Best Selling Books by Albert Camus

Albert Camus is the author of American Journals (1990), Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism (2007), Resistance, Rebellion, and Death (1961), Summer in Algiers (2005), Veba (2014).

41 - 72 of 72 results

American Journals

release date: Jun 01, 1990
American Journals
Albert Camus remains one of the most important writers of the 20th century. Camus''s observations of American life are at once insightful and hard-hitting; a reflection of his own dreams, fears, and desires; and a symbol of his intense struggle to find an ethic in that sober decade of human history.

Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism

release date: Jan 01, 2007
Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism
Contemporary scholarship tends to view Albert Camus as a modern, but he himself was conscious of the past and called the transition from Hellenism to Christianity \"the true and only turning point in history.\" For Camus, modernity was not fully comprehensible without an examination of the aspirations that were first articulated in antiquity and that later received their clearest expression in Christianity. These aspirations amounted to a fundamental reorientation of human life in politics, religion, science, and philosophy. Understanding the nature and achievement of that reorientation became the central task of Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism. Primarily known through its inclusion in a French omnibus edition, it has remained one of Camus'' least-read works, yet it marks his first attempt to understand the relationship between Greek philosophy and Christianity as he charted the movement from the Gospels through Gnosticism and Plotinus to what he calls Augustine''s \"second revelation\" of the Christian faith. Ronald Srigley''s translation of this seminal document helps illuminate these aspects of Camus'' work. His freestanding English edition exposes readers to an important part of Camus'' thought that is often overlooked by those concerned primarily with the book''s literary value and supersedes the extant McBride translation by retaining a greater degree of literalness. Srigley has fully annotated Christian Metaphysics to include nearly all of Camus'' original citations and has tracked down many poorly identified sources. When Camus cites an ancient primary source, whether in French translation or in the original language, Srigley substitutes a standard English translation in the interest of making his edition accessible to a wider range of readers. His introduction places the text in the context of Camus'' better-known later work, explicating its relationship to those mature writings and exploring how its themes were reworked in subsequent books. Arguing that Camus was one of the great critics of modernity through his attempt to disentangle the Greeks from the Christians, Srigley clearly demonstrates the place of Christian Metaphysics in Camus'' oeuvre. As the only stand-alone English version of this important work-and a long-overdue critical edition-his fluent translation is an essential benchmark in our understanding of Camus and his place in modern thought.

Summer in Algiers

release date: Jan 01, 2005
Summer in Algiers
In May 2005 Penguin will publish 70 unique titles to celebrate the company''s 70th birthday. The titles in the Pocket Penguins series are emblematic of the renowned breadth of quality of the Penguin list and will hark back to Penguin founder Allen Lane''s vision of good books for all''. three essays evoke different aspects of the place - the title essay The Minotaur and The Return to Tipasa.


release date: Jul 02, 2014
Keskin bir gözlem gücünün desteklediği arı bir bilinçle yazılmış olan Veba, yalnızca XX. yüzyılın değil, bütün bir insanlık tarihinin ortak bir sorununa değinir: felaketin yazgıya dönüşmesi. Çağının önde gelen düşünürlerinden Nobel ödüllü yazar Albert Camus''nün hiçbir yapıtında böylesine acı bir yazgı, böylesine şiirsel bir dille ele alınmamıştır. Veba, insanın ve aydınlığın şiiridir. Bu şiirde renkler alabildiğine koyu, ancak yazarın sesi o denli umut doludur. Beklenmedik bir boyuta ulaşan veba salgını, tüm Oran kenti sakinlerini önce umutsuzluğa boğar, ardından Doktor Rieux, Tarron ve Grand''ın gösterdikleri dayanışma örneği, başta yetkililer olmak üzere, herkes için güç ve umut kaynağı olur. İşte Albert Camus''nün insana bakışı ve inancı, bu noktada karşımıza çıkar. Camus, okurlarını, ortadan kaldıramayacağını bile bile vebayla savaşan Doktor Rieux''ün kişiliğinde, dünyanın saçmalığını, yenilginin sonu gelmeyeceğini bile bile kötülüklere karşı çıkmaya, yaşama anlam katmaya çağırır.

Between Hell and Reason

release date: Aug 01, 1991
Between Hell and Reason
From 1943 to 1947, Albert Camus was editor-in-chief of the famous underground and post-Liberation French newspaper Combat. Among his journalist writings during this period were eloquent essays that grappled with questions of revolution, violence, freedom, justice, ethics, and the emerging social order. The 41 pieces collected here--most never before published in English--tell the story of a sensitive man''s odyssey from \"hell to reason\" at a time of tremendous upheaval while also providing a missing link between Camus''s pre-war and post-war works. Almost lyrical in their intensity of thought and language, these newspaper pieces show a Camus new to most American readers and are a unique testimony to an extraordinary period in history with parallels to current changes in Eastern Europe. At the time of Liberation in 1944, Camus called for a revolution in French society, including a violent purge of those who had sided with the Nazis. When this turned into a near civil war of personal vendettas and summary executions, he gradually became disillusioned with his hopes for a new society. His later pieces in Combat show him arriving at a more moderate theory of revolt later echoed in such books as The Plague and The Rebel: the individual mattered above all, human life was greater than social goals. \"I have come to the conclusion\

The Plague

release date: Jan 01, 1998
The Plague
The townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a virulent plague. Cut off from the rest of the world, living in fear, they each respond in their own way to the grim challenge of the deadly bacillus. This novel tells a story of courage and determination against the arbitrariness and seeming absurdity of human existence.

Camus at Combat

release date: Jan 01, 2006
Camus at Combat
For the first time in English, \"Camus at Combat\" presents all of Camus'' World War II resistance and early postwar writings published in \"Combat,\" the resistance newspaper where he served as editor-in-chief and editorial writer between 1944 and 1947.

Le Mythe de Sisyphe

release date: Jan 17, 2018
Le Mythe de Sisyphe
l se trouve dans Le Mythe de Sisyphe o� l''auteur fran�ais Albert Camus pr�sente sa philosophie de l''absurde: l''id�e que l''humanit� dans son ensemble est bloqu� dans une boucle perp�tuelle en vains efforts pour essayer de trouver un sens dans un monde absurde. Il illustre son point avec un personnage c�l�bre de la mythologie grecque: Sisyphe a �t� condamn� par les dieux � rouler un rocher jusqu''au sommet d''une montagne, seulement pour retomber � l''endroit o� le premier commenc� et r�p�ter le processus un nombre infini de fois. -De Goodread

The Plague

release date: Oct 25, 2022
The Plague
“We can finally read the work as Camus meant it to be read. Laura Marris’s new translation of The Plague is, quite simply, the translation we need to have.” —Los Angeles Review of Books The first new translation of The Plague to be published in the United States in more than seventy years, bringing the Nobel Prize winner''s iconic novel (\"A redemptive book, one that wills the reader to believe, even in a time of despair.\" —The Washington Post) to a new generation of readers. The townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a swift and horrifying death. Fear, isolation, and claustrophobia follow as they are forced into quarantine. Each person responds in their own way to the lethal disease: some resign themselves to fate, some seek blame, and a few, like Dr. Rieux, resist the terror. An immediate triumph when it was published in 1947, The Plague is in part an allegory of France''s suffering under the Nazi occupation, as well as a timeless story of bravery and determination against the precariousness of human existence. In this fresh yet careful translation, award-winning translator Laura Marris breathes new life into Albert Camus''s ever-resonant tale. Restoring the restrained lyricism of the original French text, and liberating it from the archaisms and assumptions of the previous English translation, Marris grants English readers the closest access we have ever had to the meaning and searing beauty of The Plague. This updated edition promises to add relevance and urgency to a classic novel of twentieth-century literature.

Reflections on the Guillotine

release date: Sep 24, 2020
Reflections on the Guillotine
Written when execution by guillotine was still legal in France, Albert Camus'' devastating attack on the ''obscene exhibition'' of capital punishment remains one of the most powerful, persuasive arguments ever made against the death penalty.

The Sea Close by

release date: Jan 01, 2013
The Sea Close by
Part of the Penguin Classics campaign celebrating 100 years of Albert Camus, A Sea Close Byreveals the writer as a sensual witness of landscapes, the sea and sailing. It is a light, summery day-dream. Accompanying The Sea Close Byis the essay Summer in Algiers, a lovesong to his Mediterranean childhood. ''The bay, the sun, the red and white games on the seaward terraces, the flowers and sports stadiums, the cool-legged girls.''


release date: Jan 01, 2020
Camusov roman Kuga je v izvirniku prvič izšel leta 1947, v slovenskem prevodu Jožeta Javorška pa leta 1965. Velja za nekakšen literarni komplement njegovega filozofskega eseja Uporni človek, ki je izšel le nekaj let pozneje. Roman je po treh četrtinah stoletja še vedno zelo aktualen, saj se sooča z najglobljimi in najbolj občimi vprašanji človečnosti - pa naj ga beremo kot alegorijo ali kot kroniko izbruha elementarne nesreče v podobi epidemije, ki prizadene mesto Oran. Mejne situacije seveda zahtevajo mejne odločitve, v katerih se kažejo posebnosti različnih značajev, ki jih pisatelj mojstrsko oblikuje in predstavi v konkretnih potezah svojih literarnih oseb. Čeprav med njimi osrednje mesto zaseda zdravnik Rieux, pa nam Camus s svojo pisateljsko odličnostjo nadvse nazorno približa tudi druge like, med katerimi posebno mesto zaseda srčni občinski uradnik Grand, ki ga scela zaposluje sestavljanje popolnega prvega stavka svoje bodoče knjige.

The Plague (a Novel)

release date: Jan 20, 2021
The Plague (a Novel)
The Plague is at once a masterfully crafted novel, eloquently understated and epic in scope, and a parable of ageless moral resonance, profoundly relevant to our times. In Oran, a coastal town in North Africa, the plague begins as a series of portents, unheeded by the people. It gradually becomes an omnipresent reality, obliterating all traces of the past and driving its victims to almost unearthly extremes of suffering, madness, and compassion.

Twilight of the Gods

release date: Feb 25, 2021
Twilight of the Gods
A book of anticlerical works published by the Soviet publishing house ''Politizdat'' in 1989. /// anti-christian experience of criticizing Christianity - a curse to Christianity /// the future of one illusion /// Psychoanalysis and religion /// problem - Freud and Jung - Religious experience analysis /// the myth of Sisyphus. Essay on the absurd.-philosophical suicide-absurd freedom/man/creativity/// Existentialism is Hunamisn
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