Most Popular Books by Atsushi

Atsushi is the author of Evol 1 (2023), Soul Eater, Vol. 10 (2014), Evol 5 (2024), Fire Force 25 (2021), Fire Force 15 (2019), Fire Force 24 (2021).

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Evol 1

release date: May 01, 2023
Evol 1
Supereroi, poteri inspiegabili e distruzione. Gli ingredienti per l’inizio del caos ci sono tutti. La miccia per far esplodere questa gigantesca bomba? Tre adolescenti incazzati con il mondo. Dall’autore di Soil, Atsushi Kaneko, un manga da leggere con musica hardcore punk a tutto volume.

Soul Eater, Vol. 10

release date: Apr 08, 2014
Soul Eater, Vol. 10
With Doctor Stein unable to carry on, Maka, Kid, and Black*Star enter the magnetic field to take up the mission and locate the tempestuous demon tool known as Brew. Time is quickly running out as the three face off against Mosquito, struggling to harmonize their wavelengths within the magnetized vortex. They''ll be lucky to escape with their lives, let alone the demon tool!

Evol 5

release date: Jan 01, 2024
Evol 5
Gli EVOL vogliono distruggere il mondo e i supereroi vogliono distruggere gli EVOL. È una folle corsa verso l’annientamento totale. Nessuna pietà. Nessun prigioniero. Dall’autore di Soil, Atsushi Kaneko, un manga da leggere con musica hardcore punk a tutto volume.

Fire Force 25

release date: Oct 01, 2021
Fire Force 25
Ein gigantisches Flammenwesen steht vor den Toren der Stadt und die Feuerwehrsondereinheiten bündeln ihre Kräfte, um es zu bekampfen. Shinra, der im Kampf das Bewusstsein verloren hat, gelangt nach Adora, wo er Inka begegnet. Diese überredet ihn, sich mithilfe seiner Überlichtgeschwindigkeit in die Vergangenheit vor die letzte große Katastrophe zu katapultieren. Dieser Ausflug hat jedoch Folgen ...

Fire Force 15

release date: Apr 30, 2019
Fire Force 15
INTO THE SHADOWS After their shocking discovery at the Oasis, Company 8 is forced to keep quiet while the top brass decide what to do with the information they obtained. Meanwhile, tired of all the secrets, the mysterious Joker teams up with Company 7’s Captain Benimaru to fight a common foe: the leaders of the Holy Sol Temple!

Fire Force 24

release date: Aug 01, 2021
Fire Force 24
Während die Weißen Kapuzen die letzten Vorbereitungen treffen, um die zweite große Katastrophe einzuläuten, macht sich auch die achte Einheit bereit für den Kampf. Kommandeur Obi sucht nach Verbündeten, Vulcan schmiedet ein neues Excalibur für Arthur und Shinra versucht, einen Adora Link aufzubauen, um seinen kleinen Bruder wiederzusehen.

Fire Force 23

release date: Jun 01, 2021
Fire Force 23
Als der Kampf gegen Dragon droht, für die achte Einheit in einem Desaster zu enden, taucht überraschend der mysteriöse Moonlight Mask auf. Kann er die achte Einheit retten oder vielleicht sogar den übermächtigen Gegner schlagen?

I, Atsu

release date: Oct 22, 2019
I, Atsu
I was born in 1931 with cerebral palsy. At that time people with my condition did not live for long, or were institutionalized. Thanks to the loving kindness of my parents and family I have lived a long time. This book is a tribute to all parents who truly care for their disabled children. I wish you all the best. Atsushi Uyeda.

Evol T01

release date: Apr 12, 2023
Evol T01
Ce jour-là, la vie de deux jeunes filles et d''un garçon déçus de ce monde aurait dû s''achever, mais par malchance, leur tentative de mettre fin à leur vie a échoué : ils ont survécu. Lorsqu''ils reprennent connaissance à l''hôpital, ils se découvrent dotés d''étranges pouvoirs" ; des pouvoirs qui, en principe, ne se transmettent que par le sang chez les alliés de la justice que l''on appelle "héros"..."

Calculating a Natural World

release date: Jan 01, 2008
Calculating a Natural World
How the complex interplay of academic, commercial, and military interests produced an intense period of scientific discovery and technological innovation in computing during the Cold War.

Evol 2

release date: Jul 01, 2023
Evol 2
Tremate, umani! Sono gli EVOL, risorti dal baratro della morte per distruggere questo schifo di mondo… Ma chi erano i tre protagonisti prima di acquisire i poteri? E cosa li ha spinti a questo? Dall’autore di Soil, Atsushi Kaneko, un manga da leggere con musica hardcore punk a tutto volume.

Fire Force 3

release date: Apr 04, 2017
Fire Force 3
The fiery action manga that inspired the brand-new anime, from the creator of Soul Eater! THE HERO AND THE PRINCESS Captain Princess Hibana is hiding secrets about the origins of spontaneous human combustion, and it''s Company 8''s job to expose them! Shinra and the team head to Company 5 to learn the truth and to rescue Sister Iris, who has fallen into Hibana''s clutches. Can Shinra defeat the princess and prove that heroes really do exist?

Evol 4

release date: Nov 01, 2023
Evol 4
SENZA ESCLUSIONE DI COLPI! Dopo aver sconfitto Lightning Volt e Thunder Girl, gli EVOL devono vedersela con altri due supereroi, gli Hell Eater. La battaglia tra il bene e il male continua! Gli EVOL vogliono radere al suolo questo dannato mondo e nessuno li potrà fermare...

Fire Force 10

release date: Jun 26, 2018
Fire Force 10
A new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater! HIS BROTHER''S KEEPER Shinra has found Shō at last, and he''s eager to rescue him from the clutches of the Evangelist. But Shō has no memory of his older brother, and refuses to accept the possibility that the two of them are related. Shinra''s only choice is to beat Shō up and drag him home, but how can he defeat someone who has the power to stop time?

Fire Force 4

release date: Jun 13, 2017
Fire Force 4
The fiery action manga that inspired the brand-new anime, from the creator of Soul Eater! FIRE BUGS Shinra has discovered that someone is using a bug to turn people into Infernals. He''s narrowed the suspects down to two, and now he must figure out which one is the real culprit. Can he find out who is friend and who is foe without first getting caught himself?

Fire Force 8

release date: Feb 13, 2018
Fire Force 8
A new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater! FAMILY REUNION The battle at Vulcan''s workshop continues, and Shinra finds himself face-to-face with his long-lost brother, Shō. Shinra is determined to keep the promise he made to his mother, but Shō has other plans: He orders his knights to destroy Company 8 and take Shinra back to the Evangelist with them!

Arakelov Geometry

release date: Nov 05, 2014
Arakelov Geometry
The main goal of this book is to present the so-called birational Arakelov geometry, which can be viewed as an arithmetic analog of the classical birational geometry, i.e., the study of big linear series on algebraic varieties. After explaining classical results about the geometry of numbers, the author starts with Arakelov geometry for arithmetic curves, and continues with Arakelov geometry of arithmetic surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties. The book includes such fundamental results as arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel formula, arithmetic Nakai-Moishezon criterion, arithmetic Bogomolov inequality, the existence of small sections, the continuity of arithmetic volume function, the Lang-Bogomolov conjecture and so on. In addition, the author presents, with full details, the proof of Faltings'' Riemann-Roch theorem. Prerequisites for reading this book are the basic results of algebraic geometry and the language of schemes.

Quarks, Baryons and Chiral Symmetry

release date: Jan 01, 2001
Quarks, Baryons and Chiral Symmetry
This book describes baryon models constructed from quarks, mesons and chiral symmetry. The role of chiral symmetry and of quark model structure with SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry are discussed in detail, starting from a pedagogic introduction. Emphasis is placed on symmetry aspects of the theories. As an application, the chiral bag model is studied for nucleon structure, where important methods of theoretical physics, mostly related to the semiclassical approach for a system of strong interactions, are demonstrated. The text is more practical than formal; tools and ideas are explained in detail while solving actual problems. By checking each step of the computations, readers can learn not only the calculational techniques but also the essential ideas behind them.

Fire Force 9

release date: Apr 03, 2018
Fire Force 9
A new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater! INTO THE ABYSS With the help of their new scientist Viktor Licht, Company 8 has tracked the Evangelist''s minions to their hideout in the forbidden underground known as the Nether. With special permission from the Holy Sol Temple, our heroes launch an attack, but the enemy is ready for them. And when the members of Company 8 become separated from one another, they must find the courage to face their battles alone!

Fire Force 7

release date: Dec 05, 2017
Fire Force 7
The fiery action manga that inspired the brand-new anime, from the creator of Soul Eater! The city of Tokyo is in the grip of a reign of terror! Possessed by demons, people have begun to burst into flame, leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team: the Fire Force, ready to roll on a moment''s notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out. But the team is about to get a very unique addition: Shinra, a boy who possesses the unique power to run at the speed of a rocket, leaving behind the famous "devil''s footprints" (and destroying his shoes in the process). Can the Fire Force discover the source of this strange phenomenon and put a stop to it? Or will the city burn to ashes first?

Evol 3

release date: Sep 01, 2023
Evol 3
Gli EVOL sono insorti. Vogliono mettere a ferro e fuoco questo mondo e nulla potrà fermarli. Ma Lighting Volt e Thunder Girl entrano in azione… EVOL contro supereroi: la battaglia ha inizio!

Soul Eater NOT!, Chapter 38

release date: Jul 14, 2014
Soul Eater NOT!, Chapter 38
When the threat in Death City becomes all too real, Anya''s dream of living a commoner''s life may have come to a bittersweet close. Left meisterless without Anya and Meme by her side, what can Tsugumi do on her own?! Read the next installment of Soul Eater NOT! simultaneously with its Japanese release!

Soul Eater Not!: The Perfect Edition 01

release date: Jul 23, 2024
Soul Eater Not!: The Perfect Edition 01
Experience the fun-filled, action-packed spin-off to Atsushi Ohkubo''s global hit with this all-new, deluxe collector''s edition! The birds are chirping, the sun is laughing... It''s a beautiful day in Death City, Nevada, and fourteen-year-old Tsugumi Harudori is off to enroll at Death Weapon Meister Academy! But before she can become a rich and famous hero, she''ll have to find a trusty partner (or two) who can wield her! The saga of the Meisters and their Weapons takes on a whole new look in the gorgeous Soul Eater NOT!: The Perfect Edition! Dive into Tsugumi, Meme, and Anya''s adventures in a unique larger format on high-end paper stock that maximizes the dynamic art of the series! Each volume of this deluxe omnibus edition of the megahit manga includes: The content of approximately 11/2 original volumes! The original color pages from the manga''s Japanese serialization! An updated translation and lettering! Brand-new cover art drawn by creator Atsushi Ohkubo himself!

Fire Force - Tome 6

release date: Apr 19, 2018
Fire Force - Tome 6
Les sbires du Grand Prédicateur ont semé la zizanie, si bien que la 8e et la 7e brigade vont devoir s''affronter ! Quelle sera l''issue de ce violent combat ? Tout Asakusa se retrouve plongé dans le chaos ! Alors que le quartier est en proie aux flammes et que les hommes en blanc passent à l''attaque, comment vont réagir la 8e et la 7e brigade ? Comment Shinra et ses camarades vont-ils se sortir de ce mauvais pas ?! De plus, de nouvelles Torches humaines vont apparaître ! Shinra va encore une fois devoir mettre les bouchées doubles !!

Evol T03

release date: Aug 23, 2023
Evol T03
Profonde et éblouissante est la pénombre du désespoir...La puissance qu''engendre le drame met le feu à la violence : Akari est libérée de l''emprise de ses parents ; Sakura, devinant qu''une tragédie est sur le point de se produire, vole la rejoindre, tandis que Nozomi tente de secourir sa mère tenue en otage... Au coeur de ce chaos, les trois membres d''EVOL semblent basculer du côté du mal : c''est là que Lightning Volt, héros doté d''un sens un rien particulier de la justice, entre en scène !

Soul Eater NOT!, Vol. 3

release date: Jul 22, 2014
Soul Eater NOT!, Vol. 3
The attack on Eternal Feather is a cruel reminder that there is very real danger out there for the weapons and meisters of DWMA. Tsugumi is more determined than ever to develop her skills so that she can defend her friends in the future. But the road ahead is filled with challenges...and silliness!

Fire Force 34

release date: Aug 22, 2023
Fire Force 34
Now a hit anime! The new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater! Final volume! The city of Tokyo is in the grip of a reign of terror! Possessed by demons, people have begun to burst into flame, leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team: the Fire Force, ready to roll on a moment''s notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out. But the team is about to get a very unique addition: Shinra, a boy who possesses the unique power to run at the speed of a rocket, leaving behind the famous "devil''s footprints" (and destroying his shoes in the process). Can the Fire Force discover the source of this strange phenomenon and put a stop to it? Or will the city burn to ashes first?
81 - 120 of 184 results
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