New Releases by Atsushi

Atsushi is the author of Fire Force 18 (2020), Fire Force 19 (2020), Fire Force 17 (2020), Fire Force 01 (2020), Fire Force 04 (2020), Fire Force 05 (2020).

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Fire Force 18

release date: Aug 01, 2020
Fire Force 18
Tamakis Erdrutschsieg hat Assault ganz schön gewurmt. Er trainiert, um sie endlich zu schlagen, aber irgendwie hat er ihren Waffen nichts entgegenzusetzen. Maki wird indes von ihrem Vater zurück zur Armee beordert. Somit muss die achte Einheit ohne sie zurechtkommen, als sie gemeinsam mit der zweiten Sondereinheit mit der Untersuchung der neu entdeckten Versuchslabore in der Unterwelt beginnen. Was erwartet sie in der Dunkelheit?

Fire Force 19

release date: Jun 23, 2020
Fire Force 19
Company 8 has joined forces with Company 2 on a large-scale investigation of the Nether, but their combined powers may not be enough. Before long, most of the fire soldiers in Company 2 are killed and brought back as Infernals by Ritsu and her Knights of the Purple Haze… What’s worse, the Evangelist’s minions move in on their ultimate goal: To wipe out the entire Tokyo Empire.

Fire Force 17

release date: Mar 16, 2020
Fire Force 17
Der Kampf um die sechste Säule ist in vollem Gange und nur, wenn die achte Einheit mit den Mitarbeitern von Haijima Heavy Industries zusammenarbeitet, haben sie eine Chance zu siegen. Und während Arthur mal wieder zum Ritter wird, steht Shinra plötzlich ein Helfer des Predigers zur Seite! Wer wird diesmal als Sieger aus dem Kampf hervorgehen?

Fire Force 01

release date: Feb 29, 2020
Fire Force 01
Shinra Kusakabe ist neu bei der achten Sondereinheit der Feuerwehr, die gegen ein seltsames Phänomen kämpft, bei dem Menschen unvermittelt in Flammen aufgehen und zu Flammenwesen werden. Shinra, der seine Familie bei einem Brand vor zwölf Jahren verlor, setzt alles daran, ein Held zu werden, um andere beschützen zu können. Bereits sein erster Einsatz zeigt ihm, was es heißt, diesen Job zu machen!

Fire Force 04

release date: Feb 21, 2020
Fire Force 04
Es gibt jemanden, der künstliche Flammenwesen erschafft vielleicht ist es sogar ein Feuerwehrsoldat!! Um einen Anhaltspunkt zum Täter zu finden, schleust die achte Sondereinheit Shinra und Arthur bei der ersten Einheit ein. Und tatsächlich kommt es während der verdeckten Ermittlungen schon bald zu einem seltsamen Zwischenfall. Sind die Hauptmänner der ersten Einheit etwa in die Verschwörung verwickelt oder ist alles ein großes Missverständnis? Shinra heizt den Bösen jedenfalls wieder mal ordentlich ein!!!

Fire Force 05

release date: Feb 21, 2020
Fire Force 05
Die Suche nach dem Prediger, der hinter den erzwungenen Selbstentzündungen stecken soll, hat höchste Priorität und eine Spur führt direkt nach Asakusa, ins Einsatzgebiet der siebten Einheit! Shinra grübelt immer noch über die Worte des Jokers nach, der Neuigkeiten zu seinem verstorben geglaubten Bruder hatte. Aber kann er dem Typen überhaupt trauen und wie soll er seinen Kameraden davon erzählen? Doch dann erfährt er, wie die achte Einheit eigentlich gegründet wurde ...

Fire Force 12

release date: Feb 21, 2020
Fire Force 12
Shinra läuft Amok!! Durch ein rätselhaftes Mädchen, das per Adora Link Kontakt zu Shinra hergestellt hat, verfällt dieser in Raserei! Ein bitterer Kampf beginnt zwischen Arthur und ihm, um Shinra wieder zur Besinnung zu bringen! Zudem wird die Geburt einer neuen Adora Burst angekündigt. Wer wird diese zuerst finden, die FeuerwehrSondereinheiten oder die Weißen Kapuzen?

Fire Force 09

release date: Feb 21, 2020
Fire Force 09
Nachdem die Mitglieder der achten Einheit voneinander getrennt wurden, muss jeder für sich gegen die starken Kämpfer aus dem Gefolge des Predigers kämpfen, was ihnen alles abverlangt. Schließlich steht Shinra seinem kleinen Bruder gegenüber und während Victor Licht gebannt zusieht, beginnen sie zu kämpfen ... Wird die achte Einheit auch diese Prüfung meistern?

Fire Force 08

release date: Feb 21, 2020
Fire Force 08
In Vulcans Werkstatt trifft Shinra erstmals seit dem Feuer auf seinen kleinen Bruder Sho. Doch dieses Treffen entpuppt sich nicht als freudiges Wiedersehen! Die jungen Feuerwehrsoldaten, die eigentlich nur einen Techniker für die achte Sondereinheit anwerben sollten, geraten in Bedrängnis. Wird Shinra in die Hände der weißen Kapuzen fallen, die großes Interesse an seinen Flammenfähigkeiten haben?

Fire Force 02

release date: Feb 21, 2020
Fire Force 02
Ein mysteriöser Mann stört das Turnier der Neulinge und offenbart Shinra eine schockierende Wahrheit über seine Vergangenheit. Doch auch die achte Sondereinheit verbirgt ein Geheimnis, das den jungen Feuerwehrsoldaten der dritten Generation aus den Socken haut! Was wird Shinra noch alles herausfinden?

I, Atsu

release date: Oct 22, 2019
I, Atsu
I was born in 1931 with cerebral palsy. At that time people with my condition did not live for long, or were institutionalized. Thanks to the loving kindness of my parents and family I have lived a long time. This book is a tribute to all parents who truly care for their disabled children. I wish you all the best. Atsushi Uyeda.

Fire Force 15

release date: Apr 30, 2019
Fire Force 15
INTO THE SHADOWS After their shocking discovery at the Oasis, Company 8 is forced to keep quiet while the top brass decide what to do with the information they obtained. Meanwhile, tired of all the secrets, the mysterious Joker teams up with Company 7’s Captain Benimaru to fight a common foe: the leaders of the Holy Sol Temple!

Fire Force 14

release date: Feb 19, 2019
Fire Force 14
WELCOME TO THE OASIS Shinra and the other soldiers working Operation Chinese Landing have arrived at the Oasis, a mysterious forest thriving in the middle of a barren wasteland. But what’s even more surprising than the talking animals that live there is the edifice at its center–a power plant identical to the miracle machine that provides energy for the Tokyo Empire. Can the team find out the secrets of this Tabernacle before the Infernal invaders destroy the whole forest?

Fire Force 10

release date: Jun 26, 2018
Fire Force 10
A new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater! HIS BROTHER'S KEEPER Shinra has found Shō at last, and he's eager to rescue him from the clutches of the Evangelist. But Shō has no memory of his older brother, and refuses to accept the possibility that the two of them are related. Shinra's only choice is to beat Shō up and drag him home, but how can he defeat someone who has the power to stop time?

Fire Force - Tome 6

release date: Apr 19, 2018
Fire Force - Tome 6
Les sbires du Grand Prédicateur ont semé la zizanie, si bien que la 8e et la 7e brigade vont devoir s'affronter ! Quelle sera l'issue de ce violent combat ? Tout Asakusa se retrouve plongé dans le chaos ! Alors que le quartier est en proie aux flammes et que les hommes en blanc passent à l'attaque, comment vont réagir la 8e et la 7e brigade ? Comment Shinra et ses camarades vont-ils se sortir de ce mauvais pas ?! De plus, de nouvelles Torches humaines vont apparaître ! Shinra va encore une fois devoir mettre les bouchées doubles !!

Fire Force 9

release date: Apr 03, 2018
Fire Force 9
A new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater! INTO THE ABYSS With the help of their new scientist Viktor Licht, Company 8 has tracked the Evangelist's minions to their hideout in the forbidden underground known as the Nether. With special permission from the Holy Sol Temple, our heroes launch an attack, but the enemy is ready for them. And when the members of Company 8 become separated from one another, they must find the courage to face their battles alone!

Fire Force 8

release date: Feb 13, 2018
Fire Force 8
A new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater! FAMILY REUNION The battle at Vulcan's workshop continues, and Shinra finds himself face-to-face with his long-lost brother, Shō. Shinra is determined to keep the promise he made to his mother, but Shō has other plans: He orders his knights to destroy Company 8 and take Shinra back to the Evangelist with them!

Fire Force 7

release date: Dec 05, 2017
Fire Force 7
The fiery action manga that inspired the brand-new anime, from the creator of Soul Eater! The city of Tokyo is in the grip of a reign of terror! Possessed by demons, people have begun to burst into flame, leading to the establishment of a special firefighting team: the Fire Force, ready to roll on a moment's notice to fight spontaneous combustion anywhere it might break out. But the team is about to get a very unique addition: Shinra, a boy who possesses the unique power to run at the speed of a rocket, leaving behind the famous "devil's footprints" (and destroying his shoes in the process). Can the Fire Force discover the source of this strange phenomenon and put a stop to it? Or will the city burn to ashes first?

Fire Force 4

release date: Jun 13, 2017
Fire Force 4
The fiery action manga that inspired the brand-new anime, from the creator of Soul Eater! FIRE BUGS Shinra has discovered that someone is using a bug to turn people into Infernals. He's narrowed the suspects down to two, and now he must figure out which one is the real culprit. Can he find out who is friend and who is foe without first getting caught himself?

Fire Force 3

release date: Apr 04, 2017
Fire Force 3
The fiery action manga that inspired the brand-new anime, from the creator of Soul Eater! THE HERO AND THE PRINCESS Captain Princess Hibana is hiding secrets about the origins of spontaneous human combustion, and it's Company 8's job to expose them! Shinra and the team head to Company 5 to learn the truth and to rescue Sister Iris, who has fallen into Hibana's clutches. Can Shinra defeat the princess and prove that heroes really do exist?

Fire Force

release date: Jan 01, 2016

Soul Eater NOT!, Vol. 5

release date: Jul 21, 2015
Soul Eater NOT!, Vol. 5
Ding-dong! DEAD-dong! Class is in session, but even DWMA is preparing for the annual Death Festival held on Halloween. But while Death City is abuzz with excitement and delight, something sinister is brewing within its shadows...and it seems the girls' carefree school days are in for a rude awakening with a shocking betrayal! Can DWMA stop the nefarious witch Shaula Gorgon's schemes before it's too late? And will Tsugumi ever get to make her choice?! It's a savage but super-fun conclusion!

Soul Eater, Vol. 25

release date: Mar 24, 2015
Soul Eater, Vol. 25
Kid's sense of order stands in sharp contrast to the unpredictable madness of the Kishin. But order and madness are two sides of the same coin. When Asura challenges the "tyrannical" Shinigami and his laws that serve to control humans' lives, Kid can feel the tendrils of madness within himself seeking purchase. The bonds of his friendships and his faith in order are tested to their limits as Asura makes his final stand against the forces of DWMA. When the moondust settles, who will emerge as lord of this world--Shinigami or Kishin?

Soul Eater, Vol. 24

release date: Jan 20, 2015
Soul Eater, Vol. 24
DWMA braces for the final showdown as the Kishin awakens from his slumber at the heart of the moon. Unable to contain his rage, Noah is the first to attack, the Book of Eibon and "BREW" fueling his assault. Despite his formidable efforts, though, Noah is overcome not by the Kishin, but by the sudden appearance of Crona. With the world hanging in the balance, DWMA can only wonder who will prove to be the greater foe--the Kishin...or Crona...

Soul Eater, Vol. 23

release date: Nov 18, 2014
Soul Eater, Vol. 23
Kid enters the witches' realm to appeal for help! Though they have been DWMA's enemies for years, the witches share a respect for order--and are equally threatened by the Kishin. Kid's immediate goal is to deal with the situation on the moon, but he hopes that the negotiations will forge a new pact between DWMA and witches in the future--assuming anyone survives the Kishin's madness!

Arakelov Geometry

release date: Nov 05, 2014
Arakelov Geometry
The main goal of this book is to present the so-called birational Arakelov geometry, which can be viewed as an arithmetic analog of the classical birational geometry, i.e., the study of big linear series on algebraic varieties. After explaining classical results about the geometry of numbers, the author starts with Arakelov geometry for arithmetic curves, and continues with Arakelov geometry of arithmetic surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties. The book includes such fundamental results as arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel formula, arithmetic Nakai-Moishezon criterion, arithmetic Bogomolov inequality, the existence of small sections, the continuity of arithmetic volume function, the Lang-Bogomolov conjecture and so on. In addition, the author presents, with full details, the proof of Faltings' Riemann-Roch theorem. Prerequisites for reading this book are the basic results of algebraic geometry and the language of schemes.

Lesson Study for Learning Community

release date: Sep 25, 2014
Lesson Study for Learning Community
Lesson Study has been actively introduced from Japan to various parts of the world, starting with the US. Such introduction is heavily connected with a focus on mathematics education and there is a strong misconception that Lesson Study is only for mathematics or science. The introduction is usually done at the departmental or form level and there has been a strong question about its sustainability in schools. This book comprehensively explores the idea of Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC) and suggests that reform for the culture of the school is needed in order to change learning levels among the children, teachers and even parents. In order for this to happen, the ways of management and leadership are also included as objectives of LSLC, as are practices at the classroom level. It argues that LSLC is a comprehensive vision and framework of school reform and needs to be taken up in a holistic way across disciplines. Chapters include: How to Create Time How to Build the Team How to Promote Reform How to Reform Daily Lessons How to Conduct a Research Lesson How to Discuss Observed Lessons How to Sustain School Reform based on LSLC Strong interest in LSLC is already prevalent in Asian countries, such as Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore and is now being introduced more in the west. This book will be of great interest to those involved in education policy and reform, and for practitioners of education at all levels.

Soul Eater, Vol. 21

release date: Jul 22, 2014
Soul Eater, Vol. 21
Crona's crimes have become too terrible to ignore, and the troubled youth is added to Shinigami's list. Hoping to reach her friend first, Maka extends her soul perception ability to engulf the entire planet. But the sweep delivers even more than she had bargained for--the location of the Kishin's hideout!

Soul Eater NOT!, Vol. 3

release date: Jul 22, 2014
Soul Eater NOT!, Vol. 3
The attack on Eternal Feather is a cruel reminder that there is very real danger out there for the weapons and meisters of DWMA. Tsugumi is more determined than ever to develop her skills so that she can defend her friends in the future. But the road ahead is filled with challenges...and silliness!

Soul Eater NOT!, Chapter 38

release date: Jul 14, 2014
Soul Eater NOT!, Chapter 38
When the threat in Death City becomes all too real, Anya's dream of living a commoner's life may have come to a bittersweet close. Left meisterless without Anya and Meme by her side, what can Tsugumi do on her own?! Read the next installment of Soul Eater NOT! simultaneously with its Japanese release!
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