New Releases by Jim Collins

Jim Collins is the author of Greater Manchester Transport (2024), Peace Among Siblings (2023), Something Further to Think about (2022), Living Longer and Stronger with CBD (2021), BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0) (2020).

1 - 30 of 68 results

Greater Manchester Transport

release date: Apr 30, 2024
Greater Manchester Transport
This book explores the transport systems of Manchester.

Peace Among Siblings

release date: Jan 01, 2023
Peace Among Siblings
In PEACE AMONG SIBLINGS, you'll have access to a guide on eliminating hostility and promoting goodwill between siblings. Every parent's dream is within your reach. Constant quarrel, harsh name-calling, heated battling for toys and your attention, from squabbling siblings to bosom mates. This smart, revolutionary book enlightens parents on how they need to manage with conflict, how to foster cooperation, how to treat children unequally and yet be fair, how to eliminate competition, and how to make it possible for children to feel the delights of their special relationship. This fantastic write up by an internationally acknowledged expert on communication between parents and children provides fresh ideas and suggestions, as well as the author's time-tested strategies to raise siblings without competition successfully, you'll also discover: Fights are natural and bound to occur. The influence comparison has on your kids. Some basic thoughts on dealing with bickering children. Parents quarreling in the presence of youngsters have a bad effect on them. Right steps to do when a quarrel ensues. Solutions to the hard competition between siblings, treating your children fairly not equally. And much more... Any relationship will come with its own challenges and conflicts. No matter how close people are, unavoidably, arguments will develop. And when it's kids that are involved, even the simplest disagreement can grow into a full-blown fight. Raising kids who get along isn't simple, but it's also not impossible. Your kids can grow up to be the greatest of friends, but even if they don't, they can stay friendly and supportive of one another even when they have their own families. If your sharp reprimands and hard regulations don't appear to be working, it might be time to try a different strategy, scroll up and click the BUY button immediately!

Something Further to Think about

release date: Jan 01, 2022

Living Longer and Stronger with CBD

release date: May 05, 2021
Living Longer and Stronger with CBD
iving Longer and Stronger with CBD provides the reader with a wealth of information about the miracle molecule known as cannabidiol, or CBD. Whether you are currently using CBD, want to learn more about it, or are a health care provider, this book contains the latest science-based evidence you'll need to understand the potential eff ectiveness of this plant-derived medicine. Jim Collins, PhD, takes the reader on a long ride from the basics about CBD to its medicinal uses for physical, mental, emotional, and neurological conditions. Hemp and cannabis plants have been used in virtually every culture on the planet for thousands of years to treat everything from pain and nausea to stress, and even cancer. e resurgence in cannabis-based medicine and CBD is due to its success in hundreds of scientifi c studies as well as the 2018 Farm Bill, which changed the classifi cation of hemp from a Schedule I substance to a nutritional supplement. Get ready to learn about how CBD can improve the aging process and help with the following physical health issues:Arthritis / Cancer / Cardiovascular disease / Diabetes / Endocrine disorders / Fibromyalgia / Gastrointestinal disorders / Headaches and migraines / Pain / Respiratory disorders / Seizures and epilepsy / Skin Conditions You will also read research results on CBD and its impact on emotional and mental conditions, including the following:Addiction / Anxiety / Depression / Eating disorders / OCD / PTSD / Schizophrenia / Sleep disorders Special attention is provided to CBD and how it can help symptoms of the following neurodegenerative diseases:Alzheimer's / Huntington's / Parkinson's / Multiple sclerosis / ALS Living Longer and Stronger with CBD also provides the reader with information about end-of-life care and how CBD may be used to better manage diffi cult symptoms and promote quality of life and death. e book provides practical information on choosing products that are right for you and even your pets. Read about what the future may have in store for CBD in prevention, health and wellness, and medicine. It is a must-read for anyone who uses CBD or wants to learn about its potential to heal the body and mind.

BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0)

release date: Dec 01, 2020
BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0)
From Jim Collins, the most influential business thinker of our era, comes an ambitious upgrade of his classic, Beyond Entrepreneurship, that includes all-new findings and world-changing insights. What's the roadmap to create a company that not only survives its infancy but thrives, changing the world for decades to come? Nine years before the publication of his epochal bestseller Good to Great, Jim Collins and his mentor, Bill Lazier, answered this question in their bestselling book, Beyond Entrepreneurship. Beyond Entrepreneurship left a definitive mark on the business community, influencing the young pioneers who were, at that time, creating the technology revolution that was birthing in Silicon Valley. Decades later, successive generations of entrepreneurs still turn to the strategies outlined in Beyond Entrepreneurship to answer the most pressing business questions. BE 2.0 is a new and improved version of the book that Jim Collins and Bill Lazier wrote years ago. In BE 2.0, Jim Collins honors his mentor, Bill Lazier, who passed away in 2005, and reexamines the original text of Beyond Entrepreneurship with his 2020 perspective. The book includes the original text of Beyond Entrepreneurship, as well as four new chapters and fifteen new essays. BE 2.0 pulls together the key concepts across Collins' thirty years of research into one integrated framework called The Map. The result is a singular reading experience, which presents a unified vision of company creation that will fascinate not only Jim's millions of dedicated readers worldwide, but also introduce a new generation to his remarkable work.

Architectures of Excess

release date: Oct 28, 2020
Architectures of Excess
First Published in 1995. Much of recent theory has characterized life in media-sophisticated societies in terms of a semiotic overload which, allegedly, has had only devastating effects on communication and subjectivity. In Architectures of Excess, Jim Collins argues that, while the rate of technological change has indeed accelerated, so has the rate of absorption. The seemingly endless array of information has generated not chaos but different structures and strategies, which harness that excess by turning it into forms of art and entertainment. Digital sampling in rap music and cyber-punk science fiction are well-known examples of techno-pop textuality, but Collins concentrates on other contemporaneous phenomena that are also envisioning new cultural landscapes by accessing that array--hyper-self-reflexivity in mall movies, best sellers, and prime-time television; the deconstructive vs. new-classical debate in architecture; the emergence of the "New Black Aesthetic;" the development of retro-modernism in interior design and the fashion industries. The analyses of these disparate, discontinous attempts to develop a meaningful sense of location, in an historical as well as a spatial sense, address a cluster of interconnected questions: How is the array of information being "domesticated?" How has appropriationism evolved from the Pop-Art of the sixties to the sampling of the nineties? How has the relationship between tradition, innovation, and evaluation been altered? Architectures of Excess investigates how these phenomena reflect change in taste and subjectivity, considering how we must account for both, pedagogically.


release date: Aug 01, 2020
History of Camp Kehonka on New Hampshire's Lake Winnipesaukee, one of the first summer camps for girls in the United States. Book is a visually rich chronicle of the camp's founders and programs, drawing extensively from archival photographs and materials, including memoirs from long-time camp director A. Cooper "Bally" Ballentine and oral-history interviews from more than 50 former campers and counselors.


release date: Feb 01, 2020
「優秀」是「卓越」之敵! 這不只是企業要面對的問題,也是人類共通問題。 全球狂銷超過2,200萬冊經典鉅作, 帶領企業與個人看見盲點、邁向卓越! 卓越推薦(依姓名筆劃排序) Jenny Wang(JC 趨勢財經觀點創辦人) Mr. Market 市場先生(財經作家) 丁菱娟(新創團隊導師、世紀奧美公關創辦人) 于為暢(資深網路人、個人品牌教練) 艾蜜莉(財經作家) 何飛鵬(城邦媒體集團首席執行長) 林之晨(台灣大哥大總經理、AppWorks 董事長暨合夥人) 林以涵(社企流執行長) 林揚程(太毅國際顧問公司執行長) 洪雪珍(斜槓教練) 張孝威(竹科廣播董事長) 張國洋(《大人學》共同創辦人) 游舒帆(商業思維學院院長) 雷浩斯(價值投資者、財經作家) 楊斯棓(方寸管顧首席顧問、醫師) 齊立文(《經理人》月刊總編輯) 鄭志凱(矽谷Acorn Pacific Ventures創投基金共同創辦人) 盧世安(「人資小週末」專業社群創辦人) 謝文憲(企業講師、作家、主持人) 全球狂銷超過2,200萬冊,好書認證獎不斷 ● 《哈佛商業評論》年度好書 ● 美國《商業周刊》年度好書 ● 亞馬遜網路書店年度好書 ● 台灣經濟部「金書獎」 全球企業推崇影響最深商管書 ● 亞馬遜總裁貝佐斯採用《從A到A+》中的原則,建立組織營運的良性迴圈,造就今日的亞馬遜奇蹟。 ● 英特爾、蘋果、微軟、星巴克、嬌生等知名公司深受本書影響,推動企業改造。 管理大師彼得‧杜拉克盛讚: 這部經過嚴謹研究、寫作又極出色的著作,推翻了許多目前流行的管理概念──從吹捧超人執行長、崇拜資訊科技到購併熱等。平庸的公司或許無法靠這本書提升競爭力,但本書應該能幫助已具競爭力的公司躍升至卓越境界。 柯林斯花了五年時間,從1435家企業篩選出11家從優秀到卓越的公司,抽絲剝繭分析之後,透過本書指出他們成功的關鍵與祕訣,這些祕訣包括: ● 第五級領導:能推動企業邁向卓越的領導人員具備什麼樣的特質?他們通常沉默內斂、不愛出風頭,甚至有點害羞,謙沖為懷的人格特質和不屈不撓的專業堅持齊集於一身。 ● 先找對人,再決定要做什麼:柯林斯團隊原以為「從優秀到卓越」的領導人上任之初,一定先提出新願景、新策略,卻發現他們忙著找到適合的人上車,請不適任的人下車,並且把對的人放在對的位子上,然後才釐清該把車子開往哪個方向。 ● 面對殘酷現實,但絕不喪失信心:所有從「從優秀到卓越」的公司邁向卓越之路,都先從誠實面對眼前的殘酷現實開始。因此,領導人必須塑造能聽到真畫且不掩蓋事實的企業文化。 ● 刺蝟原則:從優秀躍升到卓越,必須以能反映三個圓圈交集的簡單概念來取代原有的核心事業。刺蝟原則不是目標、策略或意圖,而是深入的理解。 ● 強調紀律的文化:當有紀律的文化和企業精神相結合時,就能點石成金,創造卓越的績效。 ● 以科技為加速器:「從優秀到卓越」的公司對於科技的角色有與眾不同的想法。柯林斯發現,「從優秀到卓越」的公司會把科技當做動力加速器,而不是啟動器。 ● 飛輪和命運環路:從優秀到卓越的蛻變過程不是一蹴可幾的,轉變的過程好像無休無止地推著巨輪朝一個方向前進。 這些祕訣不僅是從優秀到卓越的恆常法則,而且是可以學習的。任何組織都有可能變成卓越公司,只要用心研讀本書,就會找到許多可以應用於公司(無論公司大小或新創公司)及個人生涯規畫的實用法則。價值投資人更可以依循這些法則,進行「人」、「能力圈」及「護城河」三項選股要素的質化分析,找到最具潛力成長標的。

Improve Your Self-Esteem and Build Self Confidence

release date: Oct 03, 2019
Improve Your Self-Esteem and Build Self Confidence
In this book, you will get the absolute bundle for taking care of your internal identity and turning into a lovely and resilient individual, you should utilize these materials and not let this substance gather dust on your hard drive. Utilize this speedy begin manual for get an incredible begin and make it your propensity and contribute 10 minutes of your day by day time to assemble your inward talk. On the off chance that your inward talk is unblemished, you will see a sensational change in an amazing nature. Things to learn: An Aide For Inward Quality And Your Super Fruitful Weight Reduction Journey 1: The Three Fundamental Angles That Focus Your Prosperity When You Need To Lose Weight. 2: Efficient Plan 4: Inward Talk 5: Affirmations 6: What Is The Best And The Main State You Ought To Nourish The Messages Into Your Brain?! 7: Make Records: Achievement Rundown, Thank You-List, Self Esteem Show, Self Thankfulness List 8: Perfect Perspective/ Day/ Situation 9: Fortune Map

Real Estate Investing Secrets

release date: Aug 10, 2019
Real Estate Investing Secrets
Welcome to our Real Estate Investing: The Strategies, Secrets & Mindset book❗ Hurry up and get YOUR book NOW❗ Real estate investing may seem like an easy way to make a lot of money. However, without the proper background knowledge, it becomes an easy way to lose lots of money very quickly. This book was created for those who want to invest in real estate, but just don''t know how to systematically ANALYZE a property''s quality and profitability. How would you evaluate the quality and profitability of an investment property? Would you know how to answer the following questions about any given property? 1. How much will it cost you annually to operate the property? 2. How much money will you profit per month? 3. What is your return on investment? 3. What future repairs or maintenance should you expect? 4. Does the property have any major defects? 5. Are there any physical attributes that can help or hurt the property''s value? 6. Is the property well located? 7. Is this property worth your time and money? 8. What is the maximum amount you can afford to invest? 9. How can you be sure that you aren''t over paying for the property? Knowing how to evaluate many different properties is the key to your real estate investing success. You may need to visit and evaluate over 50 properties, before you find yourself a good investment that will make you a lot of money. This is why you need to use the same systematic method each time. If you don''t know how to strategically evaluate properties, you may find yourself in financial trouble very quickly. Property evaluation is undoubtably the most important skill when it comes to real estate investing. I''m going to be teaching a strategy that I have used during my career as a real estate broker to evaluate over 1 BILLION dollars worth of real estate. I''m Jim Collins. I''m a real estate investor. A Dad. And I do some teaching on the side. I''ve been teaching new real estate investors how to get started now for almost two years. After talking to and working with literally dozens of new folks, I''ve developed a streamlined and straightforward educational program specifically targeted on helping new real estate investors get their first check. In contrast to the often ridiculously complex (and EXPENSIVE) programs the goo-roos pitch, this book is simple. So - if you''re looking to get into real estate investing, and you''re tired of the goo-roo hype, then this is the book for you. This book is a comprehensive. Everything you need to get your first check is included. And it starts from scratch, so you don''t have to have an ounce of experience with real estate. Don''t delay any more seconds, scroll back up, click the "BUY NOW WITH 1-CLICK" button NOW and start learning today and become a master in real estate investing TODAY! Every hour you delay is costing you money ... See you inside the book! Tags: real estate investing secrets 2019, real estate for dummies 2019, real estate for beginners 2019, real estate investing for dummies 2019, real estate license for dummies 2019, real estate books for dummies 2019, the ultimate beginners guide to real estate investing,

Turning the Flywheel

release date: Feb 26, 2019
Turning the Flywheel
A companion guidebook to the number-one bestselling Good to Great, focused on implementation of the flywheel concept, one of Jim Collins’ most memorable ideas that has been used across industries and the social sectors, and with startups. The key to business success is not a single innovation or one plan. It is the act of turning the flywheel, slowly gaining momentum and eventually reaching a breakthrough. Building upon the flywheel concept introduced in his groundbreaking classic Good to Great, Jim Collins teaches readers how to create their own flywheel, how to accelerate the flywheel’s momentum, and how to stay on the flywheel in shifting markets and during times of turbulence. Combining research from his Good to Great labs and case studies from organizations like Amazon, Vanguard, and the Cleveland Clinic which have turned their flywheels with outstanding results, Collins demonstrates that successful organizations can disrupt the world around them—and reach unprecedented success—by employing the flywheel concept.

Vietnam to Thieves’ Island

release date: Nov 05, 2018
Vietnam to Thieves’ Island
This book is full of anecdotes of people and events encountered over a lifetime of sailing in South East Asia, Australia, and the Middle East—treasure hunters, magicians, the American Mayor of Osaka, smugglers, a brave flier, and lone sailors.

HBR Classics Boxed Set (16 Books)

release date: Oct 03, 2017
HBR Classics Boxed Set (16 Books)
The classic Harvard Business Review articles every manager and aspiring leader should read--and share with their teams--from such bestselling Harvard Business Review authors as Peter Drucker, Clayton Christensen, John Kotter, Daniel Goleman, Jim Collins, Gary Hamel, W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne, and many more. Each compact book represents the most important ideas on management, leadership, and life. Build your professional library and advance your career with these 16 timeless business classics. The HBR Classics Boxed Set includes: Peter Drucker's bestselling "Managing Oneself," "What Makes an Effective Executive," and "The Theory of the Business"; Clayton Christensen's inspiring "How Will You Measure Your Life?"; Daniel Goleman's articles on emotional intelligence--"Leadership That Gets Results" and "What Makes a Leader?"; author of Good to Great Jim Collins's "Turning Goals into Results"; W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne's "Blue Ocean Leadership" and "Red Ocean Traps"; John Kotter's "Managing Your Boss"; Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith's "The Discipline of Teams"; Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad's "Strategic Intent"; William A. Sahlman's "How to Write a Great Business Plan"; Chris Argyris's "Teaching Smart People How to Learn"; Theodore Levitt's "Marketing Myopia"; Joseph B. Pine's "Do You Want to Keep Your Customers Forever?". The Harvard Business Review Classics series offers you the opportunity to make seminal Harvard Business Review articles a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a groundbreaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world--and will have a direct impact on you today and for years to come.

Uncommon Hope

release date: Feb 03, 2017
Uncommon Hope
Baseball bonded the Collins family, culminating when Michael played in the junior college World Series in Enid, Oklahoma, while Jim was coaching University High School in the Illinois state finalsseven hundred miles apart! Those bonds reached new heights with Jim as a head coach and Michael his assistant at University High School. A doorbell rings and lives are changed forever. A drunk driver and a horrific crash. Two brain surgeries. Five days in the hospital. A funeral. All played out in a very dramatic and public manner. But with all the pain comes some miracles, including a Pay It Forward movement with positive impact around the world in honor of Michael. Knowing it is what Michael would want, Jim returns to the dugout to coach the University High School Pioneers. How does a team of high school kids attend the funeral of their assistant coach one day, then resume their season the next? Players, parents, and coaches pull together unlike any team Jim has coached before. There are no complaints about playing time, just a focus on the emotional well-being of this savvy group of teenagers and their still-grieving head coach. One post-season win would be an upset. A regional championship seemed impossible. The team discovers that no adversity on the field can come close to what they have already experienced off it. Coaches, players, and parents learn the power of one team playing with a purpose bigger than the game. The season ends where Jim never could have imagined that first day of practice.

Turning Goals into Results (Harvard Business Review Classics)

release date: Jan 17, 2017
Turning Goals into Results (Harvard Business Review Classics)
Most executives have a big, hairy, audacious goal. But they install layers of stultifying bureaucracy that prevent them from realizing it. In this article, Jim Collins introduces the catalytic mechanism, a simple yet powerful managerial tool that helps turn lofty aspirations into reality. The crucial link between objectives and results, this tool is a galvanizing, nonbureaucratic way to turn one into the other. But the same catalytic mechanism that works in one organization won’t necessarily work in another. So, to help readers get started, Collins offers some general principles that support the process of building one effectively. Since 1922, Harvard Business Review has been a leading source of breakthrough ideas in management practice. The Harvard Business Review Classics series now offers you the opportunity to make these seminal pieces a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a groundbreaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world.

The Secret to Abundant Living

release date: Apr 01, 2016
The Secret to Abundant Living
A once-hidden mystery has now been revealed-THE SECRET TO ABUNDANT LIVING! The amazing key is entering a relationship with the Creator of all things-THEN EXPRESSING HIS DIVINE NATURE! In an easy-to-read, conversational style, author and motivational speaker Jim Collins helps you to discover this transformational truth, and then, more importantly, to put it into practice. Your life will be dramatically changed, and in the process-YOU WILL BECOME A CATALYST TO BRING CHANGE TO THIS WORLD! T! * Find keys to success in family, friendships, finances, and your spiritual calling! * Achieve optimum prosperity both materially and spiritually! * Love God more deeply and love others more freely! * Blossom with fruitfulness, purpose, success, and abundance! * Experience wholeness in body, mind, soul, and spirit!

Something Extra to Think About

release date: Jan 01, 2015

Tweed Tales

release date: Jan 01, 2015

Leadership Qualities

release date: Jul 24, 2014
Leadership Qualities
Leadership Qualities: Qualities of a Good Leader What is leadership? Many confuse leadership with management. There is a clear distinction between leadership and management. Leaders lead and managers manage. Leaders are innovative and always seek for fresh and efficient strategies for maximizing productivity. Whatever capacity of leadership you may be in, the author shares powerful insights and leadership principles that will maximize your potential and develop the leader within you. Leadership Qualities: Qualities of a Good Leader Tags: leadership qualities, qualities of a good leader, leadership, leaders, what is leadership, leadership skills, leadership qualities, effective leadership, qualities of a leader, leadership characteristics, leadership and management, leader, inspiration, situational leadership, leadership models, define leadership, women in leadership, leadership books, leadership attributes, charismatic leadership, authentic leadership, management, teamwork, leadership skills list, effective leadership skills, great leaders, what makes a great leader, thought leader, inspirational words, words of inspiration, inspiring words, inspirational messages, inspirational sayings, motivational words, business leadership, leadership development, effective leadership skills, change management, strategic leadership, inspire action, trust, communicate, motivation, inspiring people, innovation, creativity, decision making, entrepreneurship, mentoring, making ideas happen, inspiring organizations, inspiring leaders, inspiring action, women in leadership, women's leadership, leadership styles, leadership advice, on leadership, leadership development, leadership training, leadership skills, good leadership skills, leadership definition, leadership quotes, effective leadership skills, good leadership qualities, situational leadership, leadership books, best leadership books, books on leadership, qualities of a good leader, leader, team leader skills, managerial skills, communication skills, team leadership, leadership traits, visionary leadership, leadership academy, transactional leadership, authentic leadership, educational leadership, adaptive leadership, leadership vs management, time management

The Last Best League (10th anniversary edition)

release date: May 27, 2014
The Last Best League (10th anniversary edition)
Every summer, in ten small towns across Cape Cod, young college baseball players showcase their talents in hopes of making it to the "show." A vicious filter, the league has produced one out of every six major league players, from Nomar Garciaparra and Todd Helton to Jeff Bagwell and Barry Zito.In this brilliantly crafted narrative, Jim Collins chronicles a season in the life of the Chatham A's, perhaps the most celebrated team in the Cape Cod Baseball League. Set against a seemingly bucolic backdrop--a well-heeled resort town on the bend of the outer Cape -- the story charts the changing fortunes of a handful of players, all of whom battle slumps and self-doubt in an effort to impress major league scouts and make the playoffs. Several players go home with career-threatening injuries; one blue-chip prospect fulfills great expectations while another is dubbed "the biggest disappointment on the Cape." A pitcher hides an arm injury while negotiating a minor league contract; another leaves early to tend to his dying father. And nearly all look to the following year's major league draft as a barometer of their worth. Far more than a baseball book, The Last Best League is an engrossing story about dreams fulfilled and dreams destroyed, about Cape Cod and the rites of summer, about coming of age in America.


release date: Mar 19, 2014
Meet the boys of St Johns, an exclusive private boys boarding school headed by the eccentric Mr Billings. There is surprise sex, welcoming sex, birthday sex, surfer sex, revenge sex, punishment sex, sex for pay, cinema sex, teacher sex, coach sex, prison sex. All the things that should happen at the very best schools. Unsolicited, not offered, testimonials Jim Collins, the king of the world Jon Sawack You're going to need bigger tissues Rod Martin Frankly mother, I don't give a damn Bert Tutler I'm going to make Jim an offer he can't refuse Trev Cline Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make. Doc Clarant I'll have what he's having Tom Cruse

Something to Sing About

release date: Feb 14, 2014

Quicklet: Good to Great Summarized for Busy People

release date: Feb 01, 2014
Quicklet: Good to Great Summarized for Busy People
In this Summary Jim Collins and his team of researchers used strict benchmarks to identify a group of eleven elite companies that made the leap from good to great and sustained that greatness for at least fifteen years. To Busy to read the whole book ? Then this Summary is for U!

Uncommon Cultures

release date: Jan 11, 2013
Uncommon Cultures
Jim Collins argues that postmodernism and popular culture have together undermined the master system of "culture." By looking at a wide range of texts and forms he investigates what happens to the notion of culture once different discourses begin to envision that culture in conflicting ways, constructing often contradictory visions of it simultaneously.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

release date: Jan 01, 2013
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
A leading management consultant outlines seven organizational rules for improving effectiveness and increasing productivity at work and at home.

Beyond Positive Thinking

release date: Jul 20, 2012
Beyond Positive Thinking
Beyond Positive Thinking expounds on the Scriptures, making them come alive so they are relatable to those living in the 21st Century. These principles will help readers achieve freedom from fear, anxiety and negative thinking.

Nutrient and Dissolved Oxygen TMDLs for Brush Lake in McLean County, North Dakota

release date: Jan 01, 2012

Nutrient and Dissolved Oxygen TMDLs for Braddock Dam in Emmons County, North Dakota

release date: Jan 01, 2012

Nutrient and Dissolved Oxygen TMDLs for Crooked Lake in McLean County, North Dakota

release date: Jan 01, 2012

Great by Choice

release date: Oct 11, 2011
Great by Choice
Ten years after the worldwide bestseller Good to Great, Jim Collins returns withanother groundbreaking work, this time to ask: why do some companies thrive inuncertainty, even chaos, and others do not? Based on nine years of research,buttressed by rigorous analysis and infused with engaging stories, Collins andhis colleague Morten Hansen enumerate the principles for building a truly greatenterprise in unpredictable, tumultuous and fast-moving times. This book isclassic Collins: contrarian, data-driven and uplifting.
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