New Releases by Bonnie Hinman

Bonnie Hinman is the author of Keystone Species That Live in Grasslands (2015), Ming Dynasty China (2014), Opinions about Presidential Speeches (2014), Jennie's War (2013), Thomas Gage (2013).

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Keystone Species That Live in Grasslands

release date: Sep 01, 2015
Keystone Species That Live in Grasslands
This book explores various keystone species, including prairie dogs, bison, honey bees, white rhinoceros, and lemmings, and the important roles that they play in keeping grasslands ecosystems alive and healthy.

Ming Dynasty China

release date: Jan 01, 2014
Ming Dynasty China
Liu Chi is ten years old and lives in China. It is the year 1585, and the era of the Ming Dynasty, which was one of the most exciting times to live in China. Liu Chi has to go to school, do chores, and get along with his brothers and sisters just like kids do today. He lives in Peking, which is now called Bejiing. Come along with Liu as he leads you through the narrow streets of the city to see the sights. There is a grand procession headed by Emperor Wanli to watch and a visit to the sweets shop. You will also make a stop in a park to see a puppet show and climb a tree to peer over the wall around the mysterious Forbidden City. Join Liu Chi for a trip back in time.

Opinions about Presidential Speeches

release date: Jan 01, 2014
Opinions about Presidential Speeches
American presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Ronald Reagan each dealt with tremendous challenges to personal freedoms during their terms in office. In a speech before Congress, Johnson implored the American people to put an end to racial injustice. In a speech delivered while visiting Communist Russia, Reagan encouraged students there to demand the freedoms that Americans have. Learn about those turbulent times and read excerpts from these historic speeches. Then read and evaluate opinion pieces about the effectiveness of the speeches.

Jennie's War

release date: Jun 01, 2013
Jennie's War
Time Period: July 1943 - June 1944 Ten-year-old Jennie Fleming is doing what she can to help win a war-she''s hoeing weeds in her "Victory Garden." In 1944, with the United States battling both Germany and Japan in a worldwide conflict, everyone must play a part in the overall war effort. Jennie''s War uses actual historical events to tell the intriguing fictional story of a young girl on the "home front"-and her suspicions that a new man in the neighborhood might be a spy. The compelling reading makes it a favorite of eight- to twelve-year-old girls.

Thomas Gage

release date: Jan 01, 2013
Thomas Gage
Details the life and accomplishments of the British general who ordered 700 soldiers to march to Concord to destroy the patriots'' supplies and organized the British assault on Bunker Hull.

The Crafty Potter

release date: Jan 01, 2013
The Crafty Potter
In this story set in India, a clever potter named Babu borrows a cruel man''s elephant, and it runs away. When the man threatens him with jail, Babu must come up with a plan to save both the elephant and himself.

American Triumph

release date: Aug 01, 2012
American Triumph
Girls are girls wherever they live—and the Sisters in Time series shows that girls are girls whenever they lived, too! This new collection brings together four historical fiction books for 8–12-year-old girls: Rosa Takes a Chance: Mexican Immigrants in the Dust Bowl Years (1935), Mandy the Outsider: Prelude to World War 2 (1939), Jennie’s War: The Home Front in World War 2 (1944), and Laura’s Victory: End of the Second World War (1945), American Triumph will transport readers back to America’s overcoming of huge national challenges, teaching important lessons of history and Christian faith. Featuring bonus educational materials such as time lines and brief biographies of key historical figures, American Triumph is ideal for anytime reading and an excellent resource for home schooling.

Basic Genealogy for Kids

release date: Jan 01, 2012
Basic Genealogy for Kids
Have you ever heard someone say, “My grandmother was with Ringling Brothers Circus when she was young”? Or perhaps a friend tells you that his great-great-great-grandfather was an outlaw who rode with Jesse James. You realize that you don’t know if your family has ever done anything interesting, so you start digging into the past. Researching your family tree is fun and can be addictive. Once you start finding out about your ancestors or other relatives, you can’t stop. Your grandmother says that her grandfather lived in San Francisco during the big earthquake in 1906. How did he end up in San Francisco, and after that, how did you end up in Missouri? Family tree research may give you the answers to these kinds of questions and much more.

The Executive Branch

release date: Jan 01, 2012
The Executive Branch
The U.S. Constitution says very little about the duties and powers of the head of the nation’s executive branch. The Constitution’s authors were much more certain about what they didn’t want in a president than what they did want. When George Washington took the oath of office to become the first president of the United States, he governed the country with authority and a sense of what a president should be. Since then, U.S. presidents have used his example and Article II of the Constitution as a guide for running the country. Those who have challenged the Constitution, defied it, or ignored it have been defeated by it. The Constitution, with its system of checks and balances, remains the heart of the U.S. government.

The Scoop on School and Work in Colonial America

release date: Jan 01, 2012
The Scoop on School and Work in Colonial America
"Describes various educational and work opportunities in colonial America"--Provided by publisher.

Paula Deen

release date: Jan 01, 2012

Life in the American Colonies

release date: Jan 01, 2012
Life in the American Colonies
Can you imagine what it was like in Colonial America? Who ran the government? What happened if you got sick? And wait until you read about what they wore and ate! Primary sources, maps, and fun to read, fact filled texts provide the answers to what life was really like in the American colonies.

We Visit Pakistan

release date: Sep 15, 2011
We Visit Pakistan
From the Khunjerab Pass into China to the port of Karachi on the Arabian Sea, the young country of Pakistan is full of surprises. The northern mountains offer grand vistas of snow-topped mountains with lush green valleys and sparkling blue glacial lakes. Mountain climbers regularly attempt to scale these peaks, which are among the highest in the world. The old cities of Lahore and Rawalpindi offer a look at the ways of ancient traders and invaders and the more recent occupation by the British Raj. The smells of Pakistan are those of highly spiced curries and lamb kebabs. The sounds are the Muslim calls to prayer, which echo through the streets five times a day. Take a tour of this treasure-filled country, and find out how the people there live, learn, and celebrate their various cultures.

Thanksgiving/Acción de Gracias

release date: Aug 01, 2011
Thanksgiving/Acción de Gracias
Americans love Thanksgiving, and they celebrate it with gusto. Many American families watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, eat too much turkey, and after dinner collapse in front of the television to watch football. Most Americans don’t know that thanksgivings were celebrated long before the Pilgrims had their weeklong party in 1621. These thanksgivings, called harvest festivals, have occurred all over the world since ancient times. They had different names but all were a way of giving thanks for the blessings of the previous year. Find out how the world celebrated thanksgiving then—and continues to celebrate it in modern times. A los estadounidenses les encanta Accion de Gracias y lo celebran con entusiasmo. Muchas familias de Estados Unidos miran el desfi le del dia de Accion de Gracias de Macy’s, comen mas pavo de la cuenta y, despues de la comida, se apoltronan frente a la television para mirar futbol americano. Buena parte de los estadounidenses no sabe que las fiestas de accion de gracias se celebraban mucho antes de que los Peregrinos celebraran una semana de fiesta en 1621. Estas fiestas para dar gracias, llamadas festivales de la cosecha, han tenido lugar en el mundo desde la antiguedad. Tienen diferentes nombres, pero todos son una manera de dar gracias por las bendiciones del ano anterior. Enterate de como el mundo celebraba antano las fiestas de accion de gracias y como continua celebrandolas en la actualidad.

Your Land and My Land: The Middle East, 10 Volume Set

release date: Aug 01, 2011
Your Land and My Land: The Middle East, 10 Volume Set
As students explore the culture and attractions of major countries in Latin America, they also find out about their history, geography, politics, education, economy, and cuisine.

My Guide to the Constitution

release date: Jun 01, 2011
My Guide to the Constitution
In easy-to-read narrative for readers in grades 3 to 6, this six-part series tells the moving story of the birth of the U.S. Constitution, detailing the highest law in the land from concept to modern interpretation and application. The text of the Constitution and its amendments is included, with breezy explanations of each part and examples of how they have been applied through history. Students will find out about the legislative process, the office of the president, the Supreme Court and its justices, the power of the states, and the Bill of Rights and the amendment process.

Eternal Vigilance

release date: Jan 01, 2011
Eternal Vigilance
Ida B. Wells-Barnett was born a slave in Mississippi in 1862. Her childhood ended abruptly when her parents and a baby brother died during a yellow fever epidemic, leaving Ida to care for her five younger siblings. But as she would throughout her life, Ida met the challenge. She became a country schoolteacher at age sixteen to earn money to keep the family together. But her career changed direction when she was dragged off of a train, to the applause of white passengers, after refusing to give up a seat reserved for whites. From that day forward, Ida dedicated herself to fighting injustice, and her fearless crusading gained even more momentum after a close friend was lynched by a Memphis mob in 1892. Ida became a journalist, a pioneering civil rights activist, a co-founder of the NAACP, and a powerful voice for universal suffrage. Her sense of righteous indignation led her to travel throughout the U.S. and Great Britain, sometimes with a nursing baby in tow, to speak out against the oppression of African Americans, Strong-willed and uncompromising, Ida B. Wells-Barnett never gave up, kept quiet, or backed down. Book jacket.

We Visit Peru

release date: Dec 23, 2010
We Visit Peru
Ask a traveler about the wonders of Peru, and he will probably mention the ruins of “lost cities” that were thriving before the Europeans arrived, such as Machu Picchu, one of the homes of the Inca people. He might also mention the Moche pyramids and the Nazca Lines, evidence that the indigenous people of Peru had advanced civilizations. Peru’s geography allowed many different cultures to develop in isolation from the others. They began to mix when the Inca moved tribes they had conquered to different parts of their kingdom. After Spain conquered the area, other people from Europe and Asia moved to Peru as well. The combining of all these people and cultures underlies almost every aspect of Peruvian life. Come explore the vibrant country that Peru has become, from the historically rich capital of Lima to the traditional floating islands on Lake Titicaca. Find out how the people work, play, and celebrate in this colorful portrait of Peru.

We Visit Panama

release date: Dec 23, 2010
We Visit Panama
Come to Panama and see a small nation that acts like it is big. The Panama Canal transports ships from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean in less than a day. That feat alone makes Panama important to the rest of the world. But there is more to Panama than the canal. The Kuna Indians live on islands off the Caribbean coast, where they welcome vistors to observe their way of life. In the western highlands is the inactive Volcán Barú where quetzals fly. In Panama City is Casco Viejo, the old part of the city where Panama declared its independence from Colombia in 1903. The mysterious and sometimes dangerous Darién calls visitors to experience rain forests, beaches, and a spectacular collection of wildlife. And the Panama Canal always beckons to travelers who want to see how the famous locks work. You may find yourself wanting to stay in Panama rather than head home at the end of your visit.

Pennsylvania: William Penn and the City of Brotherly Love

release date: Dec 23, 2010
Pennsylvania: William Penn and the City of Brotherly Love
King Charles II of England gave Pennsylvania to Quaker William Penn in repayment for a loan that Penn’s father had made to the king. The king probably thought he was accomplishing more than just paying a debt when he made the land grant. It was a way to get rid of some Quakers, whom he considered troublesome. Quakers did flock to Pennsylvania to settle, but so did people from many other religious groups. All faiths were welcome in Penn’s colony. The new city of Philadelphia prospered. Settlers fanned out to the west to build farms and towns. They shipped their products to Philadelphia and England. By the time of the American Revolution, Pennsylvania was considered the heart of the colonies. Philadelphia hosted the First and Second Continental Congresses, where the Declaration of Independence was crafted. And from the Pennsylvania State House, the Liberty Bell rang out the news of declared independence.

The Massachusetts Bay Colony: The Puritans Arrive from England

release date: Dec 23, 2010
The Massachusetts Bay Colony: The Puritans Arrive from England
John Winthrop''s plan for "the Citty upon a Hill" was grand and based on noble motives. He wanted a place where he and other Puritans could live and prosper without religious persecution. That place was the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Winthrop and his fellow Puritans landed in Massachusetts Bay in 1630. Soon they had organized a government, started towns, and were sending goods back to England. Decades later, Boston, Massachusetts, was a hotbed of radical activity during the years before the Revolutionary War. The war started with the battles of Lexington and Concord in the Massachusetts countryside not far from Boston. The freedom that came for America after that struggle went far toward achieving the dream of John Winthrop. The United States of America became a sort of "citty upon a hill," where all men and women had the right to live peacefully without persecution.

Tony Blair

release date: Jan 01, 2009
Tony Blair
Examines the life of Tony Blair, from his childhood in Edinburgh, Scotland, through his career as prime minister of Great Britain.

John Legend

release date: Jan 01, 2009
John Legend
Chronicles the life and musical career of John Stephens, better known by his stage name of John Legend.

They Died Too Young Set

release date: Sep 01, 2005
They Died Too Young Set
The compelling stories of extraordinary public figures lost to the world in their prime.

Revolutionary War Leaders Set

release date: Sep 01, 2005
Revolutionary War Leaders Set
Compelling portraits o American history''s most notable male and female leaders Includes informative sidebars Interesting, easy-to-understand content Complements school curriculum

Galaxy of Superstars Set

release date: Sep 01, 2005
Galaxy of Superstars Set
" Traces the lives and careers of today''s hottest stars" Great for reluctant readers" Attractive full-color covers and candid photos

Major World Leaders Set

Major World Leaders Set
Absorbing accounts of the leaders whose ideas and actions have changed the course of history Examines each person''s life in the context of the politics of the time Full-color photographs enhance each book

Florence Nightingale and the Advancement of Nursing

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Florence Nightingale and the Advancement of Nursing
A biography of Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of women''s nursing, including her childhood, training, work in the Crimean War, and her school for nurses.

Faith Hill

release date: Jan 01, 2001
Faith Hill
Examines the private life and professional career of country music star, Faith Hill.

John F. Kennedy, Jr

release date: Jan 01, 2001
John F. Kennedy, Jr
Presents the life of the celebrated member of the famous political family who died in a plane crash in 1999.
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