New Releases by Hiromu Arakawa

Hiromu Arakawa is the author of Silver Spoon, Vol. 8 (2019), Silver Spoon, Vol. 7 (2019), Fullmetal Alchemist: Fullmetal Edition, Vol. 6 (2019), The Heroic Legend of Arslan 10 (2019), Fullmetal Alchemist (Premium) 4 (2018).

31 - 60 of 86 results
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Silver Spoon, Vol. 8

release date: Dec 24, 2019
Silver Spoon, Vol. 8
Dairy work has been a struggle for Hachiken, but farming may be better than he thought! But real life isn''t always fun and games. There are frustrating and challenging times. Through it all, Hachiken strives to stand strong even when it seems everything is falling apart.

Silver Spoon, Vol. 7

release date: Dec 24, 2019
Silver Spoon, Vol. 7
Thanks to Hachiken''s meticulous notes, Ezo Ag Fest has gone off without a hitch, even if Hachiken himself didn''t get to enjoy any of it. No one even saved him a slice of oven-baked pizza!! His parents'' visit to the hospital has left Hachiken doubting himself and his choice to attend Ezo Ag once again, but hearing stories of how the festival visitors left with newfound appreciation for horses and the farming community reminds Hachiken why Ezo Ag- and so many of the people there-have become so dear to him...

Fullmetal Alchemist: Fullmetal Edition, Vol. 6

release date: Aug 13, 2019
Fullmetal Alchemist: Fullmetal Edition, Vol. 6
Alchemy tore the Elric brothers’ bodies apart. Can their bond make them whole again? A hardcover collector’s edition of one of the most beloved manga and anime of all time! Fully remastered with an updated translation and completely fresh lettering, and presented with color pages on large-trim, archival-quality paper, this gorgeous hardcover edition presents the timeless dark adventures of the Elric brothers as they were truly meant to be seen. Includes brand-new cover art, with a new color insert and behind-the-scenes character sketches from author Hiromu Arakawa! In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. The brothers’ quest for the Philosopher’s Stone is hijacked by a prince from the East who is also seeking the stone’s regenerative power.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan 10

release date: Apr 23, 2019
The Heroic Legend of Arslan 10
TREMORS OF TRUTH Eastern Pars is shaken by a great earthquake, and as Arslan and his retainers take stock of the aftermath, rumblings of another kind make their way throughout the kingdom. A set of bold proclamations have been made under Arslan’s name: The Decree to Pursue and Destroy Lusitania, and The Decree to Abolish Slavery. These decrees have made waves among the noble class of Pars, and it is now Arslan’s job to host the Parsian lords and demonstrate his value as their future leader. But before Arslan can finish his duties and move on to recapturing Ecbatana, Narsus holds a meeting to reveal the earth-shattering details of Silver Mask’s identity, and the truth will stun Arslan to his very core.

Fullmetal Alchemist (Premium) 4

release date: Nov 30, 2018
Fullmetal Alchemist (Premium) 4
“Fullmetal Alchemist (Premium) 4” adalah salah satu bagian dari seri komik “Fullmetal Alchemist” yang ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh Hiromi Arakawa. Seri komik ini terdiri dari 27 volume. Komik ini bercerita tentang dua bersaudara, Edward (Ed) dan Alphonse Elric (Al), yang ketika muda menggunakan kekuatan alkimia (kekuatan antara sihir, seni, dan sains) untuk mengabulkan keinginan terdalam mereka. Namun sebagai akibatnya, Ed kehilangan satu lengan dan satu kaki, sementara Al tidak menjadi apa-apa selain jiwa yang terkunci dalam tubuh baja hidup. Sekarang Edward menjadi budak pemerintah, budak dari kompleks alkimia militer, menggunakan kekuatan uniknya untuk mematuhi perintah, bahkan untuk membunuh. Sementara “Fullmetal Alchemist (Premium) 4” masih menceritakan perjalanan Ed dan Al. Setelah membantu proses persalinan Bu Chatella, Winry memohon kepada Pak Dominique untuk mengangkatnya menjadi murid. Sementara itu, Ed dan Al pergi melanjutkan perjalanan ke tempat guru mereka, Izumi Curtis di Dublith. Sesampainya di sana, mereka bertemu dengan Izumi yang merasakan sesuatu yang berbeda pada muridnya. Terutama ketika Ed melakukan alchemy tanpa transmutation circle. Ed pun mulai menceritakan dari awal sebelum ia bertemu Izumi hingga saat menjadi militer. Ikuti terus kisahnya dalam komik “Fullmetal Alchemist (Premium) 4”. Judul: Fullmetal Alchemist (Premium) 4 Cerita & Ilustrasi: Hiromi Arakawa Tebal: 260 halaman Format: Soft Cover Tanggal Terbit: Maret 2018 Dimensi : 15 x 21 cm

Silver Spoon 11

release date: Nov 30, 2018
Silver Spoon 11
Buku komik yang berjudul Silver Spoon Volume 11 ini ditulis oleh Hiromu Arakawa ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit Elex Media Komputindo pada Agustus tahun 2016. Gin no Saji (Silver Spoon) berisi kisah komedi seorang siswa muda saat ia mencoba untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan yang sama sekali baru, bertemu banyak orang unik di sepanjang jalan. Saat ia berjuang untuk menghargai lingkungannya, Hachiken berharap untuk menemukan mimpinya, sehingga ia dapat menjalani kehidupan yang memuaskan dengan caranya sendiri. Yuugo Hachiken merupakan siswa rajin belajar, pekerja keras, dan lelah mencoba memenuhi harapan yang tidak bisa dia penuhi. Dengan memasuki tahun ajaran baru, ia memutuskan untuk mendaftar di Sekolah Tinggi Pertanian Ooezo, sebuah sekolah asrama yang terletak di pedesaan Hokkaido, sebagai sarana untuk melepaskan diri dari stres yang disebabkan oleh orang tuanya. Pada Volume 11 ini menceritakan bahwa sebentar lagi memasuki musim semi. Hari meninggalkan asrama Ezono pun tiba. Tempat tidur yang sudah ditiduri untuk melepas tubuh lelah karena latihan dan kegiatan klub jadi kosong. Kantin yang mengenyangkna perut... Teman-teman yang sudah saling berbagi suka dan duka... Lalu, aneka kenangan panen yang berlimpah... Setahun di Ezono kaya dengan cita rasa. Simak kelanjutan komik peraih Penghargaan Shogukan Award tahun 2013, Grand Prize Manga Taisho Award tahun 2012, dan Japan Food Culture Contents Awards tahun 2013 ini!

The Complete Art of Fullmetal Alchemist

release date: Nov 13, 2018
The Complete Art of Fullmetal Alchemist
A deluxe art book showcasing the complete color art of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series. This massive hardcover collection contains all the Fullmetal Alchemist color artwork by manga artist Hiromu Arakawa from 2001 to 2017, including the series’ entire run and beyond! The Complete Art of Fullmetal Alchemist contains over 280 pages of gorgeous full-color illustrations, including all the original chapter title pages, the graphic novel covers for the single-volume and collected editions, portraits of the main characters, and promotional artwork. Includes an exclusive interview and a special step-by-step illustration creation discussion with Hiromu Arakawa.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan 7

release date: Dec 11, 2017
The Heroic Legend of Arslan 7
The Heroic Legend of Arslan adalah sebuah serial manga fantasi dari Jepang yang ditulis oleh Yoshiki Tanaka dan diilustrasikan oleh Hiromu Arakawa. Serial manga The Heroic Legend of Arslan ini dipublikasikan pada bulan November tahun 1991 hingga bulan September tahun 1996. Adapun serial manga ini mengadaptasi dari novel dengan judul yang sama yang ditulis oleh Yoshiki Tanaka. Manga The Heroic Legend of Arslan volume ketujuhnya ini menceritakan tentang Putra Mahkota Arslan yang memutuskan untuk melakukan suksesi dengan merebut kembali Pars. Selah dikirim ke Kerajaan Sindhura yang berpasir, Putra Mahkota Arslan berupaya untuk merebut kembali ibukota. Di Peshawar, sebuah benteng pertahanan yang letaknya ada di perbatasan nun jauh di Timur, para ksatria kembali berkumpul di hadapan Putra Mahkota Arslan untuk menjalankan rencana suksesinya tersebut. Sebuah bayang-bayang perang yang besar sedang menghadang di masa depan! Putra Mahkota Arslan mungkin memiliki sekutu baru seperti Pangeran Rajendra maupun prajurit Jaswant. Akan tetapi, apakah mereka benar-benar layak untuk dipercaya? Belum didukung dengan adanya pertemuan di antara Putra Mahkota Arslan dengan Lord Silvermask, yang mana pertemuan tersebut justru membuat tekad atau niat yang dimiliki Arslan untuk melakukan merebut kembali Pars menjadi goyah. Bagaimanakah kisah selanjutnya? Apakah Putra Mahkota Arslan tetap melaksanakan rencana tersebut? Dan apakah Pangeran Rajendra serta prajurit Jaswant bisa dipercaya?

Volume 11

release date: Dec 11, 2014
Volume 11
Avec son subtil mélange d''action, d''humour, de suspense et de tragédie, Fullmetal Alchemist est le titre incontournable pour toute mangathèque. Cette série culte est désormais disponible en édition omnibus. Une occasion unique de partir à l''aventure aux côtés des frères Elric pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore ce manga de légende ! Tome XI (volumes 22-23) - parution trimestrielle.

Volume 10

release date: Aug 28, 2014
Volume 10
Tome 20 : Suite au combat l''opposant au redoutable Kimblee, Edward Elric est porté disparu dans les entrailles des mines du nord. Son frère Alphonse a, quant à lui, de plus en plus de mal à maintenir le lien raccrochant son âme à l''armure qui lui sert de corps. Il rejoint le docteur Marcoh et l''aide à décrypter les recherches du frère de Scar. Trahie par celui qu''elle pensait être son allié, la garde rapprochée du Docteur Marcoh est attaquée par Envy. Un combat à l''issue surprenante s''annonce contre le terrible homonculus. Tome 21: Le jour promis, le jour où un plan machiavélique fomenté depuis des décennies entrera en action, le jour où un pays tout entier risque de disparaître... Les frères Elric auront fort à faire pour contrecarrer les plans des terribles Homonculus. Ils peuvent heureusement compter sur le soutien d''alliés de poids dans ce combat qui s''annonce périlleux !

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 13

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 13
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. In the midst of a heated battle, Ed and Prince Lin of Xiang are swallowed whole by the homunculus Gluttony. Will they survive the depths of Gluttony''s gullet like Jonah in the whale, or has Al lost his brother for good? And the political power structure of the military may be irreparably shattered when Colonel Mustang confronts Fuhrer President King Bradley with his horrifying suspicion that Bradley is a homunculus!

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 14

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 14
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Ed and Al come face to face with the "father" of the homunculi, who just so happens to be a dead ringer for their own father, Van Hohenheim -- a resemblance too uncanny for coincidence. And later, when the allure of immortality proves to be too much for Prince Lin of Xin, he lets Greed take over...literally!

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 20

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 20
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Betrayal and double-crossing are the order of the day. Greed, Pride and Envy prove to be formidable enemies, but one homunculus seems to be having pangs of -- could it be? -- conscience. Ominous news spreads quickly about a mysterious portal. Will this gateway help the Elric brothers regain their natural bodies? And will the gigantic underground transmutation circle be completed, leading to a major regime change? Plus, a moving reunion between Al and someone from his past!

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 15

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 15
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. The horrors of the Ishbalan campaign occurred years before Ed became a state alchemist, and had serious repercussions, which set the tone for the complicated dealings of present-day state politics. Lieutenant Hawkeye reluctantly tells Ed all the dread details of the role Colonel Mustang and the other state alchemists played in this tragic event.

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 12

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 12
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. The hunters become the hunted when the Elric brothers and Prince Lin set a trap for the homunculus with the insatiable appetite -- Gluttony! One another front, state politics are shaken up when a horrifying truth about Fuhrer President King Bradley is revealed -- and Colonel Roy Mustang is right there to capitalize on the situation.

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 8

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 8
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. The raid on the Devil''s Nest becomes a slaughter, as government troops -- led by the Fuhrer President himself, King Bradley -- exterminate the half-human forces of the Homunculus Greed. But will Ed and Al survive the battle unchanged? As Greed is sent to meet his maker, foreign travelers arrive in Amestris, having crossed the great desert from the eastern country of Xing. Their names are Mei and Ling, and they''ve come for the Philosopher''s Stone...and a secret even the Elric brothers never imagined...

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 6

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 6
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. The origin of the Elric Brothers! Once, Edward and Alphonse Elric were willing to do anything to become alchemists. But when they tried to use their newfound skills to resurrect their dead mother, they broke a taboo and encountered something more terrifying than death itself. Now, hardened by years of military training, Edward and Alphonse have returned to the woman who first taught them alchemy...but can she help them, or even forgive them?

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 27

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 27
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. With the help of Hohenheim and their allies, the Elric brothers launch a desperate final attack against the homunculus "father." But to claim victory, some may have to make the ultimate sacrifice. And when the dust clears, will a happy ending await our favorite characters in the final volume of Fullmetal Alchemist?

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 22

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 22
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Having consumed Gluttony''s powers, Pride may now be too much to handle for Ed and his allies. Their only chance could be the help of Al and Hohenheim, but will Ed trust his estranged father long enough for their plan to work? And back at Central City, Mustang and his team have started their attack. But does the army have a dangerous trick up its sleeve...?

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 21

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 21
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. A diabolical trap is set for President Bradley... If he is assassinated, a power vacuum will open that Mustang and his allies will be more than happy to fill. Then, while Ed is reunited with someone from his past, Al is separated from his body -- his proxy armor body! Now who is filling his heavy metal shoes...? Plus, take a break from all the alchemical intrigue and homunculus backstabbing at the annual Resembool Spring Sheep Festival!

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 19

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 19
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Ed''s clever plan to take out an enemy leaves him severely injured... Can he cheat death? One of our friends discovers the ironic secret behind Scar''s brother''s transmutation notes. And Major General Armstrong meets with evil homunculus President Bradley. Whose side is she on again...? Plus, the disturbing origin of ed and Al''s immortal father finally revealed!

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 26

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 26
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. With all the pieces now in his possession, the homunculus "father" executes his master plan as Edward and the others watch in horror. When the dust settles, the entire world has been reshaped. With the help of Hohenheim, the Elric brothers launch a desperate final attack, but is it all too late...?

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 18

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 18
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Automail engineer Winry is captured and held hostage to force Edward to do her captor''s bidding. Hawkeye discovers the disturbing truth about President Bradley''s son. Our heroes have fortuitous and not-so-fortuitous reunions with old friends and enemies. And multiple intrigues and double-crosses ensue as some people plot to save the world while others scheme to destroy it.

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 3

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 3
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Accompanied by their bodyguard, Alex Louis Armstrong, our heroes seek out the closest childhood friend, mechanic Winry Rockbell, to fix their battered "auto-mail" body parts. Soon their quest for the Philosopher''s Stone takes them to the great central library, where the Stone''s formula may be hidden...if the mysterious figure named Lust doesn''t get there first! But the secret of the Philosopher''s Stone may be even more frightening than the beings who guard it...

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 7

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 7
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Where did Alphonse Elric go during the few short minutes he was wiped from existence, body and soul? From a secret lair in the city of Dublith, a group of outcasts kidnaps Alphonse to find the alchemical secrets of his creation! It''s up to Ed (and a certain housewife) to go into the Devil''s Nest and rescue his brother. But the criminals of the Devil''s Nest aren''t exactly human either. Now, Al must fight a homunculus -- an artificial human being -- and the streets of Dublith will run red with blood...

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 4

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 4
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Trapped and injured in a secret alchemical laboratory, Edward Elric is at the mercy of his enemies, Lust and Envy. But they don''t want him dead...they have other plans for him. As the laboratory goes up in flames, the brothers find themselves back at square one, with only an inkling of the massive scale of the Philosopher''s Stone conspiracy. But then, Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes uncovers a shocking secret...

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 5

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 5
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Ed, Alphonse and their mechanic Winry go south in search of Izumi Curtis, the master alchemist who taught the brothers how to use alchemy. But in the boomtown of Rush Valley, an encounter with a pickpocket turns them down a different path in search of an auto-mail blacksmith whose handiwork is the best that Winry has ever seen. Then the action flashes back to the past to show how Ed and Alphonse first learned alchemy...

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 9

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 9
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Ed, Al, and Winry return to Central Command, but only bad news greets the Fullmetal Alchemist and his friends. Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes has been murdered -- and Second Lieutenant Maria Ross is the prime suspect! While Maria awaits an uncertain fate in jail, the living suit of armor bearing the soul of serial killer "Barry the Chopper" breaks free of the military and goes on a rampage. Now, the mysterious Homunculi must come out of the shadows to deal with the mess before their monstrous conspiracy is exposed. But for Colonel Mustand, Maes Hughes''s former best friend, it''s not about the truth; it''s about revenge...

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 11

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 11
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. Ed returns to Resembool and meets his father Hohenheim for the first time in many years. Although his father is happy to see him, Ed harbors intense feelings of resentment for being all but abandoned many years ago. However, anger gives way to intrigue as Ed and Al discover an important fact about the human transmutation ritual they attempted years before. What they thought was a partial resurrection of their mother was something else entirely -- a revelation that could change their destiny forever.

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 16

release date: Apr 15, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 16
In an alchemical ritual gone wrong, Edward Elric lost his arm and his leg, and his brother Alphonse became nothing but a soul in a suit of armor. Equipped with mechanical "auto-mail" limbs, Edward becomes a state alchemist, seeking the one thing that can restore his brother and himself...the legendary Philosopher''s Stone. The brothers pursue fugitive May Chang to solve the mystery of why their alchemical powers were rendered inert while she and Scar continued to be able to wield them. Meanwhile, Scar enlists some unlikely help to delve into the secrets of his brother''s alchemical knowledge. And the newest, most horrifying homunculus makes an appearance...!
31 - 60 of 86 results
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