Best Selling Books by Mark Millar

Mark Millar is the author of Kick-Ass 1 (2012), The Magic Order - Volume 3 (2023), Fantastic Four (2009), Space Bandits (2020), Jupiter's Legacy 3 (2022).

41 - 80 of 200 results
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Kick-Ass 1

release date: Nov 19, 2012
Kick-Ass 1
Avete mai voluto essere un supereroe? Dave Lizewski non si è limitato a sognarlo a occhi aperti. Dopo essersi fatto un costume e scelto il nome “Kick-Ass”, ha deciso di rendere la sua monotona vita più interessante e di provare ad aiutare qualcuno. Ma senza alcun superpotere e circondato dai criminali più violenti di New York, potrebbe aver fatto male i suoi conti. Mentre la sua identità segreta guadagna popolarità grazie a un video su YouTube, imparerà a caro prezzo che la sua attività notturna è pericolosa e stupida, ma non potrà fare a meno di continuare a indossare la maschera. Così nascono delle rivalità e delle alleanze impreviste, mentre la mafia comincia a mettersi sulle sue tracce. Le superstar dei comics USA Mark Millar (Wanted, Ultimates) e John Romita Jr. (Spider-Man, Wolverine) realizzano uno dei tour de force più adrenalinici mai apparsi su un fumetto di supereroi e che è ora diventato un film diretto da Matthew Vaughn con Aaron Johnson, Chloe Moretz e Nicolas Cage!

The Magic Order - Volume 3

release date: Jun 01, 2023
The Magic Order - Volume 3
C’È UN MOTIVO PER CUI NON SI VEDONO FANTASMI IN GIRO... e si chiama MAGIC ORDER! Sono cinque famiglie di maghi di tutto il mondo, che vivono fra noi come insegnanti, paramedici, tassisti e assistenti di volo. Di giorno hanno un lavoro normale. Di notte, in segreto, ci proteggono dalle creature che strisciano sotto i nostri letti. Un nuovo capitolo della saga che vede i maghi andare in Asia. Un punto di partenza perfetto per nuovi lettori. Dalla mente di Mark Millar (Civil War, Kick-Ass) e Gigi Cavenago (Dylan Dog)! [Contiene The Magic Order 3 nn. 1-6]

Fantastic Four

release date: Jan 14, 2009
Fantastic Four
Collects Fantastic Four #554-561.Mark Millar! Bryan Hitch! Need we say more? All right, we will! Who is Mrs. Fantastic? And how will her return into Reed''s life rock comicdom''s First Family? Also, get ready to meet the Invisible Woman''s brand-NEW super-team! These stories will make Fantastic Four "The World''s ULTIMATEST Comic Magazine!" Promise!

Space Bandits

release date: May 29, 2020
Space Bandits
Ein feministischer Space-Western von Superstar Mark "Kick-Ass" Millar! Cody Blue und Thena Khole leben als berüchtigte Gesetzlose im Weltraum – bis beide von ihren männlichen Komplizen verraten werden und in einem der brutalsten Gefängnisse der Galaxie aufeinandertreffen. Für ihre Rache sind sie zu allem bereit. Ein actionreicher Science-Fiction-Western, dessen All vom grell bunten Stil der 80er durchdrungen ist...

Jupiter's Legacy 3

release date: May 01, 2022
Jupiter's Legacy 3
Chloe Sampson (erede della famiglia da cui derivano i super eroi più potenti della Terra), si è sposata con Hutch, e con lui ha avuto vari figli. Il mondo è ora un posto migliore, perché i super esseri stanno lavorando in armonia con l''umanità per eliminare tutti i problemi che hanno afflitto il mondo in passato. Ma qualcuno trama nell''ombra per eliminare i discendenti dei Sampson e gli imperfetti eroi dovranno scendere di nuovo in campo per salvare il mondo… e la propria vita. Dalla mente di Mark Millar (Kick-Ass, Ultimates, Superman: Red Son), la prima parte del finale di una delle serie che hanno originato il Millarworld. [Contiene Jupiter''s Requiem 1-6]

Skrull Kill Krew

release date: Jan 01, 2006
Skrull Kill Krew
See where two of Marvel''s masters of mutantdom first made their mark! Grant Morrison and Mark Millar co-wrote this chilling story of murderous shape-changing criminals... and the menace they''ve sworn to cleanse from the Earth! Guest-starring Captain America and Nick Fury! Collects Skrull Kill Krew #1-5.

Ultimate Comics Avengers: Crime and Punishment

release date: Jan 01, 2023
Ultimate Comics Avengers: Crime and Punishment
Some jobs are just too dirty for the Ultimates. For these, Nick Fury must gather the Avengers, a black-ops team willing to do the missions that others won''t. What role will an infamous mass killer play in Fury''s plans? Find out here, as the Punisher returns to the Ultimate Universe!

Jupiter ́s Legacy 1

release date: Nov 07, 2023
Jupiter ́s Legacy 1
Cuando Estados Unidos más lo necesitaba, apareció un grupo de héroes que ayudó al país a salir adelante. Ahora han pasado más de cincuenta años y el mundo nuevamente está en apuros. Chloe y Brandon son los hijos de los héroes más grandes del mundo, pero ¿podrán alguna vez llenar sus zapatos?Mark Millar, el aclamado escritor de series como Kick-Ass, Nemesis, Secret Service o Superior, une fuerzas con Frank Quitely para crear una épica de superhéroes para el siglo XXI.

Night Club

release date: Jan 31, 2024
Night Club
Du bist 17 Jahre alt und wirst von einem Vampir gebissen. Lebst du daraufhin in den Schatten und ernährst dich von Blut oder verwendest du deine neuen Kräfte, um etwas Spaß zu haben? Serie angekündigt für Netflix. Der nächste Hit von Erzählgenie Mark Millar.

Jupiter’s Legacy 1

release date: May 21, 2021
Jupiter’s Legacy 1
¡Mark Millar y Frank Quitely reinventan el cómic de superhéroes para el siglo XXI! En 1932, Sheldon Sampson sueña con una misteriosa fuente de poder que le lleva a él, a su hermano Walter y a un grupo de seguidores a una búsqueda a lo largo del mundo. Su descubrimiento cambiará el mundo para siempre. Décadas después, Sheldon y Walter son superhéroes de leyenda… ¡Pero sus descendientes no han sido capaces de mantenerse a la altura del mito!


release date: Sep 07, 2016
Il y a quarante ans, Duke McQueen a sauvé une civilisation alien. De retour sur Terre, personne ne l''a cru. Depuis, ses enfants ont grandi, sa femme est morte. La vie n''a plus grand intérêt à ses yeux, jusqu''au jour où un garçon venu du monde qu''il a sauvé, lui fait une offre qu''il ne peut pas refuser : une dernière aventure.


release date: Nov 07, 2022
¿Quién habría dicho que un chico de 18 años podría convertirse en un superhéroe? Dave Lizewski lo decía. Y, después de ser entrenado duramente por la letal chica de doce años conocida como Hit-Girl, empezó su carrera superheroica con el nombre de Kick-Ass. Hit-Girl y él se encontraron cara a cara con la mafia... y ganaron. Pero siempre hay un precio que pagar por la victoria. ¿Dave seguirá su vida como adulto normal o seguirá luchando por la justicia?

Kick-Ass 4

release date: Nov 19, 2012
Kick-Ass 4
Avete mai voluto essere un supereroe? Dave Lizewski non si è limitato a sognarlo a occhi aperti. Dopo essersi fatto un costume e scelto il nome “Kick-Ass”, ha deciso di rendere la sua monotona vita più interessante e di provare ad aiutare qualcuno. Ma senza alcun superpotere e circondato dai criminali più violenti di New York, potrebbe aver fatto male i suoi conti. Mentre la sua identità segreta guadagna popolarità grazie a un video su YouTube, imparerà a caro prezzo che la sua attività notturna è pericolosa e stupida, ma non potrà fare a meno di continuare a indossare la maschera. Così nascono delle rivalità e delle alleanze impreviste, mentre la mafia comincia a mettersi sulle sue tracce. Le superstar dei comics USA Mark Millar (Wanted, Ultimates) e John Romita Jr. (Spider-Man, Wolverine) realizzano uno dei tour de force più adrenalinici mai apparsi su un fumetto di supereroi e che è ora diventato un film diretto da Matthew Vaughn con Aaron Johnson, Chloe Moretz e Nicolas Cage!

The Authority Book Two

release date: May 25, 2021
The Authority Book Two
The Authority are heroes in only the strictest sense of the word. Ruthless and unforgiving, the group of insanely powerful superhumans face down countless menaces to Earth, protecting humankind with their cold version of justice. Following the death of Jenny Sparks at the end of the 20th century, the Authority is now under the leadership of Jack Hawksmoor, who is no less brutal than his predecessor. But with a new leader and new century also come new foes, such as a mad scientist intent on shaping the 21st century to his own whims, a former Doctor gone rogue who always seems to be one step ahead of the team, and a twisted mirror image of the Authority sanctioned by the G7 nations. With the odds stacked against them, will the Authority finally fall? Not without putting up one helluva fight. Join writer MARK MILLAR (Kick-Ass) and artists FRANK QUITELY (All-Star Superman), DUSTIN NGUYEN (Descender), and ARTHUR ADAMS (Monkeyman and O’Brien) as they wrap up the Authority saga not with a whimper, but a bang. The Authority Book Two collects the uncensored The Authority #13-29, The Authority Annual 2000 #1, and stories from WildStorm Summer Special #1, plus a bonus gallery of behind-the-scenes extras.


release date: Jan 01, 2009
Strange visitor from another world who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands… and who, as the champion of the common worker, fights a never-ending battle for Stalin, Socialism and the international expansion of the Warsaw Pact. In this startling twist of a familiar tale, a certain Kryptonian rocketship crash-lands on Earth carrying an infant who will one day become the most powerful being on the planet. But his ship doesn’t land in America. He is not raised in Smallville, Kansas. Instead, he makes his new home on a collective in the Soviet Union! From the mind of Mark Millar, the best-selling writer of THE AUTHORITY and Wanted, comes this strangely different take on the Superman mythos. Featuring art by Dave Johnson, Kilian Plunkett, Andrew Robinson, and Walden Wong, with an introduction by film producer Tom DeSanto (X-Men, X2: X-Men United, Transformers), this Deluxe Edition also features an extensive sketch gallery by Johnson, Plunkett and Alex Ross.

Ultimate X-Men Vol. 2

release date: Jan 01, 2011
Ultimate X-Men Vol. 2
XAVIER''S SCHOOL UNDER SIEGE, THE X-MEN....ABDUCTED! Now pawns of the mysterious Weapon X program, the mutant heroes'' only hope lies with the one team member to evade capture: the enigmatic, unproven Wolverine ! Can Logan go it alone against the shadow-ops organization that transformed him into one of the world''s most lethal killing machines? To succeed, he must survive an adrenaline-charged, adamantium-laced brawl with the savage Sabretooth -- a predator every bit his equal! The Second ULTIMATE X-MEN story arc, "Return to Weapon X" features the ultimate universe debuts of Nightcrawler, Juggernaut, Rogue and NIck Fury --- and the return of the Brotherhood of Mutants! Ultimate X-Men (2000) #7-12.

King of Spies

release date: Sep 01, 2022
King of Spies
Il più grande agente segreto del mondo ha sei mesi di vita… ora è il momento di dare la caccia ai VERI bastardi. Per tutta la vita la superspia inglese Sir Roland King ha “risolto problemi” dei potenti della Terra. Ora, con quel che gli resta da vivere, ha deciso di mettersi in proprio e uccidere brutalmente presidenti, papi e primi ministri che sa che meritano di morire. Il genio irrequieto di MARK MILLAR (Civil War, Kick-Ass, The Magic Order) firma quello che è considerato il suo capolavoro per i disegni di uno scatenato MATTEO SCALERA (Space Bandits, Batman – White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn).

JLA Presents: Aztek: The Ultimate Man

release date: May 13, 2008
JLA Presents: Aztek: The Ultimate Man
From writers Grant Morrison (52, BATMAN) and Mark Millar (Ultimates, Civil War) comes Aztek, the visionary hero from the 1990s! In these stories from AZTEK: THE ULTIMATE MAN #1-10, Aztek fights the forces of evil in Vanity City, where he meets costumed characters including Green Lantern and The Joker!

Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 6

release date: Jan 01, 2022
Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 6
Collects Ultimate Fantastic Four #27-32. A guilt-ridden Reed Richards attempts to undo his greatest failure by using time travel to fix the snag that caused the teleportation accident that resulted in Ben Grimm''s becoming the Thing. Plus: the awesome return of Dr. Doom! And the zombiefied FF escape from their Baxter Building prison!

Kick-Ass 2, Band 2

release date: Mar 15, 2014
Kick-Ass 2, Band 2
Dave wollte immer ein Superheld sein. Und er ist nicht mehr allein. Viele haben wie er ein Kostüm übergestreift und gehen ganz ohne Superkräfte auf Verbrecherjagd. Doch die bunte Truppe ist völlig überfordert, als Red Mist mit einer Bande auftritt, die richtig Ernst macht. Die Superschurken planen einen Massenmord, wie ihn die Welt noch nicht gesehen hat.

Swamp Thing: Darker Genesis

release date: Nov 24, 2015
Swamp Thing: Darker Genesis
As the Swamp Thing tries to get on with his life, a mysterious woman named Anna hopes to get on with her death. A writer by trade, Anna longs to drown her sorrows in a watery grave. But her brilliant stories won’t let her rest until she finishes telling them-and the Swamp Thing is their missing masterpiece. Now the avatar of the Green must ride its currents into a series of strange new worlds-warped realities that exist nowhere except in Anna’s troubled mind: a New Orleans where the dead walk and black magic rules; an America that lost World War II and is reborn as a republic of horror; and a swamp where a former superhero learns a terrible secret. Waiting at the end of this river of stories is a force that could drown the Swamp Thing-and the world-in a final flood of darkness. Comics superstar Mark Millar and a parliament of comics’ finest artists-including Phil Hester, Kim DeMulder, Chris Weston, Jill Thompson and Phil Jimenez-present SWAMP THING: DARKER GENESIS, a tour de force of imaginative power collecting issues #151-160 of the original VERTIGO series.


release date: Jun 19, 2013
CHARMANTE, ADORABLE ET MORTELLE ! Kick-Ass veut devenir un super-héros à tout prix, et la seule qui puisse le former est Mindy, alias la redoutable Hit-Girl. Bien qu’elle le considère comme son partenaire et l''entraîne à cogner, à tirer et à donner des coups de couteau comme Big Daddy le lui a appris, elle doit feindre d''être une fillette normale de douze ans... Une leçon de bonne conduite dispensée aux criminels avec ultra-violence par une jeune adolescente armée de katanas et par l''équipe de choc composée de Mark Millar (Superior, Nemesis) et John Romita, Jr. (Avengers).


release date: Jul 10, 2019
Collects Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #7, Captain Marvel (2012) #1, Iron Man (2012) #1, Guardians Of The Galaxy (2013) #4, Edge Of Spider-Verse #2, Ms. Marvel (2014) #12, Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #3, Mighty Thor (2015) #5, Black Panther (2016) #1, Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015b) #7 And Thanos (2016) #1. Celebrate 80 years of Marvel Comics, decade by decade. The blockbuster icons and bold new generation of the trailblazing 2010s! As iconic heroes enjoyed worldwide cinematic success, a diverse array of young champions stole the spotlight! Find your favorite movie stars in outstanding adventures by the best modern creators — from Iron Man, Black Panther, Spider-Man and Captain Marvel…to Thanos! And get to know the new kids on the block — Miles Morales; Spider-Gwen; Thor, Goddess of Thunder; the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl; and Kamala Khan, the incomparable Ms. Marvel!

Jupiter’s Circle 2

release date: May 21, 2021
Jupiter’s Circle 2
En los años cincuenta, los mejores superhéroes del mundo triunfan en público mientras luchan con sus vidas privadas. Los disturbios sociales y políticos cobran peaje personal. Un miembro del equipo se une al movimiento contracultural, mientras otros luchan contra los demonios internos, la sospecha y la traición.

Jupiter's Legacy, Volume 3 (Netflix Edition)

release date: Oct 06, 2020
Jupiter's Legacy, Volume 3 (Netflix Edition)
Set one generation after the previous volume, America''s superheroes have all had children, but can they ever fill their parents'' shoes? More interested in celebrity and corporate sponsorship, the beautiful, twenty-something heroes of the modern era only want to be famous. However, worse is their political aspirations and a plan to take control away from a fallible and weak humanity. Collects JUPITER''S LEGACY #1-5

Big Game

release date: Jun 28, 2024
Big Game
Lasset die Spiele beginnen! Hier trifft Kick-Ass auf Nemesis, die Kingsmen, Superior, Night Club und all die anderen Figuren, die das Universum von Mark Millar besiedeln. Und lasst es euch gesagt sein: Das ist eine Begegnung, die ihr niemals vergessen werdet!


release date: Dec 01, 2020
Huck è un ragazzone grande, grosso e un po’ semplice, ma dotato di poteri speciali. Quando la notizia delle sue capacità straordinarie si diffonde oltre il piccolo paesino che lo aveva sempre protetto, qualcuno si fa avanti per sfruttarlo. Intanto, l''improvviso ritorno di alcune figure del passato spalanca la porta su un mistero ancora più inquietante. Mark Millar (Kick-Ass) stupisce ancora una volta, questa volta reimmaginando uno dei più famosi e importanti miti dei supereroi americani! Ai disegni la superstar Rafael Albuquerque (american Vampire)

Kick-Ass 3 Omnibus

release date: Oct 29, 2015
Kick-Ass 3 Omnibus
L’incredibile ultimo capitolo della saga più violenta ed esagerata di sempre, firmato da Mark Millar e John Romita, Jr.! Con Hit-Girl rinchiusa in carcere, tocca a Kick-Ass guidare il gruppo supereroistico della Justice Forever. Ma con i supereroi ormai fuorilegge Kick-Ass dovrà evitare sia la polizia, sia alcuni terrificanti nuovi nemici!

The Magic Order - Volume 4

release date: Jan 01, 2024
The Magic Order - Volume 4
L’Ordine Magico è in subbuglio, dopo che Cordelia Moonstone è stata costretta a espellerne il proprio fratello. Voci di scontento diffuso serpeggiano fra gli altri maghi. C’è insoddisfazione verso le vecchie regole e sotto la cenere cova il fuoco di un colpo di mano. Saranno gli amici a diventare i nemici più pericolosi? UN ALTRO INTENSO CAPITOLO DELLA SAGA DELL’ORDINE DEI MAGHI PROTETTORI DELLA TERRA. LA FANTASIA AL POTERE IN UN TOUR DE FORCE DI STORYTELLING!

Ultimates Vol.1

release date: Jan 01, 2011
Ultimates Vol.1
When Nick Fury, head of an elite espionage agency, hears about several bizarre characters and misfits, he puts together a small but lethal army known as the Ultimates, created to protect mankind from rising threats. Collects Ultimates (2002) #1-6.

Ultimate X-Men Vol. 6

release date: Jan 01, 2012
Ultimate X-Men Vol. 6
Collects Ultimate X-Men #26-33. Magneto, the X-Men''s deadliest villain, returns. They''ve faced the Weapon X program, Proteus and even the superhuman strikeforce known as The Ultimates. Now, still licking their wounds from their prior battles, can Xavier''s mutant team possibly survive the return of their most powerful foe?

Jupiter’s Circle 1

release date: May 21, 2021
Jupiter’s Circle 1
Descubre la vida los fundadores de Unión en los años cincuenta y sesenta. Los más celebrados superhéroes de América parecen tenerlo todo: fama, riqueza, seguidores... pero las tensiones que se ocultan bajo la superficie amenazan con destruir sus vidas.

Swamp Thing Vol. 3: Trial by Fire

release date: Jul 05, 2016
Swamp Thing Vol. 3: Trial by Fire
The Parliament of Trees made him the master of all plants. The Parliament of Stones gave him control of the earth on which they grow. And the Parliament of Waves put the waters of the world at his command. With all of this power flowing through his veins, the elemental being known as the Swamp Thing has become like unto a god. And, just like many of the gods that preceded him, he has grown wrathful in his judgment of mankind’s sins. Now, as he undergoes a final, terrifying trial in the purifying fire of the Parliament of Flames, the creature who was once Alec Holland holds the future of humanity in his cold, mossy hands. And while the Swamp Thing’s ties to his human side continue to weaken, dark forces are maneuvering to claim his power for their own. In the end, enemies and allies alike-including his estranged wife Abby and the master magician John Constantine-must make a last-ditch appeal to the man within the monster. If they fail, the choice is stark: kill the Swamp Thing before he completes his trial, or perish along with the rest of Homo sapiens. In SWAMP THING: TRIAL BY FIRE, comics superstar Mark Millar concludes his triumphant run on the legendary VERTIGO series with a powerhouse performance illuminated by art from Phil Hester, Kim DeMulder and Curt Swan. Collects issues #161-171.

Superman: Red Son (new Edition)

release date: Jan 01, 2014
Superman: Red Son (new Edition)
Imagine a reality where the world''s most powerful super-being does not grow up in Smallville, Kansas - or even America, for that matter... : RED SON is a vivid tale of Cold War paranoia, that reveals how the ship carrying the infant who would later be known as Superman lands in the midst of the 1950s Soviet Union. Raised on a collective, the infant grows up and becomes a symbol to the Soviet people, and the world changes drastically from what we know - bringing Superman into conflict with Batman, Lex Luthor and many others. From the mind of Mark Millar, the best-selling writer of THE AUTHORITY and Wanted, comes this strangely different take on the Superman mythos. Featuring art by Dave Johnson, Kilian Plunkett, Andrew Robinson, and Walden Wong, with an introduction by film producer Tom DeSanto (X-Men, X2: X-Men United, Transformers), this edition also features an extensive sketch gallery by Johnson, Plunkett and Alex Ross.
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