New Releases by James Clavell

James Clavell is the author of Shogun / Shogun (2024), Noble House 4 (2024), Noble House 3 (2024), The Asian Saga Series, 2 Books Collection Set. Shogun, Part One & Part Two by James Clavell (2023), The Children’s Story (2022).

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Shogun / Shogun

release date: Nov 12, 2024
Shogun / Shogun
Sinopsis: La clásica novela épica sobre el Japón feudal que cautivó el corazón de una cultura y la imaginación del mundo, escrita por James Clavell, autor best seller de The New York Times y maestro sin parangón de la ficción histórica. Tras perderse en el mar, el inglés John Blackthorne despierta en un lugar que pocos europeos conocen y menos aún han visto: Japón. Inmerso en la hermética sociedad nipona del siglo XVII, una tierra en la que la línea que separa la vida de la muerte es muy fina, Blackthorne debe enfrentarse no sólo a un pueblo extranjero, con costumbres e idioma desconocidos, sino también a sus propias definiciones de moralidad, verdad y libertad. A medida que las luchas políticas internas y el choque de culturas conducen a un conflicto aparentemente inevitable, la pasión y la pérdida ponen a prueba a Blackthorne, que se debate entre dos mundos que cambiarán para siempre. «No recuerdo la última vez que una novela se apoderó de mi mente tanto como ésta. Es irresistible, tal vez inolvidable. Clavell crea un mundo tan envolvente que te olvidas de quién eres y de dónde estás». The New York Times «Tiene fuerza, violencia, sutileza y mucho, mucho más. Clavell nunca se equivoca. Cómpralo, léelo, lo disfrutarás enormemente». Daily Mirror.

Noble House 4

release date: May 23, 2024
Noble House 4
Noble House er navnet på et af de ældste, største og mest betydningsfulde handelshuse i den britiske kronkoloni, Hong Kong. Årstallet er 1963. Giganten vakler. Noble House balancerer på fallittens rand, og husets tai-pan (leder), Ian Dunross, har præcis en uge til at redde det livstruede imperium. Fra USA kommer finansmanden Bartlett for at forhandle om økonomisk støtte. Men samtidig tager han kontakt med huset Rothwell-Gornt – Noble House’s dødsfjende – for at se, hvem han har størst fordel af at handle med. Pludselig er CIA, KGB og de britiske og kinesiske efterretningstjenester inde i billedet med deres farlige intriger og dødbringende virksomhed. Og nu tager handlingen fart: På én eneste hæsblæsende uge afgøres handelshusenes og de implicerede personers skæbner i Hong Kongs heksekedel af kinesisk mystik og vestlig dekadence. James Clavells ”Noble House” udkom første gang på dansk i 1986. James Clavell (1921-1994) var en australskfødt britisk forfatter, manuskriptforfatter og instruktør. Han var særligt kendt for sine populære, actionfyldte romaner, hvoraf mange udspiller sig i asiatiske kulturer.

Noble House 3

release date: May 23, 2024
Noble House 3
Noble House er navnet på et af de ældste, største og mest betydningsfulde handelshuse i den britiske kronkoloni, Hong Kong. Årstallet er 1963. Giganten vakler. Noble House balancerer på fallittens rand, og husets tai-pan (leder), Ian Dunross, har præcis en uge til at redde det livstruede imperium. Fra USA kommer finansmanden Bartlett for at forhandle om økonomisk støtte. Men samtidig tager han kontakt med huset Rothwell-Gornt – Noble House’s dødsfjende – for at se, hvem han har størst fordel af at handle med. Pludselig er CIA, KGB og de britiske og kinesiske efterretningstjenester inde i billedet med deres farlige intriger og dødbringende virksomhed. Og nu tager handlingen fart: På én eneste hæsblæsende uge afgøres handelshusenes og de implicerede personers skæbner i Hong Kongs heksekedel af kinesisk mystik og vestlig dekadence. James Clavells ”Noble House” udkom første gang på dansk i 1986. James Clavell (1921-1994) var en australskfødt britisk forfatter, manuskriptforfatter og instruktør. Han var særligt kendt for sine populære, actionfyldte romaner, hvoraf mange udspiller sig i asiatiske kulturer.

The Asian Saga Series, 2 Books Collection Set. Shogun, Part One & Part Two by James Clavell

release date: Dec 12, 2023

The Children’s Story

release date: Nov 22, 2022
The Children’s Story
“What does ‘allegiance’ mean?” the New Teacher asked, hand over her heart. In this classic and chilling tale about an elementary school classroom in post-war occupied America, James Clavell brings to light the vulnerability of children and the power educators have to shape and change young minds. Originally written in the Cold War era, Clavell’s extraordinary and enduringly relevant allegory on the impressionability of the human mind is still read in schools around the globe today, and is a call to every person to keep questioning and keep learning.


release date: Sep 04, 2020
Doar unul din cincisprezece oameni are puterea, norocul şi inteligenţa de a supravieţui în închisoarea japoneză Changi, aflată în extremitatea estică a insulei Singapore. Şi deasupra tuturor se află cel supranumit Împăratul, un caporal american care caută pe toate căile şi folosindu-şi toate aptitudinile să-i domine atât pe prizonieri, cât şi pe cei care îi ţin captivi. Armele sale sunt curajul, profunda cunoaştere a naturii umane, precum şi pragmatismul şi simţul afacerilor într-o societate japoneză care, asemenea celei britanice, este structurată cu stricteţe pe clase, dar este legată de un cod al onoarei falimentar. Inspirat din propria experienţă dramatică trăită în captivitate, la sfârşitul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, Changi, romanul de debut al lui James Clavell, este o poveste despre supravieţuire scrisă în stilul inimitabil al celebrului autor de mai târziu al monumentalului bestseller Shōgun. „O poveste plină de suspans, teribil de captivantă.“ Ian Fleming „Changi este cel mai bun roman în limba engleză care s-a născut din lagărele japoneze de prizonieri de război... James Clavell este un povestitor înnăscut. Poveştile lui sunt complicate şi captivante. Eşti disperat să afli ce se va întâmpla cu aceste personaje pentru că ele îţi amintesc de oameni pe care îi ştii din propria viaţă şi propriile experienţe, aflaţi în circumstanţe ciudate, uneori îngrozitoare.“ John Simpson „O poveste originală, extraordinar de interesantă.“ Sunday Telegraph

James Clavell's Sh ̄ogun

release date: Dec 01, 2014


release date: Jun 20, 2013
''A herculean achievement . . . strong plot and strong characterisation'' The Times It is 1862 and Japan is a land in chaos as the power of the Shogun wanes and the rival factions plan to restore the Emperor. In Yokohama, the gai-jin, the hated foreigners, seek to profit from the chaos. At the head of the Noble House - and heir to the title of Tai-Pan - stands Malcolm Struan, who is determined to become his own man and marry the woman he loves. At the head of the Shogunate party is the Lord Yoshi, a direct descendant of Shogun Toranaga, who shares all of his ancestor''s cunning and ambition. ''A passionate portrait of suffering . . . a strange and gripping tale of a nation''s deflowerment'' Mail on Sunday


release date: Feb 19, 2009
SOON TO BE AN FX LIMITED SERIES • A bold English adventurer. An invincible Japanese warlord. A beautiful woman torn between two ways of life. All brought together in an extraordinary saga aflame with passion, conflict, ambition, and the struggle for power. Here is the world-famous novel of Japan that is the earliest book in James Clavell’s masterly Asian saga. Set in the year 1600, it tells the story of a bold English pilot whose ship was blown ashore in Japan, where he encountered two people who were to change his life: a warlord with his own quest for power, and a beautiful interpreter torn between two ways of life and two ways of love. The principal figures are John Blackthorne, whose dream it is to be the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe, to wrest control of the trade between Japan and China from Portuguese, and to return home a man of wealth and position; Toranaga, the most powerful feudal lord in Japan, who strives and schemes to seize ultimate power by becoming Shogun—the Supreme Military Dictator—and to unite the warring samurai fiefdoms under his own masterly and farsighted leadership; and the Lady Mariko, a Catholic convert whose conflicting loyalties to the Church and her country are compounded when she falls in love with Blackthorne, the barbarian intruder. In dramatizing how a Westerner, the representative man of his time, comes to be altered by his exposure to an alien culture, Mr. Clavell provides a spellbinding depiction of a nation seething with violence and intrigue as it moves from the medieval world to the modern. Praise for Shogun “I can’t remember when a novel has seized my mind like this one. . . . It’s not only something you read—you live it.”—New York Times Book Review “Adventure and action, the suspense of danger, shocking touching human relationships . . . a climactic human story.”—Los Angeles Times “A tale surging with action, intrigue and love . . . a huge cast . . . vast and dramatic . . . stunning . . . savage . . . beautiful . . . an extraordinary performance.”—Publishers Weekly “Exciting, totally prepared for late nights, meals unlasting, buisness unattended.”—Philadelphia Inquirer


release date: Jan 01, 2006
The Shah is thrown out of Iran and the nation''s turmoil becomes world headlines. Caught in this shifting world of fanaticism, ambition, duplicity, heartbreak and violent death are the foreign helicopter pilots who have been servicing the oilfields up and down the country. Their one objective now is to make a bold concerted escape, with their helicopters, to safety across the Gulf. But one of the pilots, Erikki, the blond Finnish pilot, is married to a beautiful high-born Iranian wife, Azadeh, and this story is about what happens to them.

James Clavell's Gai-Jin

release date: Jan 01, 1994
James Clavell's Gai-Jin
The new leader of the noble family meets a beautiful French woman in Japan in the 1860s.

Bet ha-atsilim

release date: Jan 01, 1989

The World of James Clavell's Shogun

release date: Nov 01, 1987

The James Clavell Library

release date: Oct 01, 1986

James Clavell's Whirlwind

release date: Jan 01, 1986
James Clavell's Whirlwind
Novel takes place in a period of 24 days just after the Shah left Iran.

James Clavell's Thrump-o-moto

release date: Jan 01, 1986
James Clavell's Thrump-o-moto
When a tiny wizard whisks seven-year-old Patricia and her crutches from her home in Australia to Japan, she encounters his family, an evil ghoul, and the hope of a magic cure for her physical handicap.

James Clavell's King Rat

James Clavell's King Rat
The time is World War II. The place is a brutal prison camp deep in Japanese-occupied territory. Here, within the seething mass of humanity, one man, an American corporal, seeks dominance over both captives and captors alike. His weapons are human courage, unblinking understanding of human weaknesses, and total willingness to exploit every opportunity to enlarge his power and corrupt or destroy anyone who stands in his path.

James Clavell's Noble House

James Clavell's Noble House
The setting is Hong Kong, 1963. Under the eyes of the KGB, the CIA, and the People''s Republic of China, British and American businessmen maneuver for control of Hong Kong''s oldest trading house.

The Children's Story

The Children's Story
Story about the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag as taught in American schools.

The Art of War

The Art of War
Sun Tzu was one of the greatest army generals who ever lived. He wrote The Art of War in the fifth century BC and yet his words are still resoundingly relevant to our modern lives. His writings on aspects of warfare from the laying of plans to the tactics and psychology of manoeuvering an army, to the proper use of spies, resonate for us in today''s world of cut-throat, ruthless business. With James Clavell''s insightful foreword and notes, this classic is widely seen as a necessity on the bookshelf of military leaders and boardroom executives alike.
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