New Releases by Ann M. Martin

Ann M. Martin is the author of Mary Anne's Bad Luck Mystery (2021), Karen's Witch (2021), The Baby-Sitters Club. Bruno tykkää Annesta (2021), The Baby-Sitters Club. Valerie ja ilkeä Janine (2021), Logan Likes Mary Anne! (the Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel #8) (2020).

1 - 30 of 99 results

Mary Anne's Bad Luck Mystery

release date: Aug 03, 2021
Mary Anne's Bad Luck Mystery
America''s favorite series returns with a new look and a Netflix tv show. Mary Anne should never have thrown away that chain letter she got in the mail. Ever since she did, bad things have been happening-to everybody in the Baby-sitters Club. With Halloween coming up, Mary Anne''s even more worried-what kind of spooky thing will happen next? Then Mary Anne finds a new note in her mailbox: Wear this bad-luck charm, it says. OR ELSE. Mary Anne''s got to do what the note says. But who sent the charm? And why did this person send it to Mary Anne? If the Baby-sitters don''t solve this mystery soon, their bad luck might never stop!

Karen's Witch

release date: Jul 06, 2021
Karen's Witch
It''s fun to be a Baby-sitters Little Sister! Is she Mrs. Porter...or a witch? Karen lives next door to an old lady named Mrs. Porter. Mrs. Porter wears long black robes and has wild gray hair. Her black cat is named Midnight. No wonder Karen thinks Mrs. Porter is a witch!Mrs. Porter is having a meeting at her house. Karen is sure the meeting is for witches. Are the witches going to cast a spell on Karen? Or will she be brave enough to send them away-once and for all?

The Baby-Sitters Club. Bruno tykkää Annesta

release date: Jun 30, 2021
The Baby-Sitters Club. Bruno tykkää Annesta
The Baby-Sitters Club nyt tv-sarjana Netflixillä! Anne ei ole enää yhtä arka ja ujo kuin vielä vuosi sitten, mutta kokonaan hän ei ole päässyt ujoudestaan. Se huomataan, kun kuvioihin astuu kiva uusi oppilas nimeltään Bruno. Lisäksi Brunokin on halukas toimimaan lastenvahtina ja tulee tutustumaan kerhon kokoukseen. Lasten vahtiminen ei aina suju ilman yllätyksiä, mutta tyttöjen syksyyn mahtuu muutakin jännitystä: koulun tanssiaiset lähestyvät... Ann M. Martin (s. 1955) on amerikkalainen kirjailija. Hän on aiemmin työskennellyt erityisopettajana ja kustannustoimittajana.

The Baby-Sitters Club. Valerie ja ilkeä Janine

release date: Jun 30, 2021
The Baby-Sitters Club. Valerie ja ilkeä Janine
The Baby-Sitters Club nyt tv-sarjana Netflixissä! Lastenvahtikerholaiset perustavat kesäksi pienten lasten leikkiryhmän, josta tulee heti suosittu! Mutta Valerien kesäloma ei ole kovin hilpeä... Hänen rakas isoäitinsä Mimi joutuu nimittäin sairaalaan. Uudessa tilanteessa Valerien ja hänen siskonsa Janinen välit kiristyvät entisestään. Miten he voivatkin olla niin erilaisia? Toinen kunnon nörtti, toinen taas taiteellinen vaatehullu. Ann M. Martin (s. 1955) on amerikkalainen kirjailija. Hän on aiemmin työskennellyt erityisopettajana ja kustannustoimittajana.

Logan Likes Mary Anne! (the Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel #8)

release date: Sep 01, 2020
Logan Likes Mary Anne! (the Baby-Sitters Club Graphic Novel #8)
Another Baby-sitters Club graphic novel adapted by New York Times bestselling author Gale Galligan! It''s the first day of a new school year, and while Mary Anne doesn''t know what to expect from the eighth grade, she''s looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. One thing she definitely doesn''t expect is to meet Logan Bruno, who just moved to Stoneybrook! Logan has a dreamy southern accent, he''s awfully cute... and he might be interested in joining the BSC. But the baby-sitters aren''t sure if Logan would make a good club member, so they send him on a job with Mary Anne as a test. Logan and Mary Anne hit it off, but Mary Anne isn''t sure of where their friendship could go. Life in the Baby-sitters Club has never been this complicated -- or this fun!

The Baby-Sitters Club. Lisan suuri päivä

release date: Jul 07, 2020
The Baby-Sitters Club. Lisan suuri päivä
The Baby-Sitters Club -sarja kesällä 2020 Netflixiin! Lisan äiti on menossa naimisiin, ja häihin on tulossa runsaasti perheitä -- eli lastenvahtikerholaisille pukkaa keikkaa! Hääjärjestelyt vievät aikaa ja aikataulu on tiukka. Osa sukulaisista saapuu jo viikkoa ennen häitä auttaakseen valmisteluissa. Ja heidän mukanaan tulee neljätoista pientä lasta! Kuka huolehtii lapsista sillä aikaa? Tietysti lastenvahtikerho The Baby-Sitters Club! Lisalla, Annella, Valeriella, Susanilla ja Violetilla on edessään todellinen vauhtiviikko. Ann M. Martin (s. 1955) on amerikkalainen kirjailija. Hän on aiemmin työskennellyt erityisopettajana ja kustannustoimittajana.

The Baby-Sitters Club. Susanin salaisuus

release date: Jul 01, 2020
The Baby-Sitters Club. Susanin salaisuus
The Baby-Sitters Club -sarja kesällä 2020 Netflixiin! Lastenvahtikerholaiset saavat ikävän yllätyksen: Stonebrookin koulun vanhemmat tytöt ovat perustaneet kilpailevan toimiston, jonka jäsenet saavat hoitaa lapsia vaikka kuinka myöhään! Lisa, Susan, Valerie ja Anne eivät kuitenkaan anna periksi vaan keksivät loistavan vastasuunnitelman. New Yorkista muuttaneella Susanilla taas on aivan oma stressinaiheensa: ylihuolehtivat vanhemmat, jotka eivät tahdo hyväksyä tyttärensä diabetesta vaan juoksuttavat tätä lääkäriltä toiselle. Ann M. Martin (s. 1955) on amerikkalainen kirjailija. Hän on aiemmin työskennellyt erityisopettajana ja kustannustoimittajana.

Claudia and Mean Janine

release date: Jun 02, 2020
Claudia and Mean Janine
Originally published: Lakeville, Conn.: Grey Castle Press, 1987.

Kristy's Great Idea (the Baby-Sitters Club #1): Volume 1

release date: May 05, 2020
Kristy's Great Idea (the Baby-Sitters Club #1): Volume 1
Originally published in paperback by Scholastic Inc. in 1986.

Kristy's Great Idea (the Baby-Sitters Club #1)

release date: May 05, 2020
Kristy's Great Idea (the Baby-Sitters Club #1)
Originally published in paperback by Scholastic Inc. in 1986.

Mary Anne's Book (The Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Collection)

release date: Sep 27, 2016
Mary Anne's Book (The Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Collection)
From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation! Well, we all had to do it. Write our autobiographies, that is. And this is mine. I dug way back in my memory and came up with lots of stories. There was the fateful time in kindergarden when I didn''t know whom to invite to our Mother''s Day tea party. There was the time I desperately wanted glasses, and of course there were the adventures with my friends Kristy and Claudia. But mostly I remember my father, because he''s always been there for me. Always and forever.

Logan's Story (The Baby-Sitters Club: Special Edition Readers' Request)

release date: Sep 27, 2016
Logan's Story (The Baby-Sitters Club: Special Edition Readers' Request)
From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation! It isn''t easy being a boy baby-sitter.Like lots of guys, Logan enjoys baby-sitting. And being an associate member of the BSC means he can sit when he wants to, and still have time for Mary Anne and sports.But now the Baby-sitters really need Logan. Logan wouldn''t mind taking on the extra baby-sitting jobs, but he''s busy trying out for the track team. And the jocks are giving Logan a hard time about hanging out with the girls and babies. Logan doesn''t want to let the Baby-sitters down. But he''s tired of being picked on!

Claudia's Book (The Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Collection)

release date: Sep 27, 2016
Claudia's Book (The Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Collection)
From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation! Ugh. So this is my autobiography. All the eighth-graders at SMS have to write one. Even though I''m not good at writing, it''s been cool remembering when I was little. I have lots of good memories of growing up here on Bradford Court, across the street from my friends Kristy and Mary Anne. Like my sixth birthday. First it was good, then it was bad, then it was good again. And the time I was afraid of the tooth fairy! I probably won''t get an A on this assignment. I never do. But I have to admit that this is one project that''s actually been fun.

Kristy's Book (The Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Collection)

release date: Sep 27, 2016
Kristy's Book (The Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Collection)
From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation! At last it''s my turn to write about my favorite subject--me! Everyone else has complained about writing their autobiographies, but I''ve been looking forward to it. It''s a chance for me to think about all the things that have happened in my short but incredible life. Some were happy, some were sad, some were funny. For instance, I was almost born in Yankee Statium! Maybe that''s why I like softball so much. And look at all the changes my family has been through, starting with my parents'' divorce, anding with the time I finally saw my father again, seven years later. See what I mean? My short (so far) but incredible life. Who knows where I''ll go from here? There''s always the White House...

Karen's New Year (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #14)

release date: Mar 29, 2016
Karen's New Year (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #14)
From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation! Karen the spyFor New Year’s Eve, Karen thinks everyone should make a promise. Hannie is going to stop biting her nails. Kristy promises not to talk to her boyfriend on the phone so much. And Karen makes the most promises of all--nine! But pretty soon, everyone starts breaking their promises. And her brothers and sisters are calling Karen a spy! Poor Karen. Why is everyone being bad except her?

Karen's Haircut (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #8)

release date: Mar 29, 2016
Karen's Haircut (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #8)
From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation! The New KarenKaren feels like an ugly duckling. Her baby teeth are all falling out, and she has to wear glasses, too! Karen needs a new haircut to make her look glamorous. But the beauty parlor lady cuts Karen’s hair all wrong. Now she''s uglier than ever! What will all the kids at school say?

Karen's School Picture (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #5)

release date: Feb 23, 2016
Karen's School Picture (Baby-Sitters Little Sister #5)
From the bestselling author of the generation-defining series The Baby-sitters Club comes a series for a new generation! Say Cheese!Karen has to get glasses -- two pairs One pair for reading and one for all the time. Karen does not want glasses. Her school pictures are going to be taken soon! But Karen has she picks out some pretty pink and blue ones. Karen thinks she looks very grown-up. Then Yicky Ricky at school calls her Four-eyes. If Karen wears her glasses for the school picture, Ricky will make fun of her. But Karen is not a wimp! Glasses or no glasses -- that Ricky is going to get it!

The Fire at Mary Anne's House (The Baby-Sitters Club #131)

release date: Jan 05, 2016
The Fire at Mary Anne's House (The Baby-Sitters Club #131)
In one of the most dramatic BSC storylines to date, Mary Anne and her family survive a raging fire that completely destroys their beloved old farmhouse.

Abby's Un-Valentine (The Baby-Sitters Club #127)

release date: Nov 24, 2015
Abby's Un-Valentine (The Baby-Sitters Club #127)
Valentine''s Day is Abby''s least favorite holiday. Mushy stuff like valentines, red hearts, and a school dance turn her into a Valentine''s Scrooge. When Ross Brown, a perfectly nice guy in Abby''s English class, invites her to the dance, Abby tries to set him up with her twin sister, Anna.

Claudia and the Little Liar (The Baby-Sitters Club #128)

release date: Nov 24, 2015
Claudia and the Little Liar (The Baby-Sitters Club #128)
Haley Braddock has never given the BSC much of a hassle before. But now she''s out of control! After Claudia catches Haley in a lie--and Haley gets grounded for it--this formerly quiet BSC charge turns against Claudia in a big way...

Mary Anne Saves the Day: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #3)

release date: Sep 29, 2015
Mary Anne Saves the Day: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #3)
A graphic novel adapted and illustrated by Raina Telgemeier, the #1 New York Times bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning author of Smile! When The Baby-sitters Club gets into a huge fight, Mary Anne is left to her own devices. She has to eat alone in the school cafeteria, figure out how to make new friends, and deal with her overprotective father. But the worst happens when she finds herself in a baby-sitting emergency and can''t turn to her friends for help. Will Mary Anne solve her problems and save The Baby-sitters Club from falling apart?

Mary Anne and the Playground Fight (The Baby-Sitters Club #120)

release date: Sep 29, 2015
Mary Anne and the Playground Fight (The Baby-Sitters Club #120)
Learning American Sign Language from young Matt Braddock, the club''s newest charge, Jessi is swept up in local efforts to introduce sign language to the many interested children and prepares a special surprise for Matt.

Abby and the Best Kid Ever (The Baby-Sitters Club #116)

release date: Aug 25, 2015
Abby and the Best Kid Ever (The Baby-Sitters Club #116)
Everyone in the Baby-sitters Club remembers Lou McNally as the worst kid ever. But now she''s back and, to Abby''s surprise, acting a little too perfect.

Secret Life of Mary Anne Spier (The Baby-Sitters Club #114)

release date: Jul 28, 2015
Secret Life of Mary Anne Spier (The Baby-Sitters Club #114)
During a Christmas shopping spree, Mary Anne racks up a large debt on her father''s credit card. Baby-sitting won''t cover the charges so she takes a secret job as a department store elf to pay her father back.

The Truth About Stacey: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #2)

release date: Jul 28, 2015
The Truth About Stacey: A Graphic Novel (The Baby-Sitters Club #2)
A graphic novel adapted and illustrated by Raina Telgemeier, the #1 New York Times bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning author of Smile! Poor Stacey. She just moved to a new town, is still coming to terms with her diabetes, and is facing baby-sitting problems left and right. Fortunately, Stacey has three new friends -- Kristy, Claudia, and Mary Anne. Together they''re the BSC -- and they will deal with whatever''s thrown their way... even if it''s a rival baby-sitting club!

Stacey's Secret Friend (The Baby-Sitters Club #111)

release date: Jul 28, 2015
Stacey's Secret Friend (The Baby-Sitters Club #111)
Despite her busy fall schedule, Stacey takes on the project of helping the fashion clueless newcomer Tess to become better educated about clothing and makeup, but the well-meaning baby-sitter is soon frustrated by Tess''s resistance.

Kristy + Bart? (The Baby-Sitters Club #95)

release date: Mar 31, 2015
Kristy + Bart? (The Baby-Sitters Club #95)
When Kristy''s friend, Bart, decides that he wants to be her real boyfriend, Kristy is afraid to tell him that she does not feel the same and enlists the help of Mary Anne for courage in expressing herself.

Mary Anne and the Memory Garden (The Baby-Sitters Club #93)

release date: Feb 24, 2015
Mary Anne and the Memory Garden (The Baby-Sitters Club #93)
Learning that her friend and English partner Amelia Freeman has died in a tragic accident during spring break, a devastated Mary Anne is unable to overcome her sorrow and decides to do something special to remember her friend.

Farewell Dawn (The Baby-Sitters Club #88)

release date: Jan 27, 2015
Farewell Dawn (The Baby-Sitters Club #88)
Deciding that she wants to move back to California permanently, Dawn worries about what she will say to the rest of the baby-sitters, who do not understand when they hear the news secondhand.

Kristy and the Dirty Diapers (The Baby-Sitters Club #89)

release date: Jan 27, 2015
Kristy and the Dirty Diapers (The Baby-Sitters Club #89)
The baby-sitters are in double trouble when the sponsor for Kristy''s softball team, a diaper company, wants to re-name the team "The Davis Diapers," and overbooking on the business end of things makes the club swear in a new member.
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