Most Popular Books by Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman is the author of The Walking Dead #140 (2015), The Walking Dead #97 (2012), The Walking Dead #121 (2014), Invasion (2016), The Walking Dead Vol. 22 (2014).

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The Walking Dead #140

release date: Apr 08, 2015

The Walking Dead #97

release date: May 09, 2012
The Walking Dead #97
The start of a new storyline, leading up to our monumental issue 100! After nearly 100 issues, Rick and the other survivors finally have ''SOMETHING TO FEAR.''

The Walking Dead #121

release date: Feb 12, 2014
The Walking Dead #121
"ALL OUT WAR," Part Seven In the aftermath of the unthinkable. All Out War is so explosive that even showing the first few pages of The Walking Dead would spoil the surprises.


release date: Jan 28, 2016
From the ashes of a devastated Woodbury, Georgia, come two opposing camps of ragtag survivors, battling for domination in Invasion by Jay Bonansinga, the sixth novel in the bestselling spin-off series Robert Kirkman''s The Walking Dead. Underground, in the labyrinth of ancient tunnels and mine shafts, Lilly Caul and her motley crew of senior citizens, misfits, and children struggle to build a new life. But a secret ambition still burns inside her: she wants her beloved town of Woodbury back from the plague of walkers, and now the only thing that stands in her way currently roams the wasted backwaters of Georgia . . . Way out in the hinterlands, amidst the rising tide of walkers pushing in from all directions, the psychotic Reverend Jeremiah Garlitz rebuilds his army of followers with a diabolical secret weapon. Intending to destroy Lilly and her crew - the very people who vanquished his cultish church - he now has the means to bring a special brand of hell down upon the tunnel dwellers. The final confrontation between these two human factions unleashes an unthinkable weapon - forged from the monstrous hordes of undead, perfected by a madman, and soaked in the blood of innocents.

The Walking Dead Vol. 22

release date: Nov 05, 2014
The Walking Dead Vol. 22
In the aftermath of ALL OUT WAR we discover...A NEW BEGINNING. Collects THE WALKING DEAD #127-132.

The Walking Dead #123

release date: Mar 12, 2014
The Walking Dead #123
"ALL OUT WAR," Part Nine: Whose side is Dwight REALLY on? All Out War is so explosive that even showing the first few pages of The Walking Dead would spoil the surprises

The Walking Dead #105

release date: Dec 12, 2012

Invincible 9

release date: Aug 22, 2022
Invincible 9
Von Verlust, Schuld und gebrochenen Herzen Der Kampf von Invincible gegen Dinosaurus ist der Startschuss für die vielleicht turbulentesten Zeiten im Leben von Mark Grayson ... Verlorene Superkräfte ... Wiedererlangte Superkräfte. Das Schicksal der Erde, das auf seinen Schultern lastet ... Und dann die ultimative Bürde für jeden wohlmeinenden Superhelden: Schuld. Endlich erfahren wir mehr über den Ursprung von Zandale Randolph, der in Marks Abwesenheit in die Rolle von Invincible schlüpfen und den bösen Buben dieser Galaxie die Stirn bieten muss. Nolan und Thragg liefern sich auf der Mondoberfläche den Kampf aller Kämpfe. Seid gefasst auf die Enthüllung von noch mehr Geheimnissen des viltrumitischen Imperiums. Und dann wäre da noch die Rückkehr jenes Oberschurken mit dem größten Gehirn aller Zeiten: Angstrom Levy hat immer noch eine Rechnung offen. Robert Kirkman (FIRE POWER, OBLIVION SONG,THE WALKING DEAD) und Ryan Ottley (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, HULK) kennen keine Gnade! Dieser Sammelband wird uns allen (bzw. jenen, denen es noch nicht passiert ist) endgültig das Herz brechen: Die legendäre 100. INVINCIBLE-Ausgabe wird nun Einzug halten. Fürchtet euch.

Invincible Vol. 22: Reboot?

release date: Feb 17, 2016
Invincible Vol. 22: Reboot?
While Mark, Eve, and Terra make the best of their life on Talescria, Thragg has eluded capture. In this volume, loose ends are tied up, conflicts are brought to a resolution, and a door is closed... so that a new one can open.

The Walking Dead 18: Grenzen

release date: Aug 14, 2013
The Walking Dead 18: Grenzen
Während die meisten auf eine schnelle Vergeltungsaktion hoffen, sieht Rick den einzigen Ausweg aus der neuen Gefahrenlage, die die Bedrohung durch den skrupellosen Anführer der Erlöser und seine unüberschaubare Armee darstellt, in der Anwendung praktischer Vernunft ... sich kleinmachen, sich ducken heißt das Motto der Stunde, das er ausgibt. Damit aber können die wenigsten in Alexandria einverstanden sein, haben sie in der Vergangenheit doch einen völlig anderen Rick Grimes kennengelernt, einen, der sich wehrt und nie aufgibt. Besonders Andrea und Carl sind über das neue Wesen Ricks frustriert ... Carl sogar so sehr, dass er beschließt sich ein Maschinengewehr zu schnappen und selbst auf die Jagd nach Negan zu gehen ... mit irreparablen Konsequenzen! Unterdessen heftet sich Jesus im Geheimen an die Fersen des wieder freigelassenen Erlösers Dwight, um alles über Negan und seine Basis herauszufinden, zieht sich Michonne immer weiter zurück und beginnen der Tüftler Eugene, Monroes Sohn Spencer und andere eigene Pläne zu schmieden. Alexandria steht kurz vor der Zusammenbruch ... nie war die Gemeinschaft so zerbrechlich wie nach dem brutalen Tod Glenns und dem Umzug Maggies und Sophias auf die Anhöhe!

Invincible #6

release date: Oct 01, 2003
Invincible #6
Mark and his good buddy, William go on a trip to Upstate University to see if they want to attend college there next year. All seems to be going well, they spend the day touring dorms, meeting faculty and checking out all the hot college chicks. The only problem is something has gone wrong at Upstate... something terribly wrong. Luckily for them the world''s coolest new superhero, Invincible, is on hand to save their bacon. This stand-alone story is a perfect jumping on point for new readers, a great opportunity to find out what all the buzz is about!

Invincible #4

release date: May 21, 2003
Invincible #4
In this issue we finally find out what''s going on with all those human bombs we''ve been hearing so much about. Unfortunately, Mark finds himself a hapless victim of a plot for revenge that was set in motion years ago, of which he has nothing to do with! Mark''s life begins to take shape, as climactic events and situations cause him to rethink his regular course of action. Trust us, folks, all bets are off. After this one... everything will be different... in a good way, we promise.

The Walking Dead #175

release date: Jan 03, 2018
The Walking Dead #175

The Walking Dead #13

release date: Oct 15, 2004
The Walking Dead #13
The epic tale of survival continues as Rick and crew find another possible shelter. This place is perfect: It''s secure, it''s large, it has nearly everything they could ever need. Only problem is, it''s already got dead tenants...lots of ''em.

Invincible #109

release date: Mar 12, 2014
Invincible #109
What the what?! After one hundred and nine issues...things take a sharp turn.

Invincible #54

release date: Oct 22, 2008
Invincible #54
FIGHTMASTER AND DROP KICK RETURN! They''re back from the future to alter the past - can Invincible stop them - or will he be lost in the time stream forever? Also in this issue: Kid Omni-Man saves the day!

Invincible #66

release date: Nov 23, 2009
Invincible #66
PREPARATIONS FOR WAR,'' Part One Artist CORY WALKER returns to the series he co-created! After escaping from a Viltrumite Prison, Nolan Grayson and Allen the Alien must use what they''ve learned to gather the powers of the universe and unite them against the Viltumites. It all starts here, folks: The Viltrumite War looms large on the horizon!

Walking Dead T18

release date: Sep 04, 2013
Walking Dead T18
"Impossible d’échapper à ce véritable phénomène de librairie, Walking Dead est devenu en quelques mois un indispensable des rayons BD, mais aussi des petits écrans puisque le comics fait l’objet d’une adaptation en série T.V. par AMC. Bon voyage au pays des morts ! La mort de Glenn a été un grand traumatisme pour tous. Rick, qui n’est plus le chef de la communauté, semble accepter sa soumission à Negan, un choix également assumé par Michonne. Mais qu’en est-il de Carl ? Celui-ci a échappé à la surveillance de son père, et se trouve caché sous un matelas, armé d’un fusil... « Walking Dead a réussi à immédiatement s’imposer comme le plus bel enfant illégitime de George A. Romero. » Mad Movies « Une série reconnue pour la qualité des intrigues, qui délaissent les habituels affrontements humains/zombies pour explorer la psychologie des survivants. » Télérama "

Invincible #31

release date: May 01, 2006
Invincible #31
As things slowly return to normal following the cataclysmic events in the recently completed "A Different World" story arc, Mark takes his girlfriend, Amber, to Africa to visit Atom Eve.

The Walking Dead #151

release date: Feb 03, 2016

Invincible: Compendium Vol. 1

release date: Aug 30, 2011
Invincible: Compendium Vol. 1
Introducing the first nine volumes of the greatest superhero comic in the universe, collected into one massive edition! Includes Invincible issues #0-47.

Invincible #29

release date: Mar 01, 2006
Invincible #29
"A DIFFERENT WORLD," Part Five Invincible''s struggle to save a dying world has failed - now he must attempt to prevent the extinction of a species. Sadly, the Viltrumites may not even allow that.

Invincible #74

release date: Aug 25, 2010
Invincible #74
THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! The traitor is revealed as the Viltrumite Empire''s Grand Regent Thragg launches a full-scale assault on the Coalition of Planets home base on Talescria. It appears that all is lost, but The Coalition isn''t going to go down without a fight.

Invincible #105

release date: Sep 04, 2013
Invincible #105
INVINCIBLE IS BACK! It''s a new day dawning for everyone''s favorite superhero. If you''ve ever wanted to jump onto INVINCIBLE without shelling out the money for 18 collected editions, this would be the perfect issue to start with.

The Walking Dead #6

release date: Mar 17, 2004
The Walking Dead #6
After last issue''s horrendous attack on the camp, the survivors are left to pick up the pieces. Tensions run high as the gravity of their situation starts to sink in with Rick and the others. What happens when they stop focusing on the zombie threat and hand and turn their aggression towards one another?

Invincible #61

release date: Apr 22, 2009
Invincible #61
INVINCIBLE WAR: AFTERMATH! The planet is in ruins. Everything has changed, the world''s superheroes are in the hospital or dead. Invincible is left to rebuild - but now he must face his most deadly and powerful adversary yet. Who... or what is CONQUEST?

Invincible 3

release date: Jul 29, 2020
Invincible 3
Ausgabe drei der prächtigen INVINCIBLE-Sammelbände umfasst jene Ausgaben der Story um Mark Grayson, die den Entwicklungsprozess des einstigen naiven Teenagers zu dem waschechten Superhelden Invincible prägten. Dieser Band enthält den blutigen Kampf Invincibles gegen den Schurken Angstrom Levy, seine Wiedervereinigung mit seinem entfremdeten Vater und eine brutale Schlacht gegen die gefürchteten Viltrumiten höchstselbst. THE WALKING DEAD-Schöpfer Robert Kirkman beweist wieder einmal, dass er nicht nur den toten Zombies Leben einhauchen, sondern auch eine Superheldenstory erschaffen kann, die mit langweiligen Klischees den Boden aufwischt.

Invincible #20

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Invincible #20
For nine years now (or however long it''s been since issue #6 came out) readers have been wondering, "What''s up with that robot zombie from issue #6?" Well, wonder no longer, because he''s in this issue! Mark is on campus at his new college and something is amiss. What lurks behind...oh, wait: You already know!

Invincible #68

release date: Nov 18, 2009
Invincible #68
EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW! We return to Earth after the brief space interlude involving Nolan and Allen the Alien... but is it the Earth we knew?! What changes have taken place? What has transpired in the time we were away? Who is DINOSAURUS?! This issue is a can''t-miss for long-time fans of Invincible and an excellent jumping-on point for people who have yet to dip their toes in the INVINCIBLE waters.

The Walking Dead #31

release date: Sep 20, 2006
The Walking Dead #31
Another chapter closes as a new one begins. Michonne has had trouble adjusting to her new surroundings. Starting this issue, things get even more difficult.

Invincible #53

release date: Oct 01, 2008
Invincible #53
INVINCIBLE vs. TITAN! A few issues back, Titan tricked Invincible into helping him take over Machine Head''s arm of the criminal organization knows as THE ORDER - and Invincible is not too happy about being tricked.

The Walking Dead #127

release date: May 14, 2014
The Walking Dead #127
DOUBLE-SIZED ISSUE! In the aftermath of ALL OUT WAR we discover...A NEW BEGINNING.

Invincible #60

release date: Mar 18, 2009
Invincible #60
The Invincible War THE CROSSOVER EVENT OF THE DECADE! Invincible is drawn into a company-wide crossover event done in ONE oversized issue! SPAWN! SAVAGE DRAGON! YOUNGBLOOD! SHADOWHAWK! CYBERFORCE! PITT! ULTRA! and many, many more all here for one issue...; don''t miss it!

Walking Dead T06

release date: Oct 22, 2008
Walking Dead T06
Impossible d’échapper à ce véritable phénomène de libraire, Walking Dead est devenu en quelques mois un indispensable des rayons BD, mais aussi des petits écrans puisque le comics fait l’objet d’une adaptation en série T.V. par AMC. Bon voyage au pays des morts ! Rick, Michonne et Glenn sont toujours retenus captifs par le Gouverneur, leader charismatique de la communauté de Woodbury. Chaque heure qui passe les éloigne un peu plus de la certitude de revoir leurs proches, restés au pénitencier. Mutilés et terrorisés, les prisonniers découvrent la folie de leur tortionnaire... « Walking Dead a réussi à immédiatement s’imposer comme le plus bel enfant illégitime de George A. Romero. » Mad Movies « Une série reconnue pour la qualité des intrigues, qui délaissent les habituels affrontements humains/zombies pour explorer la psychologie des survivants. » Télérama

Invincible Vol. 14

release date: Apr 27, 2011
Invincible Vol. 14
Collects issues #71-78! Chronicling the Viltrumite War in its entirety, with Invincible and his strongest allies pitted against the entire Viltrumite race. Spanning across the universe, no planet, species, or hero is safe from this epic battle.

Invincible Vol. 6

release date: Jun 21, 2006
Invincible Vol. 6
Collects issues #25-30! Collecting the status quo altering storyline "A DIFFERENT WORLD" running from issues 25-30. Mark is brought to another planet in order to save it. Is he their only hope - or the source of the worst disaster to ever befall them?

Invincible Vol. 3

release date: Jan 07, 2009
Invincible Vol. 3
COLLECTS INVINCIBLE #9-13! Mark Grayson is just like everyone else his age, except that his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet. And now he''s begun to inherit his father''s powers. It all sounds okay at first, but how do you follow in your father''s footsteps when you know you will never live up to his standards? THIS ISSUE: The Guardians of the Globe are dead. The super-hero community is a buzz with the who, what, when, where, why and how. Unbeknownst to him, Invincible is at the center of the most dramatic event to hit the superhero community in decades. If you''ve been waiting for the trade, here it is! Don''t miss out a second time on the series ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY gave an ''A-.''

Invincible: The Ultimate Collection Volume 1

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Invincible: The Ultimate Collection Volume 1
Get in on the ground floor This massive hardcover collects the first 13 issues of Robert Kirkman''s Eisner-Nominated super-hero, along with all the extras from the first three trade paperback volumes and even more on top of that Invincible: The Ultimate Collection, Volume 1 is a can''t-miss for anyone who''s wanted to start reading Invincible, but needed an easier way to start from the beginning.
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