmates. At the end of the day, both will realize that letting go of an old dream and creating a new one is much easier to do with the right person by your side.


release date: Jan 01, 2021


release date: Oct 27, 2020
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men series comes an irresistible and suspenseful romance between a doctor who plays by the rules and the outlaw who breaks them in order to protect her. Dr. Presley Baskin has always lived a quiet, calm life. Unfortunately, nothing about her life in Loveless, Texas -- especially not the wild, rowdy, and impossibly close-knit Lawton family who''ve claimed her -- is quiet or calm. Which is how loner Presley finds herself roped into patching up local bad boy Shot Caldwell against her better judgment. Presley wants nothing to do with the dangerous, brooding leader of the local outlaw motorcycle club. But when someone starts stalking her, Shot is the only person she trusts to help. Plus he owes her one . . . Palmer ''Shot'' Caldwell has always known his life isn''t made for relationships. At least until shy, secretive, Presley reluctantly pulled a bullet out of him. He''s oddly protective of the pretty doctor, so when she comes to him for help, hard-hearted Shot suddenly realizes there''s nothing he wouldn''t do to keep her safe.


release date: Feb 25, 2020
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men series comes an irresistible and suspenseful romance between a tough Texas Ranger and his first love--a woman in danger who insists she doesn''t need his protection. Hill Gamble is a model lawman: cool and collected, with a confident swagger to boot. Too bad all that Texas charm hasn''t gotten him anywhere in his personal life, especially since the only girl he ever loved has always been off-limits. But then Hill is assigned to investigate her father''s mysterious death, and he''s forced back to the town--and the woman--he left behind. When Hill left Loveless, he broke Kody Lawton''s already battered heart. And now that he''s working on her father''s case, avoiding him is impossible. She can handle Hill and her unwanted feelings--until he puts his life on the line to protect her. Suddenly, Kody realizes that Hill could be taken away from her...for good. "Crownover delivers the goods."-Lori Wilde, New York Times bestselling author "Crownover writes cowboys that make you want to pack your bags in search of a small-town ranch!" -Melissa Foster, New York Times bestselling author Includes the bonus novella Cowboy to the Rescue by A.J. Pine!

A Righteous Man

release date: Jan 01, 2020
A Righteous Man
Salinger Dolan. You know his name.You''ve seen his face.You''ve spent money on the endless amount of useless crap he endorses.Of course, you''ve heard the stories.You know the ones...The one that claimed he was hard to work with and totally unprofessional on set.The one where he got caught doing drugs on the set of the most popular, family-friendly show in America.The one where he ruined the reputation--and career--of America''s sweetheart.There''s more truth to those stories than his fans want to believe because Salinger is the kind of thoughtless, careless, dangerous Hollywood bad boy the paparazzi and fame-hungry starlets can''t get enough of.Eventually, the shine of his flashy lifestyle started to fade, and Salinger realized the only thing he''s famous for nowadays is his bad behavior and well-documented struggle with addiction.The former golden boy is beyond tarnished, and the only person who can help him get his glow back is the one woman who wants absolutely nothing to do with him. Maren Copeland. You might recall her name.It''s possible you vaguely remember her face.You''re probably wondering where she went. After all, you''ve heard the stories...The one where she exposed Salinger Dolan''s drug use all those years ago.The one that said she tried to ruin his career because she was envious of his popularity.The one about how she went from being everyone''s favorite to a pariah overnight.Maren Copeland is now known as the comeback queen. After years of hard work and purposely avoiding entanglements with problematic heartthrobs like her first co-star, she''s on track to revitalize her career and rearrange her priorities after a very messy and very public divorce.For the first time in both her professional and personal life, she''s the one calling all the shots.Unfortunately, the path to get her where she wants to be leads directly to none other than Salinger Dolan.He''s the one and the only person she swore she would never work with again.Once upon a time, he cost her everything. He''s back to make amends and promised to give her anything she wants if she''ll just give him a chance to prove he''s grown up.She doesn''t trust him.She knows she''d be a fool to believe he''s changed.After all, what are the odds that a spoiled, entitled brat like Salinger Dolan could become a righteous man?

Blacklisted: A Stunning Exciting Opposites-attract Romance You Won't Want to Miss!.

release date: Jan 01, 2020


release date: Dec 08, 2019
Sometimes it''s the unexpected detour that life throws your way that ends up taking you exactly where you were meant to be.Wyatt Bryant is all kinds of broken.Wyatt never planned to end up in the middle of nowhere. He was a big city guy, used to bright lights and constant noise. He needed both those things to distract him from the ugly memories of his past and the loneliness he couldn''t seem to shake. Now, he is bound for the back roads of Wyoming because his younger brother is beyond worried about him. He''s headed for a quiet place to heal and search for some uninterrupted serenity to figure out what he''s going to do with the rest of his life. Wyatt never expected to live his life in the slow lane, and he really didn''t see the breathless attraction to a small-town sheriff coming.Rodie Collins is all kinds of conflicted.Rodie had long since grown used to the snail''s pace of life in Sheridan, Wyoming. He was accustomed to the gossip and malicious grapevine that was common in all small towns. Cruel words and judgmental looks followed him throughout his childhood and made him overly cautious as an adult. He had it easy keeping the peace in Sheridan most days, at least until Wyatt showed up. Rodie couldn''t hide his attraction to the sexy former special agent, and there was something about the city slicker that made him want to throw caution to the wind. Rodie loves his job and his hometown, but he may have to pick between what he''s always known and Wyatt when push comes to shove and long-held secrets come to light.

Love & Rehab

release date: Dec 05, 2019
Love & Rehab
Elle seule peut l''aider à lutter contre ses démons.Un roman sombre et envoûtant. Elle ne le connaissait presque pas, pourtant, elle a été la seule à voir les signaux d''alerte. Cable James McCaffrey, si cool et populaire, est un junkie au bord de l''auto-destruction. Affton a trop souffert de l''addiction de sa propre mère pour ne pas au moins donner l''alerte, aussi odieux soit ce garçon. Quand la mère de Cable apprend qu''une personne est assez folle pour se préoccuper sincèrement de son fils, elle s''empresse de faire une proposition à Affton : passer l''été en compagnie de Cable dans une villa du bord de mer et s''assurer qu''il ne retombe pas dans la drogue. Un service qu''elle saura payer suffisamment généreusement pour permettre à Affton d''étudier dans l''université de ses rêves. Comment refuser ? Affton en est incapable, même en sachant pertinemment que Cable va détester ce projet. Et, surtout, qu''il est susceptible de développer chez elle une tout autre forme d''addiction, peut-être plus dangereuse encore...

Girl in Luv

release date: Oct 20, 2019
Girl in Luv
Langley Vaughn is in desperate need of a date.But not just any date.She''s looking for a date to the wedding from hell. It isn''t every day you''re forced to be in the bridal party while your first love marries your archnemesis...otherwise known as the world''s worst stepsister. The entire situation is a nightmare, and Langley is sick and tired of taking orders and forcing a fake smile. She''s done being the bad guy when she was the one who was wronged.She needs to find a date who''s not afraid of her family''s money...someone willing to shake things up. She needs someone outside of her normal social circle, someone ready to go to war with the well-to-do. She needs someone who won''t back down. Someone willing to play the complicated game of tug-of-war she''s been engaged in with her family for years.Never in a million years did she think she was going to stumble across her very own heroic heartthrob when she set her crazy plan in motion.Not only does Iker show up for her time and time again, he also forces her to finally fight for herself.He says he''s only there for the money...but his actions speak so much louder than his words.Iker Alvarez would do anything and everything to get his hands on some quick cash.Not just any cash, but enough to make sure his younger brother gets into the college of his dreams.Thank goodness for a desperate, pretty little rich girl with too much money and her heart set on an outrageous scheme. Being in the right place at the right time might just be the answer to both of their prayers-and this smart soldier has never let a golden opportunity slide by.Iker doesn''t mind coming to Langley''s rescue and being her long as the price is right.Only, he didn''t plan on liking the blonde socialite as much as he does. He is totally unprepared for the pull he feels toward her, coupled with his growing desire to protect her from the vultures and villains living under the same roof.He wants to be the guy who keeps her safe and gives her the courage she obviously needs to fight back... But someone else, someone far more powerful and influential than Langley''s wealthy family, has dibs on Iker''s time and on his future. He knows he isn''t the guy Langley can count on in the long run, but damn, if he doesn''t want to do everything in his power to be that man.


release date: Jun 25, 2019
The New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men series delivers an "emotional, unforgettable" (Lori Wilde) romance about a rugged Texas sheriff who must protect the woman who was once his sworn enemy... Case Lawton comes from a family of criminals. So as the sheriff of Loveless, Texas, he''s determined to do everything by the book--until he''s called to Aspen Barlow''s office after a so-called break-in. The last thing he wants to do is help the woman who cost him custody of his son. But Aspen isn''t the heartless lawyer Case remembers, and he starts to question his long-held grudge... Aspen is scared for her life, and Case is her last hope for protection. But to get him on her side, she''ll have to reveal the painful truth from all those years ago. Now, as they work together to track down a dangerous criminal, Case and Aspen learn to trust each other. And as the threats escalate, it becomes clear there''s a thin line between love and hate... because there''s nothing Case wouldn''t do to keep her safe. "Off the charts attraction, dramatic suspense, heartbreaking betrayal, deep emotion, and unforgettable romance will keep you turning the pages to the climactic end." -Jennifer Ryan, New York Times bestselling author "Crownover writes cowboys that make you want to pack your bags in search of a small-town ranch!" -Melissa Foster, New York Times bestselling author "Five big huge stars for Justified! Don''t miss this page turner!" -Harper Sloan, New York Times bestselling author Includes It''s All About That Cowboy, a bonus novella by Carly Bloom!


release date: May 14, 2019
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Marked Men series comes a captivating novella about a rugged rodeo star who will do anything to protect the people he loves. When rodeo star Crew Lawton loses everything in a bad bet, he has no choice but to take a new job to pay off his debts - even if it means becoming the face of an expensive male skincare line. Crew is used to getting sweaty and rustling in the dirt, not posing for photo shoots. And he''s certainly not used to being bossed around by a woman who doesn''t even know the difference between bulls and broncs. But Crew owes money to dangerous criminals, and he''ll do anything Della says in order to pay them back and keep them far away from his family in Loveless, Texas... The launch of her new men''s line for her family''s company means everything to Della Deveaux, and she''s not willing to let some rugged, arrogant cowboy ruin her campaign. Crew Lawton is the last man she would have chosen to represent her chic, sophisticated brand. Unfortunately, her father already invested millions in Crew''s stupidly handsome face. Yet the more time they spend together, Della and Crew realize that opposites do attract. But when the time comes for Crew to face his past mistakes, will he be able to protect his family...and the woman he''s come to love?

You Make Me so Bad

release date: May 02, 2019
You Make Me so Bad
Il est celui qui lui a brisé le coeur. Lorsqu''elle a quitté The Point, Karsen s''est promis d''oublier ses rues malfamées et dangereuses, qu''elle pensait siennes. Elle s''est surtout promis d''effacer de son coeur Noah, un homme aussi violent et imprévisible que cette ville. Celui à qui elle a offert son coeur... et qui l''a broyé de la plus horrible des façons. Elle est celle qu''il s''est interdit d''aimer. Depuis le départ de Karsen, Noah fuit l''absence de celle qui le hante nuit et jour dans la violence et l''adrénaline. Il sait qu''il a eu raison de la faire partir : dans la vraie vie, la Belle ne doit pas être avec la Bête, au risque de se faire dévorer. Pourtant, quand il apprend que Karsen est en danger, il n''hésite pas une seconde et part la rejoindre. Même s''il sait que leurs retrouvailles seront une douce torture. A propos de l''auteur Tout comme les personnages de ses romans, Jay Crownover est une grande amatrice (et collectionneuse ! ) de tatouages. Lorsqu''elle a pris conscience qu''elle ne deviendrait pas la rock star qu''elle rêvait d''être, elle a décidé d''embrasser son autre passion : l''écriture. Très vite remarquée et couronnée par les lecteurs et les critiques, elle fait aujourd''hui partie du top des New York Times et USA Today.


release date: Mar 26, 2019
Solomon Sanders doesn''t have time to fall in love.Until a stunning, skittish, single mother forces him to pause and recognize just how empty and hollow his busy life has become.From the start, it''s been ingrained in Solo''s DNA to fight.Fight for what he believes is right.Fight for the people he loves.Fight for the traces of good in a place which tends to be filled with a variety of bad.Fight for survival, so at some point, his life will quiet down and find a normal pace.He wasn''t ready for the impact his secretive, shy, obviously out of place new neighbor was going to have on him. And never in a million years was he prepared to fall head over heels for her and her young daughter.Now, he''s facing the most important, and the hardest fight he''s ever fought... the battle to win Orley''s damaged heart.Orley Vincent''s heart is full of fear, leaving no space for love.Until a big, brash, brawler of a man forces his way in and makes her realize facing her fears is the only way she can ever be free.From the start, Orley was groomed to believe she wasn''t good enough.She wasn''t the perfect daughter. Or student. Or girlfriend.But, she has always been the best mother she could be to her daughter, Noble.Keeping Noble safe has always been the one thing she was determined to do, which ironically, is how she ended up on the wrong side of the tracks, living next door to an unlikely hero. Orley''s a woman on the run. She had no idea her frantic sprint was going to land her in the tattooed arms of a man ready to teach her how to fight for herself... and for love.

Boy in Luv

release date: Jan 01, 2019
Boy in Luv
"Distance sure as hell made his heart grow fonder. But it shattered hers into a million pieces. Langley Vaughn knows she''s never going to make the same mistake again. Who falls head over heels in love in a week? Langley did, and she''s regretted it every day since she handed her heart to a boy with too many secrets and too much baggage. Iker doesn''t fit into Langley''s world, and he made it clear he doesn''t want to. He left before she even got a chance to try and change his mind or to prove to him how good they could be together. Langley''s spent the last nine months healing her heart and making big plans for the future. Plans that absolutely don''t include Iker, even though he''s back, looking better than ever, and saying all the right things. Iker Alvarez knows he made the biggest mistake of his life. At first, the pretty blonde in the red dress was nothing more than a means to an end. But, she quickly became so much more. As soon as Iker walked away from Langley, claiming it was for her own good, he knew he screwed up. He left her so she wouldn''t worry about him when he deployed, so she wouldn''t waste her time waiting around for a guy who was never going to be good enough for her. Only, nine months and a deployment later, Iker still can''t get Langley out of his head, and he totally underestimated the hold she has on his hardened heart. He''s a guy who''s not sure how love should work, or how to go about winning his girl back. He''s about to get a crash course in both." --

Respect. Breaking point series

release date: Jan 01, 2019

Justified--includes a Bonus Novella

release date: Jan 01, 2019
Justified--includes a Bonus Novella
-- nothingNew York Times"Five big huge stars for Justified Includes It''s All About That Cowboy, a bonus novella by Carly Bloom!


release date: Dec 13, 2018
"Webb’s a man constantly on the move. He’s a drifter. A wanderer. He bolts from one bad choice to the next, never able to put enough distance between himself and the ghosts from his past. He lives hard and fast, until everything comes to a screeching halt the moment he lays eyes on Tennyson McKenna. The stunning woman appeared out of nowhere to save the day, and Webb’s been unable to forget her. The leggy, blonde forest ranger might very well be the one person in the world important enough to finally keep him in one place. Only, Ten isn’t impressed by Webb’s knack for finding trouble. And no matter how hard he tries to shake it, he can’t escape his bad habit of falling into the deep end of questionable decisions. When his newest brush with trouble gets Webb in way over his head, Ten jumps after him into the dangerous waters. It’s possible they’re going to sink so fast they both might drown." -- Back cover.


release date: Sep 20, 2018
«Jay Crownover non delude mai!» Autrice del bestseller Oltre le regole Breaking Point Series Lo sanno tutti che le apparenze ingannano. Eppure non c’è nessuno che, vedendomi, non mi prenda per un attaccabrighe, una bestia. Il fatto che io sia alto e pieno di tatuaggi devia completamente l’attenzione della gente. In realtà, ho sempre dato molto più peso al cervello che ai muscoli. Anche se non ho scelto di usarlo nel modo più rispettabile. Non sono uno stupido supereroe né un bravo ragazzo. Ho voltato le spalle alla dignità e ho venduto la mia anima al miglior offerente. Uno che non sa salvare neppure se stesso, come potrebbe aiutare gli altri? Noe Lee è entrata nella mia vita come un fulmine. Brillante ma indisciplinata, capace di muoversi nei bassifondi addirittura meglio di me. Era fastidiosamente adorabile, ma era nei guai. E i guai di qualcun altro non sono mai stati affari miei. Così, le ho sbattuto la porta in faccia. E dopo che è sparita è bastato un secondo perché capissi che la rivolevo indietro. Quando realizzi di desiderare così disperatamente qualcuno, non ti chiedi cosa sei disposto a fare. Segui l’istinto e basta. Jay Crownover ci riporta a The Point con una nuova emozionante storia d’amore piena di cattivi e anime perse Hanno scritto dei suoi romanzi: «Una serie romantica che ha per protagonisti ragazzi che vivono storie d’amore e amicizia, libertà e trasgressione.» Il Corriere della Sera «A ogni nuovo romanzo, Jay Crownover riesce sempre a lasciarmi a bocca aperta.» «Credevo che Honor fosse insuperabile, ma Instinct si è dimostrato decisamente alla sua altezza!» Jay Crownover Vive in Colorado. Ama i tatuaggi e l’arte di modificare il corpo, e cerca di fare in modo che la sua scrittura sia permeata da tutto ciò che vede. Le piace leggere, soprattutto storie che la coinvolgano e appassionino; naturalmente, se c’è un bad boy bello e tatuato è sempre meglio. La Newton Compton ha pubblicato la Tattoo Series e la Welcome Series. Honor è stato il primo libro della serie The Breaking Point, di cui Instinct è il secondo volume.
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