Best Selling Books by Christopher Tolkien

Christopher Tolkien is the author of Children of Hurin (2024), The War of the Ring (2000), The Return of the Shadow (2000), The War of the Jewels (2010), Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien (2021).

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Children of Hurin

release date: Feb 20, 2024
Children of Hurin
Painstakingly restored from Tolkien''s manuscripts and presented for the first time as a fully continuous and standalone story, this paperback of the epic tale of The Children of Húrin will reunite fans of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings with Elves, dragons, Dwarves and Orcs, and the rich landscape and characters unique to Tolkien. It is a legendary time long before The Lord of the Rings, and Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, dwells in the vast fortress of Angband in the North; and within the shadow of the fear of Angband, and the war waged by Morgoth against the Elves, the fates of Túrin and his sister Niënor will be tragically entwined. Their brief and passionate lives are dominated by the elemental hatred that Morgoth bears them as the children of Húrin, the man who dared to defy him to his face. Against them Morgoth sends his most formidable servant, Glaurung, a powerful spirit in the form of a huge wingless dragon of fire, in an attempt to fulfil the curse of Morgoth, and destroy the children of Húrin. Begun by J.R.R. Tolkien at the end of the First World War, The Children of Húrin became the dominant story in his later work on Middle-earth. But he could not bring it to a final and finished form. In this book Christopher Tolkien has constructed, after long study of the manuscripts, a coherent narrative without any editorial invention.

The War of the Ring

release date: Jan 01, 2000
The War of the Ring
Discusses the Battle of Helm''s Deep.

The Return of the Shadow

release date: Jan 01, 2000
The Return of the Shadow
In this sixth volume of The History of Middle-earth the story reaches The Lord of the Rings. In The Return of the Shadow (an abandoned title for the first volume) Christopher Tolkien describes, with full citation of the earliest notes, outline plans, and narrative drafts, the intricate evolution of The Fellowship of the Ring and the gradual emergence of the conceptions that transformed what J.R.R. Tolkien for long believed would be a far shorter book, ''a sequel to The Hobbit''. The enlargement of Bilbo''s ''magic ring'' into the supremely potent and dangerous Ruling Ring of the Dark Lord is traced and the precise moment is seen when, in an astonishing and unforeseen leap in the earliest narrative, a Black Rider first rode into the Shire, his significance still unknown. The character of the hobbit called Trotter (afterwards Strider or Aragorn) is developed while his indentity remains an absolute puzzle, and the suspicion only very slowly becomes certainty that he must after all be a Man. The hobbits, Frodo''s companions, undergo intricate permutations of name and personality, and other major figures appear in strange modes: a sinister Treebeard, in league with the Enemy, a ferocious and malevolent Farmer Maggot. The story in this book ends at the point where J.R.R. Tolkien halted in the story for a long time, as the Company of the Ring, still lacking Legolas and Gimli, stood before the tomb of Balin in the Mines of Moria. The Return of the Shadow is illustrated with reproductions of the first maps and notable pages from the earliest manuscripts.

The War of the Jewels

release date: Mar 04, 2010
The War of the Jewels
In this book, Christopher Tolkien takes up his account of the later history of ''The Silmarillion'', from the point where it was left off in Morgoth''s Ring. The book completes the long history of ''The Book of Lost Tales''.

Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien

release date: Nov 11, 2021
Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien
With Christopher Tolkien as your guide, take a tour through this colourful gallery of enchanting art produced by J.R.R. Tolkien and presented in an elegant new slipcased edition. This collection of pictures, with text by Christopher Tolkien, now reissued after almost 30 years confirms J.R.R. Tolkien''s considerable talent as an artist. It provides fascinating insight into his visual conception of many of the places and events familiar to readers of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Examples of his art range from delicate watercolours depicting Rivendell, the Forest of Lothlorien, Smaug, and Old Man Willow, to drawings and sketches of Moria Gate and Minas Tirith. Together they form a comprehensive collection of Tolkien''s own illustrations for his most popular books. Also included are many of his beautiful designs showing patterns of flowers and trees, friezes, tapestries and heraldic devices associated with the world of Middle-earth. In their variety and scope they provide abundant visual evidence of the richness of his imagination. This enchanting gallery was personally selected by Christopher Tolkien who, through detailed notes on the sources for each picture, provides unique insight into the artistic vision of his father, J.R.R. Tolkien.

Los Pueblos de la Tierra Media

release date: Jan 01, 2002
Los Pueblos de la Tierra Media
Cuando J.R.R. Tolkien dejó de lado El Silmarillion en 1937, el desarrollo de la «mitología» de las últimas Edades apenas había comenzado. Fue en los Apéndices de El Señor de los Anillos donde surgió una estructura histórica comprensible y una cronología de la Segunda y Tercera Edad, abarcando todos los hilos que confluirían en La Guerra del Anillo. Es bien conocido el retraso en la publicación de El Retorno del Rey por la dificultad que encontró en redactar esos Apéndices. Pero en Los Pueblos de la Tierra Media Christopher Tolkien demuestra que existía una estructura original en escritos sueltos y en notas que difieren de la versión publicada. En estos textos tempranos se ve la evolución de la estructura cronológica de las últimas Edades, los calendarios, las genealogías de los hobbits y el lenguaje Oestron o Lengua Común.

Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, Pearl, And Sir Orfeo

release date: Jul 27, 2021
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, Pearl, And Sir Orfeo
SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT, PEARL, AND SIR ORFEO THREE MEDIEVAL ENGLISH POEMS, WITH TRANSLATION AND COMMENTARY BY J.R.R. TOLKIEN It’s Christmas at Camelot and King Arthur won’t begin to feast until he has witnessed a marvel of chivalry. A mysterious knight, green from head to toe, rides in and brings the court’s wait to an end with an implausible challenge to the Round Table: he will allow any of the knights to strike him once, with a battle-axe no less, on the condition that he is allowed to return the blow a year hence. Arthur’s brave favorite for the challenge is Sir Gawain… Accompanying Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in this book are Sir Orfeo, a medieval version of the story of Orpheus and Euridice, a love so strong that it overcame death, and Pearl, the moving tale of a man in a graveyard mourning his baby daughter, lost like a pearl that slipped through his fingers. Worn out by grief, he falls asleep and dreams of meeting her in a bejewelled fantasy world. Interpreted in a form designed to appeal to the general reader, J.R.R. Tolkien’s vivid translations of these classic poems represent the complete rhyme and alliterative schemes of the originals. This beautifully decorated text includes as a bonus the complete text of Tolkien’s acclaimed lecture on Sir Gawain.

The Treason of Isengard

release date: Jan 01, 2000
The Treason of Isengard
The Treason of Isengard is the seventh volume in Christopher Tolkien''s History of Middle-earth and the second in his account of the evolution of The Lord of the Rings. In this book, following the long halt in the darkness of the Mines of Moria with which The Return of the Shadow ended, is traced the great expansion of the tale into new lands and new peoples south and east of the Misty Mountains; the emergence of Lothlorien, of Ents, of the Riders of Rohan, and of Saruman the White in the fortress of Isengard. In brief outlines and pencilled drafts dashed down on scraps of paper are seen the first entry of Galadriel, the earliest ideas of the history of Gondor, the original meeting of Aragorn and Eowyn, its significance destined to be wholly transformed. Conceptions of what lay ahead are seen dissolving as the story took its own paths, as in the account of the capture of Frodo and his rescue by Sam Gmgee from Minas Morgul, written long before J.R.R. Tolkien actually came to that point in the writing of The Lord of the Rings. A chief feature of the book is a full account of the original Map, with re-drawings of successive phases, which was long the basis and accompaniment of the emerging geography of Middle-earth. An appendix to the book describes the Runic alphabets as they were at that time, with illustrations of the forms and an analysis of the Runes used in the Book of Mazarbul found beside Balin''s Tomb in Moria.

Morgoth's Ring

release date: Jun 13, 2023
Morgoth's Ring
In Morgoth''s Ring, the tenth volume of The History of Middle-earth and the first of two companion volumes, Christopher Tolkien describes and documents the legends of the Elder Days, as they were evolved and transformed by his father in the years before he completed The Lord of the Rings. The text of the Annals of Aman, the "Blessed Land" in the far West, is given in full. And in writings never before published, we can see the nature of the problems that J.R.R. Tolkien explored in his later years as new and radical ideas, portending upheaval in the heart of the mythology. At this time Tokien sought to redefine the old legends, and wrote of the nature and destiny of Elves, the idea of Elvish rebirth, the origins of the Orcs, and the Fall of Men. His meditation of mortality and immortality as represented in the lives of Men and Elves led to another major writing at this time, the "Debate of Finrod and Andreth," which is reproduced here in full. "Above all," Christopher Tolkien writes in his foreward, "the power and significance of Melkor-Morgoth...was enlarged to become the ground and source of the corruption of Arda." This book indeed is all about Morgoth. Incomparably greater than the power of Sauron, concentrated in the One Ring, Morgoth''s power (Tolkien wrote) was dispersed into the very matter of Arda: "The whole of Middle-earth was Morgoth''s Ring."

The History of Middle-Earth, Part One

release date: Oct 06, 2020
The History of Middle-Earth, Part One
This new hardcover edition brings together the first five volumes of The History of Middle-earth--The Book of Lost Tales Parts 1 and 2, The Lays of Beleriand, The Shaping of Middle-earth, and The Lost Road--into one volume.

The Book of Lost Tales 2 (The History of Middle-earth, Book 2)

release date: Mar 03, 2011
The Book of Lost Tales 2 (The History of Middle-earth, Book 2)
The second of a two-book set that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien’s epic tale of war, The Silmarillion.

The End of the Third Age

release date: Jan 01, 2000
The End of the Third Age
The End of the Third Age is comprised of the first section of the hardcover volume published as Sauron Defeated, the ninth volume of The History of Middle-earth. It completes Christopher Tolkien''s account of the creation of The Lord of the Rings begun in the earlier volumes, The Return of the Shadow, The Treason of Isengard, and The War of the Ring. The End of the Third Age begins with Sam''s rescue of Frodo from the Tower of Kirith Ungol, and giving a very different account of the Scouring of the Shire, this part ends with versions of the hitherto unpublished Epilogue, in which, years after the departure of Bilbo and Frodo from the Grey Havens, Sam attempts to answer his children''s questions. The book is illustrated with changing conceptions of Kirith Ungol and Mount Doom, as well as previously unpublished drawings of Orthanc and Dunharrow.

The History of Middle-Earth Part Three

release date: Oct 06, 2020
The History of Middle-Earth Part Three
This new hardcover edition brings together the final three volumes of The History of Middle-earth--Morgoth''s Ring, The War of the Jewels, and The Peoples of Middle-earth. J.R.R. Tolkien is famous the world over for his unique literary creation, exemplified in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. What is less well known, however, is that he also produced a vast amount of further material that greatly expands upon the mythology and numerous stories of Middle-earth, and which gives added life to the thousand-year war between the Elves and the evil spirit Morgoth, and his terrifying lieutenant, Sauron. It was to this enormous task of literary construction that Tolkien''s youngest son and literary heir, Christopher, applied himself to produce the monumental and endlessly fascinating series of twelve volumes, The History of Middle-earth.

The Legend Of Sigurd And Gudrún

release date: Feb 15, 2012
The Legend Of Sigurd And Gudrún
Many years ago, J.R.R. Tolkien composed his own version of the great legend of Northern antiquity, recounted here in The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún. In the Lay of the Völsungs is told the ancestry of the great hero Sigurd, the slayer of Fáfnir, most celebrated of dragons; of his awakening of the Valkyrie Brynhild, who slept surrounded by a wall of fire, and of their betrothal; and of his coming to the court of the great princes who were named the Niflungs (or Nibelungs), with whom he entered into blood-brotherhood. In scenes of dramatic intensity, of confusion of identity, thwarted passion, jealousy, and bitter strife, the tragedy of Sigurd and Brynhild, of Gunnar the Niflung and Gudrún his sister, mounts to its end in the murder of Sigurd, the suicide of Brynhild, and the despair of Gudrún. The Lay of Gudrún recounts her fate after the death of Sigurd, her marriage against her will to the mighty Atli, ruler of the Huns (the Attila of history), his murder of her brothers, and her hideous revenge.

The History of Middle-Earth Index

release date: Jan 01, 2002
The History of Middle-Earth Index
Complete integrated indices of History of Middle-earth volumes. For the first time every index from each of the twelve volumes of The History of Middle-earth has been published together in a single volume - to create a supreme index charting the writing of Tolkien''s masterpieces The Lord of The Rings and The Silmarillion.

The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise

release date: Nov 11, 2010

The Shaping of Middle-Earth

release date: Mar 04, 2010
The Shaping of Middle-Earth
This is the fourth volume in ''The History of Middle-Earth'' series that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien''s epic tale of war.

The Book of Lost Tales 1 (The History of Middle-earth, Book 1)

release date: Feb 24, 2011
The Book of Lost Tales 1 (The History of Middle-earth, Book 1)
The first of a two-book set that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien’s epic tale of war, The Silmarillion.


release date: May 22, 2014
New York Times bestseller “A thrill . . . Beowulf was Tolkien’s lodestar. Everything he did led up to or away from it.” —New Yorker J.R.R. Tolkien completed his translation of Beowulf in 1926: he returned to it later to make hasty corrections, but seems never to have considered its publication. This edition includes an illuminating written commentary on the poem by the translator himself, drawn from a series of lectures he gave at Oxford in the 1930s. His creative attention to detail in these lectures gives rise to a sense of the immediacy and clarity of his vision. It is as if Tolkien entered into the imagined past: standing beside Beowulf and his men shaking out their mail-shirts as they beach their ship on the coast of Denmark, listening to Beowulf’s rising anger at Unferth’s taunting, or looking up in amazement at Grendel’s terrible hand set under the roof of Heorot. “Essential for students of the Old English poem—and the ideal gift for devotees of the One Ring.” —Kirkus

The Peoples of Middle-Earth

release date: Mar 04, 2010
The Peoples of Middle-Earth
''The Peoples of Middle-earth'' traces the evolution of the Appendices to The Lord of The Rings, which provide a comprehensive historical structure of the Second and Third Ages, including Calendars, Hobbit genealogies and the Westron language.

The Lays of Beleriand

release date: Mar 01, 2010
The Lays of Beleriand
This is the third volume in ''The History of Middle-Earth'' series that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien''s epic tale of war, ''The Silmarillion''.

The Map of Tolkien's Middle-earth

release date: Jan 01, 1994
The Map of Tolkien's Middle-earth
The essential companion for any reader journeying through The Lord of the Rings, illustrated by John Howe, conceptual artist on the Lord of the Rings films.

The Complete History of Middle-Earth

release date: Sep 21, 2017
The Complete History of Middle-Earth
This special collector''s edition features all 12 parts of the series bound in three volumes. Each book includes a silk ribbon marker and is quarter-bound in black, with grey boards stamped in gold foil, and the set is presented in a matching black slipcase. J.R.R. Tolkien is famous the world over for his unique literary creation, exemplified in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. What is less well known, however, is that he also produced a vast amount of further material that greatly expands upon the mythology and numerous stories of Middle-earth, and which gives added life to the thousand-year war between the Elves and the evil spirit Morgoth, and his terrifying lieutenant, Sauron. It was to this enormous task of literary construction that his Tolkien''s youngest son and literary heir, Christopher, applied himself to produce the monumental and endlessly fascinating series of twelve books, The History of Middle-earth. This very special collector''s edition brings together all twelve books into three hardback volumes - over 5,000 pages of fascinating Tolkien material - and places them in one matching box.

Unfinished Tales

release date: Jan 01, 1998
Unfinished Tales
A collection of fantasy short stories from the author of LORD OF THE RINGS, which are set in Middle Earth, from the time of the Elder Days to the end of the War of the Ring. Includes stories which feature Gandalf, the Riders of Rohan, the Five Wizards, the Palantiri, the legend of Amroth, and the halycon days of Numenor.
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