New Releases by Brian Holguin

Brian Holguin is the author of Spawn #190 (2009), Spawn #189 (2009), Spawn #188 (2009), Spawn #187 (2008), Spawn #186 (2008), Spawn #185 (2008).

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Spawn #190

release date: Mar 01, 2009
Spawn #190
Jim Downing awoke from a long coma to discover he has no memories of his past life, and worse, he seems to be possessed by a dark, violent power that emerges in times of stress. As Jim struggles to piece together the events that led him to this fate, he finds himself at the middle of a great conspiracy, stalked by agents of both Heaven and Hell. Help is offered from surprising quarters, but can anyone truly be trusted?

Spawn #189

release date: Feb 01, 2009
Spawn #189
Jim continues to struggle to remember his past while trying to come to terms with the dark power that now dwells within him. Wrestling for control of the Spawn entity, he soon discovers that power is not only corrupting, it is addictive.

Spawn #188

release date: Jan 01, 2009
Spawn #188
Over the past several issues, Spawn has experienced the most dramatic series of twists in its long history. Events that have rocked the status quo and echoed from the heights of Heaven to the pit of Hell. But what does it all mean? A young reporter following an obscure lead thinks he''s stumbled upon the answer. As incredible as his suspicions may be, the truth is something far beyond his imagination.

Spawn #187

release date: Dec 01, 2008
Spawn #187
The Endgame continues. The world of Spawn is still recoilling from the stunning revelations of issue 185. As word of the game changing events echo from the rafters of Heaven to the depths of Hell, players begin to study the board, plot their strategies and make their move.

Spawn #186

release date: Nov 01, 2008
Spawn #186
Last issue, everything changed! The world of Spawn was rocked by the most stunning moment in the series'' sixteen year history. And now, the mystery deepens... Sides are chosen and secrets are revealedÉ

Spawn #185

release date: Oct 15, 2008
Spawn #185
The landmark 185th issue of Spawn unleashes a brand new creative team and the return of two Image Comics founders -- Todd McFarlane and Whilce Portacio. Todd will helm the book and joins Whilce on art duties, and Brian Holguin returns as writer. New energy and an entirely new direction -- get ready for the event that is as big as issue #1. Featuring variant covers by Todd, Whilce, and Greg Capullo.

Spawn #149

release date: Sep 01, 2005
Spawn #149
Spawn sifts through the rubble of his life -- broken shards of memory and lost pieces of the past -- in a desperate attempt to find a terrible secret that the fallen angel Mammon has hidden inside of him. As the Hellspawn''s searching leads him into unexpected quarters and face-to-face with enemies old and new, he can''t shake the feeling that no matter what he does, no matter which path he chooses, he is doing precisely what Mammon wants.

Spawn #148

release date: Aug 01, 2005
Spawn #148
In the windy city of Chicago, Al Simmons is still struggling to discover Mammon''s plan. Determined to stop him, Al searches the city for clues. His search leads him to an old church as well as an old foe. The groundwork of an all-new Spawn and issue 150 starts here.

Spawn #146

release date: May 01, 2005
Spawn #146
Wandering the country in hopes of stopping Mammon and regaining the memories he stole, Al Simmons comes across a small town with a mysterious tradition. In order to ensure the safety of its citizens, the townsfolk have created a Tiend celebration that results in a sacrifice. Feeling his involvement is required, Spawn tries to stop the sacrifice. But his heroic motives result in Spawn coming face to face with The Forgotten Ones. Angelic creations of God, The Forgotten Ones had refused to fight against their creator; nor would they take up arms against their rebel brothers. Because of these actions, The Forgotten Ones were banished, but they also claim another in the tribe: Mammon. Although it could result in the end of their existence, The Forgotten Ones permit Spawn to try and save the sacrifice and stop the Tiend. Upon completing the ceremony, Spawn is able to save the girl. The Forgotten Ones warn Spawn that stopping this sacrifice has only caused a chain reaction and more sacrifices will need to be made.

Spawn #145

release date: Apr 01, 2005
Spawn #145
His memories taken from him by Mammon, Al Simmons wanders the countryside hoping to find answers to a question he doesn''t even remember. His trip takes him into a bizarre small town that seems to have a certain infatuation with the Devil. The architecture of the town has incorporated the Devil in some way or another: Stained-glass windows, mantles, handrails and doorknockers all contain undeniable Hellish motifs. Simmons comes across a poster for the town''s Teind. Uncertain just what a Teind is, Simmons asks the local bed and breakfast owner Ruth about it. She tells him it is a festival that ensures that the town is surrounded by blessings and good fortune. She also explains the devilish du008ecor as a way to ensure that the town''s folk are aware that evil is all around them. Simmons finds out the about the town''s Teind, its hell-born architecture and the real reasons behind the town''s beliefs as he attempts to rescue a little girl from being sacrificed and comes face to face with The Forgotten Ones.

Spawn #144

release date: Mar 01, 2005
Spawn #144
Pinned down by the very Hellspawn he has vowed to destroy, The Redeemer has been beaten. Spawn makes it clear that he wants to make an example as he swiftly cuts each of The Redeemers'' wings off. As the final feather falls to the ground, The Redeemer reverts to his human form. Then Mammon interrupts. Wasting no time, Mammon reveals that he has been behind all of Spawn''s recent "distractions," and restrains Spawn by using his recently acquired power from Nyx. The game Mammon has been orchestrating is nearing an end. And to ensure the Hellspawn is distracted while Mammon continues with his plans, all of Al Simmons'' memories of Wanda are taken and destroyed. Wandering the country, Simmons is left searching for something that he cannot remember.

Spawn #143

release date: Feb 01, 2005
Spawn #143
Things have not been what they seem. Spawn, Nyx and The Redeemer have all been playing right into Mammon''s hands. Spawn and The Redeemer fight among themselves, with Spawn pinning down The Redeemer and threatening him with his own sword. Mammon reveals to Nyx that she has not only betrayed Spawn, but also been tricked into giving Mammon her connection with the Hellspawn. And it should only be a matter of time before the world finds out what Mammon plans to do with this newfound power.

Spawn #142

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Spawn #142
Set free from the confines of Hell, The Redeemer spreads his wings and enjoys the open sky once more. Now that she has returned from her "rescue mission," Nyx releases AlÕs "shadow" from her control and collapses to the ground. In the hospital bed of Al Simmons, a miracle has occurred. Al, once in a complete coma, has been revived. The federal agents who have observed him since his admittance are not nearly enough to stop him. Al and his "shadow" have a couple of scores to settle. And they both plan to deal with the betrayal by Nyx with the utmost urgency. Suddenly remembering his oath to protect Nyx in exchange for his freedom, The Redeemer rushes back to her side. But with Spawn close to exacting his revenge, The Redeemer may be too late.

Spawn #141

release date: Dec 01, 2004
Spawn #141
Nyx continues to venture deeper into Hell. It appears to be not the same as it once was. Since Spawn abandoned his throne, Hell has descended into chaos. With the current ruler, Hell has become a police state. Even with the aid of The Redeemer, Nyx may not survive.

Spawn #139

release date: Oct 01, 2004
Spawn #139
Near death, Nyx makes final preparations for her trip into the depths of Hell to save her friend, Thea. With Al Simmons in the hospital after his last encounter with the Clown and the thousand of his minions, his condition goes from bad to worse once Nyx takes away his Hell-born essence. With the powers of a Hellspawn at her whim, Nyx strikes a deal with N''Zzezheaal, a lessor lord of Hell, in hopes of gaining free passage into the 8th level of Hell. Once there, Nyx is determined save her friend. But who or what is going to save Nyx?

Spawn #138

release date: Sep 01, 2004
Spawn #138
Featuring a digitally painted wraparound cover by Greg Capullo. Surrounded by darkness, the citizens of Manhattan are praying for sunrise. The police do what they can to protect the innocent from the onslaught of Clowns, but they lost control of the city a long time ago. Spawn is determined to protect the city from the source of this evil, the thousands of maniac Clowns. To do that, Spawn goes back to his roots with the help of massive munitions and attempts to save a subway car full of civilians. When the people he was trying to save turn against him, a bad situation gets worse as SpawnÕs bandolier of grenades transforms the Manhattan subway station into a burial ground. The chaos continues as Al Simmons is left unconscious in the aftermath.

Spawn #137

release date: Aug 01, 2004
Spawn #137
The city of Manhattan has become a circus. Fires blaze uncontrollably. Violence erupts. Panic spreads like the plague. The citizens scream beg and plea for somebody to save them from the chaos. Their hero, Spawn, fights gallantly against the ClownÕs minions and does his best to save the innocent people of Manhattan from this Hellish anarchy. But how long can one man stand against a force of thousands?

Spawn #136

release date: Jun 01, 2004
Spawn #136
Nyx continues her desperate attempt to re-establish the connection with Spawn, when Mammon interrupts. Without revealing any details of his plans, Mammon plays on NyxÕs emotions by showing the pain and anguish Thea is experiencing while in Hell. Still refusing to give in to his mental and physical pain, Spawn awakens to find himself free from the spiritual barriers of The Dead Zone. Determined to put a stop to the ClownÕs plans, he makes his way to the center ring of the ClownÕs newly formed Demented Circus. Spawn and the Violator face off once again, with a broken Spawn failing to overcome the Violator. As the Violator celebrates his victory, he plants a kiss on his defeated foe while all of Manhattan falls into darkness.

Spawn #135

release date: May 01, 2004
Spawn #135
"The Phlebiac Bros. Pandemonium Circus" has a brand new addition, "Hellspawn Patheticus." Contained by the Dead Zone, Spawn is put on display and is taught a lesson on just how truly evil and twisted The Clown is. Still troubled by the offer Mammon gave her, Nyx turns to her old friend Lily with hopes that she will help Nyx save Thea''s soul. Lily makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with it, stating that the best help she can provide would be to pray for both Nyx and Thea. With his own psyche being invaded by Mammon, Spawn summons the strength to attempt one final escape.

Spawn #133

release date: Mar 01, 2004
Spawn #133
Spawn can feel something is not right. While he knows that Jason Wynn has been taken out of the picture, something far more dangerous has been lurking in the shadows, hiding just out of his view. Two street punks witness first hand the return of the Violator. One doesn''t live to tell about it, the second punk becomes the Clown''s sidekick, helping the Clown make what was formerly Spawn Alley a little more comfortable. And Nyx comes face to face with a man who has more influence in the depths of hell than most people have been led to believe -- Mammon.

Spawn #132

release date: Feb 01, 2004
Spawn #132
Spawn comes face to face with the "Where''s Wanda" murderer, Jason Wynn. After confronting Jason, Spawn reveals that Jason will pay for his crimes and true justice will prevail. Jason pleads with Spawn, asking forgiveness and begging for his life. As things begin to look grim for Jason Wynn, the Clown exposes what his real reasons where for "helping" Wynn all this time. As Spawn watches, Wynn falls to his apparent death, and Spawn believes that this problem has been resolved. What Spawn doesn''t know, is that his problems have just begun.

Spawn #131

release date: Dec 01, 2003
Spawn #131
Spawn and Twitch find Max in a house along with seven other ghosts. After being shot by Sally, Twitch offers his life force to Max. Max refuses to let his father go toward the light. Spawn fights off a demon who claims that the ghost occupants of the house are its food. Spawn finally sends the demon back to Hell and uses his Hell-born powers to revive a near-death Twitch.

Spawn #130

release date: Nov 01, 2003
Spawn #130
Al Simmons and Twitch Williams head to Boston in hopes of finding TwitchÕs son, Max. There they find a house occupied by seven desperate souls... and Max Williams. Twitch and Spawn find that the residents of the house do not appreciate guests and things end with a bang when the ghost, Sally, pulls a gun on Max and Twitch.

Spawn #129

release date: Oct 01, 2003
Spawn #129
Homicide Detective Sam Burke investigates a grisly murder scene where the phrase "Where''s Wanda?" is scrawled in blood on the wall above the victim. At the same time, Jason Wynn plays out a scene from Macbeth, as he tries desperately to wash away the blood from his hands and his conscience. Al Simmons finds himself trapped in a game of Russian Roulette with Twitch Williams. Twitch blames Al for destroying his life. As the game comes closer to an end, Spawn teaches Twitch a lesson about life and death.

Spawn #128

release date: Sep 01, 2003
Spawn #128
Jason Wynn, gives an in-depth presentation on the life and death of Al Simmons. Describing Al''s past missions, along with other recent events, Jason concludes that a full investigation should be conducted, along with surveillance on the Fitzgeralds. With Nyx''s assistance, Al learns to control his "Spawn" half. Twitch, patrolling the streets in hopes of finding Al Simmons, gets his wish granted.

Spawn #127

release date: Aug 01, 2003
Spawn #127
Al, Wanda, and Terry each remembers a specific event that had changed their lives. Al recalls a night in a local diner, with Terry and Wanda, just before he is to marry Wanda. Memories of the night of AlÕs last mission flood WandaÕs mind. And Terry, after thinking about the first time he confesses his love to Wanda, decides to quit his current job, and move his family.

Spawn #126

release date: Jul 01, 2003
Spawn #126
Al has made his way past the guardians of the alleys to save Major Forsburg. As Al attempts to set him free from his physical cage, he gets dragged into ForsburgÕs mental prison, where Al defends his former superior officer from the lost soldiers of countless wars. Forsburg, knowing that his pursuers will finally catch up to him, gives Al one final order. Al reluctantly obeys and sets Forsburg free.

Spawn #125

release date: May 01, 2003
Spawn #125
Nyx persuades Al that he should try to right the many sinister deeds he has been responsible for, and starts by going back to the alleys to save Major Forsburg. Triumphantly, Jason Wynn and his new "co-worker" return to the CIA offices. Jason goes right to work, and asks for all the files on Al Simmons. At police headquarters, Twitch discovers that the man who had no shadow was also the man who''s grave had been robbed, Al Simmons.

Spawn #124

release date: Apr 01, 2003
Spawn #124
Just when he thought the possibility of a normal life was looming before him, Al and his truant shadow are reunited, thanks to the misguided Nyx. It becomes clear that Al''s "shadow" is actually Spawn, and the meddlesome Nyx soon realizes that, this time, she may be in way over her head. Meanwhile, Jason Wynn is hearing nothing but apologies and praise from those who had him locked away so long ago. They need his help and cooperation now, and Jason is prepared to take full advantage of the situation. Wynn and his new best friend have created a tenuous partnership, that you can be sure will eventually bring problems for Al.

Spawn #122

release date: Jan 01, 2003
Spawn #122
While Al roams the city, enjoying the small things in life that he''s missed for so long, a Wiccan is trying to contact the man with no shadow. Meanwhile, there are plenty of others who are interested in finding Al, including the people for whom he used to work. In the deepest, most secure part of a government building resides a mostly insane man who may still have valuable information about Al.
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