New Releases by Jay Bonansinga

Jay Bonansinga is the author of Stan Lee's The Devil's Quintet: Extinction Event (2026), Stan Lee's The Devil's Quintet: The Shadow Society (2023), Stan Lee's The Devil's Quintet: The Armageddon Code (2022), The True Cause of the Great Depression (2021), Twisted (2021).

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Stan Lee's The Devil's Quintet: Extinction Event

release date: Jan 06, 2026

Stan Lee's The Devil's Quintet: The Shadow Society

release date: May 09, 2023
Stan Lee's The Devil's Quintet: The Shadow Society
Born of the legendary imagination that brought us Spider-Man, The Avengers, The X-Men, and an enduring universe of marvelous heroes and villains, Stan Lee''s The Devil’s Quintet return to take on a fiendish new adversary: The Shadow Society. Ever since The Armageddon Code, the Devil’s Quintet have been using their demonic powers to fight evil and protect the world, while remaining nothing but an urban legend to the general public. But the Devil is not about to let them keep using his powers for good. Created by Satan himself to counter the Quintet, the Shadow Society are five saintly men and women that have been secretly (and strategically) possessed by five of Hell’s most powerful demons. Granted supernatural powers of their own, they are part of a literally diabolical plot to strike at the very heart of the Quintet—and destroy humanity’s last hope! At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Stan Lee's The Devil's Quintet: The Armageddon Code

release date: Feb 08, 2022
Stan Lee's The Devil's Quintet: The Armageddon Code
In Stan Lee''s The Devil''s Quintet: The Armageddon Code, the world-famous architect of the Marvel Universe, teams up with New York Times bestselling author Jay Bonansinga to unleash a bold new superhero series on the world. A five-person special ops unit, composed of a diverse assortment of former Navy SEALS from all walks of life, are responding to a terrorist threat deep in the Caucasus Mountains when their mission goes south in a big way. Facing certain death and torture, they’re unexpectedly offered a Faustian bargain by the Devil himself, who grants them unearthly powers in order to send evildoers to Hell on his fiendish behalf. But “The Devil’s Quintet” do things their own way, fighting to protect America and the world, while trying their best not to let their hellish new abilities corrupt them beyond redemption . . . At the Publisher''s request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The True Cause of the Great Depression

release date: Dec 23, 2021


release date: Jan 01, 2021

Kit The Walking Dead

release date: May 22, 2020
Kit The Walking Dead
2 volumes da série de livros da franquia que começou nos quadrinhos e deu origem à série de TV da Fox, além de games e webséries. Ganhadora do prêmio Will Eisner de melhor série em quadrinhos em 2010, The Walking Dead tornou-se um sucesso também na TV e é uma das séries mais assistidas da atualidade com milhões de fãs no mundo todo. Escritos por Robert Kirkman, conhecido pelos seus trabalhos para os quadrinhos da franquia, e por Jay Bonansinga, autor de livros de terror aclamados pela crítica. The Walking Dead: Ascensão do Governador (Vol. 1) No mundo de The Walking Dead não existe vilão maior do que o Governador, o déspota que comanda a cidade de Woodbury, com seu senso doentio de justiça. Agora, os fãs irão descobrir como Phillip Blake se tornou esse homem e qual a origem de suas atitudes extremas. Lutando para encontrar comida, armas e esconderijos, Phillip, sua filha Penny e seu irmão Brian vão enfrentar um cenário de completa desolação a caminho de um mítico centro de refugiados. The Walking Dead: O caminho para Woodburry (Vol. 2) Philip Blake, o temido Governador, organizou Woodbury para que a cidade murada fosse um local seguro no qual as pessoas pudessem viver em paz em meio ao apocalipse zumbi. Tentando desesperadamente sobreviver a cada dia, paz e segurança é tudo que Lilly Caul deseja. Porém, seguir em direção a Woodbury é estar a um passo do perigo e uma horda de errantes famintos não é nada perto do que se pode encontrar por lá.

The Walking Dead - Edition intégrale

release date: Nov 06, 2019
The Walking Dead - Edition intégrale
Dans un monde envahi par les morts-vivants, quelques-uns tentent de survivre. Woodbury, petite ville fortifiée qui résiste à l’invasion zombie, est dirigée par Philip Blake, le redoutable Gouverneur, un tyran sanguinaire qui a son propre sens de la justice. Pourquoi est-il si cruel ? Comment est-il devenu le leader incontesté ? Lorsqu’il commence à montrer des signes de pure démence, ses actions plongent la petite communauté dans les ténèbres et la terreur. Rick, Michonne et Glenn sont bien décidés à se débarrasser de lui, malgré sa soif inextinguible de pouvoir. Quand Lilly Caul devient, un peu malgré elle, la chef de file des survivants, Woodbury renaît peu à peu. Mais une horde de zombies approche. Ils sont des centaines, des milliers peut-être. Lilly et les habitants assiégés unissent leurs forces à une mystérieuse secte religieuse menée par un énigmatique prédicateur, Jeremiah Garlitz. Parviendront-ils à se défendre ? Pourront-ils un jour caresser l’espoir de bâtir des lendemains meilleurs ? Suivi par des millions de lecteurs (32 tomes parus aux éditions Delcourt) et de téléspectateurs (la série TV événement), The Walking Dead est un véritable phénomène. Traduit de l’anglais (États-Unis) par Pascal Loubet.

Retorno para Woodbury - The Walking Dead - vol. 8

release date: Oct 01, 2018
Retorno para Woodbury - The Walking Dead - vol. 8
Novo livro da série que já vendeu mais de 600 mil exemplares no Brasil. Lilly passou maus-bocados nas mãos de Philip Blake, o Governador, mas agora é uma mulher endurecida que está disposta a matar zumbis ou qualquer outra ameaça a sua sobrevivência ou a de seus amigos. Ela fez coisas que nunca sonhou para sobreviver e renasceu das cinzas como uma líder fiel e uma guerreira sem piedade. E agora, essa guerreira está pronta para voltar para casa. Depois de convencer seus amigos, muito a contragosto, a abandonar o refúgio em que se encontram e tentar recomeçar suas vidas em Woodbury, Lilly e seu grupo percorrem as estradas desertas e alagadas da Georgia, que os leva inadvertidamente para uma das maiores reuniões de errantes já vista depois do início da praga. Mas eles irão descobrir que os mortos, às vezes, são o menor de seus problemas.

The Walking Dead 8

release date: Apr 10, 2018
The Walking Dead 8
Vier Jahre hat sie sich durch die Apokalypse gekämpft. Sie hat Dinge getan, die sie sich nicht einmal in ihren schlimmsten Albträumen hätte ausmalen können. Und doch hat sie überlebt – ja mehr noch, sie hat für sich und ihre Leute einen sicheren Platz geschaffen. Hoch über den von Untoten bevölkerten Straßen Atlantas hat sie auf den Dächern der Stadt eine neue Heimat gefunden. Und doch kann Lilly Caul Woodbury nicht vergessen. Zusammen mit wenigen Gefährten beschließt sie zurückzukehren, doch zwischen ihr und Woodbury wartet mehr als nur eine tödliche Gefahr auf sie ...

Retour à Woodbury (The Walking Dead, Tome 8)

release date: Oct 18, 2017
Retour à Woodbury (The Walking Dead, Tome 8)
INÉDIT Risquer le tout pour le tout... Quatre ans qu’elle survit à l’apocalypse. Lilly a fait des choses qu’elle n’aurait pas même imaginé dans ses pires cauchemars. Mais elle a survécu. Et elle a désormais installé son territoire dans la ville ravagée d’Atlanta, dans une zone sûre pour ses compagnons, loin au-dessus des rues infestées de zombies. Mais elle rêve toujours de son ancien foyer, dans le petit village de Woodbury. Un lieu qui lui inspire autant de chagrin que d’espoir, et qui est devenu pour elle le symbole du futur, de la famille, du retour à une vie normale au milieu de cet enfer terrestre. Cet appel est si puissant qu’elle décide de tout risquer pour revenir en arrière... et reconquérir cette petite oasis dans ce monde sauvage. Malgré tous les obstacles et les dissuasions de ses compagnons, Lilly prend la tête d’un groupe de fervents partisans et se lance dans un périple de tous les dangers pour accomplir la seule chose qui lui reste à faire : retourner à Woodbury. Suivi par des millions de lecteurs (27 tomes parus aux éditions Delcourt) et de téléspectateurs (la série TV événement), The Walking Dead est un véritable phénomène. Retour à Woodbury est le huitième et dernier roman inédit de cette série culte. Déjà paru : L’Ascension du Gouverneur, La Route de Woodbury, La Chute du Gouverneur 1, La Chute du Gouverneur 2, L’Ère du Prédicateur, Invasion, Cherche et tue

Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Return to Woodbury

release date: Oct 17, 2017
Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Return to Woodbury
The latest novel in the TV smash hit and New York Times bestselling Walking Dead series.

Return to Woodbury

release date: Oct 05, 2017
Return to Woodbury
Return to Woodbury by Jay Bonansinga is the eighth novel in Robert Kirkman''s The Walking Dead spin-off series, is based on the award-winning comic books and blockbuster television show. She has weathered over four years of the apocalypse. She has done things that she would not have dreamt of doing in her darkest nightmares. But she has survived. And now, she has staked a claim in the plague-ravaged city of Atlanta. It is a safe haven for her people, rising high above the walker-ridden streets. But for Lilly Caul, something is missing . . . She still dreams of her former home, the little village known as Woodbury – a place of heartache as well as hope. For Lilly, Woodbury has become a symbol of the future, of family, of a return to normal life amidst this hell on earth. The call is so powerful that Lilly decides to risk everything in order to go back . . . Against all odds, Lilly leads a ragtag group of survivors across the impossible landscape of walker swarms, flooded rivers, bands of murderers and untold dangers. Along the way, she discovers a disturbing truth about herself. She is determined to return to Woodbury. No matter what the cost.

The Walking Dead 7

release date: Jun 13, 2017
The Walking Dead 7
Fast scheint es, als könnten Lilly Caul und die anderen Überlebenden im Städtchen Woodbury eine Atempause schöpfen. Die Bedrohung durch den verrückten Prediger und seine Anhänger ist abgewendet, und nun denken Lilly und ihre Mitstreiter an den Wiederaufbau von Woodbury ... Bis nach einem blutigen Überfall all ihre Kinder entführt werden. Diesmal steht alles auf dem Spiel, und Lilly schwört Rache. Mit seinem postapokalyptischen The-Walking-Dead-Universum hat Robert Kirkman ein internationales Bestseller-Phänomen erschaffen, in dem er einen schonungslosen Blick in die Abgründe der menschlichen Natur wirft.

The Walking Dead: Books 1 - 4

release date: Apr 06, 2017
The Walking Dead: Books 1 - 4
Based on The Walking Dead graphic novels/comic books and the acclaimed television show, The Walking Dead Omnibus contains the first four titles in the book series by Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga. Set in the world created by Robert Kirkman this is fast-paced, action-packed storytelling about the lengths some men will go to survive. With new characters, new storylines and with the same in-depth character-based plotting that has made the television series such an immediate hit, this is sure to be a hit with those who love zombies and those who have loved the TV series and comic books. This omnibus edition contains the following novels: Rise of the Governor The Road to Woodbury The Fall of the Governor: Part One The Fall of the Governor: Part Two

Search and Destroy: The Walking Dead 7

release date: Oct 25, 2016
Search and Destroy: The Walking Dead 7
BASED ON THE AWARD-WINNING COMIC BOOKS AND BLOCKBUSTER TELEVISION SHOW For a moment, it seems Lilly and her plague-weary band of survivors might build a better tomorrow. Joining forces with other settlements, they begin a massive project to restore the railroad between Woodbury and Atlanta. But little do they know that trouble is brewing back home . . . A brutal new faction has attacked Woodbury. Now the barricades are burning, while adults have been murdered and children kidnapped. But why? Lilly will discover the chilling answer to this question and more as she launches a desperate rescue mission. The attempt will lead her into a nightmarish series of traps and hellish encounters with swarms of undead. And, as always, the walkers will prove the least of Lilly''s problems. Human adversaries will provide her greatest challenge yet . . .

Search and Destroy

release date: Oct 20, 2016
Search and Destroy
BASED ON THE AWARD-WINNING COMIC BOOKS AND BLOCKBUSTER TELEVISION SHOWFor a moment, it seems Lilly and her plague-weary band of survivors might build a better tomorrow. Joining forces with other settlements, they begin a massive project to restore the railroad between Woodbury and Atlanta. But little do they know that trouble is brewing back home . . .A brutal new faction has attacked Woodbury. Now the barricades are burning, while adults have been murdered and children kidnapped. But why? Lilly will discover the chilling answer to this question and more as she launches a desperate rescue mission. The attempt will lead her into a nightmarish series of traps and hellish encounters with swarms of undead. And, as always, the walkers will prove the least of Lilly''s problems. Human adversaries will provide her greatest challenge yet . . .

Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Search and Destroy

release date: Oct 18, 2016
Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Search and Destroy
"An interesting look at the universe that you already know and you might learn some things about your favorite characters you never knew." -FANBOLT

Descenso. the Walking Dead

release date: Oct 11, 2016
Descenso. the Walking Dead
Tras superar su oscuro pasado, Woodbury, Georgia, se convierte en un oasis de seguridad en medio de la plaga de muertos vivientes. La ciudad renace tras la muerte del Gobernador: su herencia de locura todavía persigue a la comunidad, pero Lilly Caul y una pequeña banda de supervivientes están decididos a superar su traumático pasado..., aunque una enorme manada de zombis los estén acechando y se acerquen cada vez más. Muy pronto, Lilly y los habitantes de la ciudad deberán unir sus fuerzas con las de una misteriosa secta religiosa, liderada por un enigmático hombre llamado Jeremiah, que esconde un oscuro secreto. Lilly está atrapada en el centro de un conflicto que crece cada vez más... y necesitará todo su instinto y habilidad para vencer tanto a los vivos como a los muertos. En Descenso, Lilly Caul lucha para reconstruir Woodbury tras la sorprendente muerte del Gobernador en un asombroso y espeluznante acto final de la serie The Walking Dead.

Self Storage

release date: Oct 01, 2016

Invasion (The Walking Dead, Tome 6)

release date: Mar 23, 2016
Invasion (The Walking Dead, Tome 6)
Sous terre, dans un labyrinthe d’anciens tunnels miniers, Lilly Caul et les survivants de son groupe tentent d’organiser une nouvelle vie. Mais une ambition secrète brûle encore dans le cœur de Lilly. Elle veut voir sa Woodbury bien aimée renaître de ses cendres et débarrassée des zombies... Bien plus loin dans les terres, au milieu de vagues toujours plus terrifiantes de zombies qui semblent venir de toutes les directions, le psychotique révérend Jeremiah Garlitz rassemble de nouveaux adeptes et souhaite la destruction de Lilly et de ses amis. Or, pour la première fois, il a les moyens de faire déferler les enfers sur les survivants reclus dans les tunnels. Suivi par des millions de lecteurs (24 tomes parus aux éditions Delcourt) et de téléspectateurs (la série TV événement), The Walking Dead est un véritable phénomène. Invasion est le sixième roman inédit de cette série culte. Déjà paru : L’Ascension du Gouverneur, La Route de Woodbury, La Chute du Gouverneur 1, La Chute du Gouverneur 2, L’Ère du Prédicateur.

Invasion: The Walking Dead 6

release date: Feb 09, 2016
Invasion: The Walking Dead 6
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING SERIES AND INSPIRATION FOR THE CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED AMC TELEVISION DRAMA "An essential read for any fan of The Walking Dead" From the ashes of a devastated Woodbury, Georgia, come two opposing camps of ragtag survivors. Underground, in the labyrinth of ancient tunnels and mine shafts, Lilly Caul and her motley crew of senior citizens, misfits, and children struggle to build a new life. But a secret ambition still burns inside her: she wants her beloved town of Woodbury back from the plague of walkers, and now the only thing that stands in her way currently roams the wasted backwaters of Georgia . . . Way out in the hinterlands, amidst the rising tide of walkers pushing in from all directions, the psychotic Reverend Jeremiah Garlitz rebuilds his army of followers with a diabolical secret weapon. Intending to destroy Lilly and her crew - the very people who vanquished his cultish church - he now has the means to bring a special brand of hell down upon the tunnel dwellers. The final confrontation between these two human factions unleashes an unthinkable weapon - forged from the monstrous hordes of undead, perfected by a madman, and soaked in the blood of innocents.

Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Invasion

release date: Oct 06, 2015
Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Invasion
Robert Kirkman''s The Walking Dead: Invasion, the latest novel in the New York Times bestselling series! A must-have companion for viewers of the original hit TV show, The Walking Dead.

The Walking Dead 5

release date: Aug 10, 2015
The Walking Dead 5
Die erfolgreichste Apokalypse unserer Zeit geht weiter Nachdem der Governor in einem blutigen Aufstand zu Fall gebracht wurde, herrscht nun endlich Frieden in Woodbury, der letzten Stadt der Lebenden in einer Welt der Toten. Zum ersten Mal seit dem Ausbruch der Zombie- Plage können die Bewohner Woodburys sich wieder sicher fühlen. Doch dann taucht eines Tages der geheimnisvolle Sektenführer Jeremiah mit seinen Anhängern auf, und zunächst werden die Neuankömmlinge auch mit offenen Armen empfangen, denn die Menschen in der Stadt ahnen nicht, dass Jeremiah ein Geheimnis hat, so dunkel und abgründig wie die Seelen der Untoten selbst ...


release date: Apr 07, 2015
Lori Blaine is not your average seventeen-year-old high school student. Cool and iconoclastic in her dread-locks and natty thrift shop garb, with an IQ that’s off the charts, she is the ersatz leader of a pack of Goth kids that circle around her in the halls of Valesburg Central like a school of pilot fish. Lori speaks softly, but when she does speak, people have a tendency to listen. But Lori Blaine has one problem: The door. Lori’s dreams are haunted by this strange, recurring symbol. The door is always there on the periphery… beckoning to her, daring her to see what might be waiting for her on the other side. Finally, at the urging of an overzealous school psychologist, Lori Blaine decides to face her fears. The next night, she goes through the dream door… and immediately plunges into a shattered looking glass world. Welcome to the In-Between – a terrifying, surreal, topsy-turvy territory behind peoples’ dreams – where Lori Blaine becomes more than a mere tourist, she becomes a conduit between nightmares and reality. As the universe begins to unravel, and the entire space-time continuum crumbles, Lori Blaine unleashes a dark power beyond anything imagined by her melodramatic Goth pals. But Lori has her own secret weapon – something buried deep in her past – that will not only change the course of her life, but will ultimately be the last slim hope for a waking world on a collision course with catastrophe. New York Times bestselling author Jay Bonansinga (THE WALKING DEAD: DESCENT) has been called “one of the most imaginative writers of thrillers” by the Chicago Tribune. With LUCID, Bonansinga pulls out all the stops in a tour de force of supernatural suspense.

The Killer's Game [eBook - Biblioboard]

release date: Jan 01, 2015
The Killer's Game [eBook - Biblioboard]
Joe Flood is a hit man, but he has his principles: he only accepts contracts on people who deserve to be killed. And Joe has always accepted his lot. Leading a double life is just one of the costs of doing business. Now his doctor has told him he has only a few months to live and Joe figures for once he''d like to call the shots himself. Literally that is: he puts out an open contract on his own life, with a six-million-dollar reward. All his finest competitors take up the challenge. But the next news he gets is bad. The lab has made an error and Joe is in perfect health. As any good hit man knows, there''s no way to call off a contest like this one. In a dark comedy of deadly errors, Joe and his stalkers set out on a breakneck, kill-or-be-killed romp that bristles with suspense.

The Sleep Police [eBook - Biblioboard]

release date: Jan 01, 2015
The Sleep Police [eBook - Biblioboard]
When Detective Frank Janus falls asleep, people die. Either a killer is playing mind games with him––or he''s a killer himself. Now, as the body count rises, so do Frank''s deep-rooted nightmares--his inexplicable blackouts––and the fear that he''s become the number one suspect.

The Walking Dead: The Fall of the Governor: Parts 1 and 2

release date: Nov 25, 2014
The Walking Dead: The Fall of the Governor: Parts 1 and 2
The epic finale to Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga''s New York Times bestselling Governor storyline! The Walking Dead original novel series, set in the universe of Robert Kirkman''s iconic comic book, continues with The Fall of the Governor. From co-authors Kirkman, creator of the Eisner Award-winning comic as well as executive producer of AMC''s blockbuster TV series, and Jay Bonansinga, Stoker Award-finalist and internationally acclaimed author, comes the gripping third novel in this richly woven, page-turning literary saga, which began with The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor. In Rise of the Governor, uber-villain Philip Blake journeyed from his humble beginnings directly into the dark heart of the zombie apocalypse, and became the self-proclaimed leader of a small town called Woodbury. In The Road to Woodbury, an innocent traveler named Lilly Caul wound up in the terrifying thrall of Phillip Blake''s twisted, violent dictatorship within Woodbury''s ever tightening barricades. And now, in The Fall of the Governor, the Governor''s descent into madness finally erupts in a tour de force of action and horror. Beloved characters from the comic book, including Rick, Michonne, and Glenn, finally make their entrance onto this nightmarish stage, and fans of The Walking Dead will see these characters in a whole new light. Simmering grudges boil over into unthinkable confrontations, battle lines are drawn, and unexpected twists seal the fates of the innocent and guilty alike.

The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor and The Road to Woodbury

release date: Nov 25, 2014
The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor and The Road to Woodbury
Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga''s thrilling New York Times bestsellers –Rise of the Governor and The Road to Woodbury– are combined to reveal the origin of the most ruthless villain in The Walking Dead Universe! In the Walking Dead universe, there is no greater villain than The Governor. The despot who runs the walled-off town of Woodbury, he has his own sick sense of justice: whether it''s forcing prisoners to battle in a zombie-infested arena for the townspeople''s amusement or chopping off the appendages of those who cross him. But where did he come from? For the first time, fans of The Walking Dead will discover how The Governor became the man he is, and what drove him to such extremes. While the zombie plague unleashes its horrors on the suburbs of Atlanta without warning, pitting the living against the dead, Lilly Caul struggles to survive in a series of ragtag encampments and improvised shelters. But the Walkers are multiplying. Dogged by their feral hunger for flesh and crippled by fear, Lilly relies on the protection of good Samaritans by seeking refuge in a walled-in town once known as Woodbury, Georgia. At first, Woodbury seems like a perfect sanctuary. Squatters barter services for food, people have roofs over their heads, and the barricade expands, growing stronger every day. Best of all, a mysterious self-proclaimed leader called The Governor keeps the citizens in line. But Lilly begins to suspect that all is not as it seems. . . . The Governor has disturbing ideas about law and order.

La Chute du Gouverneur (The Walking Dead Tome 3, Volume 2)

release date: Oct 15, 2014
La Chute du Gouverneur (The Walking Dead Tome 3, Volume 2)
Rick, Michonne et Glenn ont infligé une cuisante défaite au Gouverneur despotique qui dirige Woodbury. Ce quatrième tome de la série nous plonge dans les errances de Philip Blake, tandis qu’il tente de revenir au pouvoir. Mais sa soif inextinguible de domination ne fera que précipiter sa perte. Dans un formidable twist final, beaucoup des destins déroulés tout au long des précédents tomes vont être scellés. Une nouvelle ère commence pour les survivants de la communauté de Woodbury. Suivi par des millions de lecteurs (21 tomes parus aux éditions Delcourt) et de téléspectateurs (la série TV événement), The Walking Dead est un véritable phénomène. La Chute du Gouverneur 2 est le quatrième roman inédit de cette série culte. BONUS INÉDIT : Un jour comme un autre, une nouvelle de Jay Bonansinga se déroulant dans l’univers de The Walking Dead. Déjà paru : L’Ascension du Gouverneur, La Route de Woodbury, La Chute du Gouverneur.
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