New Releases by Alice Oseman

Alice Oseman is the author of Nick & Charlie (2025), Alice Oseman Five-Book Collection Box Set (Solitaire, I Was Born for This, Loveless, Nick and Charlie, This Winter) (2024), Alice Oseman Pack (2024), Solitaire 10th Anniversary Edition (2024), Heartstopper #5: A Graphic Novel (2023).

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Nick & Charlie

release date: Jan 02, 2025
Nick & Charlie
A short novella based on the beloved characters from Alice Oseman''s acclaimed debut novel Solitaire and graphic novel series Heartstopper - now a major Netflix series. From the author of the 2021 YA Book Prize winning Loveless. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? CHARLIE: "I have been going out with Nick Nelson for two years. He likes rugby, Formula 1, dogs, the Marvel universe, the sound felt-tips make on paper, rain and drawing on shoes. He also likes me." NICK: "Things me and Charlie Spring do together include: Watch films. Sit in the same room on different laptops. Text each other from different rooms. Make out. Make food. Make drinks. Get drunk. Talk. Argue. Laugh. Maybe we''re kind of boring. But that''s fine with us." Everyone knows that Nick and Charlie are the perfect couple - that they''re inseparable. But now Nick is leaving for university, and Charlie will be left behind at Sixth Form. Everyone''s asking if they''re staying together, which is a stupid question - they''re ''Nick and Charlie'' for God''s sake! But as the time to say goodbye gets inevitably closer, both Nick and Charlie question whether their love is strong enough to survive being apart. Or are they delaying the inevitable? Because everyone knows that first loves rarely last forever...

Alice Oseman Five-Book Collection Box Set (Solitaire, I Was Born for This, Loveless, Nick and Charlie, This Winter)

release date: Oct 10, 2024

Alice Oseman Pack

release date: Feb 29, 2024

Solitaire 10th Anniversary Edition

release date: Jan 04, 2024
Solitaire 10th Anniversary Edition
With special bonus content - a Q&A between Alice Oseman and bestselling author David Levithan The debut novel from Alice Oseman, author of the 2021 YA Book Prize winning Loveless. Solitaire features the characters that inspired the beloved series Heartstopper - now a major Netflix series. My name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep and I like to blog. Last year - before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face the harsh realities of A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I really will have to start talking to people - I had friends. Things were very different, I guess, but that''s all over now. Now there''s Solitaire. And Michael Holden. I don''t know what Solitaire are trying to do, and I don''t care about Michael Holden. I really don''t. This incredible debut novel by outstanding young author Alice Oseman is perfect for fans of John Green, Rainbow Rowell and all unflinchingly honest writers. A CHILDREN''S TOP 10 BESTSELLER (TCM)

Heartstopper #5: A Graphic Novel

release date: Dec 19, 2023
Heartstopper #5: A Graphic Novel
*Now an acclaimed live-action Netflix series!* Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. The bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel about life, love, and everything that happens in between: this is the fifth volume of the much-loved HEARTSTOPPER series, featuring gorgeous two-color artwork. Nick and Charlie are in love. They’ve finally said those three little words, and Charlie has almost persuaded his mum to let him sleep over at Nick’s house. He wants to take their relationship to the next level... but can he find the confidence he needs? And with Nick going off to university next year, is everything about to change? By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper encompasses all the small moments of Nick and Charlie’s lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us. Contains discussions around mental health and eating disorders, and sexual references.

Heartstopper - Volume 5

release date: Dec 07, 2023
Heartstopper - Volume 5
Nick e Charlie sono innamorati. Più innamorati che mai. Finalmente hanno imparato a dichiararsi i propri sentimenti, pronunciando "le due paroline" e Charlie ha quasi convinto sua mamma a farlo dormire da Nick. Vuole portare la loro storia al livello successivo... ma riuscirà a trovare la sicurezza di cui ha bisogno? E quando Nick andrà all''università, l''anno prossimo, cambierà tutto? Una storia amatissima, una serie di culto che ha venduto oltre 8 milioni di copie e ispirato una serie tv di successo. *********************** Questo eBook è ottimizzato per la fruizione su tablet; se ne sconsiglia pertanto la lettura sui dispositivi eReader.

Heartstopper Volume 5

release date: Dec 07, 2023
Heartstopper Volume 5
INSTANT NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER * NEW YORK TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR * FASTEST EVER SELLING GRAPHIC NOVEL * NOW ON NETFLIX Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. The bestselling LGBTQ+ graphic novel about life, love, and everything that happens in between: this is the fifth volume of the beloved HEARTSTOPPER series. ''Absolutely delightful. Sweet, romantic, kind. Beautifully paced. I loved this book.'' RAINBOW ROWELL, author of Carry On Nick and Charlie are very much in love. They''ve finally said those three little words, and Charlie has almost persuaded his mum to let him sleep over at Nick''s house ... But with Nick going off to university next year, is everything about to change? By Alice Oseman, winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper encompasses all the small moments of Nick and Charlie''s lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us. Contains discussions around mental health and eating disorders, and sexual references. ''The queer graphic novel we wished we had at high school.'' Gay Times *Number 1 bestseller in the UK Nielsen Bookscan chart, 12 December 2024

Nick y Charlie

release date: Oct 11, 2023
Nick y Charlie
Un paso más en la relación de Nick y Charlie. El amor sincero puede con todo. Todo el mundo sabe que Nick y Charlie son la pareja perfecta. Ahora que Nick se va a la universidad, la gente se pregunta si lograrán seguir con la relación. ¡Qué pregunta más tonta! Por supuesto que podrán. Pero, a medida que se vaya acercando la fecha, las dudas harán su aparición y los dos comenzarán a preguntarse si su amor es lo suficientemente fuerte como para sobrevivir a la distancia.

Nick i Charlie

release date: Oct 11, 2023
Nick i Charlie
Descobreix com avança la relació d''en Nick i en Charlie. Una veritable història d''amor. Tothom sap que en Nick i en Charlie són la parella perfecta: no poden viure l''un sense l''altre. Però ara en Nick ha de marxar a la universitat, i a en Charlie encara li queda l''últim curs de l''institut. Però a mesura que s''acosta el moment de dir adeu, tots dos es pregunten si el seu amor és prou fort per sobreviure a la distància. O potser estan prorrogant l''inevitable? Perquè tothom sap que és molt estrany que el primer amor duri per sempre...

This Winter

release date: Sep 05, 2023
This Winter
A very special Heartstopper story set over a challenging holiday season... Reuniting Tori Spring, her little brother Charlie, and Charlie''s boyfriend Nick, this novella sees the Spring siblings brave a particularly difficult festive season.

Nick și Charlie

release date: Aug 22, 2023
Nick și Charlie
De la autoarea bestsellerurilor Heartstopper și Loveless O poveste din seria Heartstopper Absența întețește dorul… nu-i așa? Toată lumea ştie că Nick şi Charlie sunt aproape inseparabili şi adoră să fie împreună. Dar Nick urmează să plece în curând la facultate, iar Charlie, cu un an mai mic, va rămâne singur. Toată lumea îi întreabă dacă vor continua relația, o întrebare absurdă… sau cel puţin aşa presupun Nick şi Charlie la început. Pe măsură ce momentul în care trebuie să-şi ia rămas-bun se apropie inexorabil, amândoi încep să se întrebe dacă iubirea lor e îndeajuns de puternică pentru a face faţă distanţei. Charlie e convins că-l ţine pe Nick pe loc, iar Nick nu-şi dă seama ce e în mintea lui Charlie. De-aici lucrurile o iau razna. E ştiut că prima iubire rareori ţine toată viaţa. Ce vor face Nick şi Charlie pentru dragostea lor? „Incredibil de delicioasă, de la început până la sfârșit." – Kirkus Reviews „Realistă și în același timp înălțătoare, această poveste a descoperirii de sine va face inimile cititorilor să se oprească pentru o clipă." – School Library Journal „În ciuda privirilor rușinate și stânjenite, nu ai cum să nu fii fermecat… Romantismul și ficțiunea realistă vor atrage cititorii în această poveste dulce." – Booklist „Am fost uluit. Este foarte tandră, reală și completă. Am citit fiecare volum pe nerăsuflate." – The Nerd Daily Alice Oseman s-a născut în 1994 în Kent, Anglia. A absolvit Durham University și e creatoarea celebrei serii de romane grafice Heartstopper (ecranizată de Netflix), precum și autoarea unor foarte îndrăgite romane pentru adolescenți, precum Solitaire, Radio Silence și I Was Born for This. Cărțile sale au fost nominalizate la Inky Awards, Carnegie Medal și Goodreads Choice Awards. La editura Trei a apărut romanul Loveless (recompensat cu YA Book Prize). Aflați mai multe despre Alice pe

Nick and Charlie

release date: Jan 03, 2023
Nick and Charlie
From the mega-bestselling creator of Heartstopper, a must-have novella in which Heartstopper''s lead characters, Nick and Charlie, face one of their biggest challenges yet. Absence makes the heart grow fonder... right? Everyone knows that Nick and Charlie love their nearly inseparable life together. But soon Nick will be leaving for university, and Charlie, a year younger, will be left behind. Everyone''s asking if they''re staying together, which is a stupid question... or at least that''s what Nick and Charlie assume at first. As the time to say goodbye gets inevitably closer, both Nick and Charlie start to question whether their love is strong enough to survive being apart. Charlie is sure he''s holding Nick back... and Nick can''t tell what Charlie''s thinking. Things spiral from there. Everyone knows that first loves rarely last forever. What will it take for Nick and Charlie to defy the odds?

I was born for this. Ediz. italiana

release date: Jan 01, 2023

Heartstopper. Collector's edition

release date: Jan 01, 2023

Silence radio

release date: Jan 01, 2023

Koly zavmyraye serce. 5 (Heartstopper)

release date: Jan 01, 2023

Nіk і Tjarlі

release date: Jan 01, 2023

Solitaire (ukrainska)

release date: Jan 01, 2023

Koly zavmyraye serce. 2 (Heartstopper)

release date: Jan 01, 2023

Heartstopper (special Edition Hardback).

release date: Jan 01, 2023
Heartstopper (special Edition Hardback).
Nick''s even found the courage to come out to his mum. But coming out isn''t just something that happens once - there''s Nick''s older brother, and a school trip to Paris, not to mention all the other friends and family - and life can be hard, even with someone who loves you by your side. As their feelings get more serious, Charlie and Nick will need each other more than ever before.

Heartstopper. L'àlbum

release date: Oct 26, 2022
Heartstopper. L'àlbum
El llibre que explica tot el que vols saber sobre Heartstopper. Benvingut al món de Heartstopper! En aquest llibre trobaràs tot allò que necessites saber sobre l''univers d''en Nick, en Charlie i tots els personatges de les novel·les gràfiques que han captivat el món sencer. Un llibre a tot color i amb comentaris de l''autora! A més del material nou i exclusiu, amb secrets sobre el procés creatiu, des del paper fins la pantalla, no et pots perdre el nou minicòmic de la Tara i la Darcy, perfils de cada personatge, tutorials per aprendre a dibuixar els personatges de la sèrie, detalls inèdits sobre cadascun d''ells i moltes coses més!

L'Album-souvenir Heartstopper

release date: Oct 26, 2022
L'Album-souvenir Heartstopper
Deux garçons. Une rencontre. Un coup de foudre amical... ou amoureux ? L’Album-souvenirs Heartstopper, en couleurs pour la première fois, est le cadeau parfait pour tous les fans d''Alice Oseman ! Il regorge de contenus exclusifs tels que des illustrations, une mini-bande dessinée, des anecdotes et des aperçus du processus créatif d’Alice Oseman, le tout raconté par une version cartoon de l’autrice. Heartstopper parle d''amour, d''amitié, de loyauté et de maladie mentale. Ce que Nick et Charlie forment ensemble est intense, poignant et nous parle à tous.

Heartstopper. El álbum

release date: Oct 26, 2022
Heartstopper. El álbum
El libro que te cuenta todo lo que querías saber sobre Heartstopper ¡Bienvenido al mundo de Hearstopper! En este libro encontrarás todo lo que hay que saber sobre el universo de Nick, Chalie y todos los personajes de las novelas gráficas que han robado el corazón del mundo entero... ¡Completamente a color, y comentado por Alice Oseman! Además de material nuevo y exclusivo, con secretos acerca del proceso creativo, desde el papel hasta la pantalla No te pierdas un nuevo minicómic de Tara y Darcy, perfiles de cada personaje, tutoriales para aprender a dibujar los personajes de la serie, detalles inéditos sobre cada personaje y ¡muchas cosas más!

I Was Born for This

release date: Oct 18, 2022
I Was Born for This
From the bestselling creator of HEARTSTOPPER and LOVELESS, a deeply funny and deeply moving exploration of identity, friendship, and fame. For Angel Rahimi life is about one thing: The Ark -- a boy band that''s taking the world by storm. Being part of The Ark''s fandom has given her everything she loves -- her friend Juliet, her dreams, her place in the world. Her Muslim family doesn''t understand the band''s allure -- but Angel feels there are things about her they''ll never understand. Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark. He''s their frontman -- and playing in a band with his mates is all he ever dreamed of doing, even it only amplifies his anxiety. The fans are very accepting that he''s trans -- but they also keep shipping with him with his longtime friend and bandmate, Rowan. But Jimmy and Rowan are just friends -- and Rowan has a secret girlfriend the fans can never know about. Dreams don''t always turn out the way you think and when Jimmy and Angel are unexpectedly thrust together, they find out how strange and surprising facing up to reality can be. A funny, wise, and heartbreakingly true coming of age novel. I Was Born for This is a stunning reflection of modern teenage life, and the power of believing in something -- especially yourself.

The Heartstopper Yearbook

release date: Oct 18, 2022
The Heartstopper Yearbook
A full-color companion book for fans of Alice Oseman''s bestselling Heartstopper series. Now streaming on Netflix! The Heartstopper Yearbook is packed full of exclusive content from the Heartstopper universe: never-before-seen illustrations, an exclusive minicomic, character profiles, trivia, and insight into Alice Oseman''s creative process, narrated by a cartoon version of Alice herself. In full-color for the first time, this companion book is perfect for fans of Heartstopper!

The Heartstopper Coloring Book

release date: Oct 18, 2022
The Heartstopper Coloring Book
A unique coloring book with stunning artwork from the bestselling Heartstopper series. Soon to be streaming on Netflix! This beautiful coloring book has all the fan-favorite characters and scenes, such as Nick and Charlie''s first kiss and their trip to Paris, and includes guest appearances from Nellie, Tao, Elle, Tara, Darcy, and more! Featuring empty word balloons to fill in with your own creative dialogue, as well as the entire Tara/Darcy minicomic, this book has something for everyone.

The Heartstopper Collection Volumes 1-3

release date: Sep 15, 2022

Nothing Left for Us

release date: Jul 20, 2022

Heartstopper - Tomo 1

release date: Jul 13, 2022
Heartstopper - Tomo 1
Charlie y Nick van al mismo colegio, aunque nunca se habían cruzado hasta el día en que los hacen sentarse juntos en su grupo de estudio. Muy pronto se vuelven amigos y más pronto aún Charlie comienza a sentir cosas por Nick... aunque sabe que es un imposible. Pero el amor obra de formas inesperadas, y Nick está más interesado en Charlie de lo que ninguno de los dos puede llegar a creer. ¡La novela gráfica que conquistó al mundo llega a VR YA!

Heartstopper - Tomo 2

release date: Jul 13, 2022
Heartstopper - Tomo 2
Charlie y Nick van al mismo colegio, aunque nunca se habían cruzado hasta el día en que los hacen sentarse juntos en su grupo de estudio. Muy pronto se vuelven amigos y más pronto aún Charlie comienza a sentir cosas por Nick... aunque sabe que es un imposible. Pero el amor obra de formas inesperadas, y Nick está más interesado en Charlie de lo que ninguno de los dos puede llegar a creer. ¡La novela gráfica que conquistó al mundo llega a VR YA!
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