Most Popular Books by Jamie McGuire

Jamie McGuire is the author of Beautiful Oblivion (2015), Atria Books: A Booklovers Sampler (2013), Beautiful Redemption (2016), Just A Touch (2014), Bound to You (2014).

41 - 75 of 75 results

Beautiful Oblivion

release date: Feb 01, 2015

Atria Books: A Booklovers Sampler

release date: Apr 23, 2013
Atria Books: A Booklovers Sampler
You’ve heard of love at first sight—but have you experienced love at first read? Introducing six of the most talented new voices in contemporary women’s fiction. Prepare to fall head over heels for… Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire Abby Abernathy is a good girl, who could bring the ultimate bad boy to his knees…but not before the secrets of her own dark past come back to haunt her. Love Unscripted by Tina Reber Taryn Mitchell is nursing a recent heartbreak, and content to keep her distance from men for a while…until Hollywood’s most sought after actor walks into her small-town pub and turns her world upside down. Naked by Raine Miller Brynne Bennett is an American art student in London swept up in a torrid love affair with a sexy, successful businessman—who proves to be as domineering in the bedroom as he is in the boardroom. One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker After navigating the death of her parents and her older sister’s self-destructive phase, smart and stable Livie thinks Princeton should be a breeze—but Jell-O shots, a party-animal roommate she can’t say “no” to, and Ashton, the gorgeous but arrogant captain of the men’s rowing team were definitely not part of the plan… The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay A story of first love—and forever love: In the midst of a bustling high school, a fragile girl and a lonely boy find each other. As they grow closer, the attraction between them grows, too—but can either of them risk losing the friendship that’s saved them from their troubled pasts for a romance that might just shape their future? Slammed by Colleen Hoover The unexpected death of her father has left Layken feeling lost and invisible—until she meets Will, her new neighbor and a passionate poet. Sparks soon fly…but a shocking discovery could bring their relationship to a slamming halt before it’s even fully begun.

Beautiful Redemption

release date: Jan 14, 2016

Just A Touch

release date: May 06, 2014
Just A Touch
Included in this free e-sampler are selections from ten sexy, heartbreaking, and epically romantic books by some of the biggest names in contemporary romance and new adult fiction. You’ll want to read them over and over again, share with your friends, and bookmark every page. We hope you enjoy these excerpts and come back for the rest of the story! Here’s just a touch of: Sweet Thing by Renée Carlino Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire Collide by Gail McHugh Unteachable by Leah Raeder Desert Heat by Elizabeth Reyes Working It by Kendall Ryan Five Ways to Fall by K.A. Tucker Jane’s Melody by Ryan Winfield Find out more about your favorite authors at

Bound to You

release date: Oct 13, 2014

Something Beautiful

release date: Jul 03, 2017
Something Beautiful
Für Shepley Maddox ist es Liebe auf den ersten Blick, als er die ausgeflippte Studentin America Mason kennenlernt. Und auch America fühlt sich zu dem jungen Maddox hingezogen. Eigentlich will sie sich auf nichts Festes einlassen, aber dem einfühlsamen Shepley gelingt es schließlich, ihr Herz zu erobern. Doch weiß America wirklich, auf wen sie sich einlässt? Shepley ist anders als seine Cousins kein Draufgänger, sondern Romantiker durch und durch. Doch als er während eines Ausflugs in einen Tornado gerät, muss er allen Mut zusammennehmen. Denn auf einmal hängt nicht nur sein, sondern auch Americas Leben am seidenen Faden ...


release date: Jan 01, 2012
She had seen the unspeakable. She had learned the unknowable. Now, she would fight the invincible. In the third and final installment of the Providence series, Nina Grey will marry the wrong man, carry the child that was never supposed to be born, and fight a war she can''t win. Faced with the impossible task of protecting his new wife and unborn child against the throes of Hell, Jared Ryel is allowed no mistakes. Pressured to return the Naissance de Demoniac to Jerusalem, he revisits St. Ann''s to learn the answers were in front of him all along. Together, they must survive long enough to let their child save them - and the world.

Happenstance Teil 1

release date: Jun 15, 2015
Happenstance Teil 1
Erin Easter weiß genau, was sie will: schnell ihren Abschluss machen, und dann nichts wie weg aus dieser verdammten Kleinstadt. Irgendwo ganz von vorne anfangen. Doch sie hat nicht damit gerechnet, dass sich plötzlich Weston Gates für sie interessieren könnte, dessen verführerische grüne Augen ihr Herz schon seit Jahren höherschlagen lassen. Dann stellt ein tragischer Unfall Erins Leben völlig auf den Kopf und bringt sie und Weston näher zusammen. Aber allmählich muss Erin sich fragen, ob sie all das, wovon sie immer geträumt hat, wirklich will ...

Happenstance Teil 2

release date: Jun 29, 2015
Happenstance Teil 2
Erin Easter weiß genau, was sie will: schnell ihren Abschluss machen, und dann nichts wie weg aus dieser verdammten Kleinstadt. Irgendwo ganz von vorne anfangen. Doch sie hat nicht damit gerechnet, dass sich plötzlich Weston Gates für sie interessieren könnte, dessen verführerische grüne Augen ihr Herz schon seit Jahren höherschlagen lassen. Dann stellt ein tragischer Unfall Erins Leben völlig auf den Kopf und bringt sie und Weston näher zusammen. Aber allmählich muss Erin sich fragen, ob sie all das, wovon sie immer geträumt hat, wirklich will ...

The Art of Dying

release date: Jan 01, 2023
The Art of Dying
Karen "Mack" Mackenzie is just beginning to live again after her nightmarish relationship with Mason Hughes, one that left her far from home and carving a path forward while looking over her shoulder. Now residing in the Boston suburb of Quincy, her southern sass sets her apart, instantly drawing the attention of local hometown hero, Terrell Kitsch. A Marine Second Lieutenant on a thirty-day leave, Kitsch has returned to Massachusetts to breathe new life into his childhood home. A few days after his arrival, he manages to fall hopelessly in love with the first girl to slap some sense into him. Just a month later, he must report to his station at Camp Pendleton. Unable to live with the thought of leaving Mack behind when her past could catch up with her at any moment, a proposal is on the tip of his tongue. An impulsive wedding leads to a marriage that defies odds, as Kitsch and Mack navigate his assignment to a special operations unit. His job was straightforward: to live to fight another day. But the real war begins when a shadow from Mack''s past darkens their doorstep, and Kitsch is faced with the agonizing task of protecting his family in the only way he can to ensure their safety.

Les frères Maddox (Tome 2) - Beautiful Redemption

release date: Oct 04, 2016
Les frères Maddox (Tome 2) - Beautiful Redemption
Liis Lindy a toujours fait de l’excellence sa devise. Entre ses fiançailles et sa carrière au sein du FBI, elle n’a guère tergiversé ! Fraîchement débarquée à San Diego comme analyste, elle répond aux ordres de l’Agent Spécial Thomas Maddox, connu pour être une pointure mais aussi un odieux personnage. En effet, derrière son masque d’Apollon se cache un redoutable prédateur, prêt à tout pour que son équipe se surpasse. Hors de question pour Liis de flancher, et si, pour prouver sa valeur, elle doit accepter de se faire passer pour sa compagne durant quelques jours, qu’à cela ne tienne ! Contre toute attente, il se pourrait même qu’elle apprécie cette mission d’infiltration au-delà de tout professionnalisme...

Red Hill (Tome 1) - Red Hill

release date: Sep 22, 2015
Red Hill (Tome 1) - Red Hill
Scarlet est divorcée et mère de deux petites filles. Les élever seule est un combat quotidien qu’elle mène avec ténacité. Marié depuis plusieurs années à une femme de plus en plus distante, Nathan n’a qu’un vague souvenir de ce qu’est l’amour. En revanche, sa petite Zoe le comble de bonheur tous les jours. Miranda, elle, n’a qu’une préoccupation : l’organisation d’un week-end à la campagne avec sa soeur Ashley et leurs copains respectifs. Lorsque leur monde s’effondre, ces personnages ordinaires vont devoir affronter l’extraordinaire. Il leur faudra prendre en main leur destin pour avoir une chance de survie. Mais qu’arrive-t-il quand ceux pour qui vous êtes prêt à mourir sont aussi ceux qui peuvent vous détruire... ?

Happenstance Teil 3

release date: Jul 13, 2015
Happenstance Teil 3
Erin Easter weiß genau, was sie will: schnell ihren Abschluss machen, und dann nichts wie weg aus dieser verdammten Kleinstadt. Irgendwo ganz von vorne anfangen. Doch sie hat nicht damit gerechnet, dass sich plötzlich Weston Gates für sie interessieren könnte, dessen verführerische grüne Augen ihr Herz schon seit Jahren höherschlagen lassen. Dann stellt ein tragischer Unfall Erins Leben völlig auf den Kopf und bringt sie und Weston näher zusammen. Aber allmählich muss Erin sich fragen, ob sie all das, wovon sie immer geträumt hat, wirklich will ...

Les frères Maddox (Tome 3) - Beautiful Sacrifice

release date: Jan 31, 2017
Les frères Maddox (Tome 3) - Beautiful Sacrifice
Falyn Fairchild n’a besoin de personne. La preuve : pour préserver son indépendance, la fille du futur gouverneur du Colorado a préféré quitter la maison familiale, abandonner ses études et travailler comme serveuse au Bucksaw Café. Le jour où Taylor Maddox pousse la porte de l’établissement, Falyn sait très bien à qui elle a affaire. Il a beau être magnifique et célibataire, hors de question d’être son énième conquête ! Pour Taylor, une fille désintéressée représente le défi ultime. Et contre toute attente, il se trouve que Falyn excelle au bras de fer...

Red Hill (Tome 2) - Monsters

release date: Oct 28, 2015
Red Hill (Tome 2) - Monsters
Et si un simple au revoir devait être un adieu ? Jenna n’a pas renoncé à sa mère, elle ne se résignera pas à sa perte et fera tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour la retrouver : défier son monde en plein chaos, contrer les décisions de son père, soutenir Halle, sa petite sœur de sept ans... En somme, quitter l’enfance. Une quête insensée guidée par l’amour, un long chemin en direction de Red Hill qui prouve que, quand le pire arrive, le meilleur de chacun peut encore se révéler.

Les frères Maddox (Tome 4) - Beautiful Burn

release date: May 16, 2017
Les frères Maddox (Tome 4) - Beautiful Burn
Tyler Maddox est un frimeur au grand coeur. Créature de la nuit et des flammes, il mène une vie sans attaches... jusqu’à cette soirée qui le conduit à franchir le seuil de la maison Edson. Fraîchement diplômée, Ellie Edson est à la dérive et tente de combler la vacuité de son existence par les excès en tout genre. Dédaigneuse, égoïste, mais surtout rongée par ses démons, elle agit sur Tyler avec la précision d’un aimant. Lorsque la jeune femme se retrouve au pied du mur, il sera l’un des rares à croire en elle et à lui tendre la main. Reste à souhaiter que ce combattant du feu sera en mesure de lutter contre la part d’ombre d’Ellie...

Beautiful wedding

release date: Nov 16, 2016
Beautiful wedding
Pourquoi Abby a-t-elle souhaité épouser Travis après l''accident du bâtiment Keaton ? Quels secrets ont-ils partagés avant la cérémonie ? Où leurs noces se sont-elles déroulées ? Quelqu''un avait-il connaissance de leur projet ? Ce qui s''est passé à Vegas... ne reste plus à Vegas ! Abby et Travis dissipent enfin les zones d''ombre planant autour de ce jour (et de cette nuit) exceptionnel, et nous en disent même un peu plus... La récompense d''une longue attente qui en valait la peine. Etes-vous prêtes à fuguer avec Travis Maddox ?

Beautiful Funeral

release date: Feb 07, 2018
Beautiful Funeral
Après onze ans passés au service du FBI dans le plus grand secret, Travis n''hésite pas à trahir sa couverture. Si abattre Benny Carlisi l''a révélé au grand jour, Travis n''avait pourtant pas le choix. Cette ordure était sur le point de tuer Abby, sa femme ! Or la vengeance des Carlisi, le clan de mafieux le plus redoutable de Las Vegas, s''annonce sanglante, et jamais les frères Maddox n''ont encouru un tel danger. La pression monte, la famille se divise. Tandis que l''heure des règlements de compte a sonné, Travis cherche du réconfort. Son amour pour Abby sera-t-il assez fort pour le sauver ?

Sweet Nothing

release date: Jan 01, 2015
Sweet Nothing
It is enough to break any man: watching what could have been my future slip away before it was ever in my grasp. The possibility of losing someone I loved before she was even mine is something I never would have imagined--certainly nothing I''d ever wish on anyone. I went to her every day and waited. Waited for the impossible, for a sign, for her to look at me ... hoping sinners are granted miracles, too.Just one glimpse of him was all it took. In the next lane, at a stop light, was the man I would fall in love with and marry. People talk about love that takes time--the kind you fall in to. We were more like a crash and burn. When our lives intertwined, I knew I would never be the same. He was the man I would cherish the rest of my life, who would father my children. In an instant our life together began, and in an instant it would end. The late nights; the excuses; the lies. And in the blink of an eye, it was like we never were. .

The Jamie McGuire Collection

release date: Dec 02, 2014

The Providence Trilogy Bundle

release date: Jan 01, 2014
The Providence Trilogy Bundle
Now available in a single volume, #1 New York Times bestseller Jamie McGuire''s debut, The Providence series has been hailed by Tough Critic Review''s Mollie Harper as ''Beautifully talented writing". Beginning with Night Owl Reviews'' Top Pick, Providence, the Providence Trilogy will ignite your curiosity, break your heart, and have you looking over your shoulder.This bundle includes the following novels:PROVIDENCE: In the old world shadows of Providence, Rhode Island, Nina Grey finds herself the center of a war between Hell and Earth.Struggling with her father''s recent death, Nina meets Jared Ryel by chance...or so she believes. Although his stunning good looks and mysterious talents are a welcome distraction, it soon becomes clear that Jared knows more about Nina than even her friends at Brown University. When questions outnumber answers, Jared risks everything to keep the woman he was born to save0́4by sharing the secret he was sworn to protect.When her father''s former associates begin following her in the dark, Nina learns that her father is not the man she thought he was, but a thief who stole from demons. Searching for the truth behind her father''s death, Nina stumbles upon something she never expected0́4something Hell wants0́4and only she holds the key.REQUIEM: Dreaming of the dead might mean a restless night for anyone, but for Nina Grey it was a warning.Still healing from her last run-in with Hell, Nina struggles with not only her life as a Brown University student, but also as an intern at Titan Shipping, her father''s company. Recurring nightmares about her father''s violent death have become a nightly event, but being overwhelmed with guilt from Ryan''s unexpected departure to the Armed Forces, and heart ache over Claire being across the ocean to protect him, Nina believes her sleepless nights are the least of her problems0́4but she''s wrong.Worried about Nina''s declining health, Jared must steal back Shax''s book for answers. Fighting new enemies, and with the help of new friends, Jared''s worst fear comes to fruition. Desperate, he is faced with a choice: Fight Hell alone, or start a war with Heaven.EDEN: She had seen the unspeakable. She had learned the unknowable. Now, she would fight the invincible.In the third and final installment of the Providence series, Nina Grey will marry the wrong man, carry the child that was never supposed to be born, and fight a war she can''t win.Faced with the impossible task of protecting his new wife and unborn child against the throes of Hell, Jared Ryel is allowed no mistakes. Pressured to return the Naissance de Demoniac to Jerusalem, he revisits St. Ann''s to learn the answers were in front of him all along.Together, they must survive long enough to let their child save them0́4and the world.

Sins of the Immortal

release date: Jan 01, 2021
Sins of the Immortal
The Ryel family has been to Hell and back, defied Heaven, and fought everything in between. Now, they''re reeling from the death of their youngest, Eden. What they don''t know is that she''s not gone, just lost, but when their prayers are answered and Eden returns, she''ll have to destroy everything they''ve protected to satisfy the reason she was born. In the final installment of #1 New York Times Jamie McGuire''s first book series, the end is all anyone could''ve hoped for.

Maddox Brother

release date: Jan 01, 2014

Sins of the Innocent

release date: Jan 01, 2015
Sins of the Innocent
In the horror show of Gods and Monsters, Eden Ryel was the star. Conceived of her mother, a Merovingian?a direct descendant of Christ?and her father, the half-human son of a fallen angel, her very existence had prompted The Great War. Prophesied to be the Keeper of the Balance, Eden struggles to realize her purpose. Levi, the overconfident and charming half-human son of Lucifer takes nothing seriously. Not even when he finally meets the young woman who is destined to end his existence. A common bond is formed under the pressures they face from both sides, but their respective religious texts predict opposite outcomes. Either way, they must choose: war, death, or love.

Almost Beautiful

release date: Jan 01, 2022
Almost Beautiful
Newlyweds Travis Maddox and Abby Abernathy--now Abby Maddox--return to Eakins to find themselves and their family under the spotlight in the aftermath of Eastern State University''s fatal fire.

Mathematical Modeling of Oxygen Transport in Skeletal Muscle Under Conditions of High Oxygen Demand (PHD).

Jamie McGuire YA Bundle

release date: Jan 01, 2015
Jamie McGuire YA Bundle
Happenstance: A Novella Series#1 New York Times Bestseller Jamie McGuire returns to self-publishing with this page-turning YA account of Erin Easter, one of three Erins in the small senior class of rural Blackwell High School who not only share a first name, but also their birthday. Easter, raised by a neglectful single mom, keeps to herself and admires Weston Gates from afar. The other Erins, Erin "Alder" Alderman and Erin "Sonny" Masterson are the darlings of the community: daughters of the two wealthiest families in town, best friends, cheerleaders, and everything Easter isn''t0́4and they never let her forget it. Alder has even claimed Weston since the 8th grade.Weston is a well-liked star athlete, and the son of two prominent attorneys. He struggles daily with the pressures of living up to his family name and secretly empathizes with Easter''s feeling that she belongs somewhere else; in a different life. Not until he begins sneaking nights out with Easter does he gain the courage to buck expectations and acknowledge his feelings ... both for his future, and for her.A shocking tragedy rocks the tiny town, and Easter''s life is turned upside down in the best way possible. But when the truth is revealed and everything she thinks she wanted falls into her lap, life only becomes more complicated.Providence trilogyIn the old world shadows of Providence, Rhode Island, Nina Grey finds herself the center of a war between Hell and Earth.Struggling with her father''s recent death, Nina meets Jared Ryel by chance...or so she believes. Although his stunning good looks and mysterious talents are a welcome distraction, it soon becomes clear that Jared knows more about Nina than even her friends at Brown University. When questions outnumber answers, Jared risks everything to keep the woman he was born to save0́4by sharing the secret he was sworn to protect.
41 - 75 of 75 results

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