New Releases by Jean M AuelJean M Auel is the author of Earth's Children Omnibus (2015), The Earth's Children Series 6-Book Bundle (2013), The Land of Painted Caves (2011), The Clan of the Cave Bear (Enhanced Edition) (2011), Earth's Children (2011).
release date: Dec 17, 2015
The Earth's Children Series 6-Book Bundle
release date: Feb 18, 2013
The Land of Painted Caves
release date: Mar 29, 2011
The Clan of the Cave Bear (Enhanced Edition)
release date: Feb 22, 2011
release date: Jan 01, 2011
The Clan of the Cave Bear (with Bonus Content)
release date: Oct 06, 2010
The Plains of Passage (with Bonus Content)
release date: Oct 06, 2010
The Mammoth Hunters (with Bonus Content)
release date: Oct 06, 2010
The Shelters of Stone (with Bonus Content)
release date: Oct 06, 2010
The Valley of Horses (with Bonus Content)
release date: Oct 06, 2010
The Clan of the Cave Bear Proof
release date: Oct 01, 2010
release date: Apr 27, 2004
Earth's Children 5. The Shelters of Stone.
release date: May 01, 2003
Ayla und der Stein des Feuers
release date: Jan 01, 2003
Las llanuras del transito (Plains of Passage)
release date: Nov 26, 2002
Los cazadores de mamuts (Mammoth Hunters)
release date: Oct 22, 2002
release date: Jun 25, 2002
Los refugios de piedra (Shelters of Stone)
release date: May 28, 2002
release date: May 01, 2002
Ayla und das Tal der Grossen Mutter
release date: May 01, 2002
The Shelters of Stone Doublesided Banner Poster
release date: Apr 30, 2002
Les enfants de la Terre Tome 5 : Les refuges de pierre
release date: Apr 27, 2002
release date: Apr 18, 2002
Les chasseurs de mammouths
release date: Jan 01, 2002
release date: Nov 01, 1986
release date: Jan 01, 1986