New Releases by Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon is the author of Giant-Size X-Men 40th Anniversary (2015), Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Panel to Panel-Season 8 & 9 (2015), Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 9, Band 6 (2015), Buffy: Season Ten Volume 2 - I Wish (2015), Buffy Season Nine Library Edition Vol3 (2015).

31 - 60 of 84 results
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Giant-Size X-Men 40th Anniversary

release date: May 27, 2015
Giant-Size X-Men 40th Anniversary
Celebrate the birthday of the book that made a Giant-Size impact on comics! Revisit the fateful day that Professor X gathered an all-new, all-different, multinational mix of mutants u0097 as Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Sunfire, Thunderbird and some guy named Wolverine unite with Cyclops in the rescue tale that ushered in four decades of uncanny adventures! See how the original team reacted to the newly expanded roster! Learn the tragic histories of Colossus and Wolverine! Ask yourself u0093What If?u0094 they all died or never even met! And savor the explosive epic that revealed the groupu0092s true deadly genesis and the ill-fated existence of a previous team! Collecting: Giant-Size X-Men #1 and #3-4, Classic X-Men #1, X-Men Origins: Colossus #1, X-Men Origins: Wolverine #1, X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1-6, What If? (1989) #9 and #23, and material from X-Men Gold #1.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Panel to Panel-Season 8 & 9

release date: Mar 11, 2015
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Panel to Panel-Season 8 & 9
Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer continues—only in comics! With guidance from Whedon, Buffy Seasons 8 and 9 and the series Angel & Faith further developed fan-favorite television characters and established new ones. This collection of cover art, sketches, and favorite sequences features art from series artists and many, many more! * Showcasing the most stunning art in the Buffy canon to date!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 9, Band 6

release date: Mar 10, 2015
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 9, Band 6
Die 9. Staffel von Joss Whedons Kult-Reihe - The Vampire Slayer ist beendet. Die Gang konnte die Welt wieder einmal (knapp) retten und außerdem ist die Magie zurück vor allem dank Willow, die in einer Parallel-Dimension den Schlüssel gefunden hatte, um alles wieder ins Lot zu bringen. Aber was genau da in der magischen Welt passierte, darüber berichtet dieser Willow- Special-Band, der die Lücke zwischen der 9. und der kommenden 10. - Staffel schließt. Das Bindeglied zwischen Staffel 9 und 10!

Buffy: Season Ten Volume 2 - I Wish

release date: Jan 01, 2015
Buffy: Season Ten Volume 2 - I Wish
Buffy and her crew get their fight on, as they try to take control of the new rules of magic While new living arrangements take some getting used to, Buffy and the Scoobies head for adventure in Sunnydale, where Andrew is up to his good/bad/old tricks again. And as everyone continues to feel the responsibility of writing the new magical rules, they are tempted by what new rules can do for them . . . just like the Big Bads who have come knocking on Buffy''s door

Buffy Season Nine Library Edition Vol3

release date: Jan 01, 2015
Buffy Season Nine Library Edition Vol3
Reprints issues from the Dark Horse comic book series Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 9, Band 5

release date: Nov 20, 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 9, Band 5
Es geht um Dawns Leben! Durch das Verschwinden der Magie aus unserer Welt wurde auch dem magischen Schlüssel und damit Dawn die Existenzgrundlage entzogen. Buffy ist bereit alles zu opfern, um ihre Schwester zu retten und auch Xander ist nicht bereit, seine Liebe kampflos aufzugeben. Willow will sowieso die Magie wieder neu auf der Erde entfachen - und so begibt sich das Trio auf eine Mission in die Dimension der Uralten Götter. Das große Finale der 9. Staffel!

Serenity: Leaves on the Wind

release date: Nov 01, 2014
Serenity: Leaves on the Wind
"This volume collects the miniseries ''Serenity: Leaves on the Wind'' #1-#6 and the short story ''It''s Never Easy,'' from Free Comic Book Day 2012: Serenity/Star Wars"--Colopho

Joss Whedon's Fray #2

release date: May 14, 2014
Joss Whedon's Fray #2
In Joss Whedon''s _Fray_, Melaka Fray''s world has been turned upside down. After finishing a routine breaking-and-entering job, she''s returned to her apartment to find an eight-foot-tall demon. Now she''s got another job proposal, and her life will never be the same. Joss Whedon, creator of _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_, makes his comics-writing debut with this epic, eight-issue saga of a young girl in a futuristic world where monsters are all but unheard ofand now she''s got to chase them all out of the shadows.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 9, Band 1

release date: Mar 15, 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 9, Band 1
Buffy - Der Start der 9. Staffel! Es ist eine neue Welt, in der sich Buffy zurechtfinden muss: Ja, es gibt noch Dämonen und Vampire, aber dank Buffy gibt es keine Magie mehr, die die Monster leitet. Das macht die Geschöpfe der Unterwelt wilder und unberechenbarer als je zuvor. Ohne Armee der Jägerinnen und ohne Gang bleibt Buffy nur eine Möglichkeit, dem entgegen zutreten - als das, was sie schon immer gewesen ist... die Einzige, die Auserwählte, die Jägerin!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 3

release date: Mar 15, 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 3
Angriff der Wer-Vampire! Vampire, die sich nach Belieben in Wölfe, Panther, Insekten oder Nebel verwandeln können, fallen im Norden Schottlands ein. Und als wäre das noch nicht genug, stehlen sie auch noch Buffys Sense, das Symbol für die Macht aller Jägerinnen weltweit. Die Jagd nach den neuen Feinden führt Buffy und ihre Truppe ins ferne Tokio, während Xander in Transsylvanien den verzweifelten Versuch startet, die Hilfe Draculas zu gewinnen. Joss Whedons 8. Staffel exklusiv als Comic! Der Comic-Bestseller von Panini!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 4

release date: Mar 15, 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 4
Nach der Schlacht in Tokio ist Tristesse im Domizil der Jägerinnen eingekehrt. Den errungenen Sieg empfinden fast alle nach den erlittenen Verlusten als Niederlage. Auch Dawn, für die die Versuche der Hexen, sie zu entzaubern, zu immer neuen und wenig begeisternden Metamorphosen führen. Und dann, wie aus dem Nichts, bricht die Zukunft über Buffy herein - in Form von Fray. Das Mädchen, das dieselbe Waffe wie Buffy führt, reißt die Jägerin durch einen Dimensionsspalt in eine andere Zeit um sie zu töten. Doch wer ist das Mädchen mit der lila Locke, wer steckt hinter der ganzen Sache und wird Buffy wieder den Weg zurück in ihre Epoche finden? Die überraschenden Antworten gibt es in Band 4 der offiziellen 8. Buffy-Staffel! Joss Whedons 8. BUFFY-Staffel exklusiv als Comic! Der Comic-Bestseller von Panini!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 8

release date: Mar 15, 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 8
DAS FINALE DER 8. STAFFEL! Über 40 US-Comic-Hefte zog sich die offizielle 8. Staffel, mit der Joss Whedon seine Teen-Vampir-Kultreihe "Buffy" nach dem TV-Ende fortsetzte. Genug Hefte für acht dicke Sammelbände, vollgepackt mit grandiosen Buffy-Storys im einzigartigen Whedon-Stil. Da darf man in Band 8 nicht mehr und nicht weniger erwarten, als ein whedonesk furioses Finale! Buffy, Angel, Spike, Willow, Xander und das Ende des Universums!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 6

release date: Mar 15, 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 6
OZ IST ZURÜCK!... Genaugenommen ist der Werwolf, der einst zur Jägerinnen-Gemeinde gehörte und der der erste Freund von Willow war, gar nicht zurück, sondern die Jägerinnen verschlägt es, mitsamt ihres U-Boots, zu ihm in die Einsamkeit Tibets. Das Ganze ist das Resultat einer großangelegten Offensive von "Dämmerung" gegen Buffys Armee. Natürlich kann so ein Rückzug auch "strategisch" sein, doch wieder fließt Blut und die Reihen der Jägerinnen lichten sich weiter. Buffy zweifelt, und das wird nicht besser durch einen Kuss zwischen Xander und... Aber das ist eine andere Geschichte, denn die Götter erheben sich und für Buffy wird alles anders! Teil 6 der offiziellen Fortführung des Buffy-Epos.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 2

release date: Mar 15, 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 2
DIE JÄGERIN IST ZURÜCK! Buffy und Xander versuchen aus den neuen Jägerinnen eine schlagkräftige Organisation zu formen was einige Schwierigkeiten birgt. Zudem hat noch niemand eine richtige Idee, wie man Dawns echt großes Problem in den Griff bekommen könnte - und ein 20 Meter großer Teenager ist eindeutig der Albtraum jedes Erziehungsberechtigten Derweil verfolgt Giles, unbemerkt von allen, eigene Pläne: Es geht um Faith und die Frage: "Wie tötet man eine Jägerin?"!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 Library Edition Volume 4

release date: Jan 01, 2013
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 Library Edition Volume 4
Series creator Joss Whedon brought Buffy the Vampire Slayer back to life with this comics-only follow-up to Season 7 of the television show. This hardcover edition contains the first two arcs of the series, plus two one-shots, written by Joss Whedon and Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Runaways), with art by the acclaimed Georges Jeanty!

Angel and Faith Volume 4: Death and Consequences

release date: Jan 01, 2013
Angel and Faith Volume 4: Death and Consequences
A demon from Giles''s past has reemerged in London, giving Angel the opportunity he''s been waiting for: capturing the final piece of the late Watcher''s soul. For Faith, this is when Angel delivers on his promise-- the resurrection of her mentor and friend. This venture draws the attention of Faith''s Slayer comrades, who also seek to bring back a fallen friend. When the Slayers find themselves in the middle of Angel and Faith''s quest, they''re turned into living zombies by the soul-possessing demon Eyghon. It''ll take everything they have to defeat the demon and escape with their lives--and any part of Giles''s soul.

Firefly: A Celebration (Anniversary Edition)

release date: Oct 02, 2012
Firefly: A Celebration (Anniversary Edition)
Titan’s three bestselling Firefly titles collected together at last, just in time for the 10th anniversary of Joss Whedon’s beloved series. This huge, 544 page full colour volume is simply one of the most lavish books ever produced for a TV show, and is presented in a foil-stamped leather-effect binding. Plus, as an exclusive bonus for this edition, a pocket at the back of the book contains 9 frameable photo prints of the cast, featuring rare and previously unseen images, and a facsimile of one of the prop banknotes used in the show.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 Volume 1: Freefall

release date: Jul 17, 2012
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 Volume 1: Freefall
Season 8 ended with a bang that cut the world off from magic culminating in another set of world-ending problems. Buffy has left her best friend, Willow, powerless, and brought an end to a millennia-long tradition of superpowered girls. By day, Buffy is a twenty-something waitress with no real direction, and even though magic is gone, she ís still a vampire Slayer by night. Bigger problem? Vampires are becoming an epidemic... of zompires! Collects Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #1 - #5. * Written by series creator Joss Whedon and Andrew Chambliss of ABC''s One Upon a Time! Buffy Season 9 begins!

The Cabin in the Woods: The Official Visual Companion

release date: Apr 17, 2012
The Cabin in the Woods: The Official Visual Companion
From Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Drew Goddard, writer of the monster movie phenomenon Cloverfield, comes the horror film to end all horror films! The details of the plot are a closely guarded secret, though Joss himself has described it as “a straight-up, balls-out, really terrifying horror movie,” adding,"it is not just a slasher in the woods. It''s a little more complicated than that..." All will be revealed in the Official Visual Companion, featuring in-depth interviews, the full screenplay by Whedon and Goddard, stunning production art, and hundreds of color photos!

Serenity: Those Left Behind 2nd Edition

release date: Feb 28, 2012
Serenity: Those Left Behind 2nd Edition
Written by series creator Joss Whedon and show writer Brett Matthews, this new edition features the extras previously only available in the limited deluxe edition! The ragtag crew of Serenity mercenaries, fugitives, and one law-abiding prostitute pursue fast cash and a little peace along the fringes of space. On a scavenger mission that promises a big payoff, they realize too late that they are being played by an old enemy with a grudge.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

release date: Jan 01, 2012
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Series creator Joss Whedon brought Buffy the Vampire Slayer back to life with this comics-only follow-up to Season 7 of the television show. This hardcover edition contains the first two arcs of the series, plus two one-shots, written by Joss Whedon and Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Runaways), with art by the acclaimed Georges Jeanty!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8

release date: Jan 01, 2012
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8
Series creator Joss Whedon brought Buffy the Vampire Slayer back to life with this comics-only follow-up to Season 7 of the television show. This hardcover edition contains the first two arcs of the series, plus two one-shots, written by Joss Whedon and Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Runaways), with art by the acclaimed Georges Jeanty!


release date: Aug 03, 2011
One of Dark Horse Comics'' One-Shot Wonders! Originally presented in the first online issues of _MySpace Dark Horse Presents_, for which it won the Eisner Award for Best Web Comic, _Sugarshock_ tells the story of a rock band led by charismatic but crazy Dandelion Naizen, a hyperactive singer/songwriter possessed of a mean hatred of Vikings (don''t ask) and a mission for a secret government agency that may only exist in her head. But when her band, which includes a robot bass player, is enlisted in an intergalactic battle of the bandsemphasis on _battle_Dandelion gets to prove herself as both singer and soldier. This is Joss Whedon at his funniest and most hyperactive, with writing that bursts off the page in a way seldom seen in comics. Multiple Eisner Award winner F��bio Moon delivers the outrageous story with equal energy. **Joss Whedon''s Eisner Award-winning story gets its own comic!**

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight Volume 8: Last Gleaming

release date: May 31, 2011
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight Volume 8: Last Gleaming
The season finale is here! At long last, the Big Bad stands revealed—Angel is back, and it''s tearing the Scoobies apart, testing the limits of their friendship. But Twilight''s unmasking is only the beginning, and Buffy must still face the ultimate betrayal. Series creator Joss Whedon writes the final story arc of Buffy Season 8, taking his greatest characters to places only he can! Teamed with series artist Georges Jeanty, Joss reunites the dysfunctional gang of Buffy, Angel, and Spike, in the thick of it together for the first time since Season 3, and gives the Scoobies their gravest challenge ever, defending reality itself from the onslaught of demons. It''s the biggest Buffy finale ever! • Collects Buffy Season 8 #36–#40. • This volume also includes the spy-thriller Riley one-shot by Buffy series writer Jane Espenson and artist Karl Moline.

Joss Whedon's Fray #7

release date: Apr 20, 2011
Joss Whedon's Fray #7
Joss Whedon, creator of _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_, continues his vision of a future Slayer in _Fray_ #7. One of the fiercest battles in the history of comics, drawn in grand style by Karl Moline and Andy Owens, begins its climax in Dark Horse''s runaway hit. So what do we have left for next issue? It just gets worse for this inexperienced young Slayer.

Joss Whedon's Fray #5

release date: Apr 20, 2011
Joss Whedon's Fray #5
In _Fray_ #5, Melaka''s still keeping up the good fight. But now that she knows the horrible truth about the vampire that''s been stalking her, can she keep it up? No matter what she does, Melaka is not going to like it. Meanwhile, she''s on the run from the thugs and the police. This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence. More thrills, chills, action, and drama from the critically acclaimed creator of _Buffy the Vampire Slayer,_ **Joss Whedon**!

Joss Whedon's Fray #8

release date: Apr 20, 2011
Joss Whedon's Fray #8
In the final issue of Joss Whedon''s _Fray_, the Slayer''s brother has led a vampire war to not only overtake Haddyn, but also to bring to Earth a demonic dragonbut the harshest threat to Fray remains unseen and unnamed. Joss Whedon, the creator of _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_, wraps up his comics masterpiece with just the right balance of twists and turns and intense drama that you''ve come to expect from his shows, with the epic action and fantastic creatures that you just can''t fit on the small screen. Be here for a conclusion we _promise_ you didn''t see coming!

Joss Whedon's Fray #6

release date: Apr 20, 2011
Joss Whedon's Fray #6
After a crushing turn of events, Melaka''s back on her feet in _Fray_ #6, taking the fight into the pits of the city, the rat-infested warren she calls home. But are these street-urchin vamps behind the recent murder that set Fray over the edge? _Entertainment Weekly_ made _Fray_ Winner of the Week when it debuted, helping the first printing of the book to sell out. As Joss Whedon and his art team of Karl Moline, Andy Owens, and Dave Stewart take _Fray_ into its last act, comics readers are in for all the twists and turns they''ve come to expect from Joss''s TV shows.

Joss Whedon's Fray #4

release date: Apr 20, 2011
Joss Whedon's Fray #4
In issue #4 of Joss Whedon''s _Fray_, Melaka Fray fends off an attack from the creep that killed her brother. Barely escaping with her life, she becomes determined to find the monster and stop him__forever_! But she''s being hunted as well_by a pack of blood-crazed vampires, and by the police, led by her own sister. Fray discovers exactly what kind of creature is after her, and it''s not pretty!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales
Before Season Eight, Joss Whedon brought generations of Slayers and vampires to comics with the help of his acclaimed TV writing team and some of the best artists to ever grace the comics page. Now all those stories, plus selected stories from Season Eight, are collected in one deluxe collection with a new cover by Jo Chen. Joss writes multiple tales: a somber vamp tale, drawn by Cameron Stewart; the story of the first Slayer, drawn by Leinil Yu; and more. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales also reprints for the first time new Season Eight stories written by novelist Jackie Kessler (Hell''s Belles) and awardwinning cartoonist Becky Cloonan (Demo), featuring vampires living in the public eye, killing Slayers and killing each other. * This book collects stories from MySpace Dark Horse Presents #31 and Tales of the Vampires: Carpe Noctem parts 1 and 2; Buffy: Tales of the Vampires oneshot; Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Vampires #1#5; Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Slayers #1"Broken Bottle of Djinn"; Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Slayers TPB. Before Season Eight . . .
31 - 60 of 84 results
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