Best Selling Books by Daniel James

Daniel James is the author of Accounting for Self-Defense: Perspective and Responsibility as its Moral Basis (2014), The Subject Tonight is Love (1996), The Theological College and the University (1922), International Trade in Citrus Fruits (1929), Doña María's Story (2000).

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Accounting for Self-Defense: Perspective and Responsibility as its Moral Basis

release date: Apr 01, 2014
Accounting for Self-Defense: Perspective and Responsibility as its Moral Basis
It is commonly believed that people in certain circumstances possess a right to self-defense. This exists not only on an individual but also on a collective level, historically known as Just War Theory. During the 20th century this theory has undergone a revival in academic circles, mainly due to the invention of nuclear weaponry, the cold war and America’s military involvement in Vietnam. Yet, many of the assumptions of the Just War Theory have been challenged and undergone a revision, and a separate school of thought has emerged: the “revisionist” just war theorists. A core feature of their philosophy is viewing war as the continuation of different forms of conflict, such as self-defense. The moral justification for war needs to, therefore, stem from the same source of morality. This book is about the philosophical debate on the moral basis for self-defense. The accounts of two main protagonists in the field, Judith Jarvis Thomson and Jeff McMahan, are outlined. The former takes a rights-based approach to self-defense, the latter a responsibility-based one. Subsequently the author develops his own account, which is a partial synthesis between the former two, albeit remaining a responsibility-based one at its core. He introduces the conceptual differentiation between perspectives into the fundamental level of justification, which gives rise to a separate, supplementary criterion. The author also addresses the points of criticism raised against the former two accounts and shows how his own is better equipped in responding to the challenges raised against McMahan’s responsibility-based account.

The Subject Tonight is Love

release date: Jan 01, 1996

The Theological College and the University

Doña María's Story

release date: Jan 01, 2000
Doña María's Story
One woman''s testimonial about the Peron years sheds light on gender hierarchies, the role of women in industry, women as union militants, and the material culture of working class family life in Argentina.

Resistance and Integration

release date: Jan 01, 1993
Resistance and Integration
A solidly researched, persuasive study of the Argentine labour movement which analyses the relationship between Peronism and the Argentine working class.

Tao of Modern Magic

release date: Jan 01, 2018
Tao of Modern Magic
A war had broken out in America concerning the safety and the right to practice magic freely. Magical bloodlines and magical roots were guarded by families and practitioners with their lives. Those guardians who kept the secrets of sorcery and spells for generations were now called to defend the very elements and doctrine that made them who they were. A final quest and confrontation would be necessary to gain liberation once and for all for those who practiced magic. The fight for the School of Modern Magic, and the American soil that it was founded upon was now inevitable. Professor Apollo, Head Master of the School of Modern Magic, would build himself an army, recruiting the most powerful students of magic that the world had ever seen. They would be the army to defend the school and America itself from the forces of darkness who threatened it.

The Origin and Evolution of Alpha-catenin in Epithelial Cell Polarity

release date: Jan 01, 2011
The Origin and Evolution of Alpha-catenin in Epithelial Cell Polarity
A fundamental characteristic of metazoans is the formation of a simple, polarized epithelium. In higher animals, the structural integrity and functional polarization of simple epithelia require a cell-cell adhesion complex containing a classical cadherin, the Wnt-signaling protein β-catenin and the actin-binding protein α-catenin. I have investigated the evolutionary origins of epithelial cell polarity and of the cadherin-catenin complex. I show that the non-metazoan Dictyostelium discoideum forms a polarized epithelium that is essential for multicellular development. Although D. discoideum lacks a cadherin homolog, I have identified and characterized an α-catenin ortholog that binds a β-catenin-related protein. Both proteins are essential for formation of the epithelium, polarized protein secretion and proper multicellular morphogenesis. Thus the organizational principles of metazoan multicellularity may be more ancient than previously recognized, and the role of the catenins in cell polarity predates the evolution of Wnt signaling and classical cadherins.

The Dark Kin

release date: Oct 01, 2013
The Dark Kin
Ellie Reed generally enjoyed being a journalist in the midwestern town in which she''d grown up. Living in the picturesque rural community, with its chatty and friendly neighbors, made for a setting where Ellie felt a genuine sense of both belonging and purpose for her young family. One would think that knowing the lay of the land and most of the folks in the area would be pretty handy resources for a news reporter to have at her disposal. And they might be...if she wasn''t also a werewolf. Big secrets were hard to keep in a small town. Being a widow, a full-time reporter and a werewolf were challenges in and of themselves, but none could compare to her toughest and most important responsibility; that of raising twin boys who were rapidly approaching their own very first Change, as the children were destined to become Shifters as well. Thankfully, she wasn''t entirely alone in the mix. Even in the close-knit lakeside community other Shifters could be found living quietly, secretively alongside the more mundane members of society. Friends, both Shifter and human, help Ellie shoulder the burden of walking in two worlds. But to her, the juggling act was more than worth it. This was where she wanted her boys to grow up, where the preternatural and everyday could coexist. But no community, no matter how special or insular it may be, is ever immune from terror. There were some monsters that could even scare the things that go bump in the night. Ancient malevolences. Truest and darkest evil. And it will take efforts on the part of both her communities to defend the people and place they hold most dear, as well as sacrifice. Ellie will do what she must to make sure her boys were safe. They were her heart and her future. But did they have to start noticing girls now? Really??? Their timing could not possibly be worse.

From Strategy to Change

release date: Mar 29, 2004
From Strategy to Change
In From Strategy to Change-the last in a series-Daniel James Rowley comes full circle in defining his unique vision of the strategic planning process. Written with Herbert Sherman, From Strategy to Change shows how to take the next step after a strategic plan has been formulated. The authors clearly show how to implement a strategic plan that will meet the myriad challenges of today''s complex higher education environment and spell success for the academy."It is amazing that while sports teams of colleges and universities meticulously plan their contests against their opponents, their institutions'' administrators don''t spend nearly enough time or effort in creating andimplementing a strategy. Institutions of higher education seem to be missing the requisite tools to develop and activate their ''play book.'' With this new age of globally available real-time information, it becomes increasingly more essential to have a map to help go over and around obstacles, avoid the ever-present pitfalls, and effectively aid in selecting the best route. Rowley and Sherman provide such tools in this exciting and comprehensive new book. I wish that when I was a department chair, president of a faculty senate, and dean that this superb work was available. My function in planning would have been so much easier and more rewarding."--Barry R. Armandi, Distinguished Teaching Professor, SUNY - Old Westbury

The Eternal Covenant

release date: Aug 21, 2017
The Eternal Covenant
Schleiermacher’s readers have long been familiar with his proposal for an ‘eternal covenant’ between theology and natural science. Yet there is disagreement both about what this ‘covenant’ amounts to, why Schleiermacher proposed it, and how he meant it to be persuasive. In The Eternal Covenant, Pedersen argues, contrary to received wisdom, that the ‘eternal covenant’ is not first a methodological or political proposal but is, rather, the end result of a complex case from the doctrine of God, the notion of a world, and an account of divine action. With his compound case against miracles, Schleiermacher secures the in-principle explicability of everything in the world through natural causes. However, his case is not only negative. Far from a mere concession, the eternal covenant is an argument for what Schleiermacher calls, ‘the essential identity of ethics and natural philosophy.’ Indeed, because the nature system is both intended for love and wisely ordered, the world is a supremely beautiful divine artwork and is, therefore, the absolute self-revelation of God. Schleiermacher’s case is a challenging alternative to reigning accounts of God, nature, divine action, and the relationship between religion and science.


release date: Jan 01, 2013
This classic is the first book of a series of poetry booklets. In this cunning work I touch on all the different species of poetry; it covers anywhere from war anthems, song and rhyme to proverbs, short epics, comedy, and parables. This crafty piece of literature mixes powerful philosophy with the creativity of language arts. It is a must have for all those interested in poetry and literature.

Understanding Manna

release date: Nov 03, 2022
Understanding Manna
"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power". (Isaiah 40:28-29 NASB). Understanding Manna is a book written for everyone that is living in this uncertain world and focused on those, who worry about their eternal destiny. Manna was bread from heaven, which sustained physical life, during the time when the Israelites wandered for 40 years in the desert before entering the Promised Land. However, manna signifies so much more and this book is about recognizing and understanding the manna from heaven which "gives life to the world" (John 6:33 NASB). Understanding Manna is focused on providing you, the reader, with the knowledge and comprehension of the living bread, as "whoever eats this bread will live forever" (John 6:51) and the living water, as whoever drinks this water "will never thirst" (John 4:14). Its purpose is to inform and enlighten so that you can make the most important decision of your life, representing the most seminal moment in your lifetime, and one which will determine how you will spend the rest of your existence in eternity. If you do not understand what all of this means but you don''t want any longer to "work for the food which perishes" (John 6:27 NASB) but instead for "food which endures to eternal life" (John 6:27 NASB) and if you are yet searching for answers to life''s biggest questions, including the meaning of life, then Understanding Manna is definitely a must read for you.

Window in Time

release date: Oct 01, 2014
Window in Time
An Elder from Ellie''s local Shifter Council has failed to return home after a vacation, long overdue and out of communication, prompting the Community find out what has happened to their friend. Ellie and the boys take part in the search-n-bring-home operation, but at a terribly tricky time for the twins. Their Change is coming in a matter of days, the first shapeshift and introduction into Community life; nothing can stop it. But with no option other than to go, and no way she would leave the boys behind at such a critical time, Ellie takes her family West to play their part in the oepration. When they arrive, though, events unfold that overshadow a missing Elder, ones that could impact Shifter society as a whole, all over the world, as a time-tested enemy rears its head with malicious intent. And that is only the threat from without...

Effortless E-mail Newsletters

release date: Jan 01, 2006
Effortless E-mail Newsletters
No ideas on where to start and what to send? By the end of reading this book, you''ll have a mail out schedule, 75 plus ideas and more. Discover how to keep up to date on RSS, Ebay, forums & press releases in just minutes a day.

Working Toward Strategic Change

release date: Feb 19, 1997
Working Toward Strategic Change
This nuts-and-bolts workbook is designed as a guide for members of strategic planning committees in higher education. The book is filled with information, tools, and visual material that complement the companion book Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities. This workbook offers a concise background to the strategic planning process and focuses on the ten critical steps of the process, from developing performance indicators through implementing, evaluating, and revising the strategic plan. Each section helps users work carefully and thoughtfully through the tasks of assembling, interpreting, and making decisions about critical information relating to the process.

Essence and Necessity

release date: Oct 18, 2022
Essence and Necessity
This monograph is a critical and historical account of Aristotelian essentialism and modal logic. In Chapter One, ancient and contemporary interpretations and claims of inconsistency in Aristotle’s modal syllogistic are examined. A more consistent model is developed through attention to Aristotle’s comments on negation. In Chapter Two, proofs for each of the mixed apodictic syllogisms are analyzed and diagrammed. Chapter Three explores how Aristotle’s modal metaphysics fits within the context of the Posterior Analytics. Chapter Four contrasts Aristotelian modal logic to contemporary modal metaphysics and argues for ways in which a return to Aristotle may spark intriguing thought in contemporary discussions of the philosophy of science and in debate over the metaphysics of identity.

Crafting Digital Media

release date: Feb 01, 2011
Crafting Digital Media
Open source software, also known as free software, now offers a creative platform with world-class programs. Just ask the people who have completed high-quality projects or developed popular web 2.0 sites using open source desktop applications. This phenomenon is no longer underground or restricted to techies—there have been more than 61 million downloads of the Audacity audio editor and more than 60 million downloads of the GIMP for Windows photographic tool from alone. Crafting Digital Media is your foundation course in photographic manipulation, illustration, animation, 3D modelling, publishing, recording audio and making music, DJ’ing, mixing and mastering audio CDs, video editing and web content delivery. Every technique described in the book can be achieved on GNU/Linux, but many of the applications covered run on Windows and Mac OS X as well. New to GNU/Linux and a little daunted? Don’t worry—there’s a step-by-step tutorial on Ubuntu for either temporary use or permanent installation. If you are a creative type who wants to get started with open source software or an existing GNU/Linux user looking to explore this category of programs, this is the book for you! Realize your own personal projects and creative ambitions with the tools this book will place at your fingertips.

Real World Agility

release date: Jul 25, 2016
Real World Agility
Proven Solutions for the Most Widespread and Frustrating Agile Challenges “This book gives you the answers that a wise mentor would have given you, if you had one. Daniel Gullo shares his insights on the principal questions that everyone coming to the world of Agile will inevitably encounter. ” –From the foreword by Stephen Denning, author of The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management Agile is becoming ubiquitous, but successful Agile implementation remains difficult. Organizations keep getting stuck on the same issues. However, with Real World Agility: Practical Guidance for Agile Practitioners, that need not happen to you. World-renowned Agile coach and consultant Daniel James Gullo identifies and addresses nearly sixty widespread challenges faced by anyone trying to derive value from Agile. Drawing on his vast experience guiding Agile teams to success, Gullo helps you accurately diagnose your problems, describes each solution with maximum clarity, and concisely presents the details you need in order to act effectively. This accessible guide is for every project participant and stakeholder: from ScrumMasters and team leads to developers, project managers, product owners, and customers. Gullo addresses methods ranging from Scrum to Kanban, guides you on scaling Agile, and even helps you apply it beyond software development. Coverage includes Making sense of Agile’s many “flavors” Overcoming key hurdles in transitioning from waterfall Addressing cultural obstacles Meshing Agile teams with your management hierarchy Engaging executives with Agile practices and values Clarifying relationships among ScrumMasters, product owners, and project managers Smoothly handling key tasks, such as organizing backlogs and defining sprints Taking advantage of continuous integration and test-driven development Bringing Agile to distributed teams and large product portfolios Throughout, vignettes show exactly how Agile problems manifest in the real world–and how Gullo’s solutions can help you overcome them. As you learn from others’ experiences, you’ll quickly begin to see a clear path to success.

Strategic Management

release date: Jan 01, 2006
Strategic Management
Strategic Management: An Organization Change Approach examines the art and science of strategic management in businesses and other organizations. Working from an established theoretical base, this new work discusses practical applications of various strategic management philosophies while focusing on strategy as organizational change. Sherman, Rowley, and Armandi outline specific strategies and tactics that managers can use to maximize not only productivity, but also satisfaction in their "human organizations." In an interactive and approachable manner, Strategic Management analyzes the importance of an organization''s internal and external environment; explains how to develop an organizational mission, vision, values, and goals; identifies human-level vs. corporate-level strategy choices; and offers advice on how managers can effectively implement their plans. The authors also consider variables that might affect the proposed strategic management approaches, such as international environments, and non-profit, government, and small businesses.

Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities

release date: Feb 24, 1997
Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities
In Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities, the Rowley, Lujan, and Dolence show how the strategic planning process can lead to more constructive and effective change within the college and university environment. Solidly grounded in theory, this practical book builds on the authors'' experience of successfully implementing an original strategic planning approach on a variety of campuses in the United States and Canada. This powerful model works well in the wide range of higher educational settings, provides a consistent framework that unifies all levels involved, and is effective in keeping diverse groups of decision-makers focused on the most important elements of the organization''s success.The authors outline, step by step, a strategic planning process that is uniquely tailored to the needs of academic settings where multiple constituencies require a more collaborative planning approach than is used in corporations. Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities is filled with illustrative examples that clearly show how the authors'' strategic planning principles, which they describe as a ?strategic planning engine,? work in practice. The book also discloses practical and realistic methods of navigating the political land mines that often obstruct the development of a strategic plan and its implementation. Offering clear directions on the many components of a successful implementation strategy, the authors show how to encourage communication, gain the backing of top leaders, and develop campuswide support. This collaborative model of strategic planning which (unlike other approaches used in academe) results in rather than starts from the institution''s mission statement. Each campus applies the same principles, developing its own method of planning to match its institution''s particular needs and characteristics.Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities is written for those charged with strategic planning--presidents, chancellors, vice presidents, Details a strategic planning approach that has proved effective in institutions across the country. The authors address the complex nature of stakeholders and conflicting purposes in an academic setting.

From Fastnet to Inishtrahull

release date: Jan 01, 1993


release date: Nov 02, 2015
Beginning in 1972, America began the last push to pull all troops from the country of South Vietnam. By mid-1973 the military reported that all known POWs and battlefield personnel had departed the country. All military and civilian operations from that time forward were supposed to be handled by 50 military, 1200 civilian personnel, and up to 5,000 civilian contractors. The American people were sick of the Vietnam War and as far as they were concerned the war was over and that was that. Can we be that naive to actually believe that only 50 military personnel took charge of operations that hundreds, if not thousands, had controlled prior to that time? This book tells the story of soldiers and naval personnel that stayed or volunteered for service as advisors to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam, Air Force, and Navy. These operations were overseen by the joint collaboration of the CIA, Defense Attache Office, South Vietnamese Government, and the Nixon administration."

Central America and Mexico

release date: Jan 01, 1987

Artificial Reefs as a Means of Marine Mitigation and Habitat Improvement in Southern California : Final Report

Chinese Capitalists Versus the American Flour Industry, 1890-1910

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Chinese Capitalists Versus the American Flour Industry, 1890-1910
At the turn of the twentieth century, American and Chinese millers were locked in a fiercely contested battle for control of China''s urban flour market that both sides considered crucial to their nation''s future. For Americans, Chinese markets were vital to continued commercial expansion and ultimately, the power, prestige and security of the United States. For Chinese, defending their markets against foreign imports, influence and intervention was essential to preserving their commercial integrity and China''s national sovereignty. This study analyzes the dynamics of this commercial conflict from a perspective essential to the advancement of Chinese business studies, redirecting research in the field from the current China-centered approach to a China-global context. It contextualizes the flour trade through analysis of global factors - political as well as economic - influencing the competitive marketing of domestic and imported commodities. This broader view provides a more balanced, comprehensive examination of late Qing business history and the role played by international trade in the development of import-substitution industrialization. study highlights the complex relationship between Chinese capitalists and the government, which stimulated successful private industrial development in late imperial China. Analysis of China''s flour milling industry also provides insight into the contemporary capitalist-state alliance that has spurred the nation''s dynamic commercial growth since the 1980s. should be read by business historians, historians of modern China, and anyone interested in Chinese-American economic relations in the twenty-first century.

The History of Modern Fashion from 1850

release date: Jan 01, 2015
The History of Modern Fashion from 1850
Focusing on fashion from 1850, noted fashion historians Daniel James Cole and Nancy Deihl consider the evolution of womenswear, menswear, and childrenswear, decade by decade.

YieldEst Yield Variability Estimator

release date: Jan 01, 2012

I Heard God Laughing

release date: Jan 01, 1996
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