Most Popular Books by Peter F. Hamilton

Peter F. Hamilton is the author of The Hunting of the Princes (2016), The Naked God (2000), The Chronicle of the Fallers (2014), Greg Mandel, T3 : Nano (2011), Solaris Rising (2011).

41 - 73 of 73 results

The Hunting of the Princes

release date: Jul 28, 2016
The Hunting of the Princes
The Hunting of the Princes is a children''s fantasy title from the UK''s favourite sci-fi author, Peter F. Hamilton. Featuring black and white illustrations, this is the second book in the exciting Queen of Dreams series. Taggie has had a busy year. From finding out she''s the queen-to-be of a magical realm to learning to use magic . . . to discovering that someone wants her dead! Assassins have been targeting royal heirs throughout the magical realms, and everyone thinks the Karrak invaders are responsible. War seems inevitable – yet Taggie has just found out two very interesting facts. Firstly, that the Karraks come from a completely different universe. And secondly, that there was once a gate to this universe – now lost in the mists of time. If Taggie and her friends can find the gate, perhaps they can also stop the war? But to do so they need to find a Karrak who will take their side . . . Continue the adventure with A Voyage Through Air.

The Naked God

release date: Jan 01, 2000
The Naked God
The Confederation collapses, satanist Quinn Dexter unleashes a powerful force of evil to bring about the apocalypse, and Joshua Calvert and Syrinx search for an alien god who may hold the key to stopping Dexter.

The Chronicle of the Fallers

release date: Oct 01, 2014
The Chronicle of the Fallers
When images of a lost civilisation are ''dreamed'' by a self-proclaimed prophet of the age, Nigel Sheldon, inventor of wormhole technology and creator of the Commonwealth society is suspicious. Especially as the dreams seem to be coming from the Void - an area of living space monitored and controlled because of its hugely destructive capabilities. With it being the greatest threat to the known universe, Nigel is determined to find out if human life really does exist beyond its boundaries and if so, what the hell they''re doing there. But when he crash lands on a planet beyond the Void he didn''t even know existed he finds so much more than he imagined. Bienvenido, a world populated from the survivors of Commonwealth colony ships which disappeared over three thousand years'' ago. Since then they''ve been fighting an ever-increasingly desperate battle against a space-born predator invading their landscape. The Fallers looks innocuous to begin with and their lure is enticing to any that stray within their path - but they are by far the greatest threat to the continuance of humanity on this planet. But Nigel soon realises that the Fallers also hold the key to something he''d never hoped to find - the destruction of the Void itself. If only he can survive long enough to work out how to use it . . .

Greg Mandel, T3 : Nano

release date: Nov 17, 2011
Greg Mandel, T3 : Nano
Julia Evans, milliardaire et directrice de la compagnie Event Horizon, fer de lance de la conquête spatiale, est dans le pétrin. Avec son mari disparu et des concurrents qui affirment avoir acquis une technologie révolutionnaire, Julia remarque à peine la livraison anonyme d''une fleur. Celle-ci possède pourtant dies gènes de millions d''années en avance sur l''ADN terrestre. Un homme serait capable d''élucider ce mystère : Greg Mandel. Mais au cours de son enquête, les morts s''accumulent. L''avenir de l''humanité est en train de se jouer sur cette fleur qui commence à éclore...

Solaris Rising

release date: Oct 25, 2011
Solaris Rising
Solaris Rising is the first in an exciting new series of anthologies that are set to reaffirm Solaris’s proud reputation for producing high quality science fiction. Featuring all original short stories from many best-selling authors such as Peter F. Hamilton, Alastair Reynolds, Stephen Baxter, Paul di Filippo, Adam Roberts, Lavie Tidhar, Ian Watson, Ken MacLeod, Mike Resnick, Tricia Sullivan, Eric Brown, Steve Rasnic Tem along with other top name authors; stories guaranteed to surprise, thrill and delight, demonstrating why science fiction remains the most innovative, satisfying, and downright exciting genre of all.


release date: Jan 01, 1998
Faulty energy mats are threatening the whole ecosystem and the company concerned will go to any lenghts in the real and virtual world to protect themselves.

Mindstar Rising

release date: Feb 21, 2019
Mindstar Rising
Mindstar Rising is the first in Peter F. Hamilton''s hugely popular Greg Mandel series. It''s the 21st century and global warming is here to stay, so forget the way your country used to look. And get used to the free market, too - the companies possess all the best hardware, and they''re calling the shots now. In a world like this, a man open to any offers can do just fine. A man like Greg Mandel for instance, who''s psi-boosted, wired into the latest sensory equipment and carrying state-of-the-art weaponry. He''s also been part of the English Army''s Mindstar Battalion. As the cartels battle for control of a revolutionary new power source, and corporate greed outstrips national security, tension is mounting to boiling point. And Greg Mandel is about to face the ultimate test. Mindstar Rising is followed by A Quantum Murder and The Nano Flower to complete the Greg Mandel trilogy.

The Evolutionary Void: the Void Trilogy 3

release date: Aug 05, 2021
The Evolutionary Void: the Void Trilogy 3
As the Leaving Dream pilgrims speed towards the Void, they could find their long-awaited utopia - or cause the end of everything. The Evolutionary Void is the epic conclusion to the Void trilogy, set in the Commonwealth universe.

Greg Mandel, T2 : Quantum

release date: Oct 21, 2010
Greg Mandel, T2 : Quantum
Au XXIe siècle, le monde commence à sortir des années noires du réchauffement climatique grâce aux technologies développées par la compagnie Event Horizon, sous la direction de Julia Evans. Cependant, même une jeune et belle milliardaire a parfois besoin des services d''un homme tel que Greg Mandel, ancien soldat d''élite de la brigade Mindstar. Il doit élucider le meurtre atroce d''Edward Kitchener, un éminent spécialiste en physique quantique. Nombreux sont ceux qui auraient payé cher pour faire cesser ses travaux, mais le rituel de l''assassinat ne cadre pas avec un simple contrat de tueur. Avec l''aide de ses aptitudes psi, Mandel se lance sur des pistes aussi insolites que les théories de la victime...

The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction

release date: Feb 05, 2007
The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction
This is an eclectic collection of all-original science fiction stories from some of the foremost luminaries in the genre. Featuring new tales of far future murder, first contact, love and war from such well-regarded and award winning authors as Peter F. Hamilton, Stephen Baxter, Adam Roberts, Jeffrey Thomas, Eric Brown, Paul Di Filippo, Neal Asher, Jay Lake and Ian Watson, this collection is sure to delight all fans of good science fiction.

Die Spinne im Netz

release date: May 24, 2002
Die Spinne im Netz
Greg Mandel, Ex-Mitglied des MINDSTAR-Batallions, verdient sich sein Geld inzwischen als Privatdetektiv mit einer ausgefallenen Eigenschaft: Er kann Gedanken lesen. In einer High-Tech-Zeit, in der Verbrechen über Computernetze verübt werden, in einer Zeit künstlicher Intelligenz ist Greg Mandel derjenige, der gerufen wird, wenn es hart auf hart kommt. So auch, als ein Saboteur die mächtige Organisation EVENT HORIZON bedroht. Doch diesmal ist das Netz der Intrigen, in das Mandel verstrickt wird, besonders dicht. Wertvolle wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen stehen auf dem Spiel ═ und sogar die Zukunft der Erde ... Lange mußte die SF auf einen Autor wie Hamilton warten: Bei ihm verbindet sich auf geniale Weise die Tradition der Space Opera mit den modernsten Entwicklungen in der SF. Somit führt Hamilton das Genre einen Schritt weiter in die Zukunft, und das völlig unaufdringlich in einem erstklassigen Krimi!

The Demon Trap

release date: Sep 16, 2011
The Demon Trap
Taken from Peter F. Hamilton''s short story collection Manhattan in Reverse, The Demon Trap is a thrilling short story featuring Paulo Myo of the Commonwealth Saga. When a Siddley-Lockheed CP-450 carrying a group of privileged pleasure-seeking Dynasty members is blown up over Nova Zealand, Senior Investigator Paula Myo of the Serious Crimes Directorate is called in to solve the terrible crime. A group called the Free Merioneth Forces have claimed responsibility but there had to be an individual at the end of that missile launcher and Paula is determined to find out who it was. This short story is taken from Manhattan in Reverse, the first short story collection from the master of space opera. The cover image for The Demon Trap was designed by Andrew Parkes as part of a competition run by Pan Macmillan in association with SFX magazine.

Der Neutronium Alchimist

release date: Aug 26, 2009
Der Neutronium Alchimist
Auf Planeten und Asteroiden kämpfen die Menschen um das nackte Überleben gegen die fremdartigen und erbarmungslosen Mächte, die auf das Universum losgelassen wurden.Die Zeiten sind verzweifelt, und das letzte, was die Konföderation jetzt benötigt, ist eine neue und entsetzlich mächtige Waffe. Und doch ist Dr. Alkad Mzu fest entschlossen, den Alchimist zu bergen - um ihre dreißig Jahre alte Rache zu vollziehen und eine Sonne zu vernichten. Ione Saldana sendet Joshua Calvert aus, um Dr. Mzu zu finden und nach Tranquility zurückzubringen, bevor der Alchimist reaktiviert werden kann. Doch Joshua ist nicht der einzige auf der Jagd nach Mzu, und auf beiden Seiten gibt es Leute mit ganz eigenen Vorstellungen über den Einsatz der ultimativen Weltuntergangswaffe.

Now We Are Ten

release date: Jul 11, 2016
Now We Are Ten
Sixteen original stories of science fiction and wonder from sixteen talented authors, written to commemorate the tenth birthday of independent publisher NewCon Press. Contents: 1. Introduction by Ian Whates 2. The Final Path - Genevieve Cogman 3. Women''s Christmas - Ian McDonald 4. Pyramid - Nancy Kress 5. Liberty Bird - Jaine Fenn 6. Zanzara Island - Rachel Armstrong 7. Ten Sisters - Eric Brown 8. Licorice - Jack Skillingstead 9. The Time Travellers'' Ball - Rose Biggin 10. Dress Rehearsal - Adrian Tchaikovsky 11. The Tenth Man - Bryony Pearce 12. Rare As A Harpy''s Tear - Neil Williamson 13. How to Grow Silence from Seed - Tricia Sullivan 14. Utopia +10 - J.A. Christy 15. Ten Love Songs to Change the World - Peter F. Hamilton 16. Ten Days - Nina Allan 17. Front Row Seat to the End of the World - E.J. Swift About the Authors

Chumash with haftarot and shabbat prayers

release date: Jan 01, 2008

The Reality Dysfunction

release date: Jan 01, 1996

The Neutronium Alchemist

release date: Jan 01, 1998

Rupture dans le réel

release date: Feb 17, 2000
Rupture dans le réel
Sur la planète Lalonde, la rupture dans le réel a ouvert une porte aux morts de toute l''humanité, qui s''emparent, dès qu''ils le peuvent, des corps des vivants. La Galaxie entière est frappée de stupeur. Les Édenistes comme les Adamistes commencent par sous-estimer la gravité de l''invasion. Subissant de lourdes pertes, ils découvrent que les envahisseurs disposent de pouvoirs surhumains. Apparemment invulnérables, ceux-ci se transforment à volonté, referment instantanément leurs blessures et peuvent projeter des torrents d''énergie. Est-ce Laton, un Édeniste renégat qui n''a pas hésité à détruire, trente ans plus tôt, un habitat entier en faisant des centaines de milliers de morts pour couvrir ses crimes, qui a déclenché cette intrusion ? Ce serait presque trop beau. Car à partir de Lalonde et malgré le blocus de la planète, les envahisseurs vont se répandre dans la Galaxie, semant partout la terreur. Expansion est la seconde partie de Rupture dans le réel, qui constitue le premier volet de la gigantesque épopée spatiale entièrement conçue et réalisée par Peter F. Hamilton. Il y a consacré plus de six années. Viendront ensuite L''Alchimiste du neutronium et Le Dieu nu. Il ne s''agit pas d''une série, mais bien d''un roman unique, L''Aube de la nuit, le plus démesuré sans doute de toute l''histoire de la science-fiction. Son ambition et son envergure rejoignent celles des Dune de Frank Herbert et des Hypérion et Endymion de Dan Simmons. Cette œuvre baroque et monumentale marquera les années 2000.

Dragon déchu

release date: Oct 01, 2005
Dragon déchu
Lawrence Newton, en ce XXIVe siècle, n''a qu''un désir, une ambition, sillonner l''espace galactique. Même s''il doit abandonner famille, fortune et pouvoir pour accéder à ce rêve. Vingt ans plus tard, alors qu''il est devenu un simple sergent pour le compte d''une des Grandes Compagnies, il lui semble avoir échoué sur toute la ligne. Mais sur la planète Thallspring, où Lawrence et ses hommes sont chargés d''appuyer un " retour sur investissement ", c''est-à-dire un pillage pur et simple, une légende persistante évoque le Temple du Dragon Déchu. Ce Dragon Déchu, s''il existe, serait un extraterrestre à la puissance colossale. Et Lawrence entreprend de monter, à l''insu de ses employeurs, sa propre petite expédition. Non sans risques. Un space opera fulgurant de Peter F. Hamilton, le rénovateur du genre et l''auteur du cycle : L''Aube de la nuit.

The Salvation Sequence

release date: Jan 01, 2018

The Temporal Void

release date: Jan 01, 2021
The Temporal Void
The Commonwealth is in turmoil, as a cult prepares for its pilgrimage into the Void. Breaching its boundaries could cause an irreparable rift in space. Yet these fanatics are unstoppable, convinced by the Void''s projections of a paradise within. An alien invasion fleet is also on the way, as the Oscien Empire attempts to take advantage of humanity''s confusion. Investigator Paula Myo must hunt the Void''s latest prophet, in an attempt to stop her spreading its enticing visions. And at the heart of events is Edeard the Waterwalker, who lived long ago within the Void. Tales of his glorious story inspired the Pilgrimage -- but may yet expose the Void''s true nature.

The Mandel Files

release date: Jan 01, 2011
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