New Releases by Becky Kennedy

Becky Kennedy is the author of That's My Truck! (2025), Metoda Good Inside (2023), Getting It Right (2022), Good Inside (2022), Assessing Dyslexia (2021).

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That's My Truck!

release date: Apr 01, 2025
That's My Truck!
In her highly anticipated debut picture book, That''s My Truck! A Good Inside Story About Hitting, #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Becky tackles one of the most common parenting challenges head-on. When Charlie walks into the playroom, his little sister, Pia, is playing with his truck . . . not just any truck, his favorite truck. Charlie’s feelings completely overwhelm him, taking over his whole body, and before he knows it, he hits his sister—hard. This engaging story not only offers parents valuable insights and strategies to address a problem behavior like hitting, but also helps children separate their behavior from identity and cope with big feelings.

Metoda Good Inside

release date: Aug 31, 2023
Metoda Good Inside
De-a lungul ultimilor ani, dr. Becky Kennedy ‒ cunoscută în mediul online ca „dr. Becky" ‒ a declanșat o adevărată revoluție în parenting. Nemaidorind să urmeze sfaturi nefolositoare sau cu care nu rezonau, milioane de părinți au adoptat metoda Good Inside, un model eficient și încurajator care pune legătura cu cei mici mai presus de dorința de a le corija comportamentele. Bazate pe recompense (steluțe și puncte) sau pedepse (punerea la colț), multe abordări de parenting se axează pe schimbarea comportamentului, și nu pe creșterea unei ființe umane. Acest tip de abordări nu asigură însă abilitățile de care copilul va avea nevoie în viață și nici nu dau atenție diverselor nevoi afective. Dacă la toate acestea mai adăugăm și dificultățile avute de părinții înșiși în propria lor copilărie, atunci vom înțelege de ce părinții de azi se simt adesea pierduți, epuizați și îngrijorați că o să-și dezamăgească prichindeii. În cartea de față, dr. Becky își împărtășește filosofia de parenting, dar și o serie de strategii concrete care-i pot ajuta pe părinți să scape de nesiguranță și autoculpabilizare, punând în loc încrederea și îndrumarea fermă. Oferind o nouă perspectivă asupra parentingului, dar și soluții concrete pentru situații diverse (rivalitatea dintre frați, anxietatea de separare, crizele de furie etc.), metoda Good Inside este o resursă bogată pentru generația de părinți care caută o nouă cale de a-și crește copiii și de a-i pregăti pentru o viață bazată pe autoreglarea emoțiilor, pe încredere și reziliență. „Atenție: lectura acestei cărți vă poate transforma în părinți mai buni! Fie că vă străduiți să vă calmați sugarul care țipă, fie că vreți să-l faceți pe adolescent să fie mai comunicativ, veți găsi la dr. Becky cele mai înțelepte sfaturi. Ea a găsit calea de mijloc între ghidarea după cele mai bune instincte și reconsiderarea celor mai proaste reacții." Adam Grant, autorul bestsellerului Think Again și gazda podcastului TED – WorkLife DR. BECKY KENNEDY, psiholog clinician și mamă a trei copii, vine cu o nouă concepție asupra creșterii copiilor. Scopul ei este să insufle părinților curajul și încrederea necesare pentru a se simți mai puternici și mai bine echipați în înfruntarea diverselor dificultăți inerente rolului de părinte. Dr. Becky locuiește în New York City

Getting It Right

release date: Nov 17, 2022

Good Inside

release date: Sep 13, 2022
Good Inside
“This book is for any parent who has ever struggled under the substantial weight of caregiving—which is to say, all of us. Good Inside is not only a wise and practical guide to raising resilient, emotionally healthy kids, it’s also a supportive resource for overwhelmed parents who need more compassion and less stress. Dr. Becky is the smart, thoughtful, in-the-trenches parenting expert we’ve been waiting for!”—Eve Rodsky, New York Times bestselling author of Fair Play and Find Your Unicorn Space Dr. Becky Kennedy, wildly popular parenting expert and creator of @drbeckyatgoodinside, shares her groundbreaking approach to raising kids and offers practical strategies for parenting in a way that feels good. Over the past several years, Dr. Becky Kennedy—known to her followers as “Dr. Becky”—has been sparking a parenting revolution. Millions of parents, tired of following advice that either doesn’t work or simply doesn’t feel good, have embraced Dr. Becky’s empowering and effective approach, a model that prioritizes connecting with our kids over correcting them. Parents have long been sold a model of childrearing that simply doesn’t work. From reward charts to time outs, many popular parenting approaches are based on shaping behavior, not raising humans. These techniques don’t build the skills kids need for life, or account for their complex emotional needs. Add to that parents’ complicated relationships with their own upbringings, and it’s easy to see why so many caretakers feel lost, burned out, and worried they’re failing their kids. In Good Inside, Dr. Becky shares her parenting philosophy, complete with actionable strategies, that will help parents move from uncertainty and self-blame to confidence and sturdy leadership. Offering perspective-shifting parenting principles and troubleshooting for specific scenarios—including sibling rivalry, separation anxiety, tantrums, and more—Good Inside is a comprehensive resource for a generation of parents looking for a new way to raise their kids while still setting them up for a lifetime of self-regulation, confidence, and resilience.

Assessing Dyslexia

release date: Mar 07, 2021
Assessing Dyslexia
Assessing Dyslexia guides readers through the design, administration, and interpretation of dyslexia assessments. Grounded in research on the linguistic and neural foundations of dyslexia, as well as the clinical outcomes of reading and writing processes, this concise volume provides a comprehensive framework for assessment, diagnosis, and intervention. Utilizing detailed examples to illustrate methodology and concepts, this book is critical reading for students looking to deepen their understanding of assessment, literacy, and the written language challenge.

Beginning Again

release date: Jan 01, 2018

My Msadventures

release date: Jan 17, 2013
My Msadventures
My MSAdventures: Multiple Sclerosis: Its Not Just a DiseaseIts an Adventure portrays the journey of a persistent and optimistic woman who has endured decades of complicated navigation through the sometimes turbulent currents of life with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Writing in a tone that captures the identical light-hearted and hopeful approach that has kept her afloat for decades, Becky Kennedy shares how she lives with a condition that could easily capsize her life. Proceeding topically rather than chronologically, the authors narrative in My MSAdventures tells how the adventures began, reviews rehab and other fun vacation spots, and points out how adventures await one everywhere. As an added feature, an appendix provides a collection of useful Web sites. If you are one of the many who live with the diagnosis of MS and wonder howdespite your conditionyou not only will endure, but also thrive, My MSAdventures promises to help you to see beyond the currently tough times to the prospects ahead of you. If, on the other hand, you are someone who cares for another who lives with MS, then My MSAdventures has an uplifting message of hope for you too. If you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), this book is a must. Becky shares her own personal trials and tribulations with the disease. I recommend this book not only to every patient of mine with MS, but also to their family and friends.

Last Place

release date: Jan 01, 2012
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